In the today's world, security is required to transmit confidential information over the network. Security is also demanding in wide range of applications. Cryptographic algorithms play a vital role in providing the data security... more
Web Services technology has the potential to cater an enterprise's needs, providing the ability to integrate different systems and application types regardless of their platform, operating system, programming language, or location. Web... more
Roosevelt, Christopher H. 2021. “Location Matters: Mapping Anatolian Pasts for Research and the Public.” In Spatial Webs: Mapping Anatolian Pasts for Research and the Public, edited by Christopher H. Roosevelt, 5–26. Koç University... more
Roosevelt, Christopher H. 2020. “Konumun Önemi: Geçmişin Dijital Olarak Haritalandırılmasında Disiplin Çeşitliliği ve Toplumla İş Birliği.” In Mekânsal Ağlar: Araştırma ve Kamu için Anadolu'nun Geçmişini Haritalamak. Düzenlenen:... more
Roosevelt, Christopher H. 2021. “Preface.” In Spatial Webs: Mapping Anatolian Pasts for Research and the Public, edited by Christopher H. Roosevelt, vii–viii. Koç University Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations (ANAMED) Series.... more
Roosevelt, C. H., ed. 2021. Spatial Webs: Mapping Anatolian Pasts for Research and the Public. Koç University Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations (ANAMED) Series. Istanbul: Koç University Press. ISBN 9786057685377
Roosevelt, C. H., ed. 2020. Mekânsal Ağlar: Araştırma ve Kamu Erişimi İçin Anadolu’nun Geçmişinin Haritalandırılması. İstanbul: Anadolu Medeniyetleri Araştırma Merkezi. ISBN 9786057685537
Roosevelt, Christopher H. 2020. “Önsöz.” In Mekânsal Ağlar: Araştırma ve Kamu için Anadolu'nun Geçmişini Haritalamak. Düzenlenen: Christopher H. Roosevelt, vii–viii. Istanbul: Koç University Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations.... more
Security of data is the challenging aspects of modern information technology. An improved cryptology algorithm is introduced in this paper to offer comparatively higher security. We divide our message into several blocks as 8bits per... more
The code in this replication package constructs the analysis file from four main data sources (2009 DPD AVL Data, 2009 DPD 911 Call Data (sde_call2009.dta), 2009 DPD Arrest Data (sde_arre), 2009 DPD Crime Data (sde_crim.dta)) using... more
This research aims to develop a system to monitor moving objects via web. The moving objects could be owned by individuals or company and can be used and managed independently. The system consists of three subsystems namely Mobile... more
Pada skripsi ini penulis membuat alat dengan judul Prototype Penentuan Letak Sepeda Motor dengan Menggunakan GPS (Global Positioning System). Alat ini diharapkan mampu menentukan letak sepeda motor secara akurat. Alat ini terdiri dari dua... more
ABSTRAK Sistem pemantauan kendaraan yang berbasis pelacakan Global Positioning System (GPS) umumnya hanya menggunakan data posisi garis lintang dan garis bujur (latitude dan longitude) sebagai acuan pemantauan lokasi kendaraan tersebut.... more
We present the design and implementation of an empirical synchronous remote study for exploring the relation between spatial ability and performance on webmapping services involving undergraduate University students; digital natives. The... more
İçerik Yönetim Sistemleri Günümüzde küçük ve orta ölçekli kurumlar ağırlıklı olmak üzere, birçok kurum ve şirket tarafından İçerik Yönetim Sistemleri (İYS) yaygın bir şekilde kullanılmaktadır. Bunun altında yatan gerekçeler... more
On this place, I would like to thanks for understanding to all those, who I have been neglecting or ignoring completely during my work on this thesis-namely my partner Kateřina, my family, my friends and colleagues. Big thanks goes to... more
Over the past year, members of the Institute of Geomatics Engineering (IVGI) at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) have developed the "IVGI Noise App", an application to map and view noise level... more
The idea behind the Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe (INSPIRE) project was to provide EU citizens with access to various types of information, including environmental protection and spatial management data. These resources... more
Skripsi ini membahas tentang perancangan dan implementasi program converter untuk sebuah sistem penerbangan yang sedang dikembangkan oleh BPPT (Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi). Tujuan dari skripsi ini adalah untuk membantu... more
With the increasing adoption of cloud computing, ensuring high availability and fault tolerance has become paramount for organizations. Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers a robust infrastructure for hosting applications, but it requires... more
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan sebuah sistem baru dengan memanfaatkan teknologi yang sudah ada, yaitu GPS (Global Positioning System). Dimana data yang di terima oleh GPS receiver dari sinyal-sinyal yang dipancarkan oleh... more
Tulisan ini menjelaskan rancangan rangkaian pelacak kendaraan menggunakan mikrokontroler AVR sebagai kontroler untuk membaca posisi kendaraan melalui GPS receiver, mematikan kendaraan dan menginformasikannya ke pengguna melalui telepon... more
Pada skripsi ini penulis membuat alat dengan judul Prototype Penentuan Letak Sepeda Motor dengan Menggunakan GPS (Global Positioning System). Alat ini diharapkan mampu menentukan letak sepeda motor secara akurat. Alat ini terdiri dari dua... more
Abstract–Pollution of the environment is a problem of the modern age. The technology developed and used over the past decades has left serious consequences on human environment and implied the need for resolving them. Preserving quality... more
Today, landscapes, cities, and infrastructure networks are commonly captured at regular intervals using LiDAR or image-based remote sensing technologies. The resulting point clouds, representing digital snapshots of the reality, are used... more
Transportation networks, such as streets, railroads or metro systems, constitute primary elements in cartography for reckoning and navigation. In recent years, they have become an increasingly important part of 3D virtual environments for... more
Due to the advances in computer graphics and improved network speed it is now possible to navigate in 3D virtual world in real time. Until now, technologies employed require to install standalone application or plugins on navigators. The... more
Prototype of vehicle Tracking Position Detection System uses ATmega328 Microcontroller-Based CSD Communication. This system is designed to detect the position of the vehicle wherever it is either the position of the vehicle at the time of... more
Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data are used for geological analysis when other data are not accessible for morphology and structure identification. DEM data due to its quick availability and less expense is used for enhancing accuracy.... more
Energy is an essential factor of the economy, the national security of a nation as well as standard of living. Kenya's Vision 2030 identifies energy as one of the major enablers of infrastructure development under the socioeconomic... more
Thesis (M.Sc., Ecology)--Prince of Songkla University, 201
An efficient water management, not only allows significant savings in costs of irrigation, but also an effective control on the quality of products, which can have obvious consequences on income operation and reducing the environmental... more
An efficient water management, not only allows significant savings in costs of irrigation, but also an effective control on the quality of products, which can have obvious consequences on income operation and reducing the environmental... more
Mount Rotolon (Eastern Italian Alps) is affected by a complex landslide that, since 1985, is threatening the nearby village of Recoaro Terme. The first written proof of a landslide occurrence dated back to 1798. After the last... more
Menurut International Data Corporation (IDC) pada 2010 lalu, jumlah software house atau Independent Software Vendor (ISV) di Indonesia pada 2006 tercatat sekitar 250 pebisnis. Saat ini telah ada semacam inkubasi bagi ide-ide perusahaan TI... more
Nowadays the water quality monitoring project that had been doing by government institution is increase due to decreasing of water quality. Many methods and techniques are developed for water quality monitoring. The communication... more
2Aplikasi penunjuk arah yang ada saat ini telah memiliki kemampuan untuk melacak suatu lokasi dalam tampilan peta 2D dan 3D. Walaupun aplikasi tersebut menjadi pilihan pengguna smartphone dalam pelacakan lokasi, perkembangan perangkat... more
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan merancang suatu aplikasi yang dapat memantau posisi bus saat sedang berjalan pada jalur yang telah ditentukan yaitu area Yogyakarta-Solo. Aplikasi yang digunakan dapat memantau posisi bus... more
Sistem layanan data telemedika konvensional di Indonesia selama ini masih dilakukan secara manual yaitu paper based document. Dengan adanya teknologi berbasis radio paket yang gratis ini dapat membantu tim medis puskesmas mengirim pesan... more
İçerik Yönetim Sistemleri Günümüzde küçük ve orta ölçekli kurumlar ağırlıklı olmak üzere, birçok kurum ve şirket tarafından İçerik Yönetim Sistemleri (İYS) yaygın bir şekilde kullanılmaktadır. Bunun altında yatan gerekçeler... more
Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data are used for geological analysis when other data are not accessible for morphology and structure identification. DEM data due to its quick availability and less expense is used for enhancing accuracy.... more
Untuk mempercepat recovery apabila terjadi kegagalan pada sebuah sistem informasi, diperlukan pemantauan secara berkala pada endpoint-endpoint milik web service untuk mendeteksi apakah terdapat endpoint yang tidak bekerja dengan baik.... more
Telemetry, Tracking, and Command (TT&C) is part of the satellite subsystem that functions as a communication link between satellites and ground stations. The TT&C systems provide the uplink for command, downlink for monitoring parameters... more
Many Information Technology (IT) tools play a vital role in the business world due to their wider applicability. Extremely competitive retail environment necessitates retailers to choose new store locations strategically. GIS with its... more
PTIPD (Pusat Teknologi Informasi dan Pangkalan Data) merupakan salah satu unit pelaksana teknis. PTIPD mempunyai tugas mengelola dan mengembangkan sistem informasi manajemen, pengembangan, pemeliharaan jaringan dan aplikasi, pengelolaan... more
We present the results of a comparative study among four well-known web mapping services. The study explored how digital natives (young people under 30 years old who were born and raised with technology and smart devices) interact with... more