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Tidak hanya iblis dan tentaranya yang bisa membangun istana di atas lautan, tapi umat manusia yang kemampuannya tidak seperti iblis pun bisa membangun ‘istana energi’ nya di atas laut, yaitu floating offshore wind turbine. Berbeda dengan... more
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      Renewable EnergyWind EnergyWind turbineOffshore Wind Turbines
International Standard Book Number-10: 0-8493-1570-0 (Hardcover) International Standard Book Number-13: 978-0-8493-1570-1 (Hardcover) Library of Congress Card Number 2005043904
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      Renewable EnergyWind Energy
As wind farms continue to take up more land throughout Northern Europe, developers are looking to sparsely populated areas, particularly in northern Fennoscandia, which hosts strong winds but also mixed and patchy forests over complex... more
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      Wind EnergyBoundary Layer MeteorologyModeling and Simulation
wind energy
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    • Wind Energy
In this work, a statistical analysis of wind energy potential in Maiduguri is carried out, using Weibull distribution and 10 years (1995)(1996)(1997)(1998)(1999)(2000)(2001)(2002)(2003)(2004) of wind data. The results show the Weibull... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringRenewable EnergyWind EnergyStatistical Analysis
Wind speed modeling and prediction plays a critical role in wind related engineering studies. However, since the data have random behavior, it is difficult to apply statistical approaches with apriori and deterministic parameters. On the... more
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      Wind EnergyModelingPredictionAlgorithm
Extrapolation techniques used for predicting long-term wind turbine loads have produced highly variable loading estimates dependent on the individual designer implementation. To reduce such variability, more precise definition and... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringGrid ComputingWind EnergyTime Series
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      Wind EnergyOptimizationWind PowerCompressed Air Energy Storage
ABSTRACT The headway of wind power generation is a great blessing to help meet up the electrical power demand day by day. The strongest challenges for wind energy conversion system (WECS) are to handle the intermittency of wind and to... more
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      EngineeringPower ElectronicsWind EnergyAerodynamics
Accurate wind and severe-weather forecasts are crucial for wind-energy production and grid-load management. Most of the prevailing wind power forecast methods rely heavily on statistical approaches that typically do not deal directly with... more
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      Wind EnergyData AnalysisData AssimilationNumerical Weather Prediction
Статья посвящена вопросам развития ветроэнергетики в Китае. Рассмотрены технико- технологические ограничения эксплуатации, раскрыты проблемы фрагментарности системы принятия решений при планировании строительства объектов генерации и их... more
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      Wind EnergyChina studiesкитайChina energy policy
Wind speed data for 30 locations in Nigeria were analysed. Annual mean wind speeds and power flux densities were determined to vary from 1.5 to 4.l m/s and 5.7 to 22.5 W/m 2, respectively. The mean maximum power extractable from two... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringRenewable EnergyWind EnergyElectrical And Electronic Engineering
Norway is a nation with an abundant supply of energy, both from fossil and renewable resources. Due to limited domestic demand, Norway is today exporting large amounts of petroleum products. For the future, various options for export of... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringRenewable EnergyWind EnergyLNG
Bachmann et al.(1999) postulated that wind energy initiated, and has maintained, high turbidity in hypertrophic (mean chlorophyll a= 92 µg l-1) Lake Apopka, Florida (mean depth= 1.6 m; area= 12? 500 ha). They asserted that the turbid... more
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      Earth SciencesWind EnergyBiological SciencesPhosphorus
Wind energy installations in Greece are increasing rapidly as a means to achieve the national goal for increasing the renewables' share in the country's energy balance. However, wind farm installations are not impact free from the... more
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      Renewable EnergyWind Energy
This paper presents a decision support technique to help decision makers study the influencing factors in the design of a hybrid solar-wind power system (HSWPS) for grid-linked applications. These factors relate mainly to political and... more
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      EngineeringDecision MakingWind EnergyPower System
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    • Wind Energy
In this paper it is proposed a new topology of three-phase controlled rectifier feasible for high power wind energy conversion systems (WECS). This rectifier is based on the bridgeless rectifier, uses six wires of the generator, and... more
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      Wind EnergyPower FactorPower Factor Correction
Letras Verdes es un espacio abierto a diferentes formas de pensar los temas socioambientales. Las opiniones vertidas en los artículos son de responsabilidad de sus autores.
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      GlobalizationRenewable EnergyWind Energy
When designing a wind farm layout, we can reduce the number of variables by optimizing a pattern instead of considering the position of each turbine. In this paper we show that, by reducing the problem to only two variables defining a... more
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      Renewable EnergyWind EnergyOptimization
This paper explores wind power integration issues for the South Australian (SA) region of the Australian National Electricity Market (NEM) by assessing the interaction of regional wind generation, electricity demand and spot prices over 2... more
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      Wind EnergyEnergy PolicyMultidisciplinaryElectricity Market
Until now, there is no internationally accepted guideline for the measurement, data exchange and analysis of PV-Wind Hybrid Systems. As there is a need for such a tool, so as to overcome the barrier that the lack of confidence due to the... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringRenewable EnergyWind EnergyHybrid Systems
The societal challenges of the 21st century are profound and wide ranging. Basic needs such as food, housing, mobility, health, and energy will become even more acute as the world population exceeds nine billion. The demand for... more
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      Renewable EnergyWind EnergyPower SystemRenewable energy resources
Turkey is a country that is dependent on foreign energy; the majority of Turkey's energy needs are supplied through imports. Renewable energy sources are becoming important in Turkey due to both the country's energy dependency and the... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceRenewable EnergyWind Energy
Among the broad varieties of power supply in Afghanistan such as city power produced from water dams, fuel generators, and imported electricity from neighboring countries, solar energy production is growing at a noticeable pace. Its... more
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      Environmental ScienceRenewable EnergyWind EnergyEnvironmental Sustainability
This study investigated the wind characteristics of the island of Lesvos, Greece, with the objective of providing the necessary data for identifying the wind power production capabilities of the island. Weather patterns were examined... more
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      EngineeringCartographyEarth SciencesEnvironmental Science
Electricity interruption gives rise to a complete disorder in the society and is therefore unappreciated and highly criticized. Consequently, it becomes a great concern for national and/or private energy companies to conduct their power... more
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      Wind EnergyPower SystemSystem IntegrationIntelligent Transport System
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      EngineeringRenewable EnergyWind EnergyBiomass
Energy, which is required to run space satellites, is as old as space technology itself. The location of these satellites has made it more applicable for unconventional means of energy generation to run them. The Sun being the universal... more
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      Wind EnergySolar Energy
Wind turbines with a rated power of 5 to 6 MW are now being designed and installed, mostly for offshore operation. Within the EU supported UpWind research project, the barriers for a further increase of size, up to 20 MW, are considered.... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringWind EnergyInterdisciplinary EngineeringElectrical And Electronic Engineering
12th Annual Green Economics Institute Conference 10-12th June 2017 3 Days St Hugh's College, University of Oxford, Keeping Social and Environmental Justice Alive in an age of Tyranny.. Reforming Economics. Green Finance, Green... more
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      American LiteratureHistoryEuropean HistoryCultural History
The MERRA (Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications) dataset by NASA, is one of the well-known and widely used long-term reference wind datasets. It is used when doing wind resource assessments and long-term... more
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      Wind EnergyReanalysis
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      Wind EnergyMesh generationRenewable energy resourcesPower Generation
Abstract—The determination of additional operating reserves in power systems with high wind penetration is attracting a significant amount of attention and research. Wind integration analysis over the past several years has shown that the... more
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      Wind EnergyPower SystemElectric Power SystemsWind Power
As the average hub height and blade diameter of new wind turbine installations continue to increase, turbines typically encounter higher wind speeds, which enable them to extract large amounts of energy, but they also face challenges due... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringWind EnergyInterdisciplinary EngineeringElectrical And Electronic Engineering
Turkey. Paper firstly emphasizes the importance of the energy for all countries which aim the have power in economic world. Then, progress of wind energy systems was given and introduced in the world. Also wind energy potential of all... more
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      Wind EnergyWind PowerWind turbine
Distributed power generation is the future trend due to its ability to accommodate variety of renewable/alternative energy sources, its potential to improve the energy efficiency and power system capability, and its promise for power... more
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      EngineeringWind EnergyPower SystemAlternative Energy
In this paper, an energy system comprising three energy sources, namely PV, wind and fuel cells, is proposed. Each of the three energy sources is controlled so as to deliver energy at optimum efficiency. Fuzzy logic control is employed to... more
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      EngineeringWind EnergyFuzzy Logic ControlSolar Cell
We evaluated the collision risk of Galapagos Petrels Pterodroma phaeopygia with a wind energy development recently constructed in the highlands of San Cristóbal Island, Galapagos. Trained observers recorded the movements of petrels at... more
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      Wind EnergyEcologyBiodiversityBiodiversity Conservation
The first stage of the report is to investigate the temporal variability of the wind resource at the each site for both types of turbine. AND To find an estimate of the energy production of the Norwin and Vesta turbines, the data on the... more
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      Wind EnergyWind turbine
Esta Guía editada pola Fundación Juana de Vega para os propietarios de terreos eólicos pretende resumir os aspectos máis relevantes dos procesos negociadores vinculados coa instalacións de centrais eólicas e pólos a disposición de todos... more
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      Wind EnergyCommonsRural Development
This study investigates the techno-economic feasibility of installing a 3-kilowatt-peak (kWp) photovoltaic (PV) system in Kathmandu, Nepal. The study also analyses the importance of scaling up the share of solar energy to contribute to... more
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      Renewable EnergyWind EnergyBiomassEnergy Policy
ABSTRACT—This manuscript describes the possibility of permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) based wind energy generation using variable frequency transformer (VFT)with an optimized particle swarm optimization based PID (PSO-PID)... more
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      Wind EnergySolar Energy
Wind data collected over a period of three years at four different locations in Gökçeada were evaluated to estimate the potential of wind energy in the north-western part of Turkey. The data from the selected stations were used to... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringRenewable EnergyWind EnergyData Collection
Availability of wind energy and its characteristics at Kumta and Sirsi in Uttara Kannada District of Karnataka has been studied based on primary data collected at these sites for a period of 24 months. Wind regimes at Karwar (1952-89),... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringRenewable EnergyWind EnergyData Collection
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      EngineeringWind EnergyDesalinationRenewable Resources
Theoretical background included in part 1 of this work has shown the wide variety that the wind energy industry is offering in terms of electrical/electronic components and configurations. Though the first part of the course provides the... more
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      Electrical EngineeringPower ElectronicsWind EnergyTopology
The paper describes a variable speed wind generation system where fuzzy logic principles are used for efficiency optimization and performance enhancement control. A squirrel cage induction generator feeds the power to a double-sided pulse... more
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      Control TheoryWind EnergyFuzzy LogicFuzzy Logic Control
This thesis is aimed to initiate implementing sustainable building construction in the kingdom of Bahrain, i.e. Building-Integration PhotoVoltaic (BIPV) or Wind Energy (BIWE). It highlights the main constrains that discourage such modern... more
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      ArchitectureWind EnergyBuildingProfitability
The concentrated power generation of more efficient, low cost and clean power sources focused us in the direction of renewable energy sources which are the best substitute for future power generation. From renewable energy sources a wind... more
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      EngineeringRenewable EnergyWind EnergyWind Power