Intraplate earthquakes are ongoing activity in the Kachchh region. The area is seismically active and falls in Zone V of the seismic Zoning Map of India. The devastating Bhuj (Kachchh) Earthquake of MS 7.6 occurred in this zone on 26 th... more
Summary Here we present an example of a refraction and reflection FWI case study, from offshore Norway, using various minimization norms, in order to obtain reliable and robust parameter models to address deep imaging challenges... more
Gravity data from Iceland and its surroundings are analysed and modelled with respect to seismic data. A Bouguer gravity map of Iceland is recomputed based on admittance between the topography and the gravity and with corrections for... more
Los grandes sismos en la zona de subducción de México presentan, en ocasiones, agrupamientos espacio-temporales. Ha sido sugerido que dichos agrupamientos pueden ser debidos a la interacción de esfuerzos entre estos eventos. En este... more
The lithosphere of the South American continent has been studied little, especially in northern Brazil (the Amazonian region). A 3D lithospheric S-velocity model of South America was obtained by first carrying out Rayleigh and Love wave... more
The paper reviews the results of GPR surveying for determining old cement concrete slabs location under asphalt concrete pavement on section of the Highway М-2 “Crimea” in the Moscow Region of the Russian Federation. For survey the GPR... more
Two great underthrusting earthquakes that occurred along the coast of Peru in 2001 and 2007 involve spatiotemporal slip distributions that differ from the predominantly unilateral or bilateral rupture expansion of many great events.... more
In this study, an integrated multi-channel analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) technique is applied to explore the geotechnical parameters of subsurface layers at the Zafarana wind farm. Moreover, a seismic hazard procedure based on the... more
There are several subduction systems near the Japanese islands. The 2011 Mw9.0 Tohoku-oki megathrust earthquake occurred at the northeastern Japan subduction zone and revealed a complementary relation between the slip areas for huge... more
The Gulf of Aqaba is one of the most active places around Egypt, with several earthquake sequences having occurred there through ancient and modern times. In the last century, four earthquake sequences took place in the gulf (1983, 1990,... more
IndIan earthquakes * Deslgnmg of attenuatIOn relatIOnshIps for dIfferent regIOns of the country * PreparatIOn of seIsmiC Hazard maps incorporatIng SOlI charactenstlcs, liquefactiOn potential sIte response and better attenuatIon... more
We use a two-stage nonlinear technique to invert strong motions records and geodetic data to retrieve the rupture history of an earthquake on a finite fault. The unknown model parameters, spatially variable peak slip velocity, slip... more
ABSTRACTPore pressure in sediments beneath salt in the Gulf of Mexico varies widely creating a potentially dangerous and difficult drilling challenge. Estimating elastic parameters of sediments beneath salt is key to the prediction of... more
ABSTRACTPore pressure in sediments beneath salt in the Gulf of Mexico varies widely creating a potentially dangerous and difficult drilling challenge. Estimating elastic parameters of sediments beneath salt is key to the prediction of... more
An all-optical inverter using transverse-mode switching of a 1.55-m vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser is demonstrated. When an external light is injected to a first high-order mode, the output power of the fundamental mode is... more
Source parameters for 40 earthquakes with epicentres in the Aegean Sea and the surrounding lands have been determined using P and SH body waveform inversion of digital waveforms from the Global Seismograph Network (GSN). These results are... more
The Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt (TMVB) is oblique to the subduction zone. Background seismicity is very low. Nevertheless, two large instrumental earthquakes were recorded: the 1912 Acambay (M w 6.9) and the 1920 Jalapa (M w 6.4)... more
The Trans‐Mexican Volcanic Belt (TMVB) is oblique to the subduction zone. Background seismicity is very low. Nevertheless, two large instrumental earthquakes were recorded: the 1912 Acambay (Mw 6.9) and the 1920 Jalapa (Mw 6.4)... more
We analyze seismic and acoustic data from a series of controlled truck bomb explosions to develop scaling laws and functional relations between charge size and various waveform properties. The explosions had yields of 3-12 ן 10 3 kg... more
Reservoirs with vertically aligned fractures can be represented equivalently by HTI (horizontal transverse isotropy) media. But inverting for the anisotropic parameters of HTI media is a challenging inverse problem, because of... more
The 26th January 2001 Bhuj earthquake was followed by intense aftershock activity. Aftershock data from United States Geological Survey (USGS) utilized in this study encompasses three months period from 26th January to 26th April 2001.... more
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will... more
We have analyzed 44 micro-earthquakes with magnitudes between 1.2 and 3.4, which occurred in the Dobrá Voda area, Slovakia, in the period 2001-2009. The epicentres of the micro-earthquakes form a cluster elongated in the ENE-WSW... more
A right-lateral shear zone in the San-in region, southwest Japan, has been proposed by previous geological and seismological studies. It locates 350 km north of the Nankai Trough, that is, the main plate boundary between the subducting... more
Recovering physical properties such as attenuation and velocity of the Earth's heterogeneities is as important as recovering the shape and the surface reflectivity of the heterogeneities themselves. A reliable estimate of attenuation in... more
The present study presents the analysis of a moderate earthquake (Mw 4.0) and its largest aftershocks located along the Red Sea coast, southwestern Saudi Arabia, with the aim to understand the enigma of peculiar seismicity in the Arabian... more
The southern San Jacinto fault zone is characterized by high seismicity and a complex fault pattern that offers an excellent setting for investigating interactions between distinct faults. This fault zone is roughly outlined by two... more
The Bartin earthquake of September 3. 1968 is the strongest instrumentally recorded earthquake to occur along the Black Sea margin in northwestern Turkey. The source mechanism of the Bartin earthquake, as determined in this study from... more
We have determined the source mechanisms (double‐couple orientation, moment, centroid depth, source time function) of 14 earthquakes on the northern Mid‐Atlantic Ridge (0°–72°N) from an inversion of long‐period P and SH waveforms. The... more
Teleseismic body waves from large earthquakes are used to study the downdip geometry of continental normal faults in the Aegean. Waveform modeling techniques together with rigorous statistical tests are applied to put firm bounds on the... more
A sequence of small earthquakes occurred in Central Mexico, at the northern edge of the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt (TMVB) in the State of Queretaro, during the first 3 months of 1998. Medium to large events in the continental regime of... more
The southern San Jacinto fault zone is characterized by high seismicity and a complex fault pattern that offers an excellent setting for investigating interactions between distinct faults. This fault zone is roughly outlined by two... more
Teleseismic body waves from large earthquakes are used to study the downdip geometry of continental normal faults in the Aegean. Waveform modeling techniques together with rigorous statistical tests are applied to put firm bounds on the... more
We present a stochastic inversion procedure for common-offset ground-penetrating radar (GPR) reflection measurements. Stochastic realizations of subsurface properties that offer an acceptable fit to GPR data are generated via simulated... more
Study of source parameters of small to moderate and large earthquakes is important to under-stand the differences and similarities between dynamic ruptures of different earthquakes and cla-rifying the scaling relations. In the present... more
Study of source parameters of small to moderate and large earthquakes is important to understand the differences and similarities between dynamic ruptures of different earthquakes and clarifying the scaling relations. In the present... more
The east coast of the Tohoku district, Japan has a high seismicity, including aftershocks of the 2011 M9 Tohoku earthquake. We analyzed 1142 earthquakes with$$4.4 \le M_{W} \le 5.0$$4.4≤MW≤5.0that occurred in 2003 through 2018 and... more
In this research, multi-configuration electromagnetic induction (EMI) measurements were conducted in a corn field to estimate variation in soil electrical conductivity profiles in the roots zone. Electromagnetic forward model based on the... more
Extension of permanent seismic networks is usually governed by a number of technical, economic, logistic, and other factors. Planned upgrade of the network can be justified by theoretical assessment of the network capability in terms of... more
Tsunami observations play an important role in resolving offshore earthquake slip distributions. Nondispersive shallow-water models are often used with a static initial sea surface pulse derived from seafloor deformation in computation of... more
The earth structure between C052198B, and observatory stations in Australia has been investigated through analysis in the time domain seismograms are constructed from an earth model, the CMT solution of the earthquake and station location... more
On October 8th, 2010, a 5.0 m b earthquake with intensity VI (MM) occurred close to Mara Rosa, in the North of Goi as State, central Brazil, in an area where previous low magnitude seismicity had been observed. This earthquake was felt up... more
We performed a 3D seismic tomography study of the northwest Alborz region in Iran, by inversion of P-wave arrival times of nearly 250 local earthquakes recorded at 13 permanent stations between 2006 and 2010. We applied the simultaneous... more