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Una aproximación al suicidio en tanto que fenómeno estético a partir de la lectura de Yasunari Kawabata y la filosofía del maestro del té Sen no Rikyu.
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      Japanese LiteratureLiteratureSuicideWabi Sabi
This project charts the development of a brand inspired by an ancient symbol of three rabbits with interlocking ears. The process documented in this book details the evolution of the brand, charting its history and the deciphering of its... more
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      RomanticismArt TheoryPhilosophical AnthropologyEthnography
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      EngineeringDesignLife Cycle CostingEnvironmental Sustainability
Resumen: Este artículo pretende analizar el encuentro entre dos horizontes culturales: Oriente y Occidente. Inten‐ ta abordar el choque cultural entre dos conceptos de naturaleza que ten‐ drá lugar a comienzos del siglo XX materializado... more
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      Zen BuddhismWabi SabiHistoria del ArteJapon
In Art as Experience (1987; 1934), John Dewey seeks to undermine the idea that art has a place above and distinct from ordinary human experience.1 Instead, he argues that an adequate aesthetic theory must take into account that all art... more
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      SociologyAestheticsJohn DeweyWabi Sabi
Abstract. Wabi (as well as sabi) preach modesty while kitsch is boastful. Wabi and sabi cling to the ideal of non-perfection while kitsch likes the smooth surfaces of perfection. Wabi aesthetics prefers natural colors and materials and... more
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      AestheticsKitschWabi SabiJapanese Aesthetics
The West was dominated for a long time - at least until the beginning of the twentieth century - by a disembodied and inhuman ideal of beauty, ignoring other possible aesthetic nuances of beauty experienced in the Far East both in... more
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      AestheticsWabi SabiJapanese AestheticsBeauty
Current Hyperconsumerism Society have been causing drastic environmental reper-cussions, most of which designers are responsible for and they should attempt to solve adopting such promising approaches as “designing new... more
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      DesignSustainable Production and ConsumptionLife Cycle CostingEnvironmental Sustainability
This article refers to research on wabi-sabi aesthetics, developed based on zen-buddhism and Chinese artistic treatises, gradually improved and hybridized with genuine Japanese aspects such as yūgen and yojō, present in poetic literature... more
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      Japanese ArtWabi SabiJapanese Aesthetics
There is a problem with the way food packaging is recycled today because western society deems food packaging to be less important than household product packaging. “The grocery sector accounts for about 70% of the packaging market.”... more
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      Social PsychologyAestheticsMaterial Culture StudiesPackaging
Rarely has a concept in clothing design attracted the sort of dread and hysteria that deconstruction incited since its inception in 1967. Deconstruction can be described as the literal dismantling of clothes in order to destroy fashion.... more
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      Japanese StudiesDeconstructionDerridean DeconstructionWabi Sabi
Callada tu mente y su prestigioso trabajo, descubres, en el peligroso borde, que tu cuerpo es más inteligente y que es tuyo y de todos. Todo cuerpo es tótem. Levántate y muestra tu desnudez al alba que ya empieza. A las 7 los cirujanos te... more
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      Wabi SabiLiteratura LatinoamericanaLiteraturaPoesía Mística
Questa breve opera deriva da un piccolo ciclo di lezioni sull'estetica contemporanea che ho tenuto all'università di Tor Vergata nell'anno 2012-2013. In questo caso, poiché il testo non si rivolge a un pubblico specializzato, userò un... more
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      Asian StudiesAestheticsChinese StudiesJapanese Language And Culture
Este artigo apresenta um estudo sobre a estética wabi-sabi, desenvolvida por meio do zen-budismo e dos tratados artísticos chineses e aprimorada gradualmente com os aspectos genuínos nipônicos, como yūgen e yojō, presentes na literatura... more
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      Japanese ArtWabi SabiJapanese Aesthetics
Introductory overview of New Zealand artists who began working in film and video between 1970 and 1985, following their work up to 2010 and beyond. This piece was originally titled A Place Near Here and published in Illusions #35. It... more
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      Visual MusicVideo GamesManga and Anime StudiesVideo Art
Surveys and contextualizes recent New Zealand artists' cinema by genre including, Landscape, Psychodrama, Identity Politics, Visual Music, Installed & Expanded Cinemas, and Animation. Touches on aspects of Asian and Western philosophy... more
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      PsychodramaNew MediaAnimationInstallation Art
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      AestheticsReflective PracticeLiminalityWabi Sabi
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      Wabi SabiPhilosophy of Art and BeautyJapanese Studies, History of Thought, Philosophy
Bigaku atau estetika Jepang adalah unsur yang tak terpisahkan dari budaya jepang, begitu pula sebaliknya, konsep ini masih tertanam dan hidup dalam berbagai bidang kebudayaan masyarakat Jepang hingga saat ini. Di alam konsep bigaku... more
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      Wabi SabiBudaya JepangMono No Aware
Faculdade de Arquitetura, Artes e Comunicação - FAAC
Bacharel em Artes Visuais
Jeff Barbato
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      The Grotesque BodyWabi SabiHistoria del ArteArte contemporáneo
Craft is inherently linked to memory and time. This association is especially evident in several Japanese traditions and philosophies: The continual rebuilding of the Ise Jingu Shrine which inherently preserves traditional skills and... more
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      Wabi SabiCraftForgettingMemory
To navigate contemporaneity is to experience cacophony. Since the last century, with the domination of mass media in Western culture, individuals are constantly surrounded by images and have themselves become such, with social media and... more
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      AestheticsMedia StudiesSocial MediaTechnology And Culture
Kusursuzluk algısı insan duyularında bir şeylerin normal ve doğal olmadığı, bir şeylerin otantik olmadığı hissini uyandırır. Bu sebeple, kusursuzluk genellikle şüphe duygusu oluşturur. Sprezzatura, sûnî güzellik algısını bozan dengeleyici... more
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      StoicismZenMinimalismWabi Sabi
Refletindo sobre uma sensação de leveza e dilatação da passagem temporal, a pesquisa elabora a expressão “tempo suspenso” e analisa de que maneira essa singular percepção pode ser transmutada em códices. Para sua compreensão, dialoga... more
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      ArtPaintingZen BuddhismDrawing
From my editor Thanos Kalamidas: "Η Dr. Emine Koseoglu είναι φίλη και συνεργάτης για πολλά χρόνια και μου έχει δοθεί η ευκαιρία σε αυτά τα χρόνια να παρουσιάσω πολλές φορές τη δουλειά της που είναι πέρα από την αρχιτεκτονική αισθητική... more
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      PhilosophyArtBasic DesignWabi Sabi
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      Teacher EducationHermeneutics (Research Methodology)Curriculum StudiesChildren's and Young Adult Literature
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      ConservationJapanWabi SabiGutai
2 Wabi sabi is a Japanese concept or notion; in this reflective report I have tried to understand the nature of wabi sabi and how it relates to my working practice and the material I create.
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    • Wabi Sabi
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      PhilosophyJapanWabi SabiBeauty, theories of
En este trabajo sobre el haiku japonés hemos profundizado sobre el género y sus conexiones con la filosofía del país y otras formas artísticas. Primero hemos visto su trasfondo budista y cómo el haiku aplica los conceptos de mono no... more
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      Wabi SabiJapanese AestheticsHaikuHaiku Poetry
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      Japanese CinemaWabi SabiJapanese AestheticsYasujiro Ozu
What happens when novelists actively incorporate the idea of failure in their books?
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      AestheticsContemporary LiteratureWabi SabiLaszlo Krasznahorkai
La interpretación caliente tiene ya veinte años de trayectoria, y las motivaciones de los visitantes a la hora de visitar espacios de memoria traumática están cambiando. Muchas de estas motivaciones están relacionadas con los nuevos modos... more
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      Museum StudiesHeritage TourismDark TourismWabi Sabi
Photography and inspiration by Dr. Emine Koseoglu Editor: Thanos Kalamidas An Ovi Magazine Books Publication C 2015 Ovi Project Publication - All material is copyright of the Ovi magazine & the writer Ovi books are available in Ovi... more
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      PhilosophyArtBasic DesignWabi Sabi
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      AestheticsJohn DeweyWabi Sabi
Gli artefatti sono intrinsecamente destinati ad accompagnare la vita degli individui, contribuendo a palesarne l'identità. Sono entità vive e mutevoli, che possono cambiare dinamicamente il loro aspetto o perfino la loro funzione.... more
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      EngineeringDesignSociology of the BodyLife Cycle Costing
Forme radicale d'anciens verbes de japonais vernaculaire wabu et wabiru. Ceux-ci, associés aux sinogrammes 4 F 9 8 ou encore 8 A 6 B , signifient « se sentir attristé » ou « inquiet » d'être dans l'embarras, y compris matériel ; d'où les... more
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      Wabi SabiWabi
Keywords: introversion, Middle Ages, history of science,
Islam, cultural clashes, locus of control, wabi-sabi.
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      ReligionHistory of Science and TechnologyPsychologyDevelopmental Psychology
My work as an intern in PWD, mandi, Himachal Pradesh. Consists of landscape proposals for a college institute.
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      DesignArchitectureProduct DesignEnvironmental Sustainability
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      Installation ArtWabi SabiAffect (Cultural Theory)Affective Space
In occasione dell’UNESCO World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development (21 maggio 2021) e dello United Nations International Day for Biological Diversity (22 maggio 2021), e alla luce della drammatica lezione del Covid-19,... more
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      UnescoBiodiversityWabi SabiPhilosophy of Food
Den här texten önskar lansera begreppet ”Efterblivelser”. Ett begrepp som definierar den estetik som uppstår genom de restprodukter som lämnas kvar i en auktionsmiljö. En miljö kopplad till en värld som upphöjer och dikterar konstnärliga... more
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      PhotographyNatural HistoryWabi SabiFilosophy
Websites dealing with a global commodity such as music targeted at a global community of users often have to cross geographical and cultural boundaries of space and time. To become globally recognized, one such website -,... more
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      Cultural StudiesHuman Computer InteractionMusicTechnology