In wireless sensor networks (WSNs), there are many factors, such as the reciprocal interference of wireless links, battlefield applications and nodes are exposed to poor physical protection medium. All of these result in the sensor nodes... more
In this paper we consider retransmission strategies for centralized cyclic polling-based systems over wireless channels subject to external interference. The considered strategies differ in the time when retransmissions for one particular... more
Demodulating harmful nodes and diminishing the energy waste in sensor nodes can prolong the lifespan of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). In this study, a genetic algorithm (GA) and an adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system were used to... more
Deployment in a wireless sensor network is the first step towards constructing a network topology. There are existing techniques using the conventional approaches of geometry or simply random positions. However, with the advancement in... more
The Alessandrina Library was founded in 1667 by pope Alexander VII Chigi and is nowadays housed in the Campus of Sapienza University of Rome (Italy). Within its Ancient (mostly made of rag paper) and Modern (mostly made of contemporary... more
In wireless sensor networks (WSNs), there are many factors, such as the reciprocal interference of wireless links, battlefield applications and nodes are exposed to poor physical protection medium. All of these result in the sensor nodes... more
The study of the microclimate is pivotal for the protection and conservation of cultural heritage. This paper describes specific procedures aimed at the deployment of microclimate sensors in spaces housing collections (e.g., museums)... more
In this research work, the egg laying radius of cuckoo search algorithm is used to create a cluster and then search for the optimum node based on multiobjective genetic algorithm with pareto ranking, so that the data can be forwarded to... more
With the growing increase of disasters worldwide, in terms of frequencies, intensities and unpredictability, there is currently a growing need for novel ubiquitous communication systems enabling public safety networks (PSN). Disaster... more
The study of the microclimate is pivotal for the protection and conservation of cultural heritage. This paper describes specific procedures aimed at the deployment of microclimate sensors in spaces housing collections (e.g., museums)... more
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have drawn much research attention in recent years due to the superior performance in multiple applications, such as military and industrial monitoring, smart home, disaster restoration etc. In such... more
The report exhibits a short summary of state-of-the art routing protocols in Internet of Things with major focus on Wireless Sensor Networks.
In this paper we proposed a multiobjective optimization model for wireless sensor networks (WSNs). The proposed model optimized several objectives, simultaneously. Indeed, by starting from a generic configuration we found new location for... more
Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks (UWSNs) are considered as wireless sensor networks whose main task is to sense underwater events and send information to the sink. This information becomes valuable when the exact location of the... more
Surveillance has become a promising application area of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) where detecting and tracking an intruder as it moves through a sensor network is becoming an increasingly important challenge. This motivates us to... more
Surveillance of personal locations with an untrusted system causes privacy breach/threats to the individuals those who are monitored. At this point, we propose a quality-aware locality monitoring system for wireless sensor networks. In... more
In wireless sensor networks (WSNs), there are many factors, such as the reciprocal interference of wireless links, battlefield applications and nodes are exposed to poor physical protection medium. All of these result in the sensor nodes... more
The paper addresses the problem of efficiently monitoring environmental fields in a smart building by the use of a network of wireless noisy sensors that take discretelypredefined measurements at their locations through time. It is... more
The paper addresses the problem of efficiently deploying sensors in spatial environments, e.g. smart buildings, for the purpose of monitoring environmental phenomena. By modelling the environmental fields using spatio-temporal Gaussian... more
The performance of a surveillance wireless sensor network is generally measured with its detection capability within a monitored zone. This capability is affected by various parameters such as the sensor count, the sensor range, the area... more
In recent years, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have been considered one of the important topics for researchers due to their wide applications in our life. Several researches have been conducted to improve WSNs performance and solve... more
Providing a global coverage in wireless sensor networks with least possible numbers of sensor nodes has an important effect on the quality of a service and collection of information. Following a local approach, a set of nodes are first... more
Wireless networks data aggregation allows in-network processing, reduces packet transmission and data redundancy, and thus helps extend wireless sensor systems to the full duration of their lives. There have been many ways of dividing the... more
A central problem in environmental sensing and monitoring is to classify/label the hotspots in a large-scale environmental field. This paper presents a novel decentralized active robotic exploration (DARE) strategy for probabilistic... more
In this paper, we describe about the performance of different mobility models on MMS Routing. MMS routing is the technique used for large wireless sensor networks where MMS indicates multiple mobile sinks. The mobility of sink is... more
In this paper, we describe about the performance of different mobility models on MMS Routing. MMS routing is the technique used for large wireless sensor networks where MMS indicates multiple mobile sinks. The mobility of sink is... more
Wireless sensor networks have profound effects on many application fields like security management which need an immediate, fast and energy efficient route. In this paper, we define a QoS based network layer for security management of... more
Current greedy routing protocol (GFS) designed to find shortest path as a single routing objective. Considering only one routing objective is insufficient for the computation of a reliable rout, and can severely compromise network... more
Wireless sensors networks (WSNs) are traditionally composed of large number of tiny homogenous sensors nodes connected through a wireless network that gather data to be treated locally or relayed to the sink node through multi-hop... more
The objective in this paper is to develop and demonstrate fhe capability of applying modeling and simulation techniques to maintain the network integrity of a packetswitched network. Here a new technique called performance trending is... more
Surveillance of personal locations with an untrusted system causes privacy breach/threats to the individuals those who are monitored. At this point, we propose a quality-aware locality monitoring system for wireless sensor networks. In... more
Cooperative relaying has been proposed as a promising transmission technique that effectively creates spatial diversity through the cooperation among spatially distributed nodes. However, to achieve efficient communications while gaining... more
In wireless sensor networks (WSNs), there are many factors, such as the reciprocal interference of wireless links, battlefield applications and nodes are exposed to poor physical protection medium. All of these result in the sensor nodes... more
In wireless sensor networks (WSNs), there are many factors, such as the reciprocal interference of wireless links, battlefield applications and nodes are exposed to poor physical protection medium. All of these result in the sensor nodes... more
In wireless sensor networks (WSNs), there are many factors, such as the reciprocal interference of wireless links, battlefield applications and nodes are exposed to poor physical protection medium. All of these result in the sensor nodes... more
In wireless sensor networks (WSNs), there are many factors, such as the reciprocal interference of wireless links, battlefield applications and nodes are exposed to poor physical protection medium. All of these result in the sensor nodes... more
Wireless Sensor Networks are by nature highly dynamic and communication between sensors is completely ad hoc, especially when mobile devices are part of the setup. Numerous protocols and applications proposed for such networks operate on... more
Since we are not able to replace the battery in a wireless sensor networks (WSNs), the issues of energy and lifetime are the most important parameters. In asymmetrical networks, different sensors with various abilities are used. Super... more
The sensor networks, or more completely referred to as wireless sensor networks (WSNs), do not need a predetermined positioning in most cases. The sensor nodes (SNs) are randomly deployed in the SN's field, making a network. The... more
The efficiency of sensor networks strongly depends on the routing protocol used. In this paper, we analyze three different types of routing protocols: LEACH, PEGASIS, and VGA. Sensor networks are simulated using Sensoria simulator.... more
There are various challenges faced by HR departments while recruiting and selecting the candidates for a particular job/profile. However in current trends, diverse tools and technologies are used to overcome those challenges in the... more
Monitoring important aquatic processes like harmful algal blooms is of increasing interest to public health, ecosystem sustainability, marine biology, and aquaculture industry. This paper presents a novel approach to spatiotemporal... more
Monitoring important aquatic processes like harmful algal blooms is of increasing interest to public health, ecosystem sustainability, marine biology, and aquaculture industry. This paper presents a novel approach to spatiotemporal... more
Networks of wireless sensors are increasingly exploited in crucial applications of monitoring spatially correlated environmental phenomena such as temperature, rainfall, soil ingredients, and air pollution. Such a network provides an... more
This paper addresses the problem of selecting the most informative sensor locations out of all possible sensing positions in predicting spatial phenomena by using a wireless sensor network. The spatial field is modelled by Gaussian Markov... more
This paper addresses the problem of driving robotic sensors for an energy-constrained mobile wireless network in efficiently monitoring and predicting spatial phenomena, under data locational errors. The paper first discusses how errors... more
The paper addresses the problem of efficiently deploying sensors in spatial environments, e.g. smart buildings , for the purpose of monitoring environmental phenomena. By modelling the environmental fields using spatio-temporal Gaussian... more
The paper addresses the problem of efficiently monitoring environmental fields in a smart building by the use of a network of wireless noisy sensors that take discretely-predefined measurements at their locations through time. It is... more