As yet, there are no specialists in the application of information technology to education and training. However, this is one of the fastest growing areas on the Internet due to the recent perception of the enormous potential for the use... more
Our project "Generic Portals" 1 focuses on the possibilities and problems created by the usage of web-technologies to support web-based Digital Library applications. We observe a divergence of services in the sphere of structured... more
Today, web is growing rapidly, the users get easily lost in the web"s rich hyper structure. The primary goal of the web site owner is to provide the relevant information to the users to fulfill their needs. Web mining technique is used to... more
The Full Stack Development course at IDM Techpark spans four months, offering an in-depth curriculum that covers a wide array of technologies and frameworks essential for modern web development. Students begin with foundational topics... more
Nowadays, the Web constitutes an integral part of higher education and offers an unprecedented level of access to information and services. The increasing number of students with disabilities in higher education emphasizes the need of... more
Web search engines are now major tools that people use to find information on the Web. Few studies have examined the extent and functionality of these Web searching tools that support Spanish-speaking users. Our study identified 72... more
A Portable server is the combination of popular web server software, namely Apache, MySQL, PHP and PhpMyAdmin. With a portable server, users can develop and display a developed website anywhere at any time as all web server configurations... more
The Web evolves rapidly. Day by day & WWW is currently experiencing a revolutionary growth due to its increasing participative community software applications. This paper highlights an emerging application development paradigm on the WWW,... more
This paper aims at showing the necessity and importance of several experimental studies during the life-cycle of a website. As a case study a web based platform for ecotourism is used. For this purpose, a prototype system, called... more
CV. Hexsfal Dua Putra Banjarmasin merupakan perusahaan bergerak dalam bidang souvenir dan percetakan. CV Hexsfal Dua Putra akan mengolah produk berdasarkan pesanan yang diberikan oleh pelanggan melalui e-mail, telepon atau pelanggan bisa... more
In recent years, the rapid advancement of Internet of Things (IoT) technology has enabled the development of innovative solutions for fire detection and notification systems. This paper presents the design and implementation of an... more
A field study was conducted on a team of collaborating designers who used a variety of internet-based media to co-ordinate their activities. The paper focuses on their work practices, specifically those of their conversational resources... more
Web Content Adaptation to Mobile Access Devices Using Wurfl to Identify the Content Delivery Context
Web sites on the Internet can be accessed through a growing range of device categories, resulting in a variety of technologies for applications development and languages. This profusion of languages and technologies results in an... more
The World Wide Web is increasing in the random rate of web pages and all web pages are rapidly updated about the need of user. Web search engine downloads web pages and the user cannot take the relevant update information for World Wide... more
UX/UI design is a cornerstone of modern web development, focusing on creating visually appealing, accessible, and user-friendly digital experiences. By enhancing user engagement, driving conversions, and building brand credibility, it... more
Currently, a large variety of infrastructures are targeting 3D models. Recently, several overview reports on extant platforms and repositories [1-5] and 3D visualization frameworks and formats [6] were compiled. Infrastructures differ... more
With the rapid expansion of online technology in recent years, there is a strong trend that Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)5 will become a global web consortium and will lead the front-end. to take stage in the history of the internet... more
In the age of the digital revolution, websites are a critical component in establishing an online organizational presence. The main aim of this paper is to deliver a model that may provide guidelines, specifically for Small and Medium... more
Models are placed by modeling paradigm at the center of development process. These models are represented by languages, like UML the language standardized by the OMG which became necessary for development. Moreover the ontology... more
Разработка приложения осуществляется на базе графической платформы Unity 5. Данное приложение будет включать в себя алфавит, словарь жестов и переводчик текстов. С его помощью возможно уменьшение проблем в общении глухим людей.Application... more
Although the library's Web site has become a standard tool for seeking information and conducting research in academic institutions, there are a variety of ways libraries approach the often challenging-and sometimes daunting-process of... more
Strong encryption algorithms and reliable anonymity routing have made cybercrime investigation more challenging. Hence, one option for law enforcement agencies (LEAs) is to search through unencrypted content on the Internet or anonymous... more
Navigation is the least understood aspect of web accessibility for many web developers, but is the most important for providing users with disabilities equal access to the web. It seems that the ability of users with disabilities to... more
This study aims to understand the general web accessibility of digital information networks which may serve as barriers for access to the global discipline of Communication through institutional and departmental websites, specifically for... more
Distributed Denial-of-Service attacks are becoming increasingly pervasive, especially in web-based applications, and their impact have been devastating and affect businesses and organisations negatively. This research highlights web-based... more
O Cloud Computing tem emergido como sendo um novo paradigma para entrega de serviços através da Internet. Neste mercado em expansão, o serviço de PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) tem sido objeto de grande interesse por parte das mais variadas... more
Web access for users with disabilities is an important goal and challenging problem for web content developers and designers. This paper presents a comparison of different methods for finding accessibility problems affecting users who are... more
Selama ini, sistem irigasi dilakukan secara manual. Akan tetapi, terkadang kita tidak punya cukup waktu untuk melihat secara berkala. Oleh karena itu, kita membutuhkan suatu alat yang dapat membantu untuk sistem irigasi. Alat tersebut... more
Information system in any organization is an essential element. For this purposed, many organization spend budget to buy a good system in order to have a reliable system to be operated in their organization. Many systems that invented are... more
Анотація. У сучасному цифровому середовищі безпека веб-ресурсів набуває первинної важливості через постійне зростання кількості веб-вразливостей. Це створює потенційні ризики для користувачів та бізнесу. В цьому контексті, стандарти та... more
Constructing server-based Web applications requires creating both Web pages and programs that generate Web pages. This requires a knowledge of the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), the Common Gateway Interface (CGI) protocol, and a... more
There are a large number of websites serving valuable content that can be used by higher-level applications, Web Services, Mashups etc. Yet, due to various reasons (lack of computing resources, financial constraints etc.) they are unable... more
Introduction: Rapid growth in Web application has increased the researcher's interest at this time. Everyone is surrounded by a computer network. A Web Application is a very useful application used to communicate and transfer data. An... more
Web Applications are the predominant medium for not only business enterprises but also for service-based sector to establish and continue their online presence. However, the robustness of web application is mandatory in seamless... more
Nowadays, web developers are required to choose between Single-Page Application (SPA) or Server-Side Rendering (SSR). Both types of web applications have their own advantages and disadvantages. Currently, most developers use Javascript to... more
Computer programming concepts are inherently abstract in form and intangible in essence, and so, to many a student, they are intuitively challenging to understand. This is a contributory factor to high students’ failure rate in higher... more
The advent of e-commerce has created new financial needs that in many cases cannot be effectively fulfilled by traditional payment systems. Prepaid cards, originally conceived as a convenient way for consumers to pay for telephony access,... more
The digital revolution is dramatically changing our world, and the ubiquitous applications of computer in our lives have made digital technology an indispensable part of the infrastructure of our living environment. Digital technology is... more
The Model Driven Development (MDD) paradigm uses conceptual models to automatically generate software products by means of model transformations. This paradigm is strongly positioned in industry due to the quickly time to market of... more
Social work education at the baccalaureate and foundation level of master programs is structured around a generalist practice perspective. Advance practice in social work education is defined and conceptualized through the curriculums of... more
We present a web-based framework to screen for Parkinson's disease (PD) by allowing users to perform neurological tests in their homes. Our web framework guides the users to complete three tasks involving speech, facial expression, and... more
The Personal Web arose to empower end users with the ability to drive and integrate the Web by themselves, according to their own interests. This is usually achieved through Web Augmentation, Mashups, Personal Information Managers (PIM),... more
The ubiquitousness of the Internet is changing the way users perform their tasks. There is a trend and sometimes a real need to be always connected. The client-server paradigm used in the Web greatly facilitates the consumption of... more
Providing accessible open educational resources (OER) is essential for users with impairments to access university resources. To achieve this, web content accessibility guidelines (WCAG) have been developed. In this study, we used the... more