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Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to give a state-of-the art overview of the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) model Design/methodology/approach -The strengths and weaknesses of the demand-control model and the effort-reward imbalance... more
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      Adult EducationEmployee MotivationHuman Resource ManagementStress
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceAdult EducationEmployee Motivation
This position paper introduces the emerging concept of work engagement: a positive, fulfilling, affectivemotivational state of work-related well-being that is characterized by vigour, dedication, and absorption. Although there are... more
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      Positive PsychologyAdult EducationPsychometricsEmployee Motivation
This editorial introduces a special issue of the Journal of Organizational Behavior on positive organizational behavior (POB). POB emphasizes the need for more focused theory building, research, and effective application of positive... more
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      Positive PsychologyAdult EducationPositive Organizational ScholarshipPsychometrics
Burnout researchers have proposed that the conceptual opposites of emotional exhaustion and cynicism (the core dimensions of burnout) are vigor and dedication (the core dimensions of engagement), respectively . We tested this proposition... more
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      Adult EducationEmployee MotivationHuman Resource ManagementEmployee engagement
Costuma-se pensar a educação do ponto de vista da relação entre a ciência e a técnica ou, às vezes, do ponto de vista da relação entre teoria e prática. Se o par ciência/técnica remete a uma perspectiva positiva e retificadora, o par... more
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      EducationAgronomyLifelong LearningAgroecology
The purpose of this article is to review spirituality at work literature and to explore how spirituality improves employees’ performances and organizational effectiveness. The article reviews about 140 articles on workplace spirituality... more
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      Organizational BehaviorSociology of WorkAdult EducationPerformance Studies
The central aim of the present study among 572 Dutch employees was to examine whether burnout and its positive antipode-work engagement-could be differentiated on the basis of personality and temperament. We expected burnout to be... more
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      Personality PsychologyPositive PsychologyAdult EducationPsychometrics
We provide a selective review of the literature on personality and vocational behavior from 1993 to 1997. We framed the personality aspects of the research in terms of the Five-Factor Model of personality whenever possible, to enhance... more
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      PsychologyPersonality PsychologyLifelong LearningVocational Education
A review of studies published between 1980 and 2005 shows a significant positive effect of specialized training on the competency of caregivers in childcare (d = 0.45, S.E. = 0.10). Experimental results from the meta-analysis were... more
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      PsychologyMedicineVocational TrainingEducation Systems
This longitudinal study examined the relation between continuity and change in the Big Five personality traits and life events. Approximately 2,000 German students were tracked from high school to university or to vocational training or... more
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      MarketingPsychologyCognitive SciencePersonality
Objectives To explore the views of general practice registrars about involving patients in decisions and to assess the feasibility of using the shared decision making model by means of simulated general practice consultations.
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      General PracticeDecision MakingFocus GroupsContent Analysis
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      EconometricsPublic sectorApplied EconomicsPublic expenditure
This paper investigates the determinants of survival and growth among small and very small enterprises in Africa and Latin America. Location is found to be an important factor. Firms located in urban and commercial areas are more likely... more
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      EconomicsHuman CapitalVocational TrainingLatin America
Professional burnout is a stress-related disorder, having mental exhaustion due to work stress as its most important characteristic. Burned out individuals also often complain about attentional problems. However, it is currently not clear... more
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      PsychologySustained AttentionCognitionAttention
This paper examines inter-generational persistence in child labor by developing a dynamic model and exploring its implications empirically in Brazil. We begin by building an overlapping generations model of the household child labor... more
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      Action ResearchResearch MethodologyDeveloping CountriesHuman Resources
This Discussion Paper is issued within the framework of IZA's research area Mobility and Flexibility of Labor. Any opinions expressed here are those of the author(s) and not those of the institute. Research disseminated by IZA may include... more
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      EconomicsSecondary EducationTechnological changeVocational Training
The purpose of this article is to respond to the lack of consistency in the academic and practitioner literature regarding the construct of employee engagement and to offer a platform for the research and use of a refined construct called... more
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      Adult EducationHuman Resource ManagementEmployee engagementVocational Training
Opportunities to attain important life goals are sequenced in age-graded trajectories of waxing and waning throughout life. A prime example of such age-grade opportunity structures is the transition from school to work. The institutions... more
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      PsychologyVocational TrainingBusiness and ManagementSchool Performance
This Handbook provides a state-of -the art overview of the field of workplace learning from a global perspective. The authors are all well-placed theoreticians, researchers, and practitioners in this burgeoning field , which cuts across... more
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      EducationHuman Resource DevelopmentAdult EducationLifelong Learning
This article is based on a textual analysis of European Commission documents that, from 1993 to 2006, construct the discourses of lifelong learning and the knowledge economy. Exploring an apparent conceptual laxity, it finds absolute... more
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      Lifelong LearningEducational Inequalities (class; race; gender etc)Knowledge SocietyVocational Education
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      StatisticsMobile LearningDocumentationAccess To Information
We evaluated the use of a video prompting procedure for teaching three adults with developmental disabilities to make popcorn using a microwave oven. Training, using a 10-step task analysis, was conducted in the kitchen of the... more
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      Vocational TrainingInstructional StrategiesDevelopmental disabilitiesTask analysis
Recent years have brought an increased interest in the treatment needs of pregnant substance abusers. This article reviews the literature on this subject, providing an overview of what is known about the prevalence of substance abuse... more
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      PsychologyTreatment OutcomeChild CareAdolescent
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
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      Fire and Emergency ServicesLeadershipTechnical and Vocational EducationVocational Training
This paper examines the relative benefits of general education and vocational training during Romania's transition to a market economy. We examine a 1973 educational reform that shifted a large proportion of students from vocational... more
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      EconometricsApplied EconomicsVocational TrainingLabor Market
Objectives-To determine which factors measured at baseline and during the course of treatment influence time to return to work after a first compensated episode ofback pain. Methods-The design is a treatment inception cohort including 305... more
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      SociologyProbabilityLow back painVocational Training
This paper reports results of a study that investigated whether matching drug treatment services with client needs improved outcomes for a sample of 171 clients who participated in communitybased drug treatment programs. Clients were... more
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      PsychologySocial SupportChild CareAdolescent
Among employment-age adults with disabilities, some of the lowest employment rates are for individuals on the autism spectrum. For example, found that only 2% of participants with Asperger's Syndrome or High Functioning Autism were... more
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      PsychologySpecial EducationAssistive TechnologyVocational Rehabilitation
Background: A good understanding of the aetiology and development of burnout facilitates its early recognition, prevention and treatment. Since the prevalence and onset of this health problem is thought to differ between men and women,... more
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      General PracticePolicy DevelopmentHealthVocational Training
Objective: To find predictors of abdominal obesity (defined by 490th percentile of waist/hip ratio (WHR)) and related factors among 31-y-old men and women. Design: Longitudinal study of the northern Finland birth cohort of 1966 with... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsObesityQuality of lifeAdolescent
... cognitive change with individuals confronting everyday tasks, whether in the home, at work ... Deveson, I. (Chair) (1990), Training Costs of Award Restructuring, Australian Government Publishing ... Scribner, S. (1985), "... more
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      EducationWorkplace LearningVocational TrainingApproaches to Learning
In vocational education, there is an ongoing discussion about problems occurring in school-work transitions and in relating school and work-based learning processes. Apprenticeships have been identified as valuable learning and working... more
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      Social SciencesTeacher EducationLifelong LearningBoundary-Spanning Knowledge Sharing
Where educational validity is concerned, a school of engineering can reasonably be expected to constantly update computational resources in frequent use in the professions. Virtual reality (VR) technology could be applied as a complement... more
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      EngineeringEngineering EducationVocational TrainingVirtual Reality
Following a slow start, the European Company (Societas Europaea – SE) has become a popular legal form amongst European firms. It is rendered attractive by corporate governance features such as the contractual freedom of capital and labor... more
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      Adult EducationHuman Resource ManagementInternational NegotiationsVocational Training
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      OntologySoftware MaintenanceKnowledge RepresentationOntology Engineering
This paper provides evidence of the productivity effects of different continuing vocational training forms in Germany. Using the waves 1997-2001 of the IAB establishment panel, it is found that formal external courses have the largest... more
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      EconomicsVocational TrainingHuman Resource PracticesGerman economic
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      Higher EducationVocational TrainingInstitutionsBarriers
Vocational education taking place in the dual contexts of workplace and school often lacks integration of concrete experiences with theoretical knowledge. The interplay between workplace and school contexts and their often antagonistic... more
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      Educational TechnologyLearning TechnologyMobile TechnologyVocational Education
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      Climate ChangeClimate Change AdaptationRisk ManagementRural Poverty
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      Law and EconomicsHuman CapitalVocational Training
This paper challenges the conventional explanation of the role of the state in skill formation in the high performing Asian economies as advocated by World Bank economists. It does this through an examination of the institutions which... more
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      Asian StudiesLifelong LearningSkills DevelopmentEconomic Development
Do headquarters influence the subsidiaries' arrangements of vocational training in foreign countries? Our analyses of the amount of training offered to employees by organizations in 14 countries in which different training systems prevail... more
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      MarketingApplied EconomicsVocational TrainingBusiness and Management
Proposing an alternative to the American model, intergovernmental reform initiatives in Europe have developed and promote a comprehensive European model of skill formation. What ideals, standards, and governance are proposed in this new... more
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      Higher EducationBologna ProcessVocational TrainingModel
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      Lifelong LearningHigher EducationInstitutional ChangeBologna Process
This paper examines the significance of work experience schemes and part-time jobs for school pupils within the context of recruitment to youth jobs. Specifically, it focuses on the role played by work experience and part-time jobs in the... more
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      EngineeringEconomic HistoryEducationYouth Studies
This paper examines the relationships between perceptions of authenticity and alignment on study approach and learning outcome. Senior students of a vocational training program performed an authentic assessment and filled in a... more
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      Vocational TrainingDeep LearningStructural Equation ModelStudent Perception
German migration within Europe has so far received little attention from researchers. This is especially true of migrants with intermediate qualifications (vocational training, technical school, master craftsman’s certificate). The... more
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      SociologyHuman GeographyDemographyVocational Training
For decades, the skill formation systems in France and Germany have been analysed as contrasting cases because of institutionalised differences in educational values, norms, and governance as well as labour markets.This comparison follows... more
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      EducationLifelong LearningHigher EducationTypology
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      Health BehaviorPrimary Health CareAdolescent HealthAdolescent