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The water sector has economic and symbolic importance for citizens in developing countries. Water utility benchmarking is no panacea for improving water sector performance. Nevertheless, it can contribute to addressing four sources of... more
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      WaterConflict ResolutionBenchmarkingApplied Economics
During a hypothetical nuclear reactor accident with core damage the fission products released from the degrading fuel bundles often pass through aqueous beds before entering the containment, mitigating in part the source term. Several... more
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      WaterSensitivity AnalysisSimulationInformation
Interfacial interactions, namely interfacial tension, wettability, capillarity and interfacial mass transfer are known to govern fluid distribution and behavior in porous media. Therefore the interfacial interactions between CO 2 , brine... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringMass TransferWater
Successful network utility privatisation requires incentive-based regulation that allows investment to be adequately rewarded form unsubsidised revenues while maintaining quality, and restructuring that permits effective competition for... more
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Developing countries such as Brazil, with limited track-records in dealing with environmental conflicts on a participatory basis, or whose legal frameworks establishing water resource management practices have been introduced only... more
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      WaterMethodologyCase StudiesConflict Resolution
Rotational immobilization of proteins permits characterization of the internal peptide and water molecule dynamics by magnetic relaxation dispersion spectroscopy. Using different experimental approaches, we have extended measurements of... more
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      WaterKineticsBiophysical ChemistryMagnetic field
In the present work, the current status of the hydrodynamic cavitation reactors has been reviewed discussing the bubble dynamics analysis, optimum design considerations, design correlations for cavitational intensity (in terms of collapse... more
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(excerpt) "We should indeed look to watery natures for inspiration. We are all part of an oceanic commons that sustains and bonds all life. Turning to water as design muse can thus be understood as a moment of recognition, where our own... more
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      Cultural StudiesWaterEnvironmental StudiesCultural Theory
El presente estudio se avoca a estudiar las causas y las dinámicas de conflicto por el agua en Guanacaste y su relación con las características del estilo de desarrollo allí implantado. El estudio concluye advirtiendo una problemática... more
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      WaterNeoliberalismCosta RicaGuanacaste
Bacterial endotoxin is the lipopolysaccharide component of the cell wall of Gram-negative bacteria, together with other cellular material that combines to form an endotoxin complex. Endotoxin is pyrogenic and it presents a risk to... more
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      MicrobiologyPharmacyWaterWater quality
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      Electrical EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringCivil Engineering
CITATIONS 15 READS 342 4 authors, including: Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Changes in the structural properties during osmotic drying: Relationship with mass transfer and retention of... more
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      Chemical EngineeringFood ScienceWaterFood Processing
The Increasing pace of Industrialization throughout the world has brought with It a serious, and ever Increasing threat from air pollution. It Is true that this threat Is being taken seriously, and that many responsible research workers,... more
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      Electrical EngineeringElectronic EngineeringAgricultural EngineeringHealth Sciences
The revised general solubility equation (GSE) is used along with four different methods including Huuskonen's artificial neural network (ANN) and three multiple linear regression (MLR) methods to estimate the aqueous solubility of a test... more
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      AlgorithmsArtificial IntelligencePhysical ChemistryWater
Rheology Sludge Viscosity a b s t r a c t Rheological characterization is of crucial importance in sludge management both in terms of biomass dewatering and stabilization properties and in terms of design parameters for sludge handling... more
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      WaterStatistical AnalysisRheologyMultidisciplinary
The ability to extract streamflow hydraulic settings using geoinformatic techniques, especially in high populated territories like urban and peri-urban areas, is an important aspect of any disaster management plan and flood mitigation... more
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Knowledge is material and angular. Nonhuman animals often shape their material round. Perhaps: The hexagon of bees is between round (Das Runde) and angular (Das Eckige) . Dancing knowledge. Water is round. The knowledge of the octopus:... more
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      WaterFoodQuality ControlSaccharomyces cerevisiae
The use of transcranial low-level laser (light) therapy (tLLLT) to treat stroke and traumatic brain injury (TBI) is attracting increasing attention. We previously showed that LLLT using an 810-nm laser 4 h after controlled cortical impact... more
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      WaterAnimal BehaviorNeurogenesisFluorescence Microscopy
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      Ocean EngineeringCoastal ManagementQualityWater
Monitoring Biosensor a b s t r a c t
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      WaterMultidisciplinaryOxygenBiosensing Techniques
This thesis studies a specific relationship between matter and form which can no longer be related to stability, solidity and objectuality, as it has been traditionally interpreted. To this aim, it firstly explores the plurivocity in the... more
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryResearch MethodologyWater
Climate is a very decisive factor in water resource availability of a region. Warming of the climate system in recent decades is evident from increase in global average air and ocean temperatures, widespread melting of snow and ice, and... more
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      Climate ChangeWaterWater use efficiencyIntegrated Water Resource Management
Amazônia, com inúmeras peculiaridades tem na água uma preciosidade ímpar, que chama a atenção do mundo. Entre lendas, mitos e contos, as comunidades indígenas têm na água fonte de vida, intimamente ligada à cultura tradicional, sendo... more
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      WateráguaIndigenous Rituals
Growing concerns exist regarding water scarcity, preserving water resources and securing water supply worldwide . Water scarcity occurs when water resources cannot adequately supply the current and estimated future demand of users . In... more
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      EconomicsWaterAir Pollution and Health EffectsWater Distribution Systems
Aim  To evaluate marginal seal, water sorption, solubility and loss of mass after brushing of several temporary filling materials.Methodology  For marginal seal, Class I cavities, including endodontic access preparations, were made in... more
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      DentistryWaterScanning Electron MicroscopyAdsorption
It is through specific genealogies of scholarship on race and coloniality, Indigenous feminisms, and Black feminisms that we can escape the well-rehearsed trope of 'land as body'. Within a comparative hemispheric American studies... more
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      SociologyLatin American StudiesEnvironmental ScienceAnthropology
La investigación en el campo de las técnicas y materiales en el arte contemporáneo requiere la aplicación de nuevas metodologías transdisciplinares que permitan obtener una perspectiva renovada sobre los contenidos que entraña la amplia... more
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      AestheticsArt HistoryArt TheoryResearch Methodology
Albay, M., Oruç Babuşçu, F., Berberoğlu, U., Biçkici, E., Çakmak, Ö., Çamur, D., ... Yılmaz, Ş. (2014). Su Sağlığı ve Su Kalitesinin İyileştirilmesi. In M. Müezzinoğlu, & E. Gümüş (Eds.), Çok Paydaşlı Sağlık Sorumluluğunu Geliştirme... more
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      WaterEnvironmental StudiesWater qualityTurkey
distribution systems. A new index ‘uniformity coefficient’ is introduced to measure the equity in distribution of water within the network, which may be useful for performance evaluation of water distribution networks (WDNs). An iterative... more
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      WaterAir Pollution and Health EffectsWater Distribution SystemsSolid Waste Management
Volatile and nonvolatile compounds present in the water-soluble fraction (WSF) and water-soluble fraction with molecular weight lower than 1000 Da (WSF < 1000 Da) of six Spanish cheeses, Cabrales, Idiazá bal, Mahó n, Manchego, Roncal, and... more
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      EngineeringWaterMineralsCapillary electrophoresis
Water stands as one of the most symbolically significant images in most of the world’s religious communities. Yet Islam’s intellectual, contemplative, and popular traditions accord distinctive and variegated meaning to this image,... more
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      Persian LiteratureArabic LiteratureWaterQur'anic Studies
This paper is a lyrical-philosophical exploration of becoming a body of water. Undutiful Daughters (Table of Contents) Preface: The Society of Undutiful Daughters Rosi Braidotti I. NEW CONCEPTS Introduction: A Politics of... more
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      Cultural StudiesGender StudiesFeminist TheoryWater
Su, yaşamın özüdür. Bu tezde amaç yaşam kaynağı suyun klasik Türk şiirinde nasıl ve ne yönde ele alındığını ortaya çıkarmaktır. Söz konusu amaç dahilinde Kutadgu Bilig’den (11. yüzyıl) başlanarak Fuzûlî’nin Türkçe Dîvân’ına (16. yüzyılın... more
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      WaterPoetryCultureOttoman Turkish
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      WaterMaterial Culture StudiesContemporary ArtCultural Heritage Conservation
The process of privatization in Turkey started as a result of some agreements signed with the World Bank and the IMF in the 1980s. A decade later this process started to include also water services and became already dominant by the... more
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      WaterWater resourcesModern Turkey
The present work shows that salt anions affect the activity of Pseudomonas cepacia lipase both in aqueous and in nonaqueous media (NAM) according to a Hofmeister series. The biocatalytic assay in water was the hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl... more
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      EngineeringWaterSoft MatterSelf Assembly
The production of recombinant spider silk proteins continues to be a key area of interest for a number of research groups. Several key obstacles exist in their production as well as in their formulation into useable products. The original... more
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      GeneticsWaterGene expressionSpiders
Šid municipality is situated in the southwestern part of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina (northwestern Serbia). Four geomorphological units are represented on its territory: The Fruška Gora Mountain, Srem loess plateau, Srem loess... more
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      WaterSerbiaUnderground WaterVojvodina
The Tigris River is the second-longest river in Western Asia and runs through heavily populated areas, especially in Baghdad city with nearly 8 million inhabitants. The water demand is at its highest levels, nevertheless the Tigris... more
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      Environmental ScienceWaterWater qualityMultidisciplinary
The potential of Pleurotus ostreatus spent mushroom compost (PSMC) as a green biosorbent for nickel (II) biosorption was investigated in this study. A novel approach of using the half-saturation concentration of biosorbent to rapidly... more
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      SoilWaterWater PurificationMultidisciplinary
Structural resilience describes urban drainage systems’ (UDSs) ability to minimize the frequency and magnitude of failure due to common structural issues such as pipe clogging and cracking or pump failure. Structural resilience is often... more
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      Computer ScienceWaterMultidisciplinary
ABSTRACT form only given. Data exchange in many underwater applications such as oceanographic data collection, scientific ocean sampling, pollution and environmental monitoring, disaster prevention, underwater system maintenance,... more
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      Computer ScienceWaterElectromagneticsData Collection
For the treatment of industrial wastewater a multitude of processes is available. It is the task of the chemical engineer to choose processes and to build up a treatment sequence suitable for the actual problem. Because of the large... more
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      EngineeringChemical EngineeringWaterTreatment
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      Environmental EducationWaterHigher EducationPedagogy
The biased amino acid composition and aperiodic (random coil) configuration of Group 1 late embryogenesisabundant (LEA) proteins imply that these proteins are capable of binding large amounts of water. While Group 1 LEAs have been... more
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      GeneticsWaterPlant BiologyPlant Molecular Biology
Legionella is one of the emerging concerns of water quality in built water environments. Premise plumbing systems are among the recognised sources of infection. In the present study, colonisation of hot water networks in health care... more
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      WaterWater PurificationBiologyMedicine
In this editorial, the authors (and guest editors) introduce the Special Issue titled Understanding Game-based Approaches for Improving Sustainable Water Governance: The Potential of Serious Games to Solve Water Problems. The authors take... more
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      WaterMultidisciplinaryWaste WaterHepatocytes
An efficient molecular simulation methodology has been developed to determine the positioning of water molecules in the binding site of a protein or protein-ligand complex. Occupancies and absolute binding free energies of water molecules... more
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      EngineeringThermodynamicsWaterComputer Simulation