Vocational Training
Recent papers in Vocational Training
La démultiplication des outils et des pratiques "numériques" dans l'éducation, comme dans tous les autres domaines de notre société, interroge plus particulièrement le métier de formateur ou d'enseignant. La question se pose de l'apport... more
This report commissioned by Education International provides a conceptual framework to understand how vocational education is positioned in many countries, and the different ways in which the relationship between vocational education and... more
The purpose of this article is to review spirituality at work literature and to explore how spirituality improves employees’ performances and organizational effectiveness. The article reviews about 140 articles on workplace spirituality... more
With many co-authors: Allesandro Caforio, Ali Rashidi, Ana maria Cotovonu, Denis Riabov, Dimitar Ivanchev, Mirolyba Madjarova, Imma Miralles, Joce LLorka, Persa Tserkezou, Luka Cerniglia, Mario Spatafora, Vaso Anastasoupoulou
En Chile, salvo los niveles de inversión de políticas públicas se desconocen las características de quienes acceden a capacitación. Este artículo tiene como objetivo examinar las variables demográficas, sociales y laborales que inciden en... more
In this paper, we analysed teachers' characteristics described in the literature on classroom media use to identify those factors, which can explain teachers' use of new media in classrooms with some degree of validity. Using this... more
Rechnen mit Prozentangaben spielt in vielen Berufen eine Rolle. Prozentangaben werden dabei ganz unterschiedlich eingesetzt. Das gängige Bild – 100% steht für das ‚Ganze’, Angaben wie ‚70%’ spezifizieren einen Teil daraus – ist dabei oft... more
Technological advancement has broadened educational, employment and training opportunities for students and adults with disabilities via distance education. Distance education is a prized tool of K-12 and higher education, and for... more
The commodified, commercialised versions of mindfulness - popularly known as McMindfulness - are challenged in terms of their misuse and abuse of contemplative traditions. Commercialised uses of mindfulness, in apps and colouring books,... more
The majority of the population of Vietnam lives in rural areas and depends on agriculture for their livelihood. Consistent growth of the agriculture sector over the past two decades has contributed to a remarkable reduction in the poverty... more
Presents the findings and recommendations of a study commissioned by Botswana Training Authority (BOTA) in 2002 to determine the information needs and extent of the Vocational Education and Training (VET) information infrastructure in... more
Gaggioli, N. (2017) La Capacitación en el Mercado de la Aviación. 60 años del Centro de Instrucción, Perfeccionamiento y Experimentación CIPE 1957-2017. EUDEBA, Buenos Aires. ISBN 978-950-23-2799-0 Administración Nacional de Aviación... more
Many people use the turn of the year as restart, i. e. they want to leave old things behind, let go of habits and try new things or pursue goals with discipline. So it would be a great moment to add one more point to the list of projects... more
Dieser Beitrag geht der Frage nach, inwieweit sich landwirtschaftliche Betriebe unter weiblicher Leitung im Hofübergabeprozess von jenen mit männlicher Betriebsleitung unterscheiden. Auf Basis einer schrift- lichen Befragung... more
"Interactive Word Walls", animated with the words classroom walls, is one of the commonly used applications at primary schools. It has been used to enrich vocabulary, increase the level of reading fluency and word... more
This paper considers current government policy, industry trends and needs, and a range of stakeholder views related to the roles played by Vocational Education and Training in Australia's post COVID-19 pandemic economic recovery. The... more
The eCME aims to create an electronic Continuous Medical Education system that will aid the simple and cost-effective transfer of medical skills across Europe by proposing a unified pan-European mechanism of accreditation for CME courses,... more
In modern France, economic crises have presented an opportunity for administrations to intervene directly in economic and social affairs. On these occasions, the vocational education and training system was used as a policy instrument to... more
The knowledge which the students of Tourist Guiding Program have acquired on the archaeology and art history of Anatolia through the formal education process focuses basically Classical Antiquity including Hellenistic and Roman period,... more
This is the certificate received for successful completion of two weeks of vocational training at Mejia Thermal Power Station,Damodar Valley Corporation(DVC).
Ursprünglich 1913 unter dem Namen «Verband Schweizerischer Unternehmer für keramische Boden- und Wandbeläge» als kartellistische Vereinigung zur Ordnung der Marktverhältnisse gegründet, entwickelte sich der Schweizerische Plattenverband... more
In vocational education, there is an ongoing discussion about problems occurring in school-work transitions and in relating school and work-based learning processes. Apprenticeships have been identified as valuable learning and working... more
Auto desk architecture interior course gives you opportunity to make future in following job prospects : 1) Designing of products and systems for service providers 2) Agriculture and food processors 3) Government agencies 4)... more
As hydrogen use as a fuel gains momentum and becomes a component of many nation's economies, there is a growing need for identification of the skills and knowledge required by workers undertaking hydrogen related activities. This paper... more
This study examines the factorial structure of a new instrument to measure engagement, the hypothesized 'opposite' of burnout in a sample of university students (N = 314) and employees (N = 619). In addition, the factorial structure of... more
Since 1996 Italian labour policies have been aimed at increasing flexibility. Up to 2001 the implementation of these policies has been coordinated by a social pact agreed upon among policy makers, trade unions and employer associations.... more
Recent years have witnessed considerable growth of research on the benefits of adult learning. Much of this draws on evidence from large scale longitudinal data sets. Overwhelmingly, these studies have found clear evidence of economic,... more
Prospects of Initial Vocational Training in Spain: 2011-2020" ABSTRACT: The policies for improving vocational training (VT) and its relevance in the production system appeared more than 50 years ago in the Spanish educative... more
"Block Printing is the process of using an object to make an inked impression upon a plain surface. It is one of the oldest and most enjoyable of all the crafts and has given color and pattern to paper, cloth, and other surfaces for... more
La implementación de los Learning Management System (LMS) en el diseño de los entornos virtuales de aprendizaje, en estas dos últimas décadas, ha sido un gran avance tanto tecnológico como educativo. Su crecimiento ha aumentado a medida... more
Based on more comprehensive discussions on issues concerning the relation between education and labor - the space where vocational training is inserted - this article systematizes some aspects of the methodological pathways employed in... more
The purpose of this article is to respond to the lack of consistency in the academic and practitioner literature regarding the construct of employee engagement and to offer a platform for the research and use of a refined construct called... more
Quality assurance (QA) in gerontological and geriatric education programs is regarded as essential to maintain standards, strengthen accountability, improve readability of qualifications, and facilitate professional mobility. In this... more
This study was conducted to identify challenges of application information and communication technology (ICTs) in Technical and Vocational Training. Using the factor analysis, the challenges have been classified into eight factors... more
Burnout researchers have proposed that the conceptual opposites of emotional exhaustion and cynicism (the core dimensions of burnout) are vigor and dedication (the core dimensions of engagement), respectively . We tested this proposition... more
This study aims to determine the implementation of the design thinking learning model in entrepreneurship education, especially in marketing media competencies. The experimental method was used in this study with 120 vocational school... more
Tham luận này xem xét khả năng đáp ứng nhu cầu đào tạo nâng cao (upskilling) và đào tạo lại (reskilling) nhân lực của Việt Nam trong bối cảnh dân số, lao động và thực trạng của hệ thống đào tạo nghề và đại học để đưa ra một số khuyến cáo... more
Qualifizierte, motivierte und handlungsfähige Ausbilderinnen und Ausbilder werden für die Sicherung des betrieblichen Nachwuchses immer wichtiger. Dies gilt für alle an der Ausbildung Beteiligten – von der ausbildenden Fachkraft bis zum... more
Education and learning change people’s lives and bring changes for social groups and society. Learning (as a lifelong process) is increasingly emphasized as the sine-qua-non of personal and collective achievement. The macro-social... more
Uitgaand van de Bologna-verklaring van 1999 wordt verwacht dat professionals in de eenentwintigste eeuw getraind zijn in onderzoeksactiviteiten, opdat ze in staat zijn om professionele keuzes te baseren op meer complexe kennis. In deze... more