Welfare Analysis

572 papers
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Welfare analysis is a branch of economics that evaluates the well-being of individuals or society as a whole, assessing the efficiency and equity of resource allocation. It employs various metrics to measure welfare changes resulting from policy interventions, market changes, or economic conditions, aiming to inform decision-making and improve social welfare outcomes.
Welfare trade-offs between intellectual property (IP) protections provided by patents and by plant variety protection (PVP) are explored. PVP breeders' exemption weakens IP protection, but may speed the transfer of research gains across... more
We study the problem of inheritance and capital income optimal taxation in an economy with migration. In particular, we analyze the role played by the weights attached to the individual utility functions in the social welfare function. If... more
-2.98 -1.91 0.17 -2.50 -1.31 -0.84 Vietnam -2.49 -2.66 -1.71 -4.66 -1.50 -1.69 Myanmar -0.89 -1.62 0.23 -3.86 -2.18 -0.22 Indonesia -1.78 -2.91 -0.32 -3.84 -2.11 -0.90 Bangladesh -0.52 -1.02 -0.62 -3.09 -1.06 -0.40 India -0.15 -1.10 -0.13... more
This paper uses a dynamic overlapping-generations (OLG) general equilibrium model to analyze welfare effects in Slovenia, the macroeconomic effects of the Slovenian pension reform, and the effects of the pension fund deficit on the... more
The International Agricultural Trade and Policy Center (IATPC) was established in 1990 in the Food & Resource Economics Department (FRED) of the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) at the University of Florida. Its mission... more
Knowledge of the effect of unearned income on economic behavior of individuals in general, and on labor supply in particular, is of great importance to policy makers. Estimation of income effects, however, is a difficult problem because... more
This very fine book by three prominent economists-Browning at Oxford, Chiappori at Columbia, and Weiss at Tel Aviv-will provide an invaluable tool not only to population economists but also to labour economists (especially those with an... more
The EU banana market has been of enormous interest for researchers for a long time, especially after the import policy unification brought by the Common Market Organization for Bananas (CMOB) in 1993. Empirical evidence suggests that the... more
In the Winter 1999-2000 issue (Vol. 19, No.4) of this publication, Michael Trebilcock and Ralph Winter reviewed the state of the efficiency defence in the assessment of proposed mergers in Canada prior to the decision of the Competition... more
We suggest a methodology to calibrate a collective model with household specific bargaining rules and marriage specific preferences that incorporate leisure exter nalities. The empirical identification relies on the assumption that some... more
In addition to transferring about 16 percent of GDP from exporters to importers, Uzbekistan's quasi-fiscal multiple exchange rate regime generates identifiable welfare losses of 2-8 percent of GDP on import markets and up to 15 percent on... more
This paper studies the relationship between competition and incentives in an economy with financial contracts. We concentrate on non-exclusive credit relationships, those where an entrepreneur can simultaneously accept more than one... more
An optimal dynamic fiscal loss model for Turkey is presented in this note. The model is used as a benchmark to gauge the success of potential simple fiscal rules. Optimal linear and non-linear rules are shown to perform well.
HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of sci-entific research documents, whether they are pub-lished or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad,... more
The logsum formula, which provides the expected maximum utility for the multinomial logit model, is often used as a measure of welfare. We provide here a closed form formula of the welfare measure of an individual who has not access to... more
Integrability of incomplete demand systems is discussed. The concepts of weak integrability, quasi‐expenditure function, quasi‐indirect utility function, and quasi‐utility function are defined. Their relationships to the expenditure... more
I develop a model of (individually rational) collective reality denial in groups and organizations, or among participants in a market. More generally, I ask when individual tendencies toward wishful thinking and overoptimism reinforce or... more
This paper explores the business cycle implications of financial distress and bankruptcy law. We find that due to the presence of financial imperfections the effect of liquidations on the price of capital goods can generate endogenous... more
Reductions of social security contributions (RSSC) and a basic income (BI) (or the related Negative Income Tax) are considered in a dynamic general equilibrium framework with imperfect competition on the labour market (the... more
We develop a framework for economy-wide modelling of value-added tax systems. Our framework models a number of complexities of VAT systems as they are implemented by tax agencies. In particular, we model multiple rates, multiple... more
A widely shared intuition holds that individual control over money matters for the decision process within the household and the subsequent distribution of resources and welfare. As a consequence, there are good reasons to depart from the... more
The advent of e-government and the use of the Internet to connect governments to citizens and businesses have resulted into direct contact among government agencies and their customers. The development towards more direct interaction can... more
We prove a general identity which states that any element of a tuple (ordered set) can be obtained as an alternating binomial weighted sum of rst elements of some sub-tuples. The identity is then applied within the random utility models... more
We study the descriptive and the normative consequences of price and/or other attributes changes in additive random utility models. We …rst derive expressions for the transition choice probabilities associated to these changes. A... more
I lavori riflettono esclusivamente le opinioni degli autori e non impegnano la responsabilità del Dipartimento. SERIES e MATEF vogliono promuovere la circolazione di studi ancora preliminari e incompleti, per suscitare commenti critici e... more
We study the strategic choice of compatibility between two initially incompatible network goods in a two-stage game played by an incumbent and an entrant firm. Compatibility may be achieved by means of a converter. We derive a number of... more
Economic analysis of spectrum policy focuses on government revenues derived via competitive bidding for licenses. Auctions generating high bids are identified as “successful” and those with lower receipts as “fiascoes.” Yet spectrum... more
I. INTRODUCTION ¶1 Economists and policy makers have embraced "spectrum auctions." 1 Assigning wireless licenses to high bidders places assets with the most productive firms, reduces rent-seeking costs incurred by comparative hearings or... more
Significant progress has been made recently by African countries towards signing the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) with the European Union (EU), following twelve years of intense negotiations. Shifting from unilateral trade... more
Personalization is an integral part of e-commerce strategy today. A unique feature of personalization is that it requires users to provide a certain amount of personal information to the service provider, thus giving rise to an... more
On 16 January 2003, the WTO Appellate Body issued its report on United States – Continued Dumping And Subsidy Offset Act Of 2000 (WTO Doc. WT/DS217 and 234/AB/R). In this report, the Appellate Body condemned the so-called US Byrd... more
This project owes much to my dissertation committee members Michael Woodford, Steven Davis and Lars Hansen. Comments from Dale Mortensen, Daron Acemoglu, Eric Smith, and Asher Wolinsky also helped me clarify some ideas before I wrote this... more
, and many supportive friends and helpful seminar participants. All errors, of course, are my o wn. 2 This paper comprises the core sections of my dissertation, Costain (Aug. 1997).
This project owes much to my dissertation committee members Michael Woodford, Steven Davis and Lars Hansen. Comments from Dale Mortensen, Daron Acemoglu, Eric Smith, and Asher Wolinsky also helped me clarify some ideas before I wrote this... more
The Andrew Young School of Policy Studies was established at Georgia State University with the objective of promoting excellence in the design, implementation, and evaluation of public policy. In addition to two academic departments... more
In 2009-10 governments around the world implemented unprecedented fiscal stimulus in order to counter the impact of the Global Financial Crisis of 2008-09. This paper analyses the impact of fiscal stimulus using a dynamic open economy,... more
Motivated by the revival of Keynesian-inspired fiscal activism in response to the global financial crisis of 2008-09, this paper analyses stylised simulations of fiscal stimulus using an overlapping generations model that allows for... more
Motivated by the revival of Keynesian-inspired fiscal activism in response to the global financial crisis of 2008-09, this paper analyses stylised simulations of fiscal stimulus using an overlapping generations model that allows for... more
In 2009-10 governments around the world implemented unprecedented fiscal stimulus in order to counter the impact of the Global Financial Crisis of 2008-09. This paper analyses the impact of fiscal stimulus using a dynamic open economy,... more
1 ISEL - Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, and FEUNL - Faculdade de Economia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa Departamento de Engenharia Electrotécnica e Automação Rua Conselheiro Emídio Navarro, 1 - 1950-062 Lisboa - Portugal... more
Economics Meetings, for useful comments. We are also indebted to Xiaochen Fan and Eduardo Perez for able research assistance. Bernheim gratefully acknowledges financial support from the NSF (SES-0452300 and SES-0752854). Rangel gratefully... more
This paper incorporates anticipated and unexpected shocks to bank capital into a DSGE model with a banking sector. We apply this model to study Basel III countercyclical capital requirements and their implications for banking stability... more
This paper incorporates anticipated and unexpected shocks to bank capital into a DSGE model with a banking sector. We apply this model to study Basel III countercyclical capital requirements and their implications for banking stability... more
This paper incorporates anticipated and unanticipated shocks to bank capital into a DSGE model with a banking sector. We apply this model to study Basel III countercyclical capital requirements and their implications for banking stability... more
Stated preference surveys often provide ambiguous descriptions of ecological commodities, yielding welfare estimates that have unclear interpretations and cannot be linked to measurable outcomes. This paper proposes guidelines to promote... more
This paper reexamines the speed of convergence in a one-sector growth model under fairly general conditions with respect to both production and preferences. We investigate the response of the rate of convergence to the intratemporal... more