Wild/Indigenous & Traditional Food Plants
Recent papers in Wild/Indigenous & Traditional Food Plants
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
Thanks to Food Tank: The Food Think Tank for publishing our guest blog coauthored with Tara Moreau of UBC Botanical Garden on the role of botanical gardens in food security. Much of this is due to Norbert Steinhaus inviting me to become... more
Energy projects may profoundly impact Indigenous peoples. We consider effects of Canada's proposed Trans Mountain oil pipeline expansion on the health and food sovereignty of the Tsleil-Waututh Nation (TWN) through contamination and... more
Well preserved food remains from a submerged settlement on the Argus Bank bear witness to the human consumption of fish, game, nuts and fruit. d15N data derived from the bones of the inhabitants show that aquatic food was the dominant... more
Ghizer district of Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan is gifted with tremendous natural resources. Plant resources have long been used to cure different human as well as livestock ailments in this part like others in the world. This study was... more
Energy projects may profoundly impact Indigenous peoples. We consider effects of Canada’s proposed Trans Mountain oil pipeline expansion on the health and food sovereignty of the Tsleil-Waututh Nation (TWN) through contamination and... more
The Similipal biosphere reserve (SBR) is a home to number of tribal communities who prepare fermented foods, beverages such as rice wine, palm wine and many more for their consumption. These fermented beverages are rich in a number of... more
Oak acorns used to be an important human food, up until recent times. The major factor inhibiting their use in modern nutrition is their high tannin content. Polish oak trees were screened in order to find out whether there are any major... more
Wild foods are ubiquitous motivational tools for teaching botany, environmental education, cultural foodways and survival. Few motivational tools involve humans so intimately as those used for oral stimulation, sustenance, and/or... more
"With the emergence of education for sustainable development (ESD), robust literature on ethics and ESD has emerged; however, ecocentric perspective developed within environmental ethics is marginalized in current ESDebate. The questions... more
Luxury food plants and their uses in antiquity: covers China, India, the Near East, the Mediterranean: a chapter in the cultural history of plants
Ficha que recoge los conocimientos tradicionales relacionados con la gestión, cultivo, manejo y usos del lino (Linum usitatissimum) en las diferentes regiones del Estado Español en las que se ha cultivado esta planta de forma tradicional.
Aquest pòster caracteritza vint espècies de plantes silvestres comestibles, incloent-ne època de recol·lecció, localització i formes de preparació.
Ficha que recoge los conocimientos tradicionales relacionados con la gestión, cultivo, manejo y usos de la zanahoria (Daucus carota subsp. sativus) en las diferentes regiones del Estado Español en las que se ha cultivado esta planta de... more
Gıdanın ticarileşmesi artık gıda güvenliğini tehdit ediyor. Özellikle gıda ithalatı başlı başına öncelikle çiftçiyi sonrasında tüketiciyi dört bir yanından çevirip sarmalıyor. Artık market raflarında cici bici ambalajlarında kaplanmış,... more
Background: This paper aims to present the author's field research data on wild food plant use in Tibetan regions. It provides a general perspective on their significance in past and present Tibet, and examines the concept of wild edible... more
Se destaca la importancia de la soberania nacional como aspecto fundamental de la soberania nacional, muy ligado a la seguridad nacional y a la garantia de los derechos de los ciudadanos. Y se desmonta la consideracion exclusiva de los... more
Local ecological practice (LEP, e.g., the everyday practice of collecting and using plants, including wild food plants) is shaped by nature (available local resources) and culture (local perceptions and knowledge on their usability),... more
There are several underutilised and neglected species used as food in the world. These food sources are under threat of disappearing and their knowledge base being forgotten. One such plant is the Cordia africana. Though it grows all over... more
While it is well-established and commonly agreed upon that fruits and nuts such as apples, plums and hazelnuts were of little importance for human subsistence in the Dutch-German salt-marsh region, as yet no systematic review and critical... more
Arkeolojik kazılarda bulunmayan organik maddelerden bitkilerin yerini anımsatmak, yorumlamada bulamadıklarımıza daha fazla yer açmak için kaleme alınmıştır. Bitkiler, hayatımızın her anında gıda, ilaç, yem, yakacak ve türlü gereksinimler... more
In a newspaper article from 1772, Mexican natural historian and priest José Antonio Alzate y Ramírez identified the herb pipilzitzintlis as cannabis. Drawing on empirical evidence, he argued in favor of its medicinal use, its prohibition... more
Food justice is commonly understood as the norm that everyone should have access to safe, healthy and culturally-appropriate foods no matter one’s national origin, economic statuses, social identities, cultural membership, or disability.... more
This brief article is about two main edibles of the Mediterrenean, namely Scolymus hispanicus (Uslu kenker as it is known in Bodrum area) and Onopordum illyricus (known as Deli kenker in Bodrum, which means wild). They were both known... more
The study is based on the 4 facts as well as suppositions, as follows. 1. The Republic of Indonesia has a high level of biodiversity and of cultural varieties. 2. Learning by observing the nature has made possible the wisdom about life's... more