Walking and Exploring
Recent papers in Walking and Exploring
My contribution today is titled Walking with buildings. The flâneur and the (im)mobilizing power of non-human narrators and aims to reflect on the contrasting encounter between the apparent immobility of buildings, as non-human inert... more
Einkaufen-Gehen ist etwas, was allein in der Stadt wirklich geht. lm Dorf kann man nur Besorgungen machen, und in der Kleinstadt kann man darüber hinaus höchstens zum Einkaufen fahren. lch gehe Einkaufen meint im urbanen Kontext etwas... more
This paper/chapter examines examples of UK-based walking arts practitioners who work around the boundaries of everyday or leisure walking; part of an identifiable ‘meshwork’ with unevenly shared principles, aesthetics and narratives. The... more
Wandering as Pathscaping, by Vanessa Grasse, presents a practical and theoretical enquiry into a walking and drawing practice grounded in a somatic and dance improvisation informed approach. This is articulated through the author’s... more
ansal ler kentin kolbine b ( YürüYüŞ Ömüı Hormonsoh ''Sczgilcıiııin kcnclisini -vanıLıal:iltıcclğiııtl irrıııırlıyiı 1ıı'sIarsı Ştllriıde (3ylııılaçağınclen kıışkrısu vcıIıtu hiç: Hilüiiyelelali kdlalisini ayarl(ta trt1iıö. ]]ir kairi]ıı... more
La Strada, che io credevo capace di imprimere alla mia vita svolte sorprendenti, la strada con le sue inquietudini e i suoi sguardi, era il mio vero elemento: in essa ricevevo come in nessun altro luogo il vento dell'eventualità." André... more
Je ne puis méditer qu'en marchant, sitôt que je m'arrête, je ne pense plus, et ma tête ne va qu'avec mes pieds » (Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Confessions, IX, p343 éditions Barbier, Paris, 1846) Dans nombre de ses textes, devenus des talismans... more
This article, published in two parts, combines insights form travel writing, history, and urban studies to explore the social welfare milieu of early 20th century New York City and its connection to disaster relief efforts for Titanic... more
After a review of recent psychogeographical practice and publications, this talk addresses the challenges for contemporary psychogeography from a multiplicitous and invasive global Spectacle that has shifted beyond its former 'integrated'... more
The tourism industry from 2012 to 2022 is expected to grow by an average of 4% annually to constitute 10% of global GDP (US$10 trillion). It is also predicted by 2022, globally, one in every ten jobs (328 million) will be tourism-related.... more
El objetivo de este estudio es mostrar desde una perspectiva fenomenológica cómo el caminar potencia nuestra mente y en especial la creatividad. Nuestra investigación recorre los múltiples ejemplos de pensadores, poetas, músicos, pintores... more
This article assesses aspects of the troubled and disputed practice of the dérive some half a century after its Lettriste inception. Rather than seeking to draw a 'virtuous' layer from the multiplicity of practices presently grouped... more
Tisk Cicero Begunje, d. o. o. Naklada 300 izvodov Prva izdaja, prvi natis Ljubljana 2019 Izid knjige sta podprla Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije in ZRC SAZU. CIP -Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in... more
Patika yürüyüşü zorlu, bir o kadar da keyifli bir dinlenme aracıdır. İşaretli rotalarda yürümek bu zorluğu bir derece azaltır. Peki bu parkurlar nasıl hazırlanıyor? Türkiye’nin en uzun yürüyüş rotası olarak anılan Karia Yolu 2009 yılında... more
This paper describes the assembling of a taxonomy of 'zombie space', consisting of categories of fictional urban space drawn from zombie films and other expressions of a living dead 'mythos', and presents a provisional set of these... more
Short essay on Anne Carson's "Kinds of Water" from the book "ANNE CARSON ECSTATIC LYRE" out from University of Michigan Press this spring (2015) and edited by JM Wilkinson. I have also included in the PDF the Table of Contents for the... more
The Anthropocene denotes the point at which people become influencers – orchestrating change, impacting, shaping, and structuring the earth. The notable absence of women in the discussion of walking art tells us something about the... more
Today we are living in modern Internet era. We can get all our information from the internet anytime and from anywhere using a desktop PC or a smart phone. However, the underlying technology for relevant information retrieval from the... more
Originally published in Drain, Issue 11, Vol. 5, No.2., "Psychogeography" (October, 2008). Revised and published as chapter 2 of Surregional Explorations (Chicago: Charles Kerr, 2012).
This article, published in two parts, combines insights form travel writing, history, and urban studies to explore the social welfare milieu of early 20th century New York City and its connection to disaster relief efforts for Titanic... more
This is an informative (yet informal) description of the route of Hadrian’s Wall and all the remains that can still be seen. For most of the route from east to west, it follows the Hadrian’s Wall National Trail Footpath, but with an... more
Z mnoha stran se ozývá volání po nutnosti holistického přístupu ke globalizovanému, fyzicky i digitálně zesíťovanému světu v klimatické krizi – ovšem planetární ekosystém byl komplexní strukturou dávno předtím, než si toho lidstvo všimlo.... more
Artículo inspirado en la tesis de maestría del autor en el que se sintetizan los más relevantes datos sobre los sistemas de construcción de caminos mayas en tiempos previos a la conquista española y testimonios de cronistas de la... more
This essay explores the relationship between walking and writing, utilizing performative poetry as an a/r/tographic mode of contemplative inquiry.
Wandering as Pathscaping, by Vanessa Grasse, presents a practical and theoretical enquiry into a walking and drawing practice grounded in a somatic and dance improvisation informed approach. This is articulated through the author’s... more
Of late I have been pondering the nature of ‘internal exploration’. I will bounce off comments made by Michael Robinson and David Renwick Grant, who in turn commented on Mikael’s post “Am I a fake and a cheat?” I thought Mikael’s and... more
This fort is the home to the Army Reserves, Coast Guard, FDNY, FBI, and the public, but it's like a monastery for me because, despite the aforementioned, you can find inner and outer peace here. I do a meditation walk on the fort's... more
This paper presents an exploratory account of contemplation and meditative experience as found in Coleridge’s ‘Meditative Poems’ and in the nature writing recorded in his notebooks. In these writings, we see the importance of meditative... more
"Walking gaits and walking styles. Space, rhythm and movement on foot" Cover & table of contents.
Integrating body-mind, space and time, place and temporality, walking induces connections with the self and the world in particular and complex ways. Because land is itself a narrative upon which walking is performed, and walking is a... more
This is the accompanying paper for a new media art project that challenges the concept of community through public, political and personal narratives. This work critically approaches the urban landscape as reflexive interventions within... more
Today we are living in modern Internet era. We can get all from anywhere using a desktop PC or a smart phone. However, the underlying technology for relevant information retrieval from the internet is not so trivial, as internet is a huge... more
Balade quantique lyonnaise proposée par Piet sO, dans le cadre du projet anthropocénique Titre à venir, au centre culturel de l'Attrape Couleurs (Lyon 9)
The current essay consists of a reflection on the construction of the experience of citadin life departing from the principles of Walter Benjamin’s theory of distraction. By making use of the method of montage, the photographs that... more