Recent papers in Whales
We previously reported a solid-phase extraction (SPE) method for determination of the neurotoxin domoic acid (DA) in both seawater and phytoplankton by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) with the purpose of sample... more
A serologic survey of anti-Brucella spp. antibodies was undertaken on 2,470 samples of 14 North American marine mammal species collected between 1984-97. Serum or blood from eight species of cetaceans and six species of pinnipeds was... more
The trophic position and the predator–prey relationship between the sperm whale Physeter macrocephalus and the jumbo squid Dosidicus gigas were examined by measuring stable isotope ratios of carbon and nitrogen. Skin samples of sperm... more
In either sperm whale or horse heart myoglobin, binding of NO and lowering of solution pH work together to weaken, and ultimately break, the bond between iron and the proximal histidine. This is reminiscent of the reaction observed at... more
Although the songs of humpback whales have been extensively studied, other vocalizations and percussive sounds, referred to as "social sounds," have received little attention. This study presents the social vocalization repertoire of... more
Components of the respiratory system from seven bowhead whales have been examined. The paired and laterally curved external nares are passively closed by a valve-like mass located in the rostral, lateral, and ventral walls of the nasal... more
Entanglement records for seabirds and marine mammals were investigated for the period 2001-2005. The entanglement records were extracted from databases maintained by seven organizations operating along the west coast of the United States... more
Al~raetml. The lipids of two Antarctic euphausiids were characterized. 2. In Euphausia superba complex lipids were the major lipid class followed by triglycerides. 3. In E. crystallorophias the complex lipids were also the major lipid... more
The body load of tDDT (p,p'DDT + o,p'DDT + p,p'DDE + p,p'TDE) and polychlorinated biphenyls (sum of congeners) was estimated for 169 fin whales to study age and sex-related variation and to calculate the quantity of these compounds... more
This article presents the results of surveys with postsecondary students in the Faroe Islands in the North Atlantic and St. Vincent in the Caribbean on the topics of whaling and consumption of associated food products. Results are... more
The early radiation of cetaceans coincides with the origin of their defining ecological and sensory differences . Toothed whales (Odontoceti) evolved echolocation for hunting 36-34 million years ago, whereas baleen whales (Mysticeti)... more
To understand the cause of death of 405 marine mammals stranded on Cape Cod and southeastern Massachusetts between 2000 and 2006, a system for coding final diagnosis was developed and categorized as (1) disease, (2) human interaction, (3)... more
Ambergris, ambergrease, or grey amber, is a solid, waxy, flammable substance of a dull grey or blackish colour produced in the digestive system of sperm whales. Freshly produced ambergris has a marine, fecal odor. The odd, enduring appeal... more
Marine mammals have long generation times and broad, difficult to sample distributions, which makes inferring evolutionary and demographic changes using field studies of extant populations challenging. However, molecular analyses from... more
The macroanatomy of renicules and surrounding tissues from the kidneys of five Eskimo-harvested bowhead whales, Balaena mysticetus, was examined. These renicules are similar in overall structure to those of other cetaceans and... more
This paper is comprised of three movements namely: a discussion of Olivier Perriquet's video installation in the 'The Dreams of Forms' exhibition at the Palais de Tokyo in Paris held in 2017; Lori Beaman's 'sea turtle project' and the... more
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Trujillo, F. & I.C. Avila. 2013. Uso no letal de cetáceos: el turismo de observación de delfines y ballenas como estrategia de conservación en Colombia. Págs: 232- 251. En: Trujillo, F., A. Gärtner, D. Caicedo y M. C. Diazgranados (Eds.).... more
Cover: Oral and topical applications of insecticides have revolutionized the control of cat fleas (Ctenocephalides felis) on cats and dogs, eliminating the need for environmental treatments and reducing the incidence and severity of flea... more
Various reviews, resolutions and guidance from international and regional fora have been produced in recent years that acknowledge the significance of marine noise and its potential impacts on cetaceans. Within Europe, ACCOBAMS and... more
Why do some animal’s echolocate? Does it require enough energy for them to not use it all the time unless they really need to? Moving around costs energy, so animals do not move around unless they need to, or if they are hungry. Does... more
The heart of the beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) is described from the dissection of seven specimens. As in most whales the heart is characterized by a transverse broadness and a flatness of the ventricles from one surface to the... more
Enerji arz ve talebinde her geçen gün artan dengesizlik bir yana dünyanın son yirmi yılda hem siyasal hem de ekonomik olarak geldiği nokta alternatif enerji kaynaklarına olan ihtiyacı zorunlu kılıyor. Yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarından... more
Animals are among the most sought after tourist attractions and the impact on them is a matter of concern to an increasing number of people. The first book of its kind, Tourism and Animal Welfare addresses the issue of animal welfare... more
L'epico libro di Melville, tra i più significativi della letteratura nordamericana. Oggi considerato un classico fu al centro di varie vicissitudini editoriali. Considerato un simbolo della lotta dell'uomo con la natura. The epic book by... more
As the first cultural history of the sea in medieval English literature, this book traces premodern myths of insularity from their Old English beginnings to Shakespeare's Tempest. Beginning with a discussion of biblical, classical and... more
Marine mammals include cetaceans, pinnipeds, sirenians, sea otters and polar bears, many of which are charismatic and popular species commonly kept under human care in zoos and aquaria. However, in comparison with their fully terrestrial... more
Japan is often imagined as a nation with a long history of whaling. This study argues, however, that many coastal communities in Northeast Japan did not engage in active whale hunting until the end of the Meiji period (1868–1912) as the... more
Situated 150 km North of Sri Lanka’s capital, Colombo, the Kalpitiya Peninsular is one of the most beautiful coastal areas located in the West coast of Sri Lanka. Kalpitiya peninsular separates the Puttalam lagoon from the Indian Ocean... more
Although the unicorn is a mythological animal, it has prototypes in the world of real animals. These prototypes, which have historically varied from region to region, have also affected the names used for the unicorn in different cultural... more
e whale in the Old Javanese kakawin literature: timiṅgila, 'elephant sh' and lĕmbwara revisited1 J J , University of Queensland SUMMARY: Five words, presumably designating the whale in the Old Javanese kakawin poetry, are analysed. It is... more
La constellation de la Baleine n’est pas très connue mais il s’agit pourtant de la quatrième plus grande constellation du ciel. Bien que désignant aujourd’hui un cétacé clairement identifié, ce regroupement d’étoiles n’a jamais figuré une... more
The reaction between hydrogen peroxide and myoglobin (or haemoglobin) ferric haem is a two-electron redox process, yet the stable product is ferryl haem, retaining only one oxidizing equivalent. We have used SVD (singular value... more
Sustainable energy generation through renewable sources is a rapidly expanding industry within the energy sector and as part of that industry tidal power creates the potential to tap into a previously untapped resource. Existing tidal... more
En analysant le tout dernier tome des Histoires naturelles (1804) de Lacépède, nous tenterons dans la présente étude de comprendre comment il est possible pour un naturaliste – aussi renommé soit-il – d’écrire une œuvre majeure de... more
An article linking the acoustic properties of waves to how sperm whales use them. Aimed at a GCSE audience with the view to support and contextualise Physics within the Science National Curriculum.