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      EngineeringRenewable EnergyWind EnergyAutomotive Engineering
Nanotechnology in Green Energy Generation provides a comprehensive review of modelling, processing, and applications of all major categories of green energy generation materials. It explores different areas of green energy generation... more
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      Wind EnergySolar CellWind Energy (Engineering)Hydrogen Storage
Global offshore wind technology shows increasing progress evidenced in the recent reports of wind power capacity, expectations of market expansion and international research projects. Colombia is privileged with several types of natural... more
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      Environmental EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceCleaner ProductionRenewable Energy
Hammadde ihtiyacina yonelik artislar sanayi devrimi ile baslamaktadir. Kuresellesme ile hiz kazanan uluslararasi ticaret beraberinde enerji kaynaklarinin onemini gittikce guclendirmistir. Artan enerji ihtiyaci ulkeleri alternatif enerji... more
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    • Humanities
Permanent magnet generators' (PMGs) dimensions scale with rated power due the sizing law for PMGs, which necessitates increased rotor volume to provide additional torque, preventing use of PMGs in large scale wind turbines. The use of... more
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      EngineeringWind EnergyElectrical and ElectronicsWind Power
Permanent magnet generators' (PMGs) dimensions scale with rated power due the sizing law for PMGs, which necessitates increased rotor volume to provide additional torque, preventing use of PMGs in large scale wind turbines. The use of... more
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      EngineeringWind EnergyElectrical and ElectronicsWind Power
This paper investigates the energy investment needs of the European Union (EU), including renewable energy. Europe currently has little or no economic growth, and interest-rates are expected to rise. Given the state of many EU countries'... more
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      EconomicsEnergy EconomicsGreen EconomicsRenewable Energy
Sneha Shalar1, Pritam Yadav2, Nikhil Chavan3, Sagar Birajdar4 Students,Guided by Prof.NAMRATHA CHOUDHARI, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Alard Charitable Trust’s Alard College of Engineering and Management, Affiliated by Savitribai... more
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While the development and adaptation of renewable energy sources are widely undertaken and fully established globally, in Chad, however, up to now, there is only a little, published data on the assessment or feasibility study on renewable... more
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      Environmental ScienceWind EnergySolar EnergyWeibull distribution
Hybrid renewable energy power systems have proven their ability to address limitations of single renewable energy system in terms of power stability, efficiency and reliability while running at minimum cost. In the present decade, lots of... more
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      EngineeringRenewable EnergyWind EnergyHybrid Systems
Blade Element Momentum Theory (BEMT) is a computationally efficient method of calculating the performance of a tidal stream turbine (TST) generating energy from the ocean. This efficiency is achieved by making several simplifying... more
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      EngineeringMechanical EngineeringMechanicsRenewable Energy
A modelling approach based on Blade Element Momentum Theory is developed for the prediction of tidal stream turbine performance in the ocean environment. Through the coupling of the Blade Element Momentum method with Computational Fluid... more
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      EngineeringApplied MathematicsComputational Fluid DynamicsWind Energy
Because of the current shift away from fossil fuels and toward renewable energy sources, it is necessary to plan for the installation of new infrastructure to meet the demand for clean energy. Traditional methods for determining wind... more
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      EngineeringMechanical EngineeringSpatial ModelingMachine Learning
Wind generation connection to power system affects steady state and transient stability. Furthermore, this effect increases with the increase of wind penetration in generation capacity. In this paper optimal location of FACTS devices is... more
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      Electrical EngineeringPower ElectronicsWind EnergyGenetic Algorithms
Bu calismada, Ic Anadolu Bolgesi sinirlari icerisinde kalan kullanilmamis ruzgâr enerji potansiyeli belirlenmis ve modelleme calismalari yapilmistir. Calisma gerceklestirilirken WindoGrapher programindan saglanan uzun sureli “long-term”... more
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      PhysicsRüzgar Enerjisi Analizi
Snižovani energeticke narocnosti a maximalni využiti obnovitelných zdrojů v energetickem mixu je předpokladem pro udržitelný rozvoj a minimalizaci dopadu lidske cinnosti na ekosystemy. Výjimecný význam ma v mistech, ktere jsou doposud... more
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This study presents a proposal based on controlled capacitor switching at the moment of three-phase induction motor start-up, when such motors are fed by isolated synchronous generators. This procedure allows for the mitigation of voltage... more
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      EngineeringElectric Power SystemsVoltage sagInduction Motor
In order to predict the energy production of photovoltaic (PV) modules, it is necessary to predict the module temperature as a function of ambient temperature, wind speed, wind direction, total irradiance, and relative humidity. This... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceWind EnergyMeteorology
Self excited induction generators (SEIG) are widely used to harness energy from wind power. However, maintaining constant voltage output from SEIG with varying loads and wind speeds is still a major challenge. This paper proposes a... more
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      Electrical EngineeringControl Systems EngineeringHydrologyRenewable Energy
Advancement in electricity is the key ingredient that can actively take part in alleviating poverty and drastically improve the socio-economic status of the people of Bangladesh. The incorporation of renewable energy sources would help... more
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      BusinessEngineeringEnvironmental EconomicsRenewable Energy
In 2011 the DeepCwind Consortium, led by the University of Maine (UMaine), performed an extensive series of floating wind turbine model tests at the Maritime Research Institute Netherlands (MARIN) offshore basin. These tests, which were... more
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Introduction page 2 1. Why indicators? 2. Between energy statistics and industry statistics 3. Structure of report 2. Innovation systems and the sustainability challenge page 5 1. Innovation system indicators i. Research focused... more
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      BusinessEnvironmental EconomicsSustainable DevelopmentInvestment for Renewable Energy
Impact is one of the most important subjects which always have been considered in mechanical science. Nature of impact is such that which makes its control a hard task. Therefore it is required to adopt a safe and secure mechanism for... more
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      Materials ScienceStructural Engineering
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RESUME -Les travaux présentés comparent expérimentalement l'effet de deux topologies de conversion AC/DC sur la courbe de rendement d'une éolienne équipée d'une génératrice à aimants permanents à flux axial. Les deux stratégies de... more
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HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
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      VoltageMagnetPermanent Magnet Synchronous Generator
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      Environmental ScienceWind EnergyWind TurbinesSubmarine Pipeline
El biodiesel es un combustible obtenido a partir de materias primas de base renovable como los aceites vegetales . El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar un análisis de calidad de dos tipos de biodiesel obtenidos a partir de materias... more
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      BiodiselEnergeticaNormas de calidad
Bakalářská práce se zabývá hodnocením potenciálu chráněných krajinných oblastí pro jednodenní rekreaci obyvatel Plzně. V práci je provedeno objektivní hodnocení potenciálu chráněných krajinných oblastí pro jednodenní rekreaci obyvatel... more
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Demand for solar energy increases and it is required to manage the supply of energy effectively. Accurate detection on patterns of energy consumed assist in taking appropriate decisions on generating energy. Even though many traditional... more
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      Machine LearningPredictionDeep LearningClassification
Solar and wind can be considered as sustainable environmentally friendly and omnipresent renewable energy sources for generating a part of required electrical energy for inhabitants of the remote areas in different countries. Accordingly,... more
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      Environmental ScienceEnvironmental EconomicsRenewable EnergyWind Energy
Abstract:-In this paper the wind field of the broader area of Chania is statistically analyzed. This analysis is based over one year's hourly averaged measurements of the wind speed and direction, obtained from a network of five... more
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      GeographyEnvironmental ScienceWind EnergyMeteorology
Wind energy development is rapidly expanding in North America, often accompanied by requirements to survey potential facility locations for existing wildlife. Within the USA, golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) are among the most... more
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      Environmental ScienceOrnithologyWind EnergyBiology
This paper presents an operational analysis of the prototype of an innovative fully autonomous wind powered desalination system. The system consists of a wind farm, made up of two wind turbines and a flywheel, which operates in isolation... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental SciencePhysicsWind Energy
This paper describes the design and operational strategies of an ambitious prototype for a desalination system powered exclusively by wind energy. The system, installed on the island of Gran Canaria, was designed with several objectives... more
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      EngineeringWind EnergyOperations StrategyDesalination
A prototype SWRO plant is presented operating with variable power consumption. The theoretical admissible operating limits of the plant are determined. The strategy of variable operating conditions is described for the SWRO plant. The... more
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      EngineeringEconomicsRenewable EnergyWind Energy
The American Physical Society UAS Swarming for Three-Dimensional Wake Measurements of Building and Turbine Wakes JAMEY JACOB, RAKSHIT ALLAMRAJU, TAY-LOR MITCHELL, VICTORIA NATALIE, Oklahoma State University -Three dimensional measurements... more
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      Aerospace EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceWake
The American Physical Society PIV measurements of a jet impinging on an opened rotor-stator system at low gap spacing THIEN NGUYEN, JULIEN PELL É, SOUAD HAR-MAND, Univ Lille Nord de France, F-59000 Lille, France -The current work... more
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      Materials ScienceMechanicsStator
The fluctuating production of electric energy converters caused by the dynamic changing wind velocity leads to a system perturbation which can be calledflicker. Apart from this system perturbation the quality of the electric power is also... more
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      EngineeringWind EnergySystem ManagementWind Power
Literatürde yatay eksenli rüzgâr türbinlerinin maksimum güç verimlerinin elde edildiği uç hız oranı için farklı sayısal değerler bulunmaktadır. Bu farkın nedenini ortaya çıkarmak için, NREL S809 airfoili ile Schmitz formülüne göre kanat... more
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The study assessed the wind energy potential of ten selected sites in the south western region of Nigeria and carried out a cost benefit analysis of wind power generation at those sites. Twenty four years ' (1987 to 2010) wind speed data... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceRenewable EnergyWind Energy
In some areas in Indonesia, such as: the southern part of Sumatra until Nusa Tenggara, wind velocity is large enough to be used as a wind power plant with a range of 5-15 knots of wind speed equivalent 2.5-7.5 m / s. However, wind energy... more
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      EngineeringMarine EngineeringWind PowerTurbine
Resumo: A crise enerxética dos anos setenta conduciu a unha reformulación do paradigma enerxético imperante. Como consecuencia, as enerxías renovables comezaron a abrirse camiño como alternativas estratéxicas. Historicamente, Galicia... more
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      EngineeringRenewable EnergyBusiness HistoryEnergy Policy
Throughout Europe there is an increasing trend of connecting high penetrations of wind turbines to the transmission networks. This has resulted in transmission system operators revising their grid code documents for the connection of... more
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      EngineeringMechanical EngineeringWind EnergyPower System
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      PhysicsDesignWind EnergyTurbulence
The Long-term Inflow and Structural Test (LIST) program is collecting long-term inflow and structural response data to characterize the spectrum of loads on wind turbines. In one of the measurement campaigns being conducted under this... more
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      EngineeringWind EnergyMarine EngineeringWind turbine
Printed Copy A03 Codes are used for pricing all publications. The code is determined by the number of pages in the publication. Information pertaining to the pricing codes can be found in the current issue of the following publications... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceWind Power
The utilization of conventional sources of energy releases harmful pollutants to the environment causing global warming and acid rain. For that reason, it becomes necessary to use a non-depletable, sustainable and eco-friendly renewable... more
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      Environmental ScienceRenewable EnergyWind EnergyHybrid Systems
We critically review present knowledge of the life cycle environmental impacts of wind power. We find that the current body of life cycle assessments (LCA) of wind power provides a fairly good overall understanding of fossil energy use... more
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      EngineeringWind EnergyLife Cycle AssessmentElectricity