Wildlife Biology
Recent papers in Wildlife Biology
"This chapter discusses how models, combined with modern data sources and statistical methods, can be used to test different hypotheses about the causes of migration. Mathematical formalisms for migration are presented. The ecological... more
BioOne Complete (complete.BioOne.org) is a full-text database of 200 subscribed and open-access titles in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences published by nonprofit societies, associations, museums, institutions, and... more
The European beaver Castor fiber is well-known as an ecosystem engineer that greatly affects landscape structure, biodiversity as well as physical and chemical properties of surface water bodies. Beaver ponds alter surface water bodies by... more
The coronavirus pandemic seemed to throw everyone off their path, but by the time spring arrived, I had begun two projects that moved along similar paths and gradually opened in directions I had never anticipated. One was reading and... more
During 1997–1999, 32 Woodland Caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) were translocated from the Sustut Herd to the Telkwa Mountains in westcentral British Columbia to augment recovery of the Telkwa Caribou Herd. The animals were fitted with... more
Early frontier expeditions in North America often relied on hunting of wild game to supplement carried food stocks. Typically, journals of these expeditions provided little to no information on the game species harvested or the numbers of... more
Page 1. Chapter 8 Structure of an Arid Tropical Bird Community, Rajasthan C. Sivaperuman, S. Dookia, PL Kankane, and QH Baqri Abstract The diversity and abundance of avifauna in the Thar Desert, Rajasthan were studied from May 2000 to May... more
We studied diet composition of red deer Cervus elaphus in the Bohemian Forest by micro-histological analysis of 207 samples of red deer faeces obtained on the Czech and the Bavarian side of the border. We carried out the research from... more
1. Recent national and international policy initiatives have aimed to reduce the exposure of humans and wildlife to lead from ammunition. Despite restrictions, in the UK, lead ammunition remains the most widespread source of environmental... more
The eighth international census of Whooper Swans Cygnus cygnus wintering in Britain, Ireland and Iceland (also including the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands) took place in January 2020, to update the estimates of the size, midwinter... more
Dung beetles are a functionally important group of species, and the effects of large wild herbivores on these species are not well understood. Management of wild herbivores could, therefore, have considerable consequences for dung beetle... more
The American mink (Neovison vison) is a semi-aquatic, generalist carnivore released onto Tierra del Fuego (TDF) Island in the 1940s, subsequently spreading to adjacent islands in the archipelago with potential effects on native prey... more
Manu National Park was founded in 1973 on a profound contradiction: the “untouchable” core area is in fact the homeland of a large Amerindian population, including the Matsigenka (Machiguenga). Some view the Westernization of native... more
Ian Redmond reports from his former study site on Mt Elgon, Kenya, then attended the Brazzaville ivory burn, and asks how the latter can help protect the former. Ian Redmond, Obe is a wildlife biologist and conservationist, known for his... more
Giraffe skin disease (GSD) is a disorder of undetermined etiology that causes lesions on the forelimbs of Masai giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchi). We estimated occurrence and prevalence of GSD in six wildlife conservation... more
Over the last decade, wildlife professionals in the New York City (NY, USA) metropolitan area have increasingly turned to controlled archery hunts to reduce overabundant suburban deer populations. The success of these deer management... more
Effective anti-predator defence mechanisms depend on ef®cient recognition of possible predators. However, nocturnal aerial predators, such as owls, present very few stimuli to enable their detection by potential prey. The most prominent... more
Breitenmoser, U. 2007: Potential distribution and population size of the Eurasian lynx Lynx lynx in the Jura Mountains and possible corridors to adjacent ranges. -Wildl. Biol. 13: 406-416.
Effective conservation planning for endangered species depends on an understanding of space use patterns. Blackfooted ferrets Mustela nigripes depend on prairie dogs Cynomys sp. as prey and use their burrow systems for shelter. The... more
BioOne Complete (complete.BioOne.org) is a full-text database of 200 subscribed and open-access titles in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences published by nonprofit societies, associations, museums, institutions, and... more
We report the first record of jungle babbler Argya striata feeding on house gecko Hemidactylus sp. in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. On the morning of 09 th October 2018, a small group of jungle babblers consisting of six adults and two... more
The consequences of climate change for bird populations have received much attention in recent decades, especially amongst cavity-nesting songbirds, yet little has been written on ducks (Anatidae) despite these being major elements of... more
We have studied the relation between three riparian bird species with different chemical-physical and environmental parameters in the Bayas river (Alava, northern Spain). The gray waigtail appears all over the river basin, but is related... more
This study investigated the effect of crude oil pollution and remediation on the fungi and bacteria communities of M. indica and E. guineensis rhizospheres using three sites - Unpolluted Site (UPS), Polluted and Treated Site (PTS), and... more
To save the apes we must save their habitat - the tropical rainforests and woodlands of Africa and South-east Asia, two of the planet's 'green lungs'. Apes are keystone species in their ecosystems, which in turn are key to global efforts... more
BACKGROUND: In spite of its indusrial usefulness and varied daily uses, lead (Pb) pollution is a widespread ecological problem that faces the humans in the 21th century. Pb was found to produces a wide range of toxic effects including... more
In the last two decades the Hungarian red fox (Vulpes vulpes) population (POP) has grown significantly. The growing trend was broken in 2002. We tested two hypotheses: (1) the POP falling due to a fox POP size that is above the carrying... more
Un total de 291 animales fueron hallados muertos en la vía, durante los 142 monitoreos realizados desde el 1 de enero al 1 de Julio. La frecuencia de aparición de un animal atropellado es 1 animal cada 1,5 kms recorridos. De estos 291... more
The fragmentation of forests is a dominant human impact worldwide with major implications for the conservation and management of ecosystems. Although many studies have assessed the effects of fragmentation on biodiversity at local scales,... more
Across the globe, forests are being treated as convertible, rather than renewable resources. The consequences of the bushmeat trade for endangered species, biodiversity and people are no longer in doubt-unless a concerted, multifaceted... more
Using patient data from the Wildlife Rehabilitation Society of Edmonton, we assessed reasons for admission, overall success of rehabilitation, and compared temporal trends with human population growth in the region. Over the survey period... more
Crows are passerine birds of genus corvus in family Corvidae. Current study was carried out on three species of crow, jungle crow (Corvus macrorhynchos), house crow (C. splendens) and jackdaw (C. monedula) present in district Mansehra,... more
A newsletter in Marathi with news, information and analysis on wildlife and conservation in the state of Maharashtra, India. Published by Kalpavriksh with support from the Duleep Matthai Nature Conservation Trust
Forest is the most need for the wildlife that live in. Forest provide foods, shelter, and place to breed for animals. In the food chain producer is the important actor to fulfill the food need for the consumer (Herbivore), in orfer ot... more
Eastern box turtles (Terrapene carolina carolina) are widespread in U.S. eastern deciduous forests, yet many populations are experiencing dramatic declines. Herein, we present an assessment of annual survival for adult eastern box turtles... more
This work describes the workings of modern zoos and considers the core ethical challenges which face those who choose to hold and display animals in zoos, aquariums or sanctuaries. Using a number of normative ethical frameworks this... more
Los perritos de las praderas son animales de aspecto semejante a los hámsters o a las ardillas terrícolas, y se les llama así a causa de su voz, parecida a un ladrido.
El jaguar es una especie clave en todos los ecosistemas del continente americano donde habita, no obstante, su rango de distribución se ha visto disminuido, incluso siendo extirpado de algunos países. Su conservación adquiere una mayor... more
Purple sunbird Cinnyris asiaticus is an active species frequenting urban garden for drinking nectar from various flowers. The species is also commonly documented to be nesting in backyard gardens where the nest is often vulnerable to... more
Gajah Sumatera (diwakili gajah jantan yang terpasang GPS Collar) di DAS Peusangan memiliki karakter pola sebaran yang agregat dan hal ini memiliki kesamaan tipe sebaran dan luas jangkauan jelajah dengan Gajah Sumatera lainnya di Riau dan... more
We combined GPS data-loggers, VHF transmitters and DVR video-monitoring to measure fine-scale movement patterns during daily incubation recesses by female Sage Grouse Centrocercus urophasianus, a species with uniparental incubation that... more