Wendy Brown
Recent papers in Wendy Brown
This essay argues that modern demagogy can be understood as a symptom of a kind of social pathology, combining Wendy Brown's account of neoliberal subjectivity with elements of Robert Pippin's interpretation of Hegel to do so. I begin by... more
Resenha: BROWN, Wendy. Nas ruínas do neoliberalismo: a ascensão da política antidemocrática no ocidente. São Paulo: Editora Filosófica Politeia, 2019, pp. 33-150. Wendy Brown (Califórnia, 1955) é professora de Ciência Política na... more
Education is one of famous public goods that people should deserve from a government. Since ‘Neoliberalism’ approached on political economy, social values of studying in higher education grew up highly and become a one of commodification.... more
This paper weaves together two recurring themes in philosophical and political debates of recent years: the idea, loosely inspired by Walter Benjamin, that describes melancholia as a dominant structure of feeling and desire among the... more
The following work explores SoulCycle’s rhetoric of community and kinship, which overtly portrays the phenomenon as counter to the values of neoliberalism, succinctly defined by David Harvey as a conceptual apparatus under which... more
El neoliberalismo constituye un fenómeno posible de ser analizado desde múltiples perspectivas de análisis debido a la multiplicidad de operatorias del poder a través de las cuales se despliega y materializa sus efectos. Para la ciencia... more
Este ensaio corresponde ao arrazoado (revisto e ampliado) da conferência pronunciada pelo presente autor no IX Seminário de Análise do Discurso (SEAD), que tematizou a análise do discurso e suas condições de produção, realizado em... more
Em 2017, Melinda Cooper publicou o ensaio " Family Values: Between Neoliberalism and New Social Conservatism " ("Valores familiares: Entre o neoliberalismo e o novo conservadorismo social"), no qual ela propõe o estabelecimento da família... more
Eine sozialphilosophische Kritik des Rechts befragt nicht dessen Abweichen von moralischen oder naturrechtlichen Gesetzen, sondern problematisiert seine Auswirkungen auf das menschliche Zusammenleben. Daniel Loick zeigt in seinem... more
This chapter offers a critique of Wendy Brown's "Wounded Attachments" essay, taking left Nietzscheanism to task for naturalizing hierarchy and failing to explicitly side with the oppressed. In contrast, I suggest that queer theory's... more
Being fit' means to have a flexible, absorptive and adjustable body, ready to live through sensations not yet tried and impossible to specify in advance. (Zygmunt Bauman, 2012) Data is cheaper than atta [wheat flour] (Lalu Yadav [a member... more
Final draft of the following publication: Schleusener, Simon (2020): 'You're Fired!' Retrotopian Desire and Right-Wing Class Politics. In: Gabriele Dietze/Julia Roth (Eds.): Right-Wing Populism and Gender. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag... more
Beginning from the premise (vis-à-vis wrestler-turned-scholar Laurence de Garis) that professional wrestling scholarship has historically overlooked the embodied, physical dimension of the form in favour of its drama, and reflecting on a... more
Why is it that, at a time when countless state officials are apologizing for historic wrongs and insisting that Canada has entered a period of reconciliation, many settlers continue to act towards indigenous peoples with unabated... more
This article examines the contemporary embrace of feminism by the mainstream media and among high-powered women. I begin by showing that not only is a neoliberal variant of feminism on the rise but that this feminism is producing a new... more
PSC 349, Varieties of Capitalism Professor Mark Dallas Farangis Abdurazokzoda Final Paper I, Farangis Abdurazokzoda, affirm that I have carried out all my academic endeavors with full academic honesty. Abstract: In his 1925 paper Physical... more
At a time when neoliberalism has become an accepted term in public debate to refer to the current state of modern societies and their political economies, Kean Birch critically analyses the conflicting theories that shape our... more
This interview revolves around critical thinking and its contradictions and aporias. Professor Brown starts by discussing critical thinking as an infinite but specific intellectual effort that cannot and shouldn’t be melded into a single... more
A partire dalla pubblicazione della traduzione italiana di La politica fuori dalla storia, di Wendy Brown, il saggio discute due questioni centrali per la teoria politica femminista contemporanea: la rivendicazione di diritti e la... more
En cada época ha de hacerse el intento de ganarle de nuevo la tradición al conformismo que está a punto de avasallarla. . . . Sólo tiene el don de encender en el pasado la chispa de la esperanza aquel historiador que esté traspasado por... more
Acabamos por amar nossas paixões e razoes de esquerda, nossas análises e convicções, mais do que amamos o mundo existente que presumivelmente pretendemos transformar com estes termos, ou o futuro que estaria alinhado com eles... Aquilo... more
Resenha de: BROWN, Wendy. Nas ruínas do neoliberalismo: a ascensão da política antidemocrática no Ocidente. São Paulo: Editora Politeia, 2019.
Human rights are a suspect project – this seems the only sensible starting point today. This suspicion, however, is not absolute and the desire to preserve and reform human rights persists for many of us. The most important contemporary... more
Estudio crítico de la relación entre la cosmología, la antropología y la teoría política aristotélica. Tesis de grado para optar por el título de Licenciatura en Filosofía por la Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (UASD)
This article adopts an analysis that explicitly politicises poverty and relates it to the concrete history of racialised capitalism and structural inequality that defined colonialism and apartheid and continues to persist and intensify in... more
En esta conversación que hemos mantenido con Wendy Brown, la autora analiza la relación actual entre neoliberalismo, nuevas formas del autoritarismo social y la radicalización de las derechas. Se explaya sobre el momento actual del... more
Through the lenses of contemporary terrorism, the paper charts the rise of global resentment against the background of the multiplication and denial of failure. The paper examines resentment and ressentiment as emotional responses to... more
The Introduction to 'Towards an Improper Politics' my new book just out with Edinburgh University Press!
Understanding political melancholy as central to the crisis of modernity and democracy implies a growing realization that melancholy teaches us something essential about different forms of political crisis and their affective modes. This... more
Tradução do terceiro capítulo de Undoing the Demos, livro no qual Wendy Brown procura compreender como a emergência do homo oeconomincus subjugou outras figurações e interpelações do humano. Brown apresenta, primeiro, uma leitura crítica... more
Patrick Wolfe notes that in settler colonization, invasion is a “structure rather than an event”. Put differently, violence is the invisible yet ongoing condition for the possibility of settler colonies as such. This is as true in Canada... more
Over the last years and, especially, during the last months, the building of new walls around the states, as well as the reinforcement and control of the borders, have had an enormous political and social presence. Wendy Brown (2010)... more
Anti-austerity politics are often theorised with an implicit intentionality of aiding the subaltern struggle against an oppressive government. Yet such perspectives tend to undermine the role of the people in seeking to validate their... more
Chapitre paru dans l'ouvrage dirigé par Karim Benyekhlef, «Au-delà de la représentation : les figures de la démocratie» (Montréal, éditions Thémis, 2016).
Kapitel aus: U. Bittlingmayer et al. (Hrsg.), Handbuch Kritische Theorie, Springer 2017 Das Verhältnis von Rechtlichem und Nichtrechtlichem ist weder gegensätzlich, noch komplementär, sondern paradox. Diese Behauptung will der vorliegende... more
The notion of sovereignty was invested with the claim to end the natural state of war, to make social life accessible to political decisions, to liberate man from heteronomy, to protect us from danger and despotism. My book aims to show... more