Wetland Ecology
Recent papers in Wetland Ecology
WEBINAR: PANTANAL - UMA DISCUSSÃO NECESSÁRIA Abordagem: Discussão pertinente e atual sobre as queimadas no Pantanal Mato-Grossense, apontando a Política Florestal no Estado de Mato Grosso, o marco regulatório da Lei do Pantanal... more
We applied two recent approaches largely used in biological conservation: Threat Analysis (TAN) and Threat Reduction Assessments (TRAs), assessing the effectiveness of a project focused on two water-related bird species (common tern,... more
The Mekong River is the largest freshwater fishery and the third most bio-diverse river system in the world. Two of 11 planned mainstream hydropower projects, Xayaburi and Don Sahong, are nearly completed and a third project proposal, Pak... more
The Ouachita River is 605 miles long and hosts an impressive amount of biodiversity within its waters and on its shores. Twenty-three aquatic animals are endemic in the Ouachita river and lake systems (Nature Conservancy, 2013). Coffee... more
Wetlands are unique, productive ecosystems where terrestrial and aquatic habitats meet. Wetlands play a critical role in maintaining many natural cycles and supporting a wide range of biodiversity. Wetlands can also contribute to the... more
Climate change, a timely topic, cannot be understood solely by analyzing modern-day ecosystems. Sediment stratigraphy from tidal marshes is an important source of paleoecological data, as these ecosystems experience high rates of... more
This research work evaluates the impact of stormwater infiltration on the removal of organics, solids, nitrogen and phosphorus in a LECA-based horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland. Stormwater runoff for the period between... more
Wetland restoration is increasingly important to reverse habitat degradation, recover ecosystem services, and maintain biodiversity. To aid project design, more information is required on the influence of wetland size, depth of water, and... more
Le lac Sidi M'hamed Benali est un site stratégique du point de vue environnemental, touristique et socio-économique. Plusieurs études sont menées à son profit : granulométrie, évaluation de la qualité de son eau, inventaire faunistique,... more
Baropal wetland is situated near to the Baropal village, Pilibanga tehsil of Hanumangarh District in Rajasthan state (29 0 22' 10" North, 74 0 05' 48" East) and comes under the Ghaggar river floodplain. Baropal wetland is a recently and... more
PhD Thesis
Advisor: Michel Radoux
Fondation Universitaire Luxembourgeoise, Arlon, Belgium
Advisor: Michel Radoux
Fondation Universitaire Luxembourgeoise, Arlon, Belgium
is born on 1942, an Indian ecologist, having scientific work focused on ecology, conservation of biodiversity, human ecology and its history. He has worked as lecturer on Biology at Harvard and as visiting professor of Human Biology at... more
Considering ‘Cities Beyond the Plan’ helps us substantiate territory beyond being just a passive setting contingent to meta-forces. To do so, requires us look at logics and conceptual frame drawing from legal pluralism, that of space and... more
Σημασία υγροτόπων, προβλήματα και δυνατότητες, υγρότοποι στο νομο Λέσβου: πανίδα και χλωρίδα που φιλοξενούν
Several methods have been used to quantify the abundance of crabs, each of which presents with some form of bias. The systematic errors attributed to the estimation of abundance of Uca have been linked to several recurring themes,... more
Water is inevitably the most important resource on Earth. Nearly 70 % of the Earth’s surface is covered by water, yet there is only 0.3% of the total water is available as fresh water for various human requirements. The water bodies... more
Remote sensing phenology studies use data gathered by satellite sensors that measure wavelengths of light absorbed and reflected by green plants. Certain pigments in plant leaves strongly absorb wavelengths of visible (red) light. The... more
O Guia de Melhores Práticas Pecuárias da Planície Pantaneira foi idealizado em um workshop realizado em 2019 pelo WWF-Brasil no âmbito do projeto Paisagens Sustentáveis do Pantanal, Cerrado e Bosque Seco Chiquitano (PaSos), em Campo... more
Les zones humides côtières sont parmi les écosystèmes aquatiques les plus productifs et représentent un intérêt majeur. Cependant elles sont gravement menacées par les actions anthropiques et les changements climatiques.... more
Satellite remote sensing and GIS have emerged as the most powerful tools for inventorying, monitoring and management of natural resources and environment. In the special context of wetland ecosystems, remotely sensed data from orbital... more
The high generation rate of medical radioactive waste in Uganda is a proof that medical waste management in Uganda is problematic. Based on a case study undertaken at Hospitals within Kampala, this research looked in to the various issues... more
This dissertation is a study conducted to draw on the Governance of an Urban River, which here is Mithi commonly refer to as a Nallah rather than a river in the city. The study has rigorously and comprehensively looked into the various... more
he richness of the flora and fauna of north eastern region is well known to all. The flood plain wetlands constitute important fishery resources of Assam. The resources are managed through a complex social framework of Fisherman... more
Edwin L. Bridges Botanical and Ecological Consultant 7752 Holly Tree Pl, NW Bremerton, WA 98312 2. Using aerial photographic signatures and habitat parameters of known examples, search for other potential examples using detailed aerial... more
El presente documento corresponde a un Plan Maestro Urbano desarrollado por profesionales de las unidades de Medio Ambiente, Ornato y Asesoría Urbana de la Municipalidad de Coronel, cuyo objetivo central es la recuperación y puesta en... more
It is an informative type of work where a general vision is presented about the wetlands of the Venezuelan plain. Its importance; its operating mechanisms; its support to the local fauna and the threats that exist about them.
For teaching and research purposes, in this glossary was compiled some of the terms used in studies of wetlands and aquatic ecology, by professionals and technicians of the area. Terms of daily use in Venezuela, by people who perform some... more
Prevailing theories of the evolution of early complex societies in southern Mesopotamia presume a uniform, arid landscape transited by Tigris and Euphrates distributaries. These theories hold that it was the seventh millennium BCE... more