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Der folgende Artikel beschreibt, wie ein Wiki als zentrales Dokumentations- und Kommunikationswerkzeug im Rahmen eines wissenschaftlichen E-Learning-Projekts eingesetzt wurde und zeigt, wie vielfältig die Aufgaben sein können, für die ein... more
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      WikisKnowledge Management
Η παρούσα έρευνα μελετά τη συνεργατική δραστηριότητα μαθητών κάνοντας χρήση της τεχνολογίας wiki. Η διαδικασία έγινε στα πλαίσια μαθήματος πληροφορικής στη δευτεροβάθμια εκπαίδευση. Οι μαθητές καλούνται, να συνεργαστούν στα πλαίσια... more
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      EducationWikisStudent EngagementWeb2.0 in education
A review of the historic European martial arts resource 'Wiktenauer', located at
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      WikisCommunity Engagement & ParticipationSwordsmanshipHistorical European Martial Arts
In this paper, I explore the concept of multitude according to the writings of Toni Negri, Michael Hardt and Paolo Virno and in opposition to the concept of mass, developed by the French thinker Gustave Le Bon. Multitude appears as a kind... more
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      WikisInternet StudiesCommonsFacebook
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      Web 2.0WikisBlogsSocial Media
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      PhilosophyNew MediaWikisOpen Source Software
This paper presents an analysis of my experiences with a teaching activity that engages students in publishing in Wikipedia on issues relating to globalization. It begins with a short overview of some of the current debates revolving... more
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      WikisGlobalizationWritingGlobalization And Higher Education
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      WikisWikipedia StudiesWikipediaMediawiki
STEM education in Greek schools has become more prevalent in recent years, mainly through the implementation of Educational Robotics projects. Small-scale working groups of handpicked participants constitutes the main practice of... more
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      RoboticsComputer ScienceWikisSTEM Education
International Conference on Education, Pedagogy and Technology (EDUPT 2022) will act as a major forum for the presentation of innovative ideas, approaches, developments, and research projects in the areas of Education, pedagogy &... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationWikisInstructional Design
Accompanied by growing literacy, information and communication technologies (ICT) have empowered states, organizations, but also – and perhaps most crucially – individuals, creating a more liberal and democratic environment. While also... more
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      Social MovementsWikisEmpowermentICTs
This research was conducted to ascertain the students of PPISMP sem 3 group 1’s (2009 intake) perception on the usage of an E-group in their studies. The research started in the month of March and continued on to the month of May. Within... more
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      WikisSocial Studies EducationCollaborative Learning
The University of Cambridge is one of the oldest Universities in the UK, and has a reputation for excellence in both research and education. It is a collegiate university; undergraduate students typically live and have small-group... more
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      Web 2.0WikisE-learningHigher Education
"In un foglio di Excel di oltre 92000 righe di dati (il documento sull’Afghanistan fornito da WikiLeaks al Guardian aveva esattamente queste dimensioni) non si tratta di scovare una o più righe degne di essere raccontate, ma di capire... more
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      SemioticsWikisInformation VisualizationVisual Semiotics
This paper describes the evolution that a subject such IPAII has experienced in order to improve the quality of its teaching. The use of collaborative work and the critical the course. Due to the nature of this subject, with no... more
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Many studies investigated the use of collaboration at conventional teaching environment in different educational levels. The present study examines students’ behavior during a collaborative assignment in an online learning environment in... more
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      WikisOnline Learning
Web 2.0 tools can be useful for any situation where discussion and content sharing is desired, and where accessing current information in certain topic areas can be advantageous for learning. This case study examines how and why Lubna... more
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      EngineeringInformation ScienceEducationWeb 2.0
In this research-in-progress, we review the literature on an emerging new type of information systems: social information systems. Social information systems are information systems based on social technologies and open collaboration. The... more
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      WikisBlogsSocial NetworkingOnline Communities
Pentru început şi cea dintâi datorie, cea mai mare grijă a credinciosului creştin, este grija pentru mântuirea sufletului său, care rămâne nemuritor şi care trebuie să ajungă la perfecţiune ca şi Creatorul său, pentru că nimic în lumea... more
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      WikisWikipedia StudiesGoogleGoogle Scholar
1 Comuniunea creştinului cu Hristos în Biserica Sa şi creşterea prin virtuţi în Hristos, "până vom ajunge toţi la unitatea credinţei şi a cunoaşterii Fiului lui Dumnezeu, la starea bărbatului desăvârşit, la măsura vârstei deplinătăţii lui... more
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      WikisWikipedia StudiesGoogleGoogle Scholar
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      TechnologyWikisEducational TechnologyAction Research
2012-Cuvânt înainte Pr.Prof.Univ.Dr. Dumitru Radu Pr.Prof.Univ.Dr. Emilian Cornitescu După o privire generală sintetică asupra Bisericii noastre în epoca nefericită a comunismului din ţara noastră (p.13-14), autorul încearcă o definire a... more
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      WikisWikipedia StudiesGoogleGoogle Scholar
El libro titulado LA REDACCIÓN EN INTERNET, cuyo subtítulo reza “Tendencias, normas y desafíos de la escritura en la Sociedad de la Información y de la Comunicación” se distribuye en tres grandes apartados, que cubren: la redacción en la... more
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      WikisBlogsTwitterThe Internet
"Emergent Digital Ethnographic Methods for Social Research" aims to equip social researchers in academia and industry with the knowledge to understand five emergent technologies and their methodological applications to digital... more
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      WikisEthnographyVirtual EthnographyQualitative Research
La comunicación organizacional se encuentra en un proceso de transformación. Evoluciona de una comunicación de masas controlada, destinada a la promoción asimétrica y unidireccional a una nueva era de la información multimediática... more
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in: Wikipedia und Geschichtswissenschaft, hrsg. von Thomas Wozniak, Jürgen Nemitz, Uwe Rohwedder, Berlin 2015, S. 33-52.
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      Web 2.0WikisWikipedia StudiesWikilearning
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As it provides a firm foundation for advancing knowledge, a solid literature review is a critical feature of any academic investigation. Yet, there are several challenges in performing literature reviews including: i) lack of access to... more
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      WikisResearch MethodologyOpen AccessOpen Access Publishing
Wann sind Wikis oder allgemeiner: Social Media erfolgreich? Wenn sie kommunikativ "lebendig" sind! Diesem "kommunikativen Erfolg" liegen Strukturprinzipien zugrunde, die diese Arbeit sichtbar macht. Sie beschreibt konkrete... more
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      Web 2.0WikisOrganizational TheoryCorporate Communication
Technology and the employment of etools within the education domain have brought about unprecedented impact on educational deliverables and deliverances. Teaching and learning have equally been enhanced. Learning theorists have suggested... more
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      Teaching and LearningWikisBlogsE-learning
Knowing which technology to use for your online teaching can be difficult and sometimes overwhelming. This episode highlights issues you should keep in mind when making this decision. These include the importance of considering pedagogy... more
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      EducationWeb 2.0WikisEducational Technology
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      WikisWikipedia StudiesGoogleGoogle Scholar
Spiritualitatea ortodoxă urmăreşte şi exprimă desăvârşirea credinciosului în Hristos, ca mădular al Trupului Său tainic, Biserica. Şi întrucât desăvârşirea nu se poate dobândi în Hristos decât prin participarea la viaţa Lui dinino-umană,... more
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      WikisWikipedia StudiesGoogleGoogle Scholar
I.2 -Spiritualitatea ca viată crestina si autentica 16 CAP. II. TEMEIURILE DOCTRINARE ALE SPIRITUALITĂŢII ORTODOXE II. 1. -Sfânta Treime -bază a spiritualitătii crestine 20 II. 2. -Iisus Hristos, temeiul si sursa de putere a comuniunii... more
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      WikisWikipedia StudiesGoogleGoogle Scholar Search
Das populäre Weltbild und damit auch das Geschichtsbild werden zunehmend durch das Internet geprägt. Die Online-Enzyklopädie Wikipedia trägt durch ihre Popularität hierzu wesentlich bei. Aus verschiedenen Gründen hadert die... more
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      Web 2.0WikisDigital HumanitiesOpen Access
‫מבוא‬ ‫העיצוב‬ ‫עקרונות‬ ‫פותחו‬ ‫השמונים‬ ‫שנות‬ ‫ובמהלך‬ ‫המאוחרות‬ ‫השבעים‬ ‫בשנות‬ ‫סביבות‬ ‫של‬ ‫אפקטיבי‬ ‫לעיצוב‬ ‫הדרכים‬ ‫את‬ ‫שהגדירו‬ ,)Instructional design( ‫ההוראתי‬ ‫למידה‬ ‫גישות‬ ‫על‬ ‫התבססו‬ ‫שפותחו‬ ‫הראשונות‬ ‫הלמידה‬... more
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      WikisWikipedia StudiesGoogleGoogle Scholar
This journal is an interdisciplinary form for educators who wish to improve the quality of instruction through the use of computers and how to implement it effectively into instruction. This forum also aims to provide a platform for... more
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      RoboticsEducationWikisInstructional Design
المــســتــخــلــص يشير الجيل الثاني للويب لجيل جديد من الخدمات المتاحة على شبكة الويب العالمية والتي تتيح للمستفيدين إمكانية التعاون ومشاركة المعلومات على الخط المباشر، كما يوفر الجيل الثاني خبرة للمستفيدين تشبه تطبيقات سطح المكتب على... more
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      Web 2.0WikisBlogsSocial Networking
Barang atau komoditas dalam pengertian ekonomi adalah suatu objek atau jasa yang memiliki nilai. Nilai suatu barang akan ditentukan karena barang itu mempunyai kemampuan untuk dapat memenuhi kebutuhan. Dalam makroekonomi dan akuntansi,... more
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    • Wikis
Guide pour une utilisation optimale de l'encyclopédie libre par les étudiants, enseignants et autres intervenants en éducation
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This journal is an interdisciplinary form for educators who wish to improve the quality of instruction through the use of computers and how to implement it effectively into instruction. This forum also aims to provide a platform for... more
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      EducationWikisEducational TechnologyBlogs
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      WikisWikipedia StudiesGoogleGoogle Scholar
المستخلص يمكن ملاحظة تأثير مصطلح الجيل الثاني من الويب في ظهور اللاحقة 2,0 في كل قطاعات المعرفة، مثل الجيل الثاني من التعليم الإلكتروني، والجيل الثاني من المكتبات، ومؤسسات الجيل الثاني، وهذه المصطلحات لها روابط واضحة مع مصطلح الجيل الثاني... more
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      Web 2.0WikisSocial NetworksBlogs
This paper focus on the digital development of the project 'SigNet – a network of Hellenistic sealings & archives', and on the potential of digital tools for big data mining not only for academic research, but also for public engagemet in... more
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      ArchaeologySoftware EngineeringWikisDigital Humanities
Este trabalho se atentará para os possíveis percursos que um estudante, desvinculado de instituições, pode traçar nos ambientes virtuais em busca de uma formação autônoma. Seguindo, assim, com um mapeamento introdutórios destes ambientes... more
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      WikisInternet StudiesLearning and TeachingVirtualization
The email has been for many years now an indispensable organizational tool for personal communication and group collaboration. However, recently, the evolution of the wiki technology has introduced novel forms of open collaboration and... more
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      Information SystemsWeb 2.0WikisOnline Communities