Widows and Widowhood
Recent papers in Widows and Widowhood
Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz thrive during a dark time in Israel’s history—the days when the judges governed. The final two segments in Judges (chaps. 17–21) summarily demonstrate that when autonomy prevails, people and society deteriorate into... more
Study on Endre Ady's widow, Berta Boncza, on her special widow status in post-World War I Hungary. - in hungarian
This article traces the plight of the widows of Scottish soldiers who participated in the Thirty Years' War. Contrasting a number of strategies the women used in two main contrasting legal systems (Dutch & Swedish), this article offers an... more
In this paper, the patriarchal politics involved in remarrying the widow in colonial Bengal is delved into with special reference to Rituparno Ghosh's highly successful cinematic adaptation of Rabindranath Tagore's novel 'Chokher Bali'.... more
Referāts veltīts atraitnībai latviešu literatūrā, šoreiz pievēršoties sieviešu tēliem un viņu izpratnei par dzīvi pēc laulātā miršanas. Izvēlējos analizēt visai plaša žanra un noskaņas darbus: Rūdolfa Blaumaņa noveli "Raudupiete" (1889),... more
""Widowhood has long been recognised as a complex social status for medieval women: widows were granted legal rights and exercised authority unavailable to married women. At the same time, without the benefit of male protection, widows... more
The issue of remarriages is one of the important aspects of the demographic development of pre-modern societies, to which, however, Czech historiography devotes relatively little attention. The study compares the situation in two socially... more
Whereas recent studies of early modern widowhood by social, economic and cultural historians have called attention to the often ambiguous, yet also often empowering, experience and position of widows within society, Widowhood and Visual... more
It's a research proposal and this one focuses on 'fake encounters' which are common in India.So, it is sociological attempt to trace the history of 'encounter' (Emile Durkheim study of 'primitive to modern society' is the base of the... more
San Pablo (1 Tim 5, 3-16) revela la existencia en la antigüedad cristiana - y persistiendo hasta bien entrada la Edad Media - de un antiguo Orden de Viudas al lado del renombrado Orden de las Vírgenes. Ahora, el más reciente Sínodo de los... more
An intriguing point of disagreement is evident among recent commentators on Mark 12:41-44 as to how we should understand the poor widow’s offering, whether as a positive or negative image. The crucial issue, raised for the first time by... more
Uno dei più antichi canti popolari abruzzesi è il Lamento della vedova, conosciuto anche come "Mari maje, scura maje", dalle parole del ritornello. Esso presenta caratteristiche di sommo interesse, oltre a collegamenti inaspettati: dalla... more
The aim of the study is to identify the churches’ role in demystifying widowhood and equipping widows to cope effectively with challenges of widowhood. The study was conducted in the Cape Coast metropolis in the Central Region of Ghana.... more
We are badly served by the documents we use to study widows and widowes with: they distort the realities. While Austen's writing has some limitations (she depicts gentry), it is of use as a corrective and reveals her complex attitudes and... more
Inheritance right under Yoruba customary law which is applicable to the Awori, grants equality and equity in distribution of an intestate estate of a deceased person between the children, both male and female alike, to the exclusion of... more
Different scholars in their studies have pointed out that the bulk of the earliest colonial literature was aimed at highlighting ‘the peculiarities of Hindu tradition’ and especially the ‘barbarities’ Indian women were subjected to.... more
Dünyanın pek çok yerinde karşımıza çıkan dulluk sorunsalı, Hint kadınları için bir hayatta kalma mücadelesi adeta. “Hindistan'ın dulları“ meselesini yüzyılın buhranları çerçevesinde inceleyen araştırmacı Zeynep Yaşar, bu çalışmada dulluk... more
In parallel to the professionalization process of the Spanish armies under the Bourbon dynasty and its reforms there was an increase of bureaucracy and a growing systematization in the production of new documents, which reflected the... more
Anthropology and Humanism 26(l):16-34.
After the death of their husbands African women, who are living in patriarchal societies, experience cruel mourning and purification rituals, which they have to undergo and they are often stigmatized and accused of being witches. In this... more
This article is an introduction to the topic of widowhood, and a broader discussion and research that the author presents in her book: Widows of India and Women (2021). The problem of widowhood, which we encounter in many parts of the... more
Die patriarchale Ehe ist für Frauen, die ihre Leben selbst bestimmen wollen, nicht unbedingt attraktiv. Deshalb gibt es in der Kulturgeschichte Frauen, die auf die Ehe verzichten. Da weibliche Ehelosigkeit in patriarchalen Strukturen als... more
Mourning dress was one of the most pervasive sartorial symbols at the early modern court. This essay examines Henrietta Maria's adoption of such dress after the execution of Charles I and the political agendas and social ideals that... more
D uring the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, the Spanish crown was always worn by a male member of the Habsburg family. However important the position that a female member of the Royal Family occupied, be it as regent, governor or... more
Durante a Idade Moderna, as mulheres receberam recursos específicos de instituições de assistência e de indivíduos laicos ou eclesiásticos. Os ricos dedicavam grande atenção à salvação da sua alma e os pobres granjeavam apoios económicos... more
The paper deals with the property rights of noble widows in the Hungarian Kingdom during the early modern period.
This chapter examines the vulnerable triad of the stranger, fatherless, and widow in Deuteronomy. Although the doublet "fatherless, widow" appears in many texts from the Near East, especially from Mesopotamia, the triad first occurs in... more
The Eurocentric bracketing of human existence created universally defined hierarchical propositions and feminism was one of them. It focuses upon certain feminine segments in society and quite systematically ignores the others. The... more
The primary role of this report is to provide an in-depth analysis of all the instances of the word vidua, its meanings and uses in Latin literature from the last two centuries B.C. This close examination of the word vidua in the literary... more
Christine de Pizan znana jest jako jedna z pierwszych profesjonalnych pisarek i protoplastka emancypantek — postuluje moralną i intelektualną równość płci, i w takim kontekście jest najszerzej rozpoznawalna i badana. Mniej uwagi poświęca... more
This chapter examines the influence of Colonna's widowed poetry on three women writers of the second half of the sixteenth century: Laura Battiferri, Chiara Matraini and Francesca Turina. I demonstrate how Colonna's famous proemial... more
The welfare of African widows has generated a significant amount of research within the past twenty years, mainly from Nigerian scholars having an insider’s knowledge of these practices, with female scholars often taking the lead. Recent... more
รายงานนี้เป็นส่วนหนึ่งของวิชาประวัติศาสตร์ตะวันตกก่อนสมัยใหม่ (ป. 265) ภาควิชาประวัติศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์ งานเขียนชิ้นนี้มุ่งศึกษาที่สถานะของหญิงม่าย (Widowhood) ในอังกฤษสมัยกลาง... more