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Biochar addition to agricultural soil has been suggested to mitigate climate change through increased biogenic carbon storage and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. We measured the fluxes of N2O, CO2, and CH4 after adding 9 t ha−1... more
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      Climate ChangeWater AvailabilityEnvironmental SciencesClimate Change Mitigation
1] This paper assesses global water stress at a finer temporal scale compared to conventional assessments. To calculate time series of global water stress at a monthly time scale, global water availability, as obtained from simulations of... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringWater resourcesWater Availability
Photon flux density (PFD) and water availability, the daily and seasonal factors that vary most in tropical environments, were examined to see how they influenced expression of crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) in 3year-old Clusia shrubs... more
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      BotanyCarbon DioxidePhotosynthesisPlant Biology
Trenbolone acetate (TBA) is a synthetic androgenic steroid hormone administered as a subcutaneous implant for growth promotion in beef cattle. The primary metabolite excreted in manure from implanted cattle is 17a-trenbolone with lesser... more
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      SoilWater AvailabilityMultidisciplinaryTemperature
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Contrary to irrigated agriculture thet use blue water, rainwater haNesting that use green water in forms of the direct rain and runoff, has been accorded little importance in terms of economic research, investment, technology transfer and... more
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      Civil EngineeringWater AvailabilityEast AfricaTechnology transfer
Non-adapted plants growing in high altitude such as bracken fern Pteridium arachnoideum are exposed to environmental extremes that may induce a chemical adaptive response. Here we show that there is a non-uniform distribution of low (LMP)... more
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      TechnologyWater AvailabilityBiological SciencesSeasonality
O ur ohjective is to descrihe a multi-layer model of C.r canopy processes that effectively simulates houri)' C02 :uul latent ener gy (U~) lluxcs in a mixed deciduous Quercus-Acer (oak-maple) st'.111d in c~ntral l\ l~1ssac~1u selts, US/\.... more
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      PhotosynthesisModelingWater AvailabilityBiological Sciences
Background: Ziziphus lotus, wild jujube, is a xerophytic shrub of the Rhamnaceae family widely distributed in arid and semiarid regions of Tunisia, where it occupies most soil types. Phenological patterns of desert plants are strongly... more
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      Plant BiologyWater AvailabilityEcologyPhenology
Chemical analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and semivolatiles (SVs), including pesticides, was performed on 623 and 568 samples, respectively, of household drinking water, as well as on 113 samples from 71 brands of bottled... more
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      Mass SpectrometryWater AvailabilityWater PollutionMultidisciplinary
work has been done on the Naqchu region in northern Tibet. This region is the most important pasturing area in Tibet. The grassland is greatly influenced by climate, especially drought. Therefore, palaeoclimatic records are needed to... more
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      GeologyWater AvailabilityHoloceneTibetan Plateau
This paper focuses on artificial groundwater recharge study in 'Ayyar basin', Tamil Nadu, India. The basin is covered by hard crystalline rock and overall has poor groundwater conditions. Hence, an artificial recharge study was carried... more
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      Civil EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceRemote SensingEnvironmental Geology
In arid and semi-arid ecosystems, water availability is discontinuous, highly variable, and characterized by discrete pulse events separated by long periods of limited resource availability. Plant recruitment in these ecosystems is also... more
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      Earth SciencesWater AvailabilityArid environmentsBiological Sciences
Watershed programme is an important intervention in dryland areas to improve livestock productivity through increased feed and fodder supply. The present study has focused on the impact of watershed interventions on crop-livestock... more
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      Food PolicyWater AvailabilityAgricultural EconomicsBiology
Runoff generation processes in the Canadian Shield were investigated to reconcile the considerable variability of runoff ratios noted by previous studies. Four bedrock plots near Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada were studied... more
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      HydrologyWater AvailabilityFractureEvaporation
Small livestock (goats, sheep, llamas, camels…) like other agricultural activities could have to face dramatic social, economical and environmental challenges. These challenges are identified underlining that these activities are often... more
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      GeneticsGovernanceWater AvailabilityEconomic Development
Refeeding syndrome encompasses fluid and electrolyte imbalances and metabolic, intestinal, and cardiorespiratory derangements associated with appreciable morbidity and mortality. Although refeeding syndrome has been well documented in... more
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      NutritionWater AvailabilityWeight LossBody Composition
Human life quality and preservation of ecosystems are two major topics that depend on environmental quality. In this paper particular attention is dedicated to water conductivity assessment in estuarine zones. Estuarine zones are... more
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      Water qualityWater AvailabilityNatural GasEnvironmental quality
North American coastal sandplain heathlands are unique in species composition and vegetation, but the extent to which edaphic factors influence the structure of these communities is currently debated. It was hypothesized that salt spray... more
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      Plant EcologyPlant BiologyWater AvailabilityEcology
As contribution to the 'Second Ghana Dams Forum of the National Dialogue on Dams and Development' scientists of the GLOWA Volta Project (GVP) of the Center for Development Research (ZEF, University of Bonn) have undertaken a... more
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      Climate ChangeWater AvailabilitySeasonalityglobal Climate change
The reclamation of effluent from wastewater treatment plants to be applied as an alternative water source is usually linked to reasons of water scarcity in the sense of unmatched temporary or structural water demand. Uneven spatial... more
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      Water AvailabilityWater ReuseWater ManagementWater Demand
Given that neither absolute measures nor direct model validations of global terrestrial net primary productivity (NPP) are feasible, intercomparison of global NPP models provides an effective tool to check model consistency. For this... more
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      Water AvailabilityGlobal Change BiologyBiological SciencesGlobal change
Although some invasive plants are cosmopolitan, not all ecosystems are invaded to the same degree. Yet there is little experimental work on how ecosystem resistance to invasion at the establishment phase differs among ecosystems. We... more
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      DiversityWater AvailabilityLife historyBiology
SUMMARY - It is nowadays widely accepted that the increasing concentration of the so-called greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is altering the Earth's radiation balance and causing the temperature to rise. This process in turn... more
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      Human Resource DevelopmentClimate ChangeInternational TradeSustainable Development
For decades, the main goal of Singapore in terms of water resources has been to become water-secure. As a result, water availability, accessibility, and affordability have traditionally been decided at the highest political level.... more
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      ResilienceWater AvailabilityWater SecurityWater Pricing
The objective of the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) is to assist in the development of management plans that will lead to the sustainable use of water resources in all EU member states. However, defining the degree of... more
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      Water AvailabilityWater PurificationEnvironmental ManagementAgriculture
To cite th is article / Pou r citer cet article -Balendonck J., Hemming J., Stanghellini C. Farm level optimal water man agemen t: assistan t for irrigation u n der deficit ( flow-aid) .
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      Water AvailabilityIrrigation ManagementWater Supplyexpert System
The effects of climate change and variability on water availability in Ghana is being felt throughout the country. Coping with water scarcity has become a major issue. Most communities in the Offin River basin are rural with no pipe-borne... more
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      EconomicsClimate ChangeWater AvailabilityDevelopment
1] Surface fresh water (i.e., blue water) is a vital and indispensable resource for human water use in the agricultural, industrial, and domestic sectors. In this paper, global water availability is calculated by forcing the global... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringTime SeriesWater resources
Crop-pasture rotations (CPR) are unusual around the world but have been the predominant cropping system in Uruguay since the 1960s. Uruguay has a temperate sub-humid climate, 80% of its landscape (16 Mha) is climax grasslands C 3 and C 4... more
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      Water AvailabilityEnvironmental SustainabilityBiological SciencesEnvironmental Sciences
Freshwater availability has been recognized as a global issue, and its consistent quantification not only in individual river basins but also at the global scale is required to support the sustainable use of water. The WaterGAP Global... more
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      HydrologyWater resourcesConsumptionWater Availability
About 600 earthen small dams were constructed in southern Zimbabwe during the last 40 years. A large number of the small dams are in poor physical condition. Therefore most of the dams are likely to fail threatening security of water... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryGeophysicsWater Availability
The expansion of the Prosopis genus from the sub-humid Chaco towards colder and drier zones such as Monte, Prepuna and Patagonia .biogeographical regions would have implied the acquisition and/or adjustment of morphological and... more
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      Water AvailabilityArid Land EcologyPatagoniaWater Stress
Conversion of natural habitats to human settlements creates an alternative habitat with different bio-physical characteristics such as micro-climatic conditions and resource availability. Deserts are especially sensitive to such effects... more
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      Water AvailabilityBiological SciencesSeasonalityEnvironmental Sciences
Alterations in VO(2) or VCO(2) are amongst the more polemical physiological adaptations ascribed to insects. Generally, metabolic rate is thought to be lowered in response to arid conditions, and elevated in species from cold environments... more
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      PhysiologyZoologyWater AvailabilityInsect Physiology
Groundwater and surface flow depletions are altering riparian ecosystems throughout the southwestern United States. Due in large part to hydrologic alterations and land use changes, forests of the pioneer trees Populus fremontii (Fremont... more
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      Water AvailabilityLand Use ChangePopulusPopulation structure
Soil erosion is a growing problem in southern Greece and particularly in the island of Crete, the biggest Greek island with great agricultural activity. Soil erosion not only decreases agricultural productivity, but also reduces the water... more
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      Civil EngineeringRemote SensingEnvironmental GeologyWater Availability
Water is critical to paper production and increasing competition from other users has reduced water availability to paper mills in recent years. The study was conducted at a large-scale integrated pulp and paper industry. The study... more
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      EngineeringWater AvailabilityDesalinationSeasonality
In this review, we provide an overview of the role of glucosinolates and other phytochemical compounds present in the Brassicaceae in relation to plant protection and human health. Current knowledge of the factors that influence... more
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      Functional AnalysisPhytochemistryWater AvailabilityAgriculture
Water resources of a country constitute one of its vital assets. India receives annual precipitation of about 4000 km 3 . The rainfall in India shows very high spatial and temporal variability and paradox of the situation is that... more
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      Climate ChangeSustainable DevelopmentWater AvailabilityRainwater Harvesting
The Upper Barremian deposits of La Huérguina Limestone Formation in the Serranía de Cuenca (Iberian Ranges, Spain) contain rich continental fossil associations preserved under a great diversity of taphonomic conditions in alluvial and... more
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      GeologyWater AvailabilitySeasonalityCretaceous
In order to characterize the main areas of natural forest on Terceira Island ͑Azores͒, some of the most interesting European forests due to their rich and diverse flora of endemic as well as relict species, six forest stands were studied... more
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      Plant EcologyPlant BiologyWater AvailabilityEcology
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      Environmental ScienceClimate ChangeInternational DevelopmentEconomic Growth
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      Climate ChangeWater AvailabilitySeasonalitySoil Erosion
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      ArchaeologyGeochemistryArchaeological ScienceIrrigation
UNEP i Quick Policy Guide Series Volume 2 Ecosystems for water and food security I n t e r n a t i o n a l Water Management I n s t i t u t e E c o s y s t E m s f o r W a t E r a n d f o o d s E c u r i t y ii CREDITS Scientific Editor:... more
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      Climate ChangeWaterEcosystem ServicesResilience
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      GeneticsAgronomyPlant BiologyWater Availability
Wetland ecosystems are important habitats for flora and fauna and hence are of national and international importance for conservation. Wetlands can be defined as areas of high groundwater environments that are characterised by permanent... more
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      Climate ChangeWater AvailabilityMultidisciplinarySeasonality
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      Water AvailabilityScience and TechnologyAnimal ProductionDeveloping Country
This paper provides discussion of ways in which an interdisciplinary approach can be taken to produce an integrated assessment of water stress and scarcity, linking physical estimates of water availability with socioeconomic variables... more
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      EconomicsWaterPovertyWater Availability