W.B. Yeats
Recent papers in W.B. Yeats
Fifth in a series of short articles for the Irish Arts Review that aims to put Irish arts in historical and social contexts by highlighting selected artworks and archival resources at the John J. Burns Library for rare books, special... more
[AMAZON LINK BELOW TO BOOK ITSELF -- TOC and book intro in downloadable .pdf] "It is a common experience that a problem difficult at night is resolved in the morning after the committee of sleep has worked on it." --John Steinbeck... more
The presentation was done at IASIL (International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures) 2017. All quotations are originally written in Japanese and were translated into English by the author.
Daalder, Joost 1987. Some Possible Sources for Yeats's 'Sailing to Byzantium': A Reconsideration. The Yeats Eliot Review 9 (1), 1-16. Copyright 1987, The Yeats Eliot Review. Published version of the paper reproduced here with permission... more
Correspondence between W. B. Yeats and the ‘pitman-poet’ Joseph Skipsey demonstrates new insights into the early careers of Yeats and a deeper understanding of the possibilities and capabilities of the Victorian working classes. This... more
At the Hawk’s Well (A sólyam kútjánál), live theatrical production,Theatre One, Irish World Academy of Music and Dance, Limerick University, 15 October 2015.
This article analyses the place of nihilistic philosophy in W. B. Yeats's notoriously opaque work A Vision. Despite often being cast as a failure, A Vision is considered fundamental to a comprehension of Yeats and his writings. While much... more
W.B. Yeats, Crazy Jane and the Catholic Church William Butler Yeats or W.B. Yeats as he is known is one of the most prominent literary figures of the 20 th century. Born in 1865 in Ireland, today he is remembered as one of the iconic... more
No two poems are the same, even though they are works of the same author. So, two poems like Never Give All the Heart and The Rose of Peace which were written eighteen years apart, are also not expected to have the same qualities. Due to... more
This article examines the immediate historical context within which an image of Tagore -one that persists today -was constructed. It looks at the expectations and prejudices of Tagore's contacts in London such as William Rothenstein, W.... more
In our paper on W. B. Yeats, we have tried to answer to the question “how do allusions to Shakespeare plays work within specific poems?”, attempting to convey and discuss Shakespearean references in three of Yeats’ poems, namely An Acre... more
Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования РОСТОВСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ На правах рукописи ПРИХОДЬКО Вера Сергеевна МИФОПОЭТИЧЕСКИЙ АСПЕКТ РАННЕЙ ЛИРИКИ У.Б. ЙЕЙТСА (1889-1899гг.)... more
The poetry of the 20th Century is like a subterranean current that slowly worked on its foundation, uprooted the status quo-sit values and aimed at creating new ones. The Poets of this era broke away from the narrative tone and focused... more
Leda and the Swan is one work of both art and literature that captures the wits and senses of its beholders. This is not merely because of its beauty, demonstrated in paintings or sculptures, or its dexterity when represented in texts of... more
An analysis of a selection of Yeats's poetry in terms of the meanings of violence. This essay will be published on 2 August, 2015, in Yeats 150 ed. Declan J. Foley, Dublin: Lilliput Press.
(Collecting 'The Modern Debacle'/ 'Myth, Depavity, Impasse'/ 'This Life, This Death: Wordsworth's Poetic Destiny') Authors covered: in "The Modern Debacle": T.S.Eliot, Ernest Hemingway, Samuel Beckett, Tennessee Williams, Arthur... more
Why did Yeats marry a 25-year-old heiress when he was 52?
This paper was delivered at the 10th NEICN (North East Irish Cultural Network) conference in November 2012.
"The oldest records indicate that the performance of poetry in Gaelic Ireland was normally accompanied by music, providing a point of continuity with past tradition while bolstering a sense of community in the present. Music would also... more
This thesis explores the notion of ‘voice’ in relation to contemporary poetics and the digital arts. It is a practice-based project that produces a theoretical and creative space in which a theory of the ‘voice of the machine’ is... more
It is a well known fact that in 1912, when he went to England, Tagore had carried a diary containing his own English translation of his Bangla poems. It was this diary that he presented to Rothenstein, who was so impressed with it that he... more
Translation of The Celtic Twilight by W.B. Yeats
"About the Book (from http://www.clemson.edu/cedp/cudp/pubs/vision/index.html) W. B. Yeats's "A Vision": Explications and Contexts is the first volume of essays devoted to A Vision and the associated system developed by W. B. Yeats and... more
It is a known fact that throughout his life Pessoa was interested in and conversant with an array of esoteric currents and doctrines. Underpinning that interest was a marked tendency to a form of symbolic thinking encapsulated in the... more
A consideration of the early relationship between James Joyce and W.B. Yeats and the literary-historical contexts of the composition, publication and reception of Chamber Music and how this volume fits with the ambitions of the Irish... more
Abstract Although largely unrelated phenomena, there are striking similarities between the manner in which both Ireland and India drew upon their classical languages as a mechanism for intellectual nation-building upon both states’... more
In this essay I try to argue a broader and deeper notion of fairy tale, beginning from an overview of some of the key terminologies and classifications devised and employed by folk-narrative research, passing through an etymological and... more
This essay investigates the well-known, yet understudied, Bengali Theosophist Mohini Mohun Chatterji. In this essay, Mohini Chatterji's life and career will be discussed in relation to the Theosophical Society. His case will be seen as an... more
The aim of this article is to analyze the poem " Easter 1916 " of the Irish writer William Butler Yeats which was written weeks after the Easter Rising. An armed revolution held by teachers, poets, and writers, among others. It had as its... more
When the Irish poet William Butler Yeats (1865–1939) staged his play At the Hawk’s Well in 1916 as a response to Japanese Noh theatre, he collaborated with individuals from several countries, for instance the American poet Ezra Pound... more
I argue a case for interpreting Yeats through the metaphysics of The Order of the Golden Dawn and the human/cosmic life cycle of their Rider-Waite tarot deck. In doing so, I will explain how the metaphysics of Indian and Egyptian sacred... more
This essay begins to explore the relationship of the production and dissolution of meaning in lyric and the analogous production and dissolution of law in the moment of violence, typically the coup [el golpe] or, as Yeats put it in the... more
Kim Sowol(김소월, 1902~1934) was a Korean poet who represents modern Korean poetry. That his most acclaimed poem "Azaleas" (진달래꽃, 1922) was strongly influenced by W. B. Yeats's "He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven" (1899), has rarely been... more
“ ‘O when may it suffice?’: W. B. Yeats, the Easter Rising, and the Poetry of Difficult Times.” Reading Ireland 2.1 (September 2016): 22-32.
For the text of my epipgraph, see the youtube link on this page.
For the text of my epipgraph, see the youtube link on this page.
Abstract: It is a given that Yeats wrote and/or assembled books of poems. Some collections of poems within books inform one another within the larger arc of the book as a whole and, as a result, an examination of how poems placed adjacent... more