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In this work, two embroidered chipless octagonal-shaped RFID tags on cotton fabric for wearable applications are presented. The first tag is designed by using silver-coated polyamide conductive fibre (HC12) and the second tag is... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsWearable TechnologiesWearable sensorsFrequency Selective Surfaces
First generation solar panels are based on crystalline silicon and are predominantly rigid. These panels have been reduced in size and are commercially available to consumers to provide solar energy on the go. Several second PV... more
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      Photovoltaic Solar CellsPerovskite Based Solar CellsWearables Electonics
Interview regarding issues raised in Susan Elizabeth Ryan's book, Garments of Paradise. Geert Lovink and Rebecca Louise Breuer
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      Fashion TheoryDress StudiesHistory of DressFashion History
We have developed a system for automatic facial expression recognition, which runs on Google Glass and delivers real-time social cues to the wearer. We evaluate the system as a behavioral aid for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceHuman Computer InteractionPediatricsComputer Vision
Wearable products with high tech content for any sport activity or exercise could perform to fulfil unmet needs or goals. The research investigated consumption goals and product evaluation with the Goal-Based Model for a study of smart... more
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      Wearable ComputingAttribution TheoryConsumption StudiesWearable Technologies