Interpretation of petrophysical log is one of the most useful and important tools in petroleum geology. Well logs help determine the physical characteristics of a reservoir, such as lithology, porosity, permeability, producer regions and... more
Estimation of average treatment effects under unconfoundedness or exogenous treatment assignment is often hampered by lack of overlap in the covariate distributions. This lack of overlap can lead to imprecise estimates and can make... more
In this article, we propose a novel beta binomial OWA operator (BBN-OWAO) based on the beta binomial distribution. The proposed biparametric operator can generate an unlimited number of weight vectors, irrespective of the total number of... more
A natural, altered zircon crystal from an alkaline pegmatite from the Zomba-Malosa Complex of the Chilwa Alkaline Province in Malawi has been studied by a wide range of analytical techniques to understand the alteration process. The... more
A natural, altered zircon crystal from an alkaline pegmatite from the Zomba-Malosa Complex of the Chilwa Alkaline Province in Malawi has been studied by a wide range of analytical techniques to understand the alteration process. The... more
The capsular components of the human pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans are transported to the extracellular space and then used for capsule enlargement by distal growth. It is not clear, however, how the glucuronoxylomannan (GXM) fibers... more
Carrageenan was isolated under different extraction conditions from Kappaphycus alvarezii collected in North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Its gel properties include very strong elasticity even at low concentrations. Molecular weight and... more
Intercept-based methods of generating a point estimate of a calibrated radiocarbon date are very popular, but exhibit undesirable behaviour. They are highly sensitive to the mean of the radiocarbon date and to adjustments of the... more
This paper first describes the atmospheric correction algorithm for OCTS visible band data used at NASDA/EOC. Sharing a basic structure with Gordon and Wang's SeaWiFS algorithm, it uses 10 candidate aerosol models including the "Asian... more
A total of 59 rainwater samples were collected during the winter and monsoon at Dayalbagh, Agra. This site is relatively free from the influence of anthropogenic emissions and the volume-weighted average concentrations (VWA) of formate in... more
I thank Bill Dupor, Joao Gomes, and Skander van den Heuvel for helpful discussion, Martin Gervais and Carlos Garriga for helpful correspondence, the Penn Macro Lunch Group, seminars at Carnegie-Mellon University, the University of... more
The objective of this study was to characterize the small ruminant value chain in the Northern Jordan, map out its stakeholders and their roles, and identify the challenges facing it in order to improve its production efficiency and... more
This paper shows that the distribution of observed consumption is not a good proxy for the distribution of heterogeneous consumers when the current tariff is an increasing block tariff. We use a two step method to recover the... more
Brazil has experienced,crucial changes,in its in‡ation process since the adoption,of in‡ation targeting,in mid,1999. This article addresses,changes,in the analytical framework,employed to track the in‡ation dynamics, speci…cally the... more
We analyzed the dynamics of freshwater marsh vegetation of Taylor Slough in eastern Everglades National Park for the 1979 to 2003 period, focusing on cover of individual plant species and on cover and composition of marsh communities in... more
RNA-Seq analysis and de novo transcriptome assembly of Coffea arabica and Coffea eugenioides : P0068
Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) has long been cultivated as a vegetable and as a source of fructans (inulin) for pharmaceutical applications in diabetes and obesity prevention. However, transcriptomic and genomic data for... more
Recently, Chen et al. proposed a method for compressing color-quantized images that is based on a binary tree representation of colors and on context-based arithmetic coding with variable size templates. In this paper, we address the... more
Capacity choice or expansion, whether organic or via mergers and acquisitions, creates firms of widely varying scales. The ex-post profitability of such a transformed firm relative to its original size will typically be evaluated on ratio... more
Two short sediment cores from the Archipelago Sea in the northern Baltic Sea were examined for their siliceous microfossils in order to study recent eutrophication in the area. The diatom record was divided into diatom assemblage zones.... more
ABSTRACTThe accuracy of using near‐infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) for predicting 186 grain, milling, flour, dough, and breadmaking quality parameters of 100 hard red winter (HRW) and 98 hard red spring (HRS) wheat and flour samples was... more
We investigated the potential for using diatoms to monitor and assess nutrient enrichment in coastal plain streams using weighted-averaging inference models and diatom trophic indices. Samples were collected from low-gradient, clay-to... more
Fifty-two accessions of Canarium involving seven species, C. ovatum, C. album, C. megalanthum, C. harveyi, C. indicum, C. mehenbethene, and C. odontophyllum were studied for isozyme polymorphisms. Starch gel electrophoresis with a... more
If one firm buys inputs from a competitor, the input price may be used to internalize the competition between the firms. Thus, positive pricing pressure may arise if one firm starts to buy inputs from a competitor. Conversely, pricing... more
The glass transition during bulk polymerization was studied in free-radical crosslinking copolymerization (FCC) of ethyl methacrylate (EMA), using both the steady-state fluorescence (SSF) and the fast transient fluorescence (FTRF)... more
A mosaic of four UIT far-UV (FUV) (λ ef f = 1620 Å) images, with derived stellar and HII region photometry, is presented for most of the Bar of the SMC. The UV morphology of the SMC's Bar shows that recent star formation there has left... more
This paper uses data from the Philippines to examine the impact of trade on workers. The empirical analysis is based on two exercises. The first uses industry-level panel data from the Philippines' manufacturing sector to examine how... more
How should species cover be weighted when calculating average indicator values of vegetation relevés? Location: The Netherlands. Method: Various weighting methods were statistically investigated with 188 relevés from The Netherlands for... more
We improve estimates of stellar mass and mass-weighted average age of Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) host galaxies by combining UV and near-IR photometry with optical photometry in our analysis. Using 206 SNe Ia drawn from the full three-year... more
Parameter estimation under model uncertainty is a difficult and fundamental issue in econometrics. This paper compares the performance of various model averaging techniques. In particular, it contrasts Bayesian model averaging... more
Parameter estimation under model uncertainty is a difficult and fundamental issue in econometrics. This paper compares the performance of various model averaging techniques. In particular, it contrasts Bayesian model averaging... more
(24Jan09) an explosive cyclogenesis placed at the Gulf of Vizcaya, reached its maximum intensity with observed surface pressures below 970 hPa on its center. During its path through the south of France there were strong westerly and... more
(24Jan09) an explosive cyclogenesis placed at the Gulf of Vizcaya, reached its maximum intensity with observed surface pressures below 970 hPa on its center. During its path through the south of France there were strong westerly and... more
Biofilm modeling is often considered as a complex mathematical subject. This paper evaluates simple equations to describe the basic processes in a biofilm system with the main aim to show several interesting applications. To avoid... more
Coal blends combustion is widely practised in blast furnace ironmaking and in coal-fired power stations. It is desirable to be able to characterize the burning performance of coal blends prior to full scale trials. A three-dimensional... more
We have explained in detail why the canonical partition function of interacting self-avoiding walk (ISAW) is exactly equivalent to the configurational average of the weights associated with growth walks, such as the interacting growth... more
Abstract: Interacting Growth Walks is a recently proposed stochastic model for studying the coil-globule transition of linear polymers. We propose a flat energy histogram version for Interacting Growth Walk. We demonstrate the algorithm... more
Truck freight terminals are predominantly located near highways and industrial facilities. This proximity to pollution sources, coupled with meteorological conditions and wind patterns, may affect occupational exposures to particles at... more
We have obtained a second epoch observation of the Cassiopeia A supernova remnant (SNR) with the Chandra X-ray Observatory to measure detailed X-ray proper motions for the first time. Both epoch observations are 50 ks exposures of the... more
In vivo random mutagenesis of the polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) synthase gene from Aeromonas punctata was performed employing the mutator strain Escherichia coli XL1-Red. About 200,000 mutants were screened on Nile red-containing medium and... more
Imprecise or vague importance as well as satisfaction levels of criteria may characterize the evaluation of alternative network security systems and may be treated by the fuzzy set theory. As fuzzy numbers are adopted, the fuzzy weighted... more
Site managers need to be kept abreast of the challenges of ever-changing construction technology, knowledge ideology, management techniques, dynamic nature of construction site works and this requires training and retraining. The aim of... more
Pressure drop is one of the most important characteristics of a fibrous media. While numerous analytical, numerical, and experimental published works are available for predicting the permeability of media made up of fibers with a unimodal... more
In this note, an easy-to-use two-dimensional model is developed to predict the instantaneous pressure drop and collection efficiency of circular pleated filters as a function of time in both the surface and depth filtration regimes. Our... more
Pressure drop is one of the most important characteristics of a fibrous media. While numerous analytical, numerical, and experimental published works are available for predicting the permeability of media made up of fibers with a unimodal... more
In this paper, the optimization of multi-pass milling has been investigated in terms of two objectives: machining time and production cost. An advanced search algorithm-parallel genetic simulated annealing (PGSA)was used to obtain the... more