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      Globalisation and DevelopmentWashington consensusState capitalismThe Role of the State
How does neopatrimonialism, a form of governance in some African countries, affect the prospects for economic development?
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      AfricaFriedrich NietzscheAfrican PoliticsEconomic growth and development
Suffering from high rates of inflation since the 1940s and having experienced two hyperinflations at the end of the 1980s, in 2019 Argentina faced an increase of prices of more than 50%. But in the 1990s Argentina achieved price stability... more
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      Argentina HistoryArgentinaNeoliberalismG20 - G8 - G7
Análise das regras do Consenso de Washington, com base sobretudo nos casos da Argentina e do Brasil, elaborado em grande medida por Fabio Giambiagi (economista do BNDES; Ipea-RJ). O artigo retoma o debate – a rigor, mais político do que... more
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      ArgentinaNeoliberalismBrasilWashington consensus
Has the international movement for democracy and human rights gone from being a weapon against power to part of the arsenal of power itself? The book explores this question and looks at how in the 1990s the U.S. government, the World... more
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      Latin American StudiesDevelopment StudiesHuman RightsDemocratization
Since 2008, the impact of the global financial markets meltdown, often attributed to the downturn in sub-prime mortgage industry in advanced Western economies, have resulted in worldwide deterioration of living standards, mass... more
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      Human GeographyLawGender StudiesInternational Relations
Postales desde el filo… de la crisis alimentaria por José Luis Vivero Pol y Andrés Pascoe Rippey 7 El FMI y el hambre por Serge Halimi 19 Motines del hambre por Ignacio Ramonet 21 El mercado mundial de cereales "revolucionado" por... more
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      Sociology of Food and EatingFood Security and InsecurityGlobal JusticeFood
This publication empirically evaluates and develops core aspects of the literature on global governance. Analyzing world social, gender, ecological and economic development on the basis of the main 9 predictors, compatible with the... more
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      Social PolicyWorld Systems AnalysisGlobal GovernanceGlobalisation and Development
The practice of developing countries started in the 1950’s and 1960’s in countries that were referred to as “underdeveloped” countries. The developing practice is international and has a goal of resource mobilization and allocation in... more
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      Washington consensusNational Economic PlanningDevelopment planning
Rafael Sepúlveda Jiménez 1 . SUMARIO: I. Consideraciones previas; II. El imponente protagonismo de Estados Unidos en la economía global ¿sombras nada más?; III. China y su paulatina incorporación como potencia emergente con altos índices... more
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      ChinaNeoliberalismAlter-globalizationPoverty Reduction
Examining the impact of the Washington Consensus using Chile and Argentina as case studies.

Written in February 2014 as part of the LSE GV444 module Democracy and Development in Latin America.
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      Economic HistoryLatin American StudiesLatin American politicsArgentina
The main purpose of the chapter is to assess the adequacy for an understanding of development, of the various frameworks that have been put forward by the Bank. Predominantly, it seeks to situate the agenda that was implied by the... more
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      World BankWashington consensuscritiques on role of IMF and world Bank in AfricaRobert McNamara
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      Economic HistoryEconomic SociologyGeographyDevelopment Economics
Hat sich die Globale Ungleichheit nach einer langen Geschichte des Kolonialismus seit der letzten Globalisierungswelle reduziert? Der Beitrag diskutiert die Konvergenz-These kritisch und erläutert den Fortbestand ungleicher... more
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      Political EconomyGlobalizationNatural ResourcesWorld Systems Analysis
La presente ricerca intende valutare il grado di legittimità democratica, considerata sia in termini di input legitimacy sia di output legitimacy, che caratterizza il processo decisionale e le attività di prestito del Fondo monetario... more
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      MacroeconomicsInternational Political EconomyEuropean UnionInternational economic law
Resumo: Este trabalho procura fazer uma análise crítica da proposta da Nova CEPAL para a retomada do crescimento e desenvolvimento na América Latina. O objetivo é demonstrar que essa proposta, na verdade, não propõe a ruptura com as... more
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      NeoliberalismWashington consensus
Theoretical aspects of economic development and growth The aim of this article is to compare the economic development models of two economic transformations that are widely recognised as successful. They constitute the two cases... more
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      Economic HistoryDevelopment EconomicsPolitical EconomyDevelopment Studies
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      AccordionWashington consensusWashingtonWashington DC
The purpose of this paper is two-fold. First, is to provide an empirical analysis of the implementation of economic reforms in the areas of privatization, trade liberalization, and public expenditure priorities, using the Washington... more
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This chapter compares various instances of everyday routine meetings in political institutions (such as the European Parliament and the European Commission) with meetings in business organizations, with the aim of, first describing... more
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      Critical Discourse StudiesClimate ChangeNatural ResourcesLeadership
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      NeoliberalismAlter-globalizationPoverty ReductionWashington consensus
The latest economic crisis has forced many organizations to look very closely at their financing, operations, marketing and strategy. Recessions are certainly a sobering period for many people, requiring changes in habitual spending and... more
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      MarketingNeoliberalismMarketing StrategyFinancial Crisis of 2008/2009
Since 2008, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has become more open to the use of discretionary fiscal stimulus packages to deal with recessions, while changing its doctrine on the timing and content of fiscal consolida- tion. The... more
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      International RelationsPolitical EconomyInternational Political EconomyIMF
Washington Consensus-krytyka i przewartościowanie neoliberalnego paradygmatu Upadek paradygmatu (utożsamiany w tym tekście z rewolucją naukową w rozu-mieniu Thomasa Kuhna) to rzadko spotykane wydarzenie, które neguje nie tylko wyniki... more
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      NeoliberalismWashington consensus
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    • Washington consensus
""The emergence of China as a significant economic force in Latin America has sparked both optimism and alarm. Recent books and articles depict China as a rising imperial power scouring the globe for natural resources and as a competitive... more
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      Climate ChangeNatural ResourcesSustainable DevelopmentLaw and Development
Prefácio Introdução: o que são falácias e como incorrem nelas os acadêmicos... 1. O mito do neoliberalismo 2. O mito do Consenso de Washington 3. O mito do marco teórico 4. O mito do Estado corretor dos desequilíbrios de mercado 5.... more
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      Cuban StudiesBrazilian StudiesVenezuelaChina
"Alter-Globalization / The Global Justice Movement From Bangalore to Seattle, Porto Alegre, Copenhagen and Dakar, citizens, indigenous, farmers, intellectuals and dalits have contested globalization in its neoliberal form, proposed... more
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      SociologySocial ChangeSocial MovementsLatin American Studies
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) has caused a shift in the debate on international trade issues and is questioning the basic topdown strategy. Never before has such resistance occurred concerning trade issues. So... more
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      Millenium Development GoalsNAFTAWashington consensusEuropean Union, geopolitics, global strategy
In this book there are three principal modes of analysis. One takes the study of institutions and changes the focus to questions of efficiency and accountability. How do the people who run institutions actually behave and what are the... more
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      Gender StudiesMulticulturalismPolitical ParticipationPolitical Parties
"""How does a revolt come about and what does it leave behind? What impact does it have on those who participate in it and those who simply watch it? Is the Greek revolt of December 2008 confined to the shores of the Mediterranean, or are... more
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      Critical TheoryCritical TheoryHistoryHistory
The chapter argues that the neoliberal doctrine, which emerged in the 1980s as a response to the crisis of the Keynesian economics, has shaped both the IMF's conditionality policy and the European economic governance. The orthodox... more
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      European UnionNeoliberalismEuropean Political EconomyWashington consensus
The paper outlines the emergence of a New Washington Consensus associated with leading philanthropies of the new millennium. This emergent development paradigm by no means represents a historic break with the market rationalities of... more
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      EducationGlobalizationGlobal HealthNeoliberalism
While the philosophical idea of the return of revolution is becoming increasingly more popular and relevant today, the current body of literature thinking through it has tended to under-theorize and often neglect a crucial dimension of... more
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryHistoryCultural History
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      Social ChangeSocial MovementsMarxismRevolutions
How does the massive use of social media in contemporary protests affect the character of activist communication? Moving away from the conceptualization of social media as tools, this research explores how activist social media... more
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      Political EconomyNew MediaBlogsDigital Media
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryHistoryCultural History
"The Report presents insights which illuminates the intertwinements of European regulatory policies and global governance arrangements. By pinning down the exact nature of the interaction between these two levels, the EU’s dilemma becomes... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsBusiness EthicsSociologyEuropean Studies
Neoliberalism, the currently dominant policy framework and development ideology, supplanted the Keynesian order from the late 1970s on. Cracks appeared in the Keynesian consensus in 1971 when the United States withdrew its pledge to back... more
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      NeoliberalismNew LeftSocialismGlobal South
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      Economic HistoryBlack Studies Or African American StudiesLatin American StudiesDevelopment Economics
A commitment to eradicate global poverty through development and economic growth is a challenge which has been accepted by governments worldwide, in spite of the straightforward difficulty of finding a general consent on the strategies to... more
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      International RelationsDevelopment StudiesGlobalizationPoverty
It has been generally thought that having natural resource endowments play key role in the economic and political development of states due to the privilege that they are leading to their owner states since they can increase wealth and... more
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      Climate ChangeNatural ResourcesSustainable DevelopmentLaw and Development
Neoliberalism has grown to become the dominant political and economic agenda of our time. Its supporters hold influential positions across governments, education, the media and corporate and financial institutions, yet its effects have... more
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      FinanceEconomicsMedia and Cultural StudiesPolitical Science
For around fifteen years now, anthropology has been engaged in the study of neoliberalism. What contribution does the discipline have to make to a debate largely monopolized by economics and political science? To answer this question, the... more
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      Critical TheoryEntrepreneurshipSociologyEconomic Sociology
This chapter examines the emergence of neoliberalism in development economics and development studies, and the implications of the neoliberal transition across both scholarship and policy-making. It argues that the meaning and... more
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      Development EconomicsDevelopment StudiesNeoliberalismWashington consensus
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      Critical TheoryHistoryEconomic HistorySociology
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      Political EconomyGlobal GovernanceGovernanceInternational Political Economy
Gregory Bateson said that we are ‘governed by epistemologies that we know to be wrong’ back in 1972. In the same book Bateson wrote: 'the organism that destroys its environment destroys itself.’ Almost forty years later global ecological... more
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      Green EconomicsEpistemologyTransformative LearningCrisis communication and management
Los trabajos traducidos y reunidos en este libro presentan contribuciones centrales de la producción de Yves Dezalay y Bryan G. Garth, que se sustentan –en gran parte– en estudios referidos a Estados y grupos profesionales de... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologyLatin American StudiesHuman Rights