Water Distribution Systems
Recent papers in Water Distribution Systems
With a population of roughly one.2 billion, Asian nations unbroke a high value rate on the 11th of September from 2005 to 2007. However, the value growth remained at half-dozen.5% in 2011, thanks to the retardation of development in... more
Growing concerns exist regarding water scarcity, preserving water resources and securing water supply worldwide . Water scarcity occurs when water resources cannot adequately supply the current and estimated future demand of users . In... more
Intermittent operation of water networks is prevalent in many developing countries. It is a practical method to continue operation of water distribution networks (WDNs) during unexpected water shortages. Implementation of intermittent... more
The city of Alcudia de Crespins, in the centre of the Valencia province (east of Spain), has an exceptional water distribution system that in the past served fresh water to many houses in the town. This system is formed by more than one... more
Nasr City (Egypt) was considered one of the most critical areas in Greater Cairo till the second half of year 2005. Prior to that date, the Greater Cairo Potable Water Company has installed new facilities that ended all hydraulic problems... more
This paper presents port-Hamiltonian models for describing flow dynamics of incompressible fluids in rigid pipelines with faults. Two types of faults are addressed in this paper: leaks and partial blockages. In order to facilitate the... more
Tokyo is one of the largest cities in the world with a population of more than thirteen million people. The island nation has temperate weather and the
Water supply systems in the Renaissance both recovered classical models (often through the lens of Arabic and Byzantine engineering treatises) and applied this set of principles to expanded uses which came to characterize the period:... more
Water is probably the oldest factor receiving attention from the population, since the beginning of the human race. The evolution of water supply systems is directly related to the urban growth of the cities and their geographical... more
This report will briefly describe the design requirements and analysis of pipe systems that provide water to the building. Water is necessary for many other purposes, especially showering, washing dishes and clothes than drinking or... more
This is a study of the water-raising wheels of western Syria from the aspects of sources, terminology, typology, origin, history, technology and architecture, and gives a survey of these installations, discussing their present state of... more
PRÓLOGO Este no es sólo un monográfico, ya que recu-pera esa par te espeleológica, científica y arqueológica bastante perdida y abandonada en la espeleología de nuestro tiempo, de nuestra Co-munidad Autónoma y del resto de España. Algo... more
Uygulama örnekleri ile yeniden düzenlemiş olduğum "Su Getirme" Başlıklı kitabım web sayfamda yayınlandı. https://www.mehmetardiclioglu.com/kitaplar. Kitabımın İnşaat ve Çevre mühendisliği lisans öğrencilerine ve uygulama mühendislerine... more
Il sito romano di Ad Medias e il suo territorio. Primi risultati di un progetto archeologico per ricostruire la storia insediativa della pianura pontina.
Os mosteiros e conventos da Idade Média e Moderna, para funcionarem em condições de higiene e salubridade adequadas, careciam de um hidrossistema sólido e tecnicamente eficiente, na forma e no traçado, desde a captação de águas, seu... more
The objective of this presentation is to show how to select the optimum alignment and vertical profile of a water transmission line using Excel
Sistem penyediaan air minum untuk masyarakat Indonesia masih dihadapkan pada beberapa permasalahan yang cukup kompleks dan masih belum dapat diatasi sepenuhnya. Masalah yang masih dihadapi pada saat ini adalah rendahnya tingkat pelayanan... more
The Caffarella Valley, situated between the ancient roads Appia and Latina, has preserved for centuries the characters of the antique agricultural landscape. It can be considered as a typical example of rural settlement in the suburb in... more
Globally, water demand is increasing while the recourses are diminishing therefore the leakage reduction in water distribution systems (WDSs) becomes an important objective for the water industry. The benefits of applying pressure... more
Günümüzde artan su ihtiyacını karşılamak, azalan temiz su kaynaklarını verimli kullanmak amacı ile içmesuyu şebekelerinde kayıp ve kaçakların azaltılmasına yönelik çalışmalar gerçekleştirilmektedir. Çalışmada Ankara ili Çankaya ilçesi... more
In the urban area, the physical infrastructure plays an important role. In water distribution system, the water supplied from the reservoir to the consumer end. The pattern of the pipeline will follow the road network of the area. Due to... more
study of the Roman hydraulic structures found on the Pincio hill in Rome
Three issues concerning the iterative solution of the nonlinear equations governing the flows and heads in a water distribution system network are considered. Zero flows cause a computation failure (division by zero) when the Global... more
Sistem Penyediaan Air Minum (SPAM) Puhu, memiliki arti penting dalam pelayanan pemenuhan kebutuhan air minum penduduk di wilayah Desa Puhu dan Desa Bukian, Kecamatan Payangan. Tingginya tingkat kehilangan air menyebabkan rendahnya... more
Drinking water distribution systems throughout the world supply water intermittently, leaving pipes without pressure between supply cycles. Understanding the multiple mechanisms that affect contamination in these intermittent water... more
Water can be disinfected by various techniques. Chlorination is the most prevalent and the cheapest method in this regard. One of the most significant factors in chlorination is the location and the amount of chlorine injections, both of... more
Contamination emergency in water distribution systems is a complex situation where optimal operation becomes important for public health. In case of emergency corrective operational actions for flushing the pollutant out of the network... more
ABSTRAK nalisis hidraulika sistem jaringan pipa secara manual dianggap kurang efisien, terlebih apabila sistem jaringan pipa yang ditinjau cukup rumit dan kompleks. Hal ini menyebabkan perhitungan akan memakan waktu yang cukup lama, serta... more
Nos projetos de sistemas de abastecimento de água, em especial aqueles em regiões acometidas por fatores limitantes como acesso e informação, comumente se faz necessário obter soluções práticas e econômicas. Um dos fatores limitantes é o... more
A basic premise for this chapter and this volume is the notion that the way water flows through the landscape and in societies; the amount of falling rain and snow; their seasonal occurrence, duration and intra-annual variation; the types... more
The widely used Todini and Pilati method for solving the equations that model water distribution systems was originally developed for pipes in which the head loss is modeled by the Hazen-Williams formula. The friction factors in this... more
Nowadays, due to increasing population and water shortage and competition for its consumption, especially in the agriculture, which is the largest consumer of water, proper and suitable utilization and optimal use of water resources is... more
In the past, pressure dependent models (PDM) have suffered from convergence difficulties. In this paper conditions are established for the existence and uniqueness of solutions to the PDM problem posed as two optimization problems, one... more
In order to ensure the availability of sufficient quantity of good quality of water to the various section of community in accordance with the demand. Many computer tools were developed, out of all the tools available EPANET become most... more
The cost of energy used for pumping water constitutes a large proportion of operational expenditure for a water utility. Energy saving measures in water supply systems can be realized in different ways, by design of the system to be... more
Sectorization represents one of the most efficient techniques for water losses detection and pressure management in water supply systems, since it allows to simplify water budget and pressure regulation practices. However, sectorization... more
One of the most significant changes in the life of 19th century cities was the modern infrastructure network. The various infrastructure systems have become indispensable elements of the operation of the cities. On the one hand, they... more
During the last decade, evolutionary methods such as genetic algorithms have been used extensively for the optimal design and operation of water distribution systems. More recently, ant colony optimization algorithms (ACOAs), which are... more
Affinity laws relate to the characteristics of pumps operating at different speeds, and in a water distribution context, are usually used to predict the pump curve of variable speed pumps (VSPs). VSPs can adjust the pump curve to meet the... more