Vocational Training
Most downloaded papers in Vocational Training
This research was funded by, and implemented within, a UK national research organisation, while the author was the KE and Impact Evaluation Manager responsible for assessing impact on a £15m UK government-funded research programme. This... more
We have, in recent years, seen a remarkable expansion in serious research attention to lifelong learning and its benefits. Many researchers and policy specialists find this work particularly persuasive, because it is based on large scale... more
This research, conducted by the author when a Senior Researcher at Newcastle University, UK, was funded by a UK governance organisation to help them assess, integrate and improve their understanding of the governed population.... more
The designations employed in ILO publications, which are in conformity with United Nations practice, and the presentation of material therein do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the International Labour... more
We provide a selective review of the literature on personality and vocational behavior from 1993 to 1997. We framed the personality aspects of the research in terms of the Five-Factor Model of personality whenever possible, to enhance... more
The Effects of Using movies in teaching vocabulary research aims to find out the whether or not using movies in teaching vocabulary have significant effects in the learning test, whether or not this research has significant effects in the... more
Abstract: This study explores the leadership actions-oriented behavior of school principals in Finland. Actions-orientated behavior enables the leader to appropriately articulate relations and task orientation to meet the immediate... more
Dans de nombreuses formations à l’enseignement tout comme dans nombre de formations professionnelles en alternance, un accompagnement des personnes est mis en place pour apporter de la souplesse et de l’adapta- bilité aux dispositifs de... more
The paper reports on both methodological and substantive findings. It presents a method for generating simplified representations for regional urban populations, their geographical sub-populations and communities. the method generates... more
"PREVIEW Chapter 2 looked at the role coaching plays in developing skills and experience in a variety of vocational settings. But is coaching the most effective way of improving performance? Should it be used alongside other... more
It is usually the role of the human resources department to implement training in-house, but many businesses and workplaces are now requesting that their employees work remotely where possible to minimise in-person interactions during the... more
This paper overview the NEED for qualitative Technical, Vocational Education and Training TVET in Nigerian education system and highlights the current National policy on education, the number of Technical colleges available in the... more
The purpose of this article is to respond to the lack of consistency in the academic and practitioner literature regarding the construct of employee engagement and to offer a platform for the research and use of a refined construct called... more
Wheelahan, Leesa & Moodie, Gavin (2016) Global Trends in TVET: a framework for social justice, Brussels: Education International: http://download.ei-ie.org/Docs/WebDepot/GlobalTrendsinTVET.pdf
This Handbook provides a state-of -the art overview of the field of workplace learning from a global perspective. The authors are all well-placed theoreticians, researchers, and practitioners in this burgeoning field , which cuts across... more
—It is widely accepted that we live in a world where knowledge and technologies are renewing at an accelerating pace. Industrialization in Pakistan has become one of the crucial topics of discussion and concern in recent times and on the... more
A study on the history of diplomatic training, namely on the evolving links between diplomacy and foreign policy, as well as in the educational dimension of such traning and its relationships to the ministerial needs for manpower in their... more
This paper aims at exploring the Dynamics of Youth Unemployment Outlook in South Sudan through a case study approach by assessing the nature and extent of youth unemployment problem, the major factors contributing to youth unemployment,... more
""This report has the following structure. First, in chapter 1 and 2, the background and demarcation of the study is discussed. Subsequently, chapter 3 provides an overview of quality systems in the different countries. Then, chapter 4... more
Professional burnout is a stress-related disorder, having mental exhaustion due to work stress as its most important characteristic. Burned out individuals also often complain about attentional problems. However, it is currently not clear... more
Strategic decision making is perceived as a crucial component of organizational development and change management. Consultants and managers are expected to make strategic decisions that affect organizational performance. This analytical... more
This contribution to the symposium on Michael Young’s article ‘Overcoming the crisis in curriculum theory: a knowledge based approach’, supports his contention that curriculum theory has lost sight of its object – ‘what is taught and... more
This report commissioned by Education International provides a conceptual framework to understand how vocational education is positioned in many countries, and the different ways in which the relationship between vocational education and... more
Due to lack of appropriate qualifications, a large proportion of people face severe disadvantage in getting decent jobs, migrating to other regions and accessing further education, even though they might have the necessary knowledge and... more
This qualitative study examines a reading comprehension strategy use in English as a second language in upper-secondary schools one year after teachers participated in a professional development course. The data comprises observations,... more
... Dorothea Voss-Dahm, Polina Obolenskaya Gerhard Bosch ... We do not distinguish between learning that is the result of VET from any other kind of education. ... it provides them with a sense of autonomy that ultimately improves their... more
The International Labour Organization (ILO) has been promoting equal rights of people with disabilities in the world of work for nearly a century. Currently guided by the ILO Disability Inclusion Strategy 2014-17, the organization focuses... more
This article is based on a textual analysis of European Commission documents that, from 1993 to 2006, construct the discourses of lifelong learning and the knowledge economy. Exploring an apparent conceptual laxity, it finds absolute... more
Technical-Vocational Education and Training (TVE) system plays important role in providing highly skilled workforce to fulfill the needs of industries. An empirical research of TVE system is necessary to identify effective TVE system to... more
Internationally, vocational education and training (VET) has been castigated for its failings in quality terms. It has been seen as having poor standards, high costs and weak employment outcomes. However, the resultant combination of... more