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In order to maximize the network's lifetime and ensure the connectivity among the nodes, most topology management practices use a subgroup of nodes for routing. This paper provides an in-depth look at existing topology management control... more
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      Computer ScienceTopology ControlComputer NetworkWireless Sensor and Mobile Adhoc Networks
Divergent modulation schemes have been proposed for the Internet of Things (IoT). Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN) technologies are gaining unprecedented acceptance in IoT application of sensor networks. Chirp Spread Spectrum (CSS) is... more
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      Wireless Sensor NetworksCSSVisual Sensor NetworksSensor networks
The use of the Internet is growing in this day and age, so another area has developed to use the Internet, called Internet of Things (IoT). It facilitates the machines and objects to communicate, compute and coordinate with each other. It... more
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      Analytical ChemistryWireless CommunicationsComputer NetworksWireless Networks (Computer Science)
Extensive studies have been carried out for reducing the handover time of wireless mobile network at medium access control (MAC) layer. However, none of them show the impact of reduced handover time on the overall performance of wireless... more
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      Mobile Ad Hoc NetworksMobile application developmentMobile ComputingRouting and Mac Layer Issues in Mobile and Adhoc Networks
The hierarchical routing algorithm is categorized as a kind of routing method using node clustering to create a hierarchical structure in large‐scale mobile ad hoc network (LMANET). In this paper, we proposed a new hierarchical clustering... more
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      Wireless Sensor NetworksMANET Routing protocolsWireless networksManet
— L'intérêt pour les réseaux de capteurs sans fil s'est considérablement accru. Ils ont fait l'objet de plusieurs travaux de recherche ces dernières années. Néanmoins, ces réseaux sont confrontés à de multiples problèmes. Parmi ces... more
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      AlgorithmsWireless Sensor NetworksLocalizationWireless Networks (Computer Science)
A VLAN is a logical connection that allows hosts to be grouped together in the same broadcast domain, so that packets are delivered only to ports that are combined to the same VLAN. We can improve wireless network performance and save... more
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      Telecommunications EngineeringComputer ScienceElectronics & Telecommunication EngineeringIEEE 802.16 (WiMAX)
A VLAN is a logical rather than physical connection that allows grouping hosts together in the same broadcast domain, so that packets are only delivered to ports that are combined to the same VLAN. By characteristic VLAN network, we can... more
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      Routing protocolsOpnetWireless Sensor and Mobile Adhoc NetworksThroughput
The advancement of wireless sensor networks yields a variety of wireless sensor network for wildlife tracking. One typical application for wireless sensor networks is in animal tracking and monitoring in wildlife environments. A... more
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      Eye trackingEye Tracking and Oculomotor ControlMonitoring And EvaluationWireless Sensor Networks
Navigation and guidance systems are a critical part of any autonomous vehicle. In this paper, a novel sensor grid using 40 KHz ultrasonic transmitters is presented for adoption in indoor 3D positioning applications. In the proposed... more
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      Aerospace EngineeringSensors and SensingAeronautical EngineeringSensor
Mobile wireless sensor networks (MWSNs) have emerged and shifted the focus from the typical static wireless sensor networks to networks with mobile sensor nodes that are capable to sense the various types of events. Also, they can change... more
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      Routing protocolsMobile Wireless Sensor NetworksWireless Sensor and Mobile Adhoc NetworksInternet of Things (IoT)
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      Information TechnologyData MiningRegulation And GovernanceTelecommunications
Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as a global network, which intelligently connects different devices or systems which are having self-configuring capabilities. The key idea is to bind or to connect miscellaneous devices or objects via... more
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      Wireless Sensor and Mobile Adhoc NetworksInternet of Things (IoT)
Railway Signalling is safety critical domain, where still traditional technology is in use. There are many reasons for using traditional technology; one of the main reasons being the proven Safety performance of the older systems (Relay... more
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      Embedded SystemsRail Transport and InfrastructureWireless Sensor NetworksRailway and Transportation History
International Journal of VLSI design & Communication Systems (VLSICS) is a bi monthly open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of VLSI Design & Communications. The goal of this... more
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      Quantum ComputingSecurityCommunication systemsWireless Sensor Networks
The International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC) is a bi monthly open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of Computer Networks & Communications. The journal... more
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      Clusters & NetworksCognitive Radio NetworksNetworksWireless Mesh Networks
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      BusinessInformation TechnologyTechnologyEducational Technology
VANET is a subset of MANET in which communication among the vehicles may be done using vehicle-to-vehicle or roadside infrastructure. But there may be chances of attacks in VANET due to mobility of nodes and random change in topology. One... more
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      VANETsWireless Sensor and Mobile Adhoc Networks
Wireless sensor network are emerging in various fields like environmental monitoring, mining, surveillance system, medical monitoring. LEACH protocol is one of the predominantly used clustering routing protocols in wireless sensor... more
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      Computer ScienceSocial NetworksComputer EngineeringWireless Communications
The use of the Internet is growing in this day and age, so another area has developed to use the Internet, called Internet of Things (IoT). It facilitates the machines and objects to communicate, compute and coordinate with each other. It... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsComputer NetworksWireless Networks (Computer Science)The Internet
In recent years, AdHoc networks have been attracting much interest in both academic and industrial communities. International Journal on AdHoc Networking Systems is an open access peer-reviewed journal that serves as a forum to discuss on... more
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      Mobile Ad Hoc NetworksComputer NetworksVehicular Ad Hoc NetworksWireless Sensor Networks
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are playing remarkable contribution in real time decision making by actuating the surroundings of environment. As a consequence, the contemporary agriculture is now using WSNs technology for better crop... more
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      Computer ScienceWireless CommunicationsWireless Sensor and Mobile Adhoc Networks
Modbus is the de facto standard communication protocol for the industrial world. It was initially designed to be used in serial communications (Modbus RTU/ASCII). However, not long ago, it was adapted to TCP due to the increasing... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsNetwork SecurityComputer NetworksWireless Sensor Networks
Using Wireless sensor Networks (WSNs) in health care system has yielded an amazing effort in recent years. However, in most of those researches, tasks like detector processing, health state choices creating and emergency messages causing... more
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      BiosensorsWireless Sensor NetworksSmart TextilesMedical devices
Limited energy resources and sensor nodes’ adaptability with the surrounding environment play a significant role in the sustainable Wireless Sensor Networks. This paper proposes a novel, dynamic, selforganizing opportunistic clustering... more
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      Graph TheoryWireless Sensor NetworksWireless Sensor and Mobile Adhoc Networks
Media is everywhere and we live immerse “in” it (Deuze, 2012). Interface design is working on diluting boundaries between human and machines (HCI), incorporating the devices in our daily life by ful lling our motivations and, at the same... more
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      Media SociologyCommunicationMedia StudiesNew Media
MANET environment was represented by a combination of node position, mobility speed, node type, and number of nodes. In this paper, a novel system for MANET environment evaluation is proposed by involving fuzzy multi-criteria decision... more
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      Mobile Ad Hoc NetworksVehicular Ad Hoc NetworksMobile Ad Hoc NetworkAd Hoc Networks
How to reflash older Ubiquity hardware with latest firmware, this removes the ubnt virus and restores the radio to factory default settings.
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      Wireless CommunicationsWireless Sensor NetworksWireless Mesh NetworksWireless security
The International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC) is a bi monthly open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of Computer Networks & Communications. The journal... more
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      Business NetworksSocial NetworksMobile Ad Hoc NetworksComputer Networks
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is commonly used to collect information from a remote area and one of the most important challenges associated with WSN is to monitor all targets in a given area while maximizing network lifetime. In wireless... more
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      Wireless Sensor NetworksWireless Sensor Network SecurityWireless Sensor and Mobile Adhoc Networks
Recently, sensor networks have been used in a wide range of applications, and interest in sensor node performance has increased. A sensor network is composed of tiny nodes with limited resources. The sensor network communicates between... more
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      Fuzzy LogicGenetic AlgorithmsFuzzy Logic ControlWireless Sensor Networks
13th International Conference on Communications Security & Information Assurance (CSIA 2022) focuses on all technical and practical aspects of communications security & information assurance for wired and wireless networks. The goal of... more
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      Information SecurityMobile Ad Hoc NetworksUbiquitous ComputingNetwork Security
International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC) (Scopus, ERA Listed) ISSN 0974 - 9322 (Online); 0975 - 2293 (Print) New Issue: January 2020, Volume 12, Number 1 --- Table... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsSocial NetworkingNetwork SecurityComputer Networks
A New Security Boundary of Component Differentially Challenged XOR Pufs Against Machine Learning Modeling AttacksFull Text Gaoxiang Li1, Khalid T. Mursi2, Ahmad O. Aseeri3, Mohammed S. Alkatheiri2 and Yu Zhuang1, 1Texas Tech University,... more
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      Wireless Sensor NetworksWireless Sensor and Mobile Adhoc Networks
The International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC) is a bi monthly open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of Computer Networks & Communications. The journal... more
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      Business NetworksSocial NetworksMobile Ad Hoc NetworksComputer Networks
This paper simulates and investigates the performance of four widely-used channel estimation techniques for MIMO-OFDM wireless communication systems; namely, super imposed pilot (SIP), comb-type, space-time block coding (STBC), and... more
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      Telecommunications EngineeringComputer ScienceCommunicationMobile Ad Hoc Networks
Extensive studies have been carried out for reducing the handover time of wireless mobile network at medium access control (MAC) layer. However, none of them show the impact of reduced handover time on the overall performance of wireless... more
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      Wireless Sensor and Mobile Adhoc NetworksData Transmission of Mobile Sink Wireless Sensor NetworksWireless & Mobile Networks
International Journal of Wireless & Mobile Networks (IJWMN) is a bi monthly open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of Wireless & Mobile Networks. The journal focuses on all... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsWireless Sensor NetworksWireless networksWireless Networks (Computer Science)
International Journal of Wireless & Mobile Networks (IJWMN) is a bi monthly open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of Wireless & Mobile Networks. The journal focuses on all... more
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      Mobile LearningMobile RoboticsMobile Ad Hoc NetworksWireless Communications
In recent years, AdHoc networks have been attracting much interest in both academic and industrial communities. International Journal on AdHoc Networking Systems is an open access peer-reviewed journal that serves as a forum to discuss on... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsVehicular Ad Hoc NetworksWireless Sensor NetworksAdHoc Networks
The International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC) is a bi monthly open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of Computer Networks & Communications.The journal... more
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      Mobile Ad Hoc NetworksRadio Channel ModellingWireless Sensor NetworksElectric Vehicles
This thesis is dedicated to the application of wireless ad-hoc sensor networks in the area of vehicular transportation. Wireless sensor networks offer a very attractive characteristics for traffic management on free-ways and at... more
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      Transportation EngineeringWireless Sensor NetworksTraffic EngineeringThesis
International Journal of Wireless & Mobile Networks (IJWMN) is a bi monthly open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of Wireless & Mobile Networks. The journal focuses on all... more
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      Mobile Ad Hoc NetworksWireless CommunicationsMobile TechnologyWireless Sensor Networks
The paper presents a Riverbed simulator implementation with both routing and medium access control (MAC) protocols for mobile ad-hoc network wireless networks with multi-beam smart antennas (MBSAs). As one of the latest promising antenna... more
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      Mobile LearningMobile RoboticsWireless CommunicationsMobile Media