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In this study, the statistical regression analysis methods is applied to twelve water quality data sets obtained from the South-West area of Jaipur city and agglomerates in dry season (April 2010 to May 2010). Total seven physico-chemical... more
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      Water qualitySustainable Water Resources ManagementRegression AnalysisWater Quality Assessment
In present study, we selected two types of fresh water resources; one is surface water known as Choyyia Nadi (River) and another one is groundwater of the catchment area of Choyyia Nadi. Total number of six sampling locations are... more
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      Water qualityWater and wastewater treatmentGroundwaterWater Quality Assessment
Physical and chemical analysis of the temperature, pH level, salinity, sensitivity, conductivity, resistivity, dissolved oxygen, and total dissolved solids in Tigum River’s waters.
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      Environmental EngineeringWater qualityRiversRiver Ecology
Water quality is considered as the most important factor in aquaculture production systems affecting fish health and performance.  Water quality can be considered good if it relates to what aquaculture wants and needs to survive and... more
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      Environmental ScienceWater qualityAquacultureMicrocontrollers
Aquatic ecosystems are particularly vulnerable to environmental change and many are currently under pressure from direct human impacts such as hydraulic modifications, channelization, water abstraction, eutrophication and climate change.... more
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      BiogeochemistryLimnologyWater qualityNutrient Cycling
In recent past, Mumbai Municipal corporation was not able to keep pace with required infrastructural facilities due to unprecedented population growth. Sewage disposal is one of the major issues, which needed immediate attention because... more
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      Water qualityEnvironmental MonitoringMultidisciplinaryIndia
The present study deals with the analysis of physico-chemical parameters of the Song River at Dehradun (U.K.). In the present study various physico-chemical characteristics of Song River viz Temperature, pH, Turbidity, TS, TDS, TSS, DO,... more
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      LimnologyHydrobiologyWater Quality Assessment
Abstract:Aquatic macroinvertebrates play significant role in responding to a variety of environmental conditions of rivers and streams and therefore may be used as bio-indicators for water quality assessment. In the past, biological... more
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      Water qualityLife SciencesRiver waterAquatic Macrophytes
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      Environmental StudiesAgricultural DevelopmentMultidisciplinaryRed Sea
It is widely known that watershed hydrology is dependent on many factors, including land use, climate, and soil conditions. But the relative impacts of different types of land use on the surface water are yet to be ascertained and... more
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      HydrologyWater qualityLand managementModeling
Current article describes the occurrence, exposure; dose detected in food and human health effects. Many of the cases are identified as the harmful effects of mercury, lead and arsenic on human health, in several parts of the world. Those... more
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    • Water Quality Assessment
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      Water qualityWater Resources engineeringRemote sensing and GISWater Quality Index
Water quality is a significant criterion in matching water demand and supply. Securing adequate freshwater quality for both human and ecological needs is thus an important aspect of integrated environmental management and sustainable... more
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      Environmental EducationNatural ResourcesWater qualityReview
RESUME Le littoral oranais est de plus en plus agressé de nos jours par toutes les nuisances du monde civilisé: activités industrielles, tourisme intensif et urbanisation massive avec comme corollaire une ampleur sans cesse croissante... more
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      Marine EcologyWater Quality AssessmentSea Water
The Hatirjheel-Begunbari canal project was initiated in 2007 and completed on late June 2010. Hatirjheel has become a recreational zone for the city people. Due to various activities of people in this place a large amount of waste is... more
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      Recreational ActivitiesWater Quality Assessment
This paper assessed the suitability of water in the Amansie West District in the Ashanti Region of Ghana for irrigation purposes and future planning of clean water resources. Twenty one (21) locations were selected on the major rivers and... more
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      Water Quality AssessmentIllegal Surface Mining
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      Civil EngineeringGeologyEnvironmental GeologyWater quality
Java economic corridor, outlined in Masterplan of Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesia Economic Development 2011-2025 (MP3EI), is aiming for Indonesian economic growth through industry development. Being implemented in action, impacts... more
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      Environmental ManagementWater Quality AssessmentRiver Water Quality
Constructed wetlands are artificial wastewater treatment systems consisting of shallow ponds or channels which have been planted with aquatic plants and which rely upon natural microbial, biological, physical and chemical process to treat... more
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    • Water Quality Assessment
Diatoms from the genus Achnanthidium are abundant in rivers, streams, and springs of the Appalachian Mountains. They inhabit clean and polluted waters, including those affected by acid mine drainage. The identification of Achnanthidium... more
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      Water qualityTaxonomyAcid Mine DrainageEcology
Ground water quality has become an important water resources issue due to rapid increase of population, industrialization, unplanned urbanization, flow of pollution from upland to lowland, and too much use of fertilizers, pesticides in... more
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      Groundwater ContaminationWater PollutionWater Quality Monitoring & AssessmentGroundwater Quality
Manchar Lake is the largest natural freshwater lake in Pakistan. The Lake has received less fresh water in past few years. In addition, drainage water is being discharged in the Lake through Main Nara Valley Drain (MNVD) since many years.... more
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      Water qualityPakistanTrace MetalsEnvironmental Monitoring
Water quality is considered as the most important factor in aquaculture production systems affecting fish health and performance. Water quality can be considered good if it relates to what aquaculture wants and needs to survive and... more
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      Water qualityAquacultureMicrocontrollersDecision Trees
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      Environmental Impact AssessmentWater PollutionIloilo City PhilippinesWater Quality Assessment
Integrative approaches to natural resources management build upon scientifically informed policy frameworks. Landscape templates provide a physical platform with which to develop and enact coherent measures which balance concerns for... more
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      Human GeographySpatial AnalysisWater qualityStrategic Management
This paper is an examination on how hydration and dehydration impacts the cognitive functioning in learning. Should schools provide water to students to help them in the learning process? How would they accomplish this goal? Not only does... more
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      Teaching and LearningWaterEducational ResearchWater resources
Multivariate statistical techniques, such as cluster analysis (CA), principal component analysis, and factor analysis, were applied for the evaluation of temporal/spatial variations and for the interpretation of a water quality data set... more
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      Multivariate StatisticsSpatial AnalysisWater qualityPrincipal Component Analysis
Water quality is a significant criterion in matching water demand and supply. Ample degree of freshwater is eminent for biological needs are a vital side of integrated environmental management and sustainable development. The quality of... more
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      Analytical ChemistryEnvironmental EducationNatural ResourcesWater quality
Corticolous lichens grow on barks of living host trees. Their ubiquitous distribution and sensitivity to pollutants makes them ideal model organisms to biomonitor air pollution and assess air quality. But before these lichens can be... more
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      Air QualityEnvironmental microbiologyBioindicatorsWater and wastewater treatment
All the physical and biological parameters were determined. The temperature of water sample in studied area was between 26.4-28.5, lower than World Health Organisation (WHO) prescribed limit. The pH of the water samples in Northeast... more
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      Environmental microbiologyWaterWater qualityDrinking Water Quality Standards
This manual includes nine key areas of IWRM for Lao PDR which are 1. IWRM Framework 2. Integrated River Basin Management and River Basin Management Planning 3. River Basin Knowledge Development 4. Supporting IWRM and Community... more
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      Water resourcesIntegrated Water Resources ManagementRiver Basin ManagementWater Quality Assessment
in this report you learn about the importance of water in our life and also learn about the effect microorganism and environment  in water quality
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      WaterWater qualityWater resourcesWater and wastewater treatment
Water quality assessment is necessary for management of water resources. As known environmental processes are very complex . Reflection of this complexity is also seen in water quality models.Therefore finding efficient and sound models... more
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      Fuzzy LogicArtificial Neural NetworksSelf-Organizing Maps (SOMs)Water Quality Assessment
Abstract The paper presents a conceptual framework for using Performance Indicators (PIs) in a Small Island State (Mauritius) for evaluating water network efficiency. This study uses the IWA/AWWA PI-Concept and benchmarking from which the... more
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      Groundwater ContaminationWater use efficiencyGroundwater QualityWater Quality Assessment
Rapid industrialization affects the environment in different ways by discharging the large amount of effluents as waste water in the surrounding water bodies, causing the serious problems to environment. Water pollution caused by... more
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      Environmental ScienceEnvironmental EducationEnvironmental ToxicologyEnvironmental Studies
The Mara River Basin (MRB) is one of the catchment of the Lake Victoria covering a drainage area of 13,750km2 and form part of the Upper Nile Basin. The Mara River (MR) supply water into the Lake Victoria throughout the year. In the... more
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      Climate ChangeWater resourcesWater Quality ModelingWatershed Management
The Nile River quality being the problem concerned with everyone’s health in Egypt. The Nile River is currently facing tremendous pressure due to encroachments, discharge of untreated domestic and industrial waste, dumping of solid waste... more
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      BacteriologyWater qualityMicrobial BiotechnologyEnvironmental Health and Safety
Freshwater diatoms are considered to be reliable indicators of the trophic status of rivers and lakes. In the past 30 years, a number of indicator indices have been developed and used for the assessment of trophic conditions all over... more
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      Biological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesEcological IndicatorsStandardisation
Groundwater is a major source of drinking water in communities located within three sub-catchment areas of Upper Athi River Basin in Kenya. Water samples were collected from 36 different shallow wells and boreholes located in these... more
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      Water qualityEnvironmental ManagementEnvironmental SustainabilityWater Pollution
The accessibility to safe drinking water is essential to prevent water-borne diseases like diarrhea and cholera, thus this study assessed the quality of drinking water sources available to the inhabitant of Chanchaga area, Minna, Niger... more
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    • Water Quality Assessment
The present study discusses ion sources and assesses the chemical quality of groundwater of Doon Valley in Outer Himalayan region for drinking and irrigational purposes. Valley is almost filled with Doon gravels that are main aquifers... more
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      GroundwaterEnvironmental MonitoringMultidisciplinaryIndia
Physico-chemical characteristics of groundwater samples around Oleh and environs in southern parts of Delta State Nigeria were investigated in order to access the potability of groundwater, as well as to determine the extent of... more
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    • Water Quality Assessment
This paper presents analyzed physico-chemical parameters and assessed ecosystem services of Nzovwe stream. Physico-chemical parameters were analyzed using methods and procedures as prescribed by American Public Health Association and... more
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    • Water Quality Assessment
The study assessed the level of heavy metals in soils around auto mechanic shops and it effect on soil fertility at Kwadaso central agricultural station in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. Ten soil samples from the study area and two controls... more
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      Environmental Impact AssessmentRemote sensing and GIS applications in Environmental and Water Resources EngineeringWater Quality AssessmentIrrigation Performance Assessment
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      Environmental ToxicologyFood ChemistryFood Quality and SafetyWater Quality Assessment
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      Earth SciencesWater qualityHydrobiologyCommunity
The quality of water from four coastal towns (Ayetoro, Idiogba, Bijimi and Asumogha) in Ilaje local government area of Ondo State was assessed using standard methods with the view of determining the level of pollution through... more
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      Water qualitySustainable Water Resources ManagementWater PollutionWater Quality Assessment
Selected microbial indices of water pollution of heterotrophic plate count (HPC), total coli form (T.C), fecal coliform (F.C), suspected Salmonella, enterococci (Ent.) and fungi count of Wadi Al-Arab reservoir in Jordan during 6 month... more
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      BacteriologyWater qualityWater PollutionFood Microbiology
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      EngineeringCivil EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceSoil Science
The uncontrolled release of sewage, industrial wastes, and agricultural run-off continue to affect Asia. Although many Asian countries are getting closer to meeting the improved sanitation targets, much of the waste remains untreated.... more
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    • Water Quality Assessment