William of Ockham
Recent papers in William of Ockham
Praca stanowi skrótowy, acz całościowy opis poglądów czternastowiecznego filozofa franciszkańskiego Wilhelma Ockhama na kwestię władzy, tak świeckiej, jak duchownej. Poglądy Ockham ukazane są w kontekście filozofii politycznej dojrzałego... more
Pubblicato in: «Quaderni fiorentini per la storia del pensiero giuridico moderno», n. 37, 2008, pp. 19-64
La ricerca intende indagare il problema dei “futuri contingenti”, legato indissolubilmente al problema della libertà umana, presente all’interno dell’opera filosofica del frate francescano Guglielmo di Ockham (1280-1348 c.a.)
Guillermo de Ockham, Suma de lógica, Libro I: Sobre los términos. Traducción Alfonso Flórez, Editorial Norma, Bogotá 1994. Con ensayos adicionales de Umberto Eco, André de Muralt, Alfonso Flórez
In this volume, Reiner Schürmann develops the idea that, in between the spiritual Carolingian Renaissance and the secular Humanist Renaissance, there was a distinctive Medieval Renaissance connected with the rediscovery of Aristotle.... more
La comprensión del concepto de "teología natural" , a lo largo de su multisecular historia, ha sufrido variaciones sustanciales que afectan, sobre todo, a la importante cuestión del denominado "conocimiento natural de Dios" y su... more
Contrariamente a lo que podría parecer, en la reflexión filosófica y teológica actual se encuentran aún ejemplos vivos de tendencias fuertemente influenciadas por un característico extrinsecismo de raíz nominalista que pretende presentar... more
5 For Thomas Aquinas, economic transactions, as human interactions, cannot be 6 separated from ethics. Since the human being flourishes through virtuous living 7 and strives to flourish, virtues are just as much of relevance to business... more
Revista Aproximação - Volume 9 – Edição 2015/01 A Revista Aproximação é uma publicação acadêmica eletrônica especializada em Filosofia. Seu objetivo principal é veicular o trabalho de pesquisa dos graduandos da UFRJ. Estamos abertos,... more
1. Anselmo: uma teologia sola ratione Anselmo (1035Anselmo ( -1109 é, sem dúvida, um dos principais representantes do teísmo medieval, como um teísmo filosófico, porque procurou compreender racionalmente, tão profunda e extensivamente... more
This paper outlines a few strategies for reading Meister Eckhart’s famous sermon on the first beatitude (Pr. 52). It looks at the political and ecclesiastical background of Eckhart’s teaching on poverty, some ways to manage the role of... more
This thesis compares the strategies employed by two fourteenth-century polemicists, Marsilius of Padua (d.1342/3) and William of Ockham (d.1347), to challenge the theoretical underpinnings of papal absolutism.
Lecture, Thomas Aquinas College, March 29th, 2019 Martin Luther rejects Aristotelian ethics as being self-centered, but his rejection is based on a misunderstanding of the relation of the faculties of the soul to the goods that perfect... more
(Il s'agit ici de la version antérieure à la publication - le texte définitif se lit dans Ch. Grellard, Miroir de l'amitié. Mélanges offerts à J. Biard, Paris, Vrin, 2017, p. 193-212.
En este capítulo defenderé la tesis de que la teoría de la verdad de Ockham es pragmática y pro-oracional. Con lo primero quiero decir que, para Ockham, la verdad no depende de que se establezca una cierta relación semántica... more
Ockham's reflection on the omnipotence of God has long been considered as one of the most radical in the field of late-medieval philosophy. This work is aimed to show how this traditional interpretation should be resized in the light of... more
ed from their material, individuating features. 47 Summa Theologiae I 12.4, ad.3 (IV, pp.120-123). In context, the Latin reads, “Et ideo, cum intellectus creatus per suam naturam natus sit apprehendere formam concretam et esse concretum... more
In this paper, I shall inquire into the story of the distinction between God's absolute and ordered power (‘potentia Dei absoluta’ and ‘potentia Dei ordinata’) in the fourteenth century. This period saw the emergence of orientations that... more
O objetivo deste artigo é oferecer uma breve introdução ao pensamento político de Guilherme de Ockham. Primeiramente, apresentamos uma sucinta contextualização destacando alguns conflitos ocorridos entre papas e monarcas nos séculos XIII... more
Later medieval thinkers inherited from Augustine two distinct concepts of freedom: the freedom to choose among alternatives, and freedom in a broader sense, which is not about choice, and which hence is compatible with necessity. This... more
Leibniz’s first essay, his dissertation on the principle of individuality, is mainly dedicated to a critique of Duns Scotus’s explanation of individuation. Leibniz’s critique of Scotus and the historical antecedents of the German... more
The rhetoric of culture claims that culture makes sense as a trip from aesthetics to rationality to theology. The three legs, obtained through cross sectioning of the route that is conic in its form, determine the three separately... more
Medieval authors generally agreed that we have the freedom to choose among alternative possibilities. But most medieval authors also thought that there are situations in which one cannot do otherwise, not even will otherwise. They also... more
The concept of formal consequence is at the heart of logic today, and by extension, plays an important role in such diverse areas as mathematics, computing, philosophy, and linguistics. In this dissertation, I trace the roots of this... more
Varios elementos que conforman la ética y la filosofía política modernas, como así también la filosofía del derecho, tienen como precedente al pensamiento de la Edad Media tardía. Nos referimos a la filosofía del siglo XIV, y más... more
Since the period of Scholastic supremacy, Realism had been the most accepted approach to philosophy, but only until another medieval philosopher by the name of William Ockham turned the tables on ontology. Seemingly similar to what... more
Il presente lavoro intende indagare in maniera esaustiva ed esauriente il concetto di “tempo” all’interno della filosofia teologico-metafisica del frate francescano Guglielmo di Ockham (1285-1348). Il tempo, nella prospettiva del... more
Se abordará la incidencia del tema del pecado original y su consecuencia inmediata, la Caída del hombre, en el pensamiento político bajomedieval. Se analizarán y compararán dos miradas divergentes. Por un lado, la de Tomás de Aquino, que... more
In recent years, many scholars have bemoaned the gradual demise of traditional virtue ethics, and its eventual replacement in the later Middle Ages by divine command theory. Where virtue ethics nurtures a capacity for spontaneous moral... more
An extended review essay of Ellen Meiksins Wood's survey of classical and medieval political thought.
William of Ockham frequently mentions a distinction between two modes of cognition: in se and in alio. The aim of this chapter is to show that this distinction raises some important problems for his philosophy of mind and more broadly for... more
O problema dos universais (gêneros e espécies) é tão antigo quanto a própria Filosofia e, embora tenha assumido diferentes nuances ao longo da história, em todos os tempos sempre esteve associado à especulação ontológica concernente ao... more
Se ofrece una exposición de la filosofía del lenguaje de Ockham, con especial énfasis en la noción de lingua mentis, que se estudia desde la perspectiva del pensamiento de Fodor, en particular de su Hipótesis del Lenguaje del Pensamiento
Certos debates do passado podem parecer a nós, separados deles por séculos de distância, como meras e vãs logomaquias de acadêmicos desocupados. Entretanto, se os estudarmos a fundo, constataremos que muitos tiveram um significado... more
This paper investigates Ockham’s claim that there is a diversity of suppositions of a mental term. First, it summarizes the hitherto research in Ockham’s theory of concepts (understood as natural signs) and the theory of mental language... more
Ockham considera in accordo con la dottrina cristiana che Dio abbia una prescienza infallibile dei futuri contingenti. Pertanto sviluppa il suo punto di vista sulla verità e sui futuri contingenti e lo usa per risolvere i problemi sulla... more
Guilherme de Ockham (1284?-1347?) se tornou célebre na História da Filosofia pelo frequente e rigoroso uso do Princípio da Parcimônia (ou Princípio da Economia), o qual, em razão disso, passou a ser conhecido, simplesmente, como Navalha... more