Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Recent papers in Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Mozart and his connection with the Freemason have been the subject of a number of studies, most of which aiming at determining if and if so to which extent the Freemasonic milieu influenced Mozart's production. The main aim of this paper... more
Esistono certamente diversi modi di studiare il rapporto tra geografia e fiction; questo libro lo fa da un punto di vista del tutto particolare che mette in primo piano la territorializzazione configurativa in quanto ambito della... more
Hrsg.): Mozarts letzte drei Sinfonien. Stationen ihrer Interpretationsgeschichte. Freiburg i.Br., Berlin, Wien: Rombach Verlag 2008 (= klang-reden. Bd.1.), S. 43-61.
Il corno e il linguaggio del canto: parallelismo comune di innovatori e tradizionalisti S
The article is devoted to Mozart’s Singspiel “Zaide” (1778/79), an incomplete “German light opera” which was discovered after the composer’s death. This work remained in the shadow of another composition with a similar Turkish plot,... more
This paper examines the general stylistic features of Requiem KV 626 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. The most common tonality for the spiritual genre that is Requiem, Mass for the dead, is D minor, which is also one... more
Liberal institutions require traditional foundations.
L'esecuzione milanese del mottetto "Exultate, jubilate" di Mozart, avvenuta il 17 Gennaio 1773, influenzò la produzione musicale dei maestri di Cappella milanesi contemporanei, si veda ad esempio il mottetto "Tube angelice" di Carlo Monza... more
Don Giovanni is an opera buffa composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart with an Italian libretto by Lorenzo Da Ponte in 1787. It is an opera after Gluck’s opera reform. This essay will compare the recorded stage performance produced by The... more
A follow-up: After posting this note I became aware of the RISM-data made public by the Internationale Stiftung Mozarteum. Based on these data it appears highly unlikely that the source of the manuscript is Nannerl’s music book, as I... more
Proposal for the international conference "Musical composition: from intention to opus" held in Moscow in April 2019
Translation of the full text of Da Ponte.
Who is Cornetti.
Resemblance between "perfin l’avaro Elpino" and "È amore un ladroncello" of K.588.
Who is Cornetti.
Resemblance between "perfin l’avaro Elpino" and "È amore un ladroncello" of K.588.
The eighteenth century was truly a golden age for opera: it saw many of the conventions which existed in the late seventeenth century secured and adapted into forms which would be further developed in the nineteenth. Bookending these... more
Questo articolo studia la fortuna di Mozart a Parigi alla fine del diciannovesimo secolo e il ruolo di Reynaldo Hahn direttore in relazione à ció.
A study on the life of the legendary horn player Joseph Leitgeb (1732-1811) for whom Mozart wrote some of his concertos. The article sheds light on Leitgeb's relation to Jsoeph and Michael Haydn and debunks the myth of Leitgeb having run... more
The Myth of the Post-race Society. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s Don Giovanni staged by Peter Sellars Bogucki analyzes Mozart’s Don Giovani as staged by Peter Sellars, from an anthropological and sociological perspective. He stresses... more
Confronto tra la commedia teatrale "El Burlador de Sevilla" di Tirso de Molina e il libretto dapontiano del Don Giovanni di Mozart - Da Ponte.
For full details, including multimedia web resources, visit www.mozartsmusicoffriends.com. In 1829 Goethe famously described the string quartet as “a conversation among four intelligent people.” Inspired by this metaphor, Edward... more
In this paper I address questions of continuity and process building in Mozart’s string quintet K.516. I attempt to show that this work, probably more than any other Mozart composition, exemplifies the concept of an overall structure,... more
Che il prodotto artistico dell’opera italiana sia stato condizionato da fattori contingenti è nozione acquisita e consolidata dalla musicologia.Particolarmente nel caso de La scola de’ gelosi, che costituì una fonte d’ispirazione della... more
This paper analyzes the relationship of renowned composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart with fellow composer Antonio Salieri as presented in the play "Amadeus" written by Peter Shaffer in comparison to its film adaptation of the same name... more
This book contains an introduction to the bass, Ludwig Fischer, and includes a facsimile of his handwritten autobiography, a transcription and English translation, plus a selection of arias he sang.
An Afternoon at Skittles: On Playing Mozart’s “Kegelstatt” Trio
Part I: A Trio for Signora Dinimininimi, Nàtschibinìtschibi, and Pùnkitititi
Part I: A Trio for Signora Dinimininimi, Nàtschibinìtschibi, and Pùnkitititi
This article, which is a unique mixture of scholarship and satire, deals with Franz Xaver Süßmayr's private life and marriage plans, finally unravels Mozart's brilliant joke about the "Englishmen who wanted to hire Süßmayr as... more
Written for MUS 394 at Illinois State University
An Afternoon at Skittles: On Playing Mozart’s “Kegelstatt” Trio
Part II: Analyzing and Performing Musical Play
Part II: Analyzing and Performing Musical Play
Breve guida all'ascolto in forma di lettera del capolavoro mozartiano.
(proposal for the international conference SotonMac 2019 held in Southampton in 2019)
Joseph Lange's famous portrait of Mozart is not unfinished, it is an unfnished enlargement of a small original portrait that showed only Mozart's head. What the Mozarteum only verified in December 2012 with the help of an x-ray, I already... more
Resoconto-Trascrizione dell' Evento nell'ambito della Biennale Internazionale d’Arte Sacra delle Credenze e Religioni dell’Umanità e nel cinquantesimo anniversario del Collegio dei Maestri Venerabili della Sicilia del GOI (Grande Oriente... more
Il mito letterario di don Giovanni, sorto nella commedia, attorno al 1800 viene riformulato in direzione del tragico. La trasformazione inizia con la versione operistica di Mozart-Da Ponte e trova compimento nel racconto di Hoffmann, che... more
Analysis of Beethoven's universe of Erinnerungen: a proposal of revision of Alfred Einstein's springboard theory, a musical journey from Joseph Haydn to Paul Wranitzky, with the proposal of a few possible political and programmatic... more
Mozart’s Figaro is a representation of human love, asking the fundamental questions of “what is true love, and is it possible to recover it once lost?” Each set of characters represents an answer to these questions. Figaro and Susanna... more
Mozart’s bawdy canons and use of scatalogical parlance in his letters have been described as indicative of a 6 personality given to crass expression. Moreover, his association with Emanuel Schikaneder’s supposedly dissolute 7 Theater auf... more
Dünya tarihinin belki de gelmiş geçmiş en büyük müzik dehası olan Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart sadece 35 yıl yaşadı. Buna rağmen ardında 626 ölümsüz eser bıraktı.
Published in: Paginae historiae 28 (2020), No. 1. pp. 337-340
ISBN 978-88-99697-11-2 © Conservatorio di musica "Domenico Cimarosa" di Avellino Tutti i diritti riservati. Nessuna parte di questa pubblicazione può essere tradotta, ristampata o riprodotta, in tutto o in parte, con qualsiasi mezzo,... more
Cosa sono i suoni? Parole e musica quanto sono capaci di influenzare il nostro stato d’animo? Da dove nascono le emozioni? Perchè abbiamo paura e il più delle volte in maniera ingiustificata? Le eterne indecisioni di molti, sono davvero... more
Le nozze di Figaro Wolfganga Amadeusza Mozarta, czyli miłość i erotyka w krzywym zwierciadle opery buffa Kiedy współczesny odbiorca myśli o operze, w jakiejkolwiek jej postaci, to zapewne przede wszystkim kojarzy mu się ona z szeroko... more
Born in Salzburg in 1756, from his early childhood Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was received as a guest in the most important European cities and courts, admired and praised for his extrardinary musical gifts. When he was only four years old,... more