Water Microbiology

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Water Microbiology is the study of microorganisms in aquatic environments, including their diversity, ecology, physiology, and interactions with other organisms and the environment. It encompasses the examination of bacteria, viruses, protozoa, and algae in freshwater and marine systems, focusing on their roles in biogeochemical cycles, water quality, and public health.
Brackish water and fish samples of River Nile in Damietta city were examined. Morphological examination of fish obtained from brackish water of River Nile was examined. The highest value of BOD 5 20 was found during summer being 17.4 mgO... more
Mediterranean sea water and fish samples of Ras El-Bar city in Damietta governorate, Egypt were examined. Morphological examination of fish obtained from sea water was examined. The highest value of BOD 5 20 was found during summer being... more
Water and fish samples were collected in three replicates from the same site of Manzala lake water of El-Roda city in Damietta Governorate, Egypt were examined. Morphological examination of fish obtained from Manzala lake water was... more
Biofilm formation by Aeromonas hydrophila in the food industry poses significant challenges to food safety and quality. Therefore, this comprehensive review aimed to provide insights into the mechanisms and key factors influencing A.... more
Water samples were collected from different sites at Damietta City for both microbiological and physico-chemical examinations during winter 2018. The microbiological results showed that virally investigated types including Poliovirus type... more
Pseudomonas extremorientalis sp. nov., isolated from a drinking water reservoir
The aim of this study was to evaluate if a model describing the efflux and the influx of C through the root surface could be fitted to experimental short-term kinetics of carbon (C) exudation by individual apical root segments in maize... more
Members of the genus Ranavirus (family Iridoviridae) can cause catastrophic mortality of pond-breeding amphibians and are associated with an emerging infectious disease that may be contributing to amphibian declines. We conducted three... more
Commercial poultry farms (n° 523), located in all the six regions of Nigeria were sampled with a view to generate baseline information about the distribution of Salmonella serovars in this country. Five different matrices (litter, dust,... more
It is hereby notified that no part of this thesis maybe reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior consent of the author,... more
Poliovirus 1 was inactivated by free chlorine at pH 9.0 three times more rapidly in boric acid (0.05 M)-NaOH buffer than in purified (carbon-filtered, deionized) water. Thus, at a given concentration of free chlorine, it took three times... more
SUMMARYCampylobacteris the most prevalent cause of bacterial gastroenteritis worldwide and it represents a significant public health risk of increasing severity due to its escalating resistance to clinically important quinolone and... more
Several studies have revealed that dental unit waterlines (DUWLs) are often contaminated by large numbers of various micro-organisms (bacteria, fungi, protozoa, viruses). Microbial contamination in DUWLs may originate from the mains water... more
Viruses which formed plaques on lawns of a eucaryotic, chlorella-like green alga were detected in 37% of the 35 freshwater samples surveyed. Virus populations, monitored in seven locations, fluctuated both qualitatively and quantitatively... more
Plaque-forming viruses of the unicellular, eucaryotic, exsymbiotic, Chlorella-like green algae strain NC64A, which are common in the United States, were also present in fresh water collected in the People's Republic of China. Seven of the... more
by Ha Bui
Due to the growing resistance of pathogenic bacteria and fungi against commercially available therapeutics, the search for new antimicrobial substances is of increasing importance. Based on the hypothesis that microorganisms living in an... more
The ‘H2S test’ is being advanced for microbiological water quality testing where conventional coliform based methods are impractical or too expensive. It involves ambient temperature incubation of water samples with nutrient formulated to... more
The traditional approach to biochemical identification of marine fresh isolates requires considerably long culture preparation times and large quantities of expensive materials and reagents, and the results are not very reliable. On the... more
The importance of rapidly developing and distributing safe and effective vaccines was a major lesson from the COVID-19 pandemic, which drove new vaccine development technologies. In May 2024, the World Health Organization (WHO) updated... more
A novel filamentous bacterium, designated Nari11AT, was isolated from soil collected from a salt lake named Chott Melghir, located in north-eastern Algeria. The strain is an aerobic, halophilic, thermotolerant, Gram-stain-positive... more
Mesoscale circulation generated by the Loop Current in the Northern Gulf of Mexico (NGOM) delivers growth-limiting nutrients to the microbial plankton of the euphotic zone. Consequences of physicochemically driven community shifts on... more
The growing threat of antimicrobial resistance of human and animal origin has become a major global public health challenge in the treatment of microbial infections. The discovery and development of novel drugs such as Quorum Sensing (QS)... more
ObjectiveIn urban Dhaka, Bangladesh, 30% of source water samples collected from the households of patients with cholera had detectable Vibrio cholerae. These findings indicate an urgent need for a public health intervention for this... more
Drinking water treatment plants rely on purification of contaminated source waters to provide communities with potable water. One group of possible contaminants are enteric viruses. Measurement of viral quantities in environmental water... more
An occurrence survey was conducted on selected pathogens in source and treated drinking water collected from 25 drinking water treatment plants (DWTPs) in the United States. Water samples were analyzed for the protozoa Giardia and... more
16S rRNA-targeted in situ hybridization combined with confocal laser scanning microscopy was used to elucidate the spatial distribution of microbes within two types of methanogenic granular sludge, mesophilic (35°C) and thermophilic... more
A thermophilic and hydrogenotrophic methanogen, strain RMAST, was isolated from gas-associated formation water of a gas-producing well in a natural gas field in Japan. Strain RMAST grew solely on H2/CO2 but required Casamino acids,... more
Accurate diagnosis and proper treatment of infectious diseases in the early stages are essential in preventing financial losses and patient suffering. Advanced diagnostic tests e.g. ELISA, CFT, PCR etc. are very costly, cumbersome,... more
Application of manure or soil amendments of animal origin (untreated soil amendments; UTSAs) to agricultural land has been a long-standing practice to maintain or improve soil quality through addition of organic matter, nitrogen, and... more
Data from ice 3590 meters below Vostok Station indicate that the ice was accreted from liquid water associated with Lake Vostok. Microbes were observed at concentrations ranging from 2.8 × 10 3 to 3.6 × 10 4 cells per milliliter; no... more
Laguna de Pozuelos is an extensive wetland in Morthwestern Argentina at 3,600 m above sea level in the Argentinean Andes. The principal lake, placed in the central depression of endorheic basin, is rich in minerals like Cu, As, Fe, etc.... more
We investigated the temporal and vertical changes in the microbial communities related to hydrological variations an aquifer (Brittany, France). Five water samplings were carried out, spanning three hydrological cycles in the variably and... more
Population pollution are continous growth leading to scarcity of natural resources like water,Coal,Disel and Petroleum Destruction of forest, Natural habitat of animals and Humans. Growing strength of Building ,Industries , habitans and... more
Determining the applicability of a wastewater treatment procedure is dependent on its efficiency and cost-effectivity. The main objective of this study is to establish the reusability of Fe-modified MMT nanomembrane when utilized as... more
Five nonradioactive probe assays were evaluated by using chemiluminescent and colormetric signals, along with two isotopic assays and cell culture, for the detection of poliovirus in concentrated water samples. In environmental samples, a... more
The survival of selected hygienically relevant bacterial species in activated carbon (AC) filters on a bench scale was investigated. The results revealed that after inoculation of the test strains the previously sterilized AC adsorbed all... more
The aim of this investigation was to assess the startup and operation of a laboratory-scale hybrid UASB-Anaerobic Filter Reactor (UASFB) of 1 L volume, kept at 30°C, in order to carry out a simultaneous autotrophic and heterotrophic... more
We investigated the distribution and activity of chloroethene-degrading microorganisms and associated functional genes during reductive dehalogenation of tetrachloroethene to ethene in a laboratory continuousflow column. Using real-time... more
Floodwaters in New Orleans from Hurricanes Katrina and Rita were observed to contain high levels of fecal indicator bacteria and microbial pathogens, generating concern about long-term impacts of these floodwaters on the sediment and... more
New approaches should be considered as the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) moves rapidly to develop new beach monitoring guidelines by the end of 2012, as these guidelines serve as the basis by which states and territories with... more
Aims: Research into the relationship between pathogens, faecal indicator microbes and environmental factors in beach sand has been limited, yet vital to the understanding of the microbial relationship between sand and the water column and... more
We debate molecular (qPCR) versus culture-based tools for monitoring of bathing waters -We identify concerns surrounding the use of qPCR for bathing water regulation -Modelling may offer a more useful 'rapid method' for informing on... more
Good quality drinking water is essential for human physiology and perpetual existence but the availability remains a challenge most especially in developing countries. As a result of increase in population growth, local effort to satisfy... more
ZnO nanorods (ZnO NRs) were grown on ZnO seeded fluorine doped tin oxide (FTO) substrates at low temperatures (90 °C) from Zn2+ precursors in alkaline aqueous solution. The ZnO seeds were deposited on the FTO substrate heated at 350 °C by... more
The effectiveness of 10 low-cost UV-absorbers in protecting Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki BLB1 toxins against inactivation by UV-A and UV-B irradiation was evaluated in this study. Among them, two by-products, molasses and olive... more
The overall objective of this part of AQUAREHAB was to develop a semi-passive rehabilitation technology to cope with aqueous pesticide pollution. The basic idea of the rehabilitation technology is to treat the pollutants in open-air... more
High concentrations of water-borne organisms cause multiple public health problems. Contamination of water exiting the dental unit water lines could be inhibited with the use of some disinfectants. The purpose of this investigation was to... more