Western Marxism
Recent papers in Western Marxism
Andrei Znamenski argues that socialism arose out of activities of secularized apocalyptic sects, the Enlightenment tradition, and dislocations produced by the Industrial Revolution. He examines how, by the 1850s, Marx and Engels made the... more
This thesis evaluates the post-development concept of “alternatives to development” from the perspectives of critical political economy and Western Marxism. Post-development theorists have long critiqued how development depoliticizes... more
Em As aventuras da dialética (1955) Merleau-Ponty cunhou o termo "Marxismo Ocidental" para designar certa perspectiva do materialismo histórico que afastava-se de leituras dogmáticas provenientes, principalmente, do partido soviético.... more
In Trump's Counter-Revolution, Mikkel Bolt Rasmussen looks behind the craziness of Donald Trump to decipher the formation of a new kind of fascism, late-capitalist fascism, that is intent on preventing any kind of real social change.... more
Nesta matéria apresentamos as reflexões do filósofo húngaro Georg Lukács sobre o conceito de consciência de classe.
Western Marxist writers have long been recognised as major contributors to debates on popular culture, from Antonio Gramsci to Raymond Williams. What is often missed in this reception is the extent to which, as political activists and... more
Maoism refers to an ensemble of revolutionary ideas and practices inspired by the life and work of the Chinese political leader and philosopher Mao Tse-tung (1893Tse-tung ( -1976. Broadly, these ideas and practices seek to deploy... more
After the Great Refusal offers a Western Marxist reading of contemporary art focusing on the continued presence (or absence) of the avant-garde’s transgressive impulse. Taking art’s ability to contribute to a potential radical social... more
The concept of the subject is at the core of many social movements that attempt to empower disadvantaged groups by identifying a basic subjectivity underlying and uniting such groups. Though otherwise supportive of such movements, recent... more
Draft of a paper I'm hoping to edit further and publish. The idea that things 'might have been otherwise', that even the past is infused with contingency, is vital to Brecht's project, as is a conception of history as an act of... more
E.V. Ilyenkov is widely considered to be the most important Soviet philosopher in the post-Stalin period. He is known largely for his original conception of the ideal, which he deployed against both idealist and crude materialist forms of... more
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6830-245X Resumen: Una panorámica de la integración entre psicoanálisis y marxismo en los marcos de la primera generación de la Escuela de Frankfort. Sobre todo, desde el pensamiento de Erich Fromm y... more
Dopo una breve ricostruzione del contesto storico che ha permesso la nascita del marxismo occidentale, questo lavoro si focalizza sull'Istituto per la ricerca sociale di Francoforte, come espressione particolare di questa tradizione. Il... more
This book offers a much-needed new political theory of an old phenomenon. The last decade alone has marked the highest number of migrations in recorded history. Constrained by environmental, economic, and political instability, scores of... more
В диссертации предложен анализ концепций идеологии Грамши и Альтюссера в широком контексте развития марксистской теоретической традиции; прослежена эволюция (пост)альтюссерианской теории идеологии (1970-1990-е гг.), сопряженная с... more
"With increasing globalization, the meaning and role of the nation-state are in flux. At the same time, state theory, which might help to explain such a trend, has fallen victim to the general decline of radical movements, particularly... more
Antonio Gramsci's Prison Notebooks are today acknowledged as a classic of the human and social sciences in the twentieth century. The influence of his thought in numerous fields of scholarship is only exceeded by the diverse... more
This article elucidates the reasons behind the retreat from Marxism in contemporary critical theory, and it offers an account of the revolutionary theory that is born of emancipatory struggles as an antidote to this retreat. It begins by... more
The early Frankfurt School's theoretical tendency is best described as Western Marxism, while its institutional origin was the Institute of Social Research (Institut für SoziaIforschung), founded in Frankfurt, Germany, in 1923. Marx's... more
Reading Lukács' classic The Destruction of Reason (1952). A brilliant history of "irrationalism" from Schelling to Hitler-which, as a Marxist work, doesn't make the mistake of arguing that earlier intellectual trends inevitably culminated... more
"This article aims to introduce E.V. Ilyenkov’s ‘Dialectics of the Ideal’, first published in unabridged form in 2009, to an English-speaking readership. It does this in three ways: First, it contextualises his intervention in the history... more
Nearly four centuries ago, liberal political thought asserted that the state was the product of a distant, prehistorical, social contract. Social science has done little to overcome this fiction. Even the most radical of theories have... more
Unpublished doctoral thesis on the ideas of freedom, self-consciousness, identity, and experience as the basis of social critique in the thought of Georg Lukács, Theodor Adorno, Max Horkheimer, Herbert Marcuse, and Walter Benjamin,... more
Autor u knjizi daje kritički pregled interpretacija nastanka kapitalizma u zapadnom marksizmu (politički marksizam, analiza svjetskog sistema, eklektični marksizam Perryja Anderona, teorija nejednakog i kombiniranog razvoja). Teorije... more
Volume stampato con il contributo del Dipartimento di scienze umane e sociali dell'Università degli studi di Napoli L'Orientale Per favorire la libera circolazione della cultura, è consentita la riproduzione di questo volume, parziale o... more
Written Version of a lecture on the concept of class in Marx and after. It gives a short overview of the most important stages: from Marx himself, Western Marxism and Critical Theory to the New Marx-readings of the 60ies and today's... more
Interpretations of Georg Lukács's theory of reification and consciousness have typically assumed that Lukács relies on an essentialized notion of subjectivity that can be restored by dereification. I argue instead that he treats... more
Abstract La parola “spia”, oltre a ricorrere in modo massiccio nei romanzi di un preciso genere letterario, che oggi sembra essere diventato una fonte di ispirazione metodologica presso alcuni interpreti di Gramsci, ha anche un... more
Recuperar hoy las contribuciones filosóficas de Manuel Sacristán podría parecer, en principio, un gesto de vocación escolástica en el marco del marxismo español, o -a lo sumo-un ejercicio académico de historia de las ideas. Estos son, de... more
Few thinkers have enjoyed such widespread appeal over the last forty years as Nietzsche. The instrumentalization of the Nazi period seemingly left behind-Lukács's dissenting voice notwithstanding-Nietzsche's almost Heraclitean metaphors... more
Questo scritto introduce e presenta un saggio di Michael Burawoy, dove il sociologo di Berkeley traccia un profilo intellettuale del collega e amico Erik Wright. Redatto per la conferenza tenutasi l'1 e il 2 novembre 2019 all'Università... more
An overview of where Classical Political Economy and the solution to its driving problems stood when Marx began his engagement with it in the 1850s. Topics include: Marx and Political Economy; Political Economy, Classical and Vulgar;... more