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According to the Bible, Eve was the first to heed Satan’s advice to eat of the forbidden fruit. The notion of woman as the Devil’s accomplice is prominent throughout the history of Christianity. During the nineteenth century, rebellious... more
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      RomanticismGay And Lesbian StudiesLesbian StudiesAnarchism
The film ‘Suffragette’ was directed by Sarah Gavron and won several awards. Critics were overall positive. One of many praiseful comments was: “an urgent and compelling film, made by British women, about British women who changed the... more
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      Gender StudiesRace and RacismWoman SuffrageFirst-wave feminism
A presença feminina nos espaços políticos ainda é rara nos dias atuais. A baixa participação de mulheres nesses espaços figura como uma das preocupações atuais de muitos pesquisadores e tem sido alvo de medidas governamentais que procuram... more
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      Political ScienceWoman SuffrageHistoria
Review of Krista Cowman, Women of the Right Spirit: Paid Organisers of the Women’s Social and Political Union (WSPU) 1904-18, Gender & History, 25.1 (2013)
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      Women's HistoryWoman SuffrageWorld War IFirst World War
This essay describes postcard images that depict the interactions between suffrage advocates and police and shows how humor can be used to domesticate repression.
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      Woman SuffragePostcardsVisual Argumentation
Home / Phụ nữ mang thai / Bà bầu nên và không nên ăn gì, chế độ dinh dưỡng cho bà bầu 3 tháng đầu Bà bầu nên và không nên ăn gì, chế độ dinh dưỡng cho bà bầu 3 tháng đầu  December 4, 2015  Phụ nữ mang thai  25 Views Mang thai là thời... more
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      Womanist TheologyWoman SuffrageWomanismWoman
The powerful are different from those who do not wield power. They guard power with a vicious, unforgivingly paranoid, ferocity; violence, cruelty and brutality come naturally to these people who stop at nothing to retain their dominance... more
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryWoman SuffrageGender Equality
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      British HistoryWomen's RightsWoman SuffrageBiography
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      Military HistoryFashion designWomen's StudiesIndustrial Design
This article examines Amanda Coogan’s Floats in the Aether (2018-19) in relation to ‘home rule’, broadly interpreted to encompass the agitation for Irish women’s citizenship and autonomy. Between November 2018 and January 2019... more
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      Irish StudiesArt HistoryPerformance StudiesContemporary Art
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      Woman SuffrageHistory of Literature as a DisciplineFeminismFirst World War
Tickner quoted Simon Patten, who argued in 1914 that as he watched the suffragettes " swing with easy step from one end of fifth avenue to the other " that they represented a positive development of women, freeing them from the stiff... more
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      Woman SuffrageRadical FeminismWomen's Liberation
Breve línea temporal sobre logros alcanzados en materia de derechos humanos de las mujeres.
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      Women's RightsWoman SuffrageWomen's Right to EqualityWomen
Using ‘Montessori and Social Progress’ by Arthur St John, The Montessori Fellowship (pamphlet 2), July 1927, and the activities of Sylvia Pankhurst, and the community of Suffragists and Suffragettes working in education and schools, and... more
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      EducationWomen's StudiesTeacher EducationWomen's Rights
Portrait of former tomboy Henriette van Loenen-de Bordes (1853-1934) who grew to be a radical feminist, a cyclist and one of the first woman dentists in the Netherlands.
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      Women's HistoryWoman SuffrageHistory of FeminismDutch History
Artículo que estudia la participación política y asociativa de la derecha femenina durante la Segunda República a través del partido conservador y católico Acción Femenina Leonesa (AFL). Esta agrupación, encuadrada en la CEDA... more
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      HistoryWomen's HistoryWoman SuffrageSpanish History
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      Women's StudiesWoman SuffrageModern Greece
Fu l’ispiratrice di una delle più dure battaglie per i diritti delle donne
nella storia dell’Occidente, quella che portò il gentil sesso finalmente alle
urne. La vita, le passioni e i chiaroscuri di Emmeline Pankhurst
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      Woman SuffrageWomen's suffrage movement in Britain 1866-1928Women's SuffrageSuffragettes
The paper describes jewellery made in the UK in support of women's suffrage, from 1908 onwards, particularly made in the colours of the Women's Social and Political Union, Purple, White and Green.
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      Woman SuffrageJewelleryPolitical symbolsJewelry
One of the key players of the British Suffrage Movement, Princess Sophia Duleep Singh, is still largely ignored in our historical consciousness. Her contributions and her impact on the Suffrage Movement is often overlooked in favor of... more
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      HistoryWomen's StudiesWomen's HistoryNineteenth Century Studies
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      Women's StudiesWomen's HistoryMexican StudiesWomen's Rights
Die Einleitung zum Sammelband Das Prinzip Aufklärung im gesellschaftlichen Spannungsfeld auf Deutsch.
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      EnlightenmentWoman SuffrageIntellectual History of EnlightenmentPhilosophy of the Enlightenment
Özet XIX. yüzyılda başta Britanya olmak üzere toplumlarda kadın-erkek eşitsizliği söz konusudur. Kadınlar toplum içerisinde belirli toplumsal roller dışına çıkamamaktadır. Kadın-erkek arasındaki eşitsizlik sadece sosyal hayatta değil... more
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      Social PolicyWoman SuffrageWoman StudiesSuffrage
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      Visual StudiesArt HistoryWomen's StudiesWoman Suffrage
In 1909, at the height of the woman suffrage controversy and during the golden age of postcards, the Dunston-Weiler Lithograph Company of New York produced a twelve-card set of full-color lithographic cartoon postcards opposing woman... more
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      Woman SuffragePostcardsVisual Argumentation
Rape is slowly becoming a part of our society. Due to modernization, the thinking of people is becoming either broader or narrower, no in between. Some people take it as an invite for sexual activity leading it to rape. Modernization or... more
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      CriminologyCriminal LawSex and GenderSexuality
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      Women's RightsWoman SuffrageWalt Whitman
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      American HistoryGender StudiesWomen's StudiesWoman Suffrage
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      American HistoryWomen's StudiesWomen's HistoryMartial Arts
C li c k C li c k t o b u y N O W ! P D F -X C hange V ie w e r w w w .d o c u-tra c k .c o m C li c k t o b u y N O W ! P D F -X C hange V ie w e r w w w .d o c u-tra c k .c o m 23 Obraz sufrażystek angielskich na łamach polskich... more
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      Media StudiesWomen's StudiesWomen's HistoryWomen's Rights
In 1863 Orange County, New York resident Lydia Sayer Hasbrouck refused to pay her city taxes. Her reasoning was simple; she would not pay taxes if she could not vote. An outspoken hydropthic physician and editor of the dress reform... more
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      New York historyWoman SuffrageNewspaper HistorySocial Reform
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      HistoryAmerican HistoryWomen's StudiesWomen's History
El documento que presentamos, La marcha de las mujeres (The March of the Women), es una partitura compuesta en el año 1911 por la compositora inglesa Dr. Ethel Smyth (1858-1944), una pieza que se convertiría en el himno del movimiento... more
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      MusicologyWoman SuffrageWomen Composers And MusiciansEthel Smyth
Alice Moore Dunbar-Nelson’s 1915 scrapbook is a record of her experiences as a paid organizer in the women’s suffrage movement of the 1910s, when she worked for the Pennsylvania suffrage campaign, mainly in the Pittsburgh area, during a... more
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      RhetoricWomen's StudiesWomen's HistoryMaterial Culture Studies
Frances Willard (1839-1898) is best remembered (if she is remembered at all) as President of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, the largest organization of women in the world in the 19th century. She was one of the most famous people... more
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      Woman SuffrageTemperance/ProhibitionTemperance MovementsU.S. Women's History
Were women agents of their own political emancipation or did politicians preemptively grant rights to them in a bid for electoral success? This article claims that both electoral politics and the ordinary strategies of women’s movements... more
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      Political PartiesBritish PoliticsDemocratizationWoman Suffrage
Demokratiegeschichte wird fast immer als Revolutionsgeschichte erzählt -und damit oft als eine Sache der Männer. Es lohnt sich häufig, den Blick auf Demokratiegeschichte um die Themen Reformen, transnationale Entwicklungen und Geschlecht... more
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      Woman SuffrageMilitancySuffragettes, Violence in Social Movements, Protest
Susan B. Anthony’s public career serves as both a case study within and a reflection of extemporaneous speaking culture in the nineteenth century. This essay argues that Anthony’s rhetorical influence in the fight for woman suffrage is... more
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      Rhetorical InventionWoman SuffrageWomen's RhetoricSusan B. Anthony
Bachelor's Thesis
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      Woman SuffrageFeminismEnglandMilitancy
Mohandas Gandhi is civil disobedience’s most original theorist and most influential mythmaker. As a newspaper editor in South Africa, he chronicled his experiments with satyagraha by drawing parallels to ennobling historical precedents.... more
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      Political TheoryWoman SuffrageNonviolenceSocrates
‘Stamped all over the King’s Head: Defaced Coins and Women’s Suffrage’, British Numismatic Journal, 86 (2016), pp.238-245. Using the British Museum's 'Votes for Women' penny as its starting point, this article conducts an analysis of a... more
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      Woman SuffrageWomen's suffrage movement in Britain 1866-1928DissentMedieval and Modern Numismatics
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      Woman SuffrageSuffrage literatureWomen's suffrage movement in Britain 1866-1928Black Suffrage
We certify that we have read this document and approve it as adequate in scope and quality for the degree of Master of Arts. ________Dr.Karen Torjesen________ Faculty Advisor __________Dr. Jonanthan Berliner ________ Faculty Reader... more
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      HistoryAmerican HistoryWomen's StudiesWomen's History
The women's suffrage movement engaged with art in many different ways, enabling campaigners to express their political views as well as generating publicity for the cause. This chapter discusses the movement's engagement with art in terms... more
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      HistoryMusicMusicologyWomen's History
Ethel Smyth composed her fourth opera, The Boatswain’s Mate, in 1913–14, shortly following the two-year period she famously devoted to the suffragette movement. This chapter subjects to renewed critical scrutiny the popularly-held... more
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      MusicMusicologyWomen's HistoryLiterature and Music
This extended bibliography was prepared for Dr. Veronica Strong-Boag's project: Women Suffrage and Beyond: Confronting the Democratic Deficit.
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      Women's HistoryCanadian HistoryWoman SuffrageFeminist history
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      Woman SuffrageDemocracyCitizenshipDemocracy and Citizenship Education
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      Political PhilosophyWoman SuffrageFeminismAesthetics and Politics