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This concludes a two-part paper that discusses three major aspects of modern Western esotericism: esotericism as a form of thought, esotericism as gnosis, and esotericism as discourse. Freemasonry is seen as a significant and influential... more
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      FreemasonryResearch into FreemasonryWestern Esotericism (History)History of Freemasonry
This study provides a balanced account of the events that led to the separation of the American Section (headed by William Q. Judge) of the Theosophical Society in 1895 from their international Headquarters in Adyar, India (with Henry S.... more
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      OccultismTheosophyWestern EsotericismTheosophical History
Dowsing is a customary means of finding hidden things – especially water and minerals – and is found across northern Europe and the Americas. It recently became the subject of some controversy after a scientist revealed that 10 out of the... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreSocial and Cultural AnthropologyEthnography (Research Methodology)Rationalism
Scopo di queste pagine è fissare alcune premesse generali per una rilettura storica globale della psicosintesi. Per farlo è necessario adottare uno sguardo multifocale, in grado di evocare il contesto immediato e remoto dell’opera di... more
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      PsychologyWestern Esotericism (History)Theosophical SocietyPsychedelics (Psychology)
Pirofilo, un grande Adepto dei nostri tempi Difficile, se non impossibile, lasciare testimonianza adeguata di Pirofilo. Si potrebbero riempire pagine di parole nel tentativo di farlo. Ma sarebbe comunque riduttivo. Ad intraprendere il... more
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      Western Esotericism (History)Western EsotericismÉticaMetafísica
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      MagicMagic and the Occult (Anthropology Of Religion)Western Esotericism (History)Occultism
PROLOGUE of this paper is an extreme detail analysis of Chartres Cathedral's the symbolism embedded into the three Rose Windows. The whole purpose of this paper is to illustrate how Ezekiel's Merkabah is symbolized by the North and South... more
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More than any other object of historical and anthropological study, Islamicate occult science cuts to the quick of what it means to be modern, to be Western, to be scientific. Yet nowhere else are 19th-century colonialist metaphysics and... more
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      History of ScienceAlchemyMagicHistory of Astrology
The 2nd Global African Indigenous and Derived Religions Conference provided a platform for scholars of African Indigenous Religions and African-derived religions to critically appraise the status, nature and role of global African... more
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      Comparative ReligionAfrican StudiesAfrican PhilosophyHistory of Religion
A brochure about "Esotericism and Far-Right Extremism" for the Vielfalt Mediathek, an information agency funded by the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth
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      Political SciencePoliticsPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismNational Socialism
Un récit d expérience sur khecari mudra
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      Western EsotericismHatha YogaYoga Psychology
The paper is an attempt to answer a question about what might have prompted Mircea Eliade, who never considered himself an expert on shamanism and tribal peoples, to write his classic Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy. It is... more
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      ShamanismTraditionalismMircea EliadeWestern Esotericism
Part I. Qabalah and The Tree of Life The Fundamentals of Esoteric Wisdom ... Qabalah, means literally, “The Reception.” By tradition it refers to the ageless wisdom gained from an inner vision founded on a sure vision from Tetragrammaton... more
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      PhilosophyChristian MysticismJewish MysticismTarot
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      GnosticismAnthropologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyEsotericism (Anthropology)
Переводчик с фр. / translator from fr. Ленен Л. Божественная каббала. — СПб.: Издательство «Академия исследования культуры», 2019. — 288 с. — (Серия Code Grimoire). ISBN 978-5-94396-218-9 «Божественная каббала» — это неизвестная до... more
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      MagicAngelologyAngelsChristian Kabbalah
An in-depth scholarly analysis of the June 24, 1734, "Dissertation upon Masonry," the oldest surviving American Masonic speech, and the third oldest in the world. Critical commentary includes intertextual relationships and an analysis of... more
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      FreemasonryHistory of FreemasonryWestern EsotericismEarly American Freemasonry, Historical Geography, Ritual Performance
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      RenaissanceMagicAngelologyMagic and the Occult (Anthropology Of Religion)
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      Intellectual HistoryOttoman HistoryMaterial Culture StudiesRenaissance Studies
ТОЛЬКО ОЗНАКОМИТЕЛЬНЫЙ ФРАГМЕНТ, электронная версия не распространяется. Роджер Бэкон: алхимия, астрология, магия и медицина (сборник) / М. М. Пэттисон Мьюр, Г. С. Редгроув, Л. Торндайк, Э. Т. Уитингтон, Г. У. Л. Хайм / Пер. с англ. и... more
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      AlchemyMagicMedical AstrologyHistory of Astrology
Contained within the twenty-two picture cards of the Visconti-Sforza Tarot is a sacred open secret. 2 The Major Arcana is a visual representation of an ancient mnemonic system the formation of which is the central operation of the seminal... more
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      MnemonicsMagicMagic and the Occult (Anthropology Of Religion)Tarot
For the past forty years shamanism has drawn increasing attention among the general public and academics. There is an enormous literature on shamanism, but no one has tried to understand why and how Western intellectual and popular... more
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      Native American StudiesContemporary SpiritualitySpiritualityCountercultural Studies
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      Western Esotericism (History)Western Esotericism
תיקון שבתי צבי / יונתן מאיר. ההרצאה מבקשת להציג תמונה מורכבת ביחס לשבתי צבי, מכתיבתו הקבלית של נתן העזתי על המשיח הנפוּל, דרך ניסיונות תיקון נשמתו בידי הבעש"ט, ועד לשילובו בנרטיב הלאומי בידי זלמן שז"ר וחוקרים שבאו אחריו. יהא זה ניסיון... more
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      HistoryIntellectual HistoryJewish StudiesJewish Mysticism
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      PsychoanalysisJacques LacanCarl G. JungWestern Esotericism
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      TarotWestern EsotericismAntoine Faivre
The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was a 19th century English society engaged in the creation of a systematic form of western esotericism. Its founders created a synthesis of previous strands of esotericism and spiritual thought that... more
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      Golden Dawn TraditionWestern Esotericism (History)Hermetic Order of the Golden DawnWestern Esotericism
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      History of ReligionHistory of ReligionsPerennialismWestern Esotericism (History)
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      GnosticismPhilosophyTranspersonal PsychologyMysticism
A Great Age, a Manvantara or world period covers 432,000,000 solar years. During a Great Age, there are seven root-races. Each root–race has seven sub-races. Each sub-race is composed of innumerable tribes and offshoots. By Francois... more
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      HistoryPhilosophyRace and EthnicityOccultism
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      Art HistoryMuseum StudiesMagicDemonology
The pseudo-Aristotelian Hermetica (hereafter PsAH) are a group of texts surviving in Arabic that claim to record conversations between Aristotle and Alexander the Great. In these conversations, Aristotle instructs Alexander about the... more
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      AristotleMedieval StudiesZoroastrianismMagic
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      Sociology of ReligionHistory of ReligionPerennialismWestern Esotericism (History)
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      Cultural HistoryHistory of ReligionHistory of psychical research and parapsychologySpiritualism
Despite the centrality of the concept of God in Christian theology and Western philosophy for over two millennia, little attention has been given the concept of God in twentieth-century occultism in general, and in the writings of... more
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      History of ReligionHistory of ReligionsWestern Esotericism (History)Occultism
In the Information Age, keeping secrets has become increasingly problematic, as both elected officiates and clandestine groups the world over, demonstrate on an almost daily basis. Yet mystery schools, secret societies and occult... more
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      Golden Dawn TraditionWestern Esotericism
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      Sociology of ReligionHistory of ReligionHistory of ReligionsPerennialism
A discussion of how G.R.S. Mead shaped 20th-century Anglophone discourse about Gnosticism decades prior to the Nag Hammadi discovery, through his interpretation of the Askew and Bruce Codices, and his popularization of the work of Berlin... more
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      GnosticismPapyrologyEarly ChristianityMagic
Le patronage d'Homère, Virgile et Ovide chez les alchimistes Communication non publiée, 1 ère journée des doctorants de l'Association francophone pour l'étude universitaire des courants ésotériques,
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      LiteratureAlchemyWestern Esotericism (History)Literature and Esotericism
A few years before the beginning of the Second World War, the rapprochement between socialism and western esotericism would be outlined in France. This effort, produced around the Collège de Sociologie as a reaction to Fascism,... more
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      PoststructuralismWalter BenjaminPierre KlossowskiMichel Foucault
Конференция "Современные подходы к изучению религии", 13-14 декабря 2013 года:
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      ReligionSociology of ReligionWestern Esotericism (History)Religious Studies
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      SpiritualityPopular Culture and Religious StudiesSpirituality & MysticismSpiritism
Short chapter contribution to exhibition catalogue for *California Dreams: San Francisco, ein Porträt", the first exhibition of its kind in Europe about the eponymous city, debuting at the Bundeskunsthalle, Bonn, 12 September 2019--12... more
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      Religion and LiteratureLiterature and ReligionAllen GinsbergWestern Esotericism
Theurgy of the Word: On the Early Avant-garde Manifesto and Notions of Magic in Russian Futurism and Symbolism The publication of Filippo Tommaso Marinetti’s founding manifesto of Italian Futurism in 1909 marked the beginning of an... more
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      New Religious MovementsPopular Music StudiesPopular MusicPagan Studies
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      SpiritualismWestern Esotericism (History)American Religious HistoryWestern Esotericism
Robert Falcon Scott was a unique and interesting individual who, as a Royal Navy officer and Antarctic explorer, died attempting to be the first man to reach the South Pole. A great deal of information has been written about Scott, his... more
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      PhilosophyBiographyWestern Esotericism
A partir de trois concepts clefs ("secret", "occulte" et "merveille") envisagés sur une période définie (la Renaissance) le premier numéro d'Arcana Naturae (en cours d'impression) a permis d'établir la fécondité d'un champ de recherche,... more
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      HistoryPhilosophyHistory of SciencePhilosophy of History