Water use efficiency
Recent papers in Water use efficiency
Water value as agriculture production may be overlooked, though it is an important factor to rational water allocations within a region. An analysis of cotton (Upland and Pima) lint yield, lint yieldconsumptive use ratio (LY:ET c ),... more
In the humid and sub-humid areas, agricultural production is largely rain fed and this needs to be urgently supplemented by irrigation practice if the country is to meet its food demand. A two years study was carried out at the... more
Biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) as a result of the legumes-rhizobia symbioses is the main source of nitrogen in organic farming systems. Lucerne (Medicago sativa L.), used as green manure or as forage legume, is important on arable... more
This study reports the seasonal assessment of energy balance components and carbon dioxides fluxes over a drip irrigated kiwifruit orchard, with a Leaf Area Index (LAI) of 3 at full canopy development. The most remarkable amount of energy... more
Growth and water uptake both decreases when tomato plants are irrigated with saline water. To determine the relative contribution of physiological traits to these decreases plant fresh and dry weight, leaf area, leaf water (c w) and... more
In large canal irrigation project areas, integrated management of surface and groundwater resources can improve water use efficiencies and agricultural productivity and also control water logging. Such integrated management requires an... more
La evapotranspiración y necesidades de riego del arroz son un tema pendiente. Se ha determinado la evapotranspiración de un arroz tipo indica a partir de técnicas de covarianza de torbellinos. Se propone un método para la determinación... more
Photosynthetic capacity, leaf nitrogen content, and stomatal conductance decreased with increasing leaf age in the chaparral shrub, Lepechinia calycina, growing in its natural habitat. Efficiency of resource use for three resources that... more
Soil organic matter (SOM) is known to play a major role in soil fertility due to its influence on physical, chemical and biological properties of soil; and it is closely related to particle size distribution. The ratio of SOM (g kg À1 )... more
Programación del riego en caña de azúcar en una zona semiárida del estado lara, Venezuela, utilizando la metodología fao-56
Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is the most important cereal crop after rice in India. Optimum schedule of irrigation for wheat and its response to irrigation based on the ratio of irrigation water and cumulative pan evaporation (irrigation... more
States rivers due to lack of overbank flooding, is a major factor in the replacement of native riparian species by invasive species.
Scarcity and competition for water are matters of increasing concern, as are potential shortages of food. These issues intersect both within the agricultural sector and across all water using sectors. Irrigation is by far the largest user... more
Cassava or manioc (Manihot esculenta Crantz), a perennial shrub of the New World, currently is the sixth world food crop for more than 500 million people in tropical and sub-tropical Africa, Asia and Latin America. It is cultivated mainly... more
The effects of pre-anthesis water deficit and cycle length were examined in Papaver somniferum L., cultivated for alkaloid production, in two locations in southern Spain. The vegetative period was shortened by extending the photoperiod... more
Soilless cultivation is a method that permits the achievement of high yields, good control of plant growth and development, and is currently in practice all over the world. Several irrigation systems have been developed for... more
Scarcity of water is a severe environmental constraint to plant productivity. Drought-induced loss in crop yield probably exceeds losses from all other causes, since both the severity and duration of the stress are critical. Here, we have... more
In many parts of the world, freshwater is already a scarce and overexploited natural resource, raising concerns about global food security and damage to freshwater ecosystems. This situation is expected to intensify with the FAO... more
Scarcity of water is a severe environmental constraint to plant productivity. Drought-induced loss in crop yield probably exceeds losses from all other causes, since both the severity and duration of the stress are critical. Here, we have... more
The water balance and growth of Eucalyptus grandis hybrid plantations in Brazil are presented based on 6 years of intensive catchment hydrology, physiological and forest growthsurveying, and modelling. The results show a balance between... more
A field study on cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L., cv.) was carried out from 2005 to 2008 in the Çukurova Region, Eastern Mediterranean, Turkey. Treatments were designated as I100 full irrigation; DI70, DI50 and DI00 which received 70, 50,... more
Soil erosion and moisture stress are the major problems for crop production and sustainable land management in Ethiopia. This study was conducted to determine whether incorporation of crop residues modifies the physical properties of the... more
The effect of elevated CO2 concentrations (545 and 700 μmol mol−1) on gas exchange and stomatal response of four high Δ9-THC yielding varieties of Cannabis sativa (HPM, K2, MX and W1) was studied to assess their response to the rising... more
Seshoka, J.; de Lange, W.; Faysse, N. 2004. The transformation of irrigation boards into water user associations in South Africa: Case Studies of the Lower Olifants, Great Letaba and Vaalharts Water User Associations. Working Paper 72.... more
Barbados is almost wholly reliant on groundwater as its source of water largely due to replenishment during the wettest 1-3 months of the year. Annual renewable freshwater resources place it in the top 15 of the world's most water scarce... more
The combined application of cattle manure and inorganic fertilizer has been widely recommended in the context of integrated soil fertility management (ISFM) on smallholder farms in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). However, the conditions under... more
Chitosan (CHT) is a natural compound able to activate the plant own defence machinery against pathogen attacks and to reduce both transpiration and stomatal opening when applied as foliar spray. The data here reported show that... more
The production of dry matter and grain depends on the ability of crops to capture resources. On an annual basis, farming systems centred on single crops waste large proportions of key inputs including incoming solar radiation and... more
Irrigation frequency is one of the most important factors in irrigation scheduling, and a proper irrigation frequency can establish moderate moist and oxygen conditions in the root zone throughout the crop growth period. This study was... more
Efficient water delivery systems such as drip irrigation can contribute towards increasing crop yield potential, improving crop water and fertilizer use efficiency. However, critical management considerations such as subsurface drip... more
Straightforward guidelines for deficit irrigation (DI) can help in increasing crop water productivity in agriculture. To elaborate such guidelines, crop models assist in assessing the conjunctive effect of different environmental stresses... more
This study was conducted to determine the influence of irrigation regimes on yield of two tomato cultivars – TY-DANA and GS12. Experimental treatments were three irrigation intervals (2, 4, and 6 days), and three irrigation quantities... more
Studies were carried out to optimize the use of water and nutrients by the crop with three moisture regimes [0.9, 1.2 and 1.5 irrigation water:cumulative pan evaporation (IW:CPE) ratios], two variables of organic mulch (control and... more
Touriga Franca grapevines were grown in Open-Top Chamber (OTC) and in outside plot (Exterior) for 3 years (2004-2006) to investigate the impact of these structures on climatic conditions and, consequently, on physiological and yield... more
We examined the extent to which farmers have improved food production in recent years with low cost, locally available and environmentally sensitive practices and technologies. We analysed by survey during 1999-2000 208 projects in 52... more
Water is one of the most important inputs for economic development. As the demand increases, so too does the importance of water. This is clearly the case in Egypt, where rainfall is rare and the governmentally enforced quota for... more
Salt-induced changes in growth, photosynthetic pigments, various gas exchange characteristics, relative membrane permeability (RMP), relative water content (RWC) and ion accumulation were examined in a greenhouse experiment on eight... more
Now is an ideal time to reflect, to take stock of where the Australian water industry is at, to scan the trends, disruptions and innovation opportunities that lie ahead, to imagine what the water industry could look like in the next 20 to... more
"The increasing awareness of the accelerating rate of depletion of water resources is resulting in the high level of demand for water-efficient buildings. Currently towards 35% of human water use is unsustainable, drawing on diminishing... more