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This study presents an investigation of 19 obsidian artifacts recovered from Southern Sinaloa, as well as obsidian samples recovered from the deposits at Teuchitlán and La Joya (both in Jalisco State) and at Abasolo (Guanajuato). Chemical... more
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      ArchaeometryObsidianTradeWest Mexico (Archaeology)
Busca un poco de leña, que nosotros, los chichi-mecas, de contino andamos con fuego. Relación de Michoacán, fol. 69 T he conceptual associations between fire and the human body are quite complex and polysemic in Mesoamerica, as the... more
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      BioarchaeologyWest Mexico (Archaeology)TarascanCremation
This chapter by John M. D. Pohl and Michael D. Mathiowetz appears in a Dumbarton Oaks volume edited by Christopher S. Beekman and Colin McEwan. Please cite the chapter and volume as follows: Pohl, John M.D. and Michael D. Mathiowetz 2022... more
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      Latin American StudiesArchaeologyIndigenous StudiesCentral American Studies
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      ArchaeologySouthwestern ArchaeologyWest Mexico (Archaeology)Northwest Mexico
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      West Mexico (Archaeology)MéxicoMichoacanHistoria de México
Este articulo es una revisión de la Tradición Teuchitlán, poniéndola al día con los nuevos fechamientos, nuevos datos de investigación y una recapitulación de su origen.
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyObsidianWest Mexico (Archaeology)Teuchitlan
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyArchaeological TheorySouthwestern ArchaeologyWest Mexico (Archaeology)
The morphological study of architectural features, the building arrangement within urban spaces, and multiscalar variation are critical for understanding urbanism as a process. Building types and architectural typologies form the... more
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      West Mexico (Archaeology)LiDAR for ArchaeologyTarascan State
Cet ouvrage a été réalisé pour Ausonius Éditions par UN@ Éditions, plateforme régionale d'édition universitaire numérique en libre accès. Retrouvez les articles en version html, pdf téléchargeable et leurs contenus additionnels sur... more
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyArchaeometryObsidianCeramic Analysis (Archaeology)
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      Native American ReligionsNative American StudiesLatin American StudiesSouthwestern United States (Archaeology in North America)
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyFunerary ArchaeologyOsteologyOsteoarchaeology
Resumen La región correspondiente al norte de Michoacán y las áreas colindantes de Guanajuato fueron el escenario, a lo largo de su historia prehispánica, de importantes fluctuaciones poblacionales vinculadas con las variaciones del... more
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      West Mexico (Archaeology)TarascanArtificial Cranial DeformationMichoacan Archaeology
El presente trabajo es en gran medida una síntesis de mi investigación para obtener el grado de Licenciado en Historia, hace ya más de tres años. En algunos puntos la información ha sido revisada y actualizada. En especial, sobre la... more
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      Boundaries (Archaeology)West Mexico (Archaeology)TarascanArqueología
This thesis is dedicated to my husband Richard for supporting me through this journey that is graduate school, and to my family for always encouraging me in my pursuit of an arts education.
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      ArchaeologyArt HistoryRitualCentral America and Mexico
Abstract This article surveys research in Northwest Mexico (Sonora and Chihuahua), with an emphasis on the Early Agricultural period to the Late Prehistoric period. Middle range societies that are diverse in scale and organization... more
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      ArchaeologyPolitical EconomyWest Mexico (Archaeology)Archaeology of the U.S. Southwest
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      ArchaeologyMesoamerican ArchaeologyWest Mexico (Archaeology)Jalisco
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyCeramic Analysis (Archaeology)MesoamericaWest Mexico (Archaeology)
Museum salvage refers to critical studies of museum collections with little or no provenience information that seek to glean useful archaeological information from these artifacts and examine the nature of their origins and possible... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyPublic ArchaeologyMuseum Studies
Dentro del registro arqueológico de la Zona Metropolitana de Guadalajara, el municipio de Tlajomulco, va rezagado con respecto a sus vecinos. Así pues, los datos sobre la arqueología de ésta área son por demás fragmentarios. En el... more
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      West Mexico (Archaeology)ArqueologíaHistoria de la ArquitecturaWest Mexico
The acquisition, in 2015, of a high-resolution LiDAR (Light Detection and RAnging) elevation model for the entire geological complex of the Malpaís of Zacapu, West Mexico, has deeply influenced the research methods and general approach to... more
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyLiDARMesoamericaWest Mexico (Archaeology)
The hollow ceramic figures of Jalisco, Colima, and Nayarit are still commonly treated as either idyllic representations of people engaged in everyday activities, or as conceptually abstract depictions of shamans and their transformations.... more
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      ArchaeologyMesoamerican ArchaeologyWest Mexico (Archaeology)Shaft tombs
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      Art HistoryCeramics (Ceramics)Mesoamerican ArchaeologyCeramics (Art History)
Resumen El presente texto, pretende ampliar la información sobre el uso de la honda como arma en el México Antiguo, haciendo mención sobre los elementos técnicos, materiales y manufactura de la honda en el mundo prehispánico. Las fuentes... more
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      Military HistoryWest Mexico (Archaeology)TarascanWarfare
To cite this article:
Michael D. Mathiowetz (2018): The Sun Youth of the Casas Grandes Culture, Chihuahua, Mexico (AD 1200–1450). Kiva: Journal of Southwestern Anthropology and History 84(3): 367-390.
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      ReligionHistoryEthnohistoryLatin American Studies
This is a typological description of ceramics identified during the La Venta Corridor survey in 1993-1994, which were grouped by Beekman and linked to existing types defined by Weigand. This formed part of Beekman's 1996 dissertation.... more
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyCeramics (Archaeology)West Mexico (Archaeology)Jalisco
La alfarería es una de las invenciones más importantes de la humanidad. Tiene miles de años de antigüedad, y puede decirse que sin ella el desarrollo de la civilización como la conocemos hubiera sido imposible. La preparación y... more
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      EthnographyMesoamerican ArchaeologyCeramics (Art History)Mesoamerican Ethnohistory
This book presents a collection of papers from the Symposium on Cultural Dynamics and Production Activities in Ancient Western Mexico, held at the Center for Archaeological Research of the Colegio de Michoacán on September 18-19, 2014.... more
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyMesoamerican EthnohistoryWest Mexico (Archaeology)
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      ArchaeologyMesoamerican ArchaeologyArchaeological Method & TheoryTeotihuacan
This chapter explores the concept of portraiture in West Mexican ceramic effigies, particularly Lagunillas Style E figures (Figures 1 and 2). In scholarship on ancient West Mexican figures, those of the Lagunillas style, along with other... more
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      Art HistoryIdentity (Culture)PortraitureDress and Personal Adornment (Archaeology)
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      ArchaeologyAnthropologyMesoamerican ArchaeologyArchaeological Method & Theory
En el segundo volumen de El México desconocido, Carl Lumholtz (1986 [1902]) narra sus andanzas en la región purépecha donde documenta las costumbres locales y algunos vestigios arqueológicos de la zona. Su estancia en la ciudad de Zacapu,... more
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      BioarchaeologyWest Mexico (Archaeology)TarascanBone Technology (Archaeology)
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      West Mexico (Archaeology)Archaeological Interaction and NetworksArqueologia Del Occidente De MexicoRedes de interacción
Esta publicación se realiza gracias al apoyo de Acento Editores.
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      West Mexico (Archaeology)ArqueologíaEtnohistoriaWestern Mexico
The Postclassic period (AD 900-1521) in Mesoamerica marked an era of significant social change. During this period of time in the American Southwest, Puebloan cultures also engaged in their own major social transformations. A... more
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      ReligionNew Religious MovementsHistoryLatin American Studies
This paper assembles differing but related Native American views of Venus as seen from the perspectives of cultural contexts of varied complexity. Ascribed values and packets of symbolic meanings attributed to Venus are examined between... more
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      ReligionArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyAnthropology
Recopilación de artículos sobre los análisis de los materiales recuperados en el proyecto arqueológico en el Cañón de Bolaños
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    • West Mexico (Archaeology)
As world-systems theory came to the fore in archaeology during the 1980s and 1990s, it became evident that the analysis of pre-capitalist core/periphery relations required modifications of this theory for its further use in the... more
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      World Systems AnalysisMesoamerican ArchaeologyTeotihuacanMesoamerica
Since the late 19th Century, Eduard Seler and others recognized that the Late Postclassic Central Mexican deity, Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli--"the God of Dawn"--embodied Venus as the Morning Star. With roots in Early Postclassic Toltec-related... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionHistoryAncient History
Participación comunitaria para la conservación del patrimonio cultural y natural en Jesús María, Jalisco C omo parte importante de los trabajos de investigación que tomaron lugar en los Altos de Jalisco, más precisamente en la Presa de la... more
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      ArchaeologyRock Art (Archaeology)West Mexico (Archaeology)Jalisco
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      ArchaeologyMesoamerican ArchaeologyWest Mexico (Archaeology)Aztatlán archaeology
A partir de la recurrente aparición de vasijas con un mismo conjunto iconográfico, el águila, el rombo o círculo y la serpiente, en el área de Chalchihuites, Zacatecas, surge la pregunta respecto a su significado en tiempo y espacio para... more
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      IconographyEthnoarchaeologyMesoamerican ArchaeologyMesoamerica
En la presente investigación se aborda el patrón de asentamiento, como indicador indirecto del modelo de organización económica de la antigua zona ribereña de Magdalena y el valle de Ameca (que se ubican dentro de la zona Valle de... more
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      West Mexico (Archaeology)ArqueologíaMesoamerican AltepetlEtnografía
This study focuses upon the Teuchitlan people of ancient West Mexico, who lived near Tequila Volcano, Jalisco from 300 BCE to 250 CE. I argue that during the Late Preclassic Period of Mesoamerican prehistory, the central organizing... more
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyWest Mexico (Archaeology)Mesoamerican ArtPrecolumbian Art
Tradicionalmente el río Mocorito se ha reconocido como marcador de la máxima extensión septentrional de la tradición arqueológica Aztatlán en el Noroeste de México. El registro arqueológico sugiere que existe una continuidad de ocupación... more
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyWest Mexico (Archaeology)Northern Mexico ArchaeologyAztatlán archaeology
This monograph presents the results of a study of orientations in prehispanic architecture of western and northern Mesoamerica. Analyzing the alignment data collected with field measurements for a number of civic and ceremonial buildings... more
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyWest Mexico (Archaeology)Mesoamerican archaeoastronomyMesoamerican Architecture
Sí, sí, mucho placer tengo. Ya [he] dado yo de comer al sol y a los dioses del cielo. Yo engendré aquella cabeza que cortaron; yo engendré aquel corazón que le sacaron.
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyHuman sacrifice (Anthropology Of Religion)TaphonomyMesoamerican Ethnohistory
Please cite this chapter as follows: Mathiowetz, Michael D. 2022 The Dance of the Sprouting Corn: Casas Grandes Maize Ceremonialism and the Transformation of the Puebloan World. In Borderlands Histories: Ethnographic Observations... more
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      Native American StudiesLatin American StudiesArchaeologyPrehistoric Archaeology
El culto a dioses de la guerra en el Occidente ha sido objeto de estudio anteriormente, en especial en Michoacán. En el Occidente no tarasco; es decir, los estados de Jalisco, Colima, Nayarit, no se ha investigado a fondo el tema, por... more
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      ReligionHistory of ReligionWest Mexico (Archaeology)Arqueología
2018,  Journal of the Southwest 60(3):699-752
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      ReligionHistoryArchaeologyPrehistoric Archaeology
Until recently, there was little knowledge about the Classic period in West Mexico compared with central Mexico and southern Mesoamerica. Recent research, however, is slowly shedding more light on cultural developments in the western area... more
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      West Mexico (Archaeology)Mesoamerican StudiesArchaeology, history, western MexicoAncient West Mexico