The method of analysis of bubble-solids aggregates flow inside a flotation cell, beneath froth layer, is presented. Size, shape, rise velocity and number of the aggregates were determined using a device called the Luba tube. The... more
This chapter describes how we used regression rules to improve upon results previously published in the Earth science literature. In such a scientific application of machine learning, it is crucially important for the learned models to be... more
This study presents a new visualization tool for classification of satellite imagery. Visualization of feature space allows exploration of patterns in the image data and insight into the classification process and related uncertainty.... more
2nd International Conference on NLP, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Applications (NLAIM 2025) offers a premier global platform for exchanging insights and findings in the theory, methodology, and applications of NLP,... more
Various sensing modalities are presently used or conceptualized for use in roadway management projects. These include, among others, bind-type (utilizing inductive loops, reflected light, etc.), acoustical, and radar sensors. However, due... more
An overall description of the methods used and the results obtained in the on-going evaluation of PolyMeCo -a mesh analysis and comparison tool -is presented in this paper. We are trying to evaluate some aspects of both the user interface... more
When transcribing Ancient inscribed texts, Classicists are confronted with several difficulties. Incisions of heterogeneous depths, palimpsests, pronounced woodgrain, and the physical state of the document (which can be damaged, stained,... more
High-beta injection experiments on the ISX-B tokamak D.W. Swain, M. Murakami, S.C. Bates et al. -The nuclear performance of vanadium as a structural material infusion reactor blankets D. Steiner
Plastics are widely used in every part of life. Microplastics (MPs) are classified as emerging contaminants in nature. Yet, microplastic transportation parameters in groundwater are not characterized well. In this study, microplastic... more
High-beta injection experiments on the ISX-B tokamak D.W. Swain, M. Murakami, S.C. Bates et al. -The nuclear performance of vanadium as a structural material infusion reactor blankets D. Steiner
In this paper, a comparative study is performed to check the nozzle geometry and arrangement effects on impinging jets heat transfer performance to help the design of a ground fast cooling simulation device which is used for the thermal... more
Temporal data are abundantly present in many application domains such as banking, financial, clinical, geographical applications and so on. Temporal data have been extensively studied from data mining and database perspectives.... more
Two complementary families of users' tasks may be identified during database visualization: data browsing and data analysis. On the one hand, data browsing involves extensively exploring a subset of the database using navigational... more
We report on a laboratory study that compares reading from paper to reading on-line. Critical differences have to do with the major advantages paper offers in supporting annotation while reading, quick navigation, and flexibility of... more
High-resolution multibeam sonar and state-of-theart data processing and visualization techniques have been used to quantify the evolution of seafloor morphology and the degree of burial of instrumented mines and mine-shapes as part of the... more
The Hindu and Buddhist monuments of Angkor in Cambodia are the legacy of highly developed Khmer empires. Well-known for their structural and surface complexity they constitute a great challenge to any attempt towards precise and detailed... more
In an age characterized by tremendous technological breakthroughs, the world is witnessing overwhelming quantities and types of information. Digital Libraries (DLs) are a result of these breakthroughs, but they have not been spared by the... more
Advances in digital data acquisition, analysis, and storage have revolutionized the work in many biological disciplines such as genomics, molecular phylogenetics, and structural biology, but have not yet found satisfactory acceptance in... more
Neurobiology investigates how anatomical and physiological relationships in the nervous system mediate behavior. Molecular genetic techniques, applied to species such as the common fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, have proven to be an... more
The thermal structure of clean and contaminated free-surfaces subject to the transient flow of a gas jet were investigated experimentally. The interface and nearsurface flow were examined using optical high-speed (HS) motion analysis,... more
We have developed a two-dimensional model of quantised vortices in helium II moving under the influence of applied normal fluid and superfluid in a counterflow channel. We predict superfluid and vortex-line density profiles which could be... more
Visualizing hierarchical structures is of great importance in many economic and scientific applications. Many different approaches have been developed and enhanced in the last decades. Each of them claims specific advantages over... more
The complexities in the flow pattern in a cavo-pulmonary vascular system-after application of the Fontan procedure in the vicinity of the superior vena cava, inferior vena cava, and the confluence at the Tjunction-are analysed. A... more
In this work we review the development of both established and innovative analytical techniques using numerical simulations of the southern California fault system and demonstrate the viability of these methods with examples using actual... more
Karasu, M., Karlıdağ, S., & Tekdemir, G. (2023). Social representations of Istanbul: Socio- spatial analysis via cognitive mapping, and metaphor analysis. Papers on Social Representations, 32(2), 4.1-4.21. The aim of this study is to... more
Abstract: In this article, we present the Calico website, a shared space where researchers and practitioners in education share and explore discussion forum objects coming from different e-learning platforms. The platform is briefly... more
We describe a recently completed implementation of a virtual environment for exploring numerically-generated three-dimensional unsteady flowfields. A boom-mounted six degree of freedom head-position-sensitive stereo CRT system is used for... more
How have we come to know the economy and the ®rm? This is the question confronted in this article. The argument is that it is through forms of visualisation (tables, charts, ®gures, diagrams, pictures and so on) that our knowledge and... more
The t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) algorithm is a ubiquitously employed dimensionality reduction (DR) method. Its non-parametric nature and impressive efficacy motivated its parametric extension. It is however bounded... more
From the case studies, we collect the experiences with using the SEKT methodology and the three SEKT technologies SEKT – Human Language Technologies, Ontology Management and
A unified formulation for heatline and massline calculations is presented in terms of conserved scalars, such as the total enthalpy and elemental mass fractions. The formulation allows some special forms of nonhomogeneous terms in the... more
This paper addresses the evolution of the network structure of a virtual organization over time. Data has been collected on the E-mail messages exchanged by the members of a virtual organization at two points in time, 4 years apart.... more
An association rule in data mining is an implication of the form X Y where X is a set of antecedent items and Y is the consequent item. For years researchers have developed many tools to visualize association rules. However, few of these... more
AbstractViewer perceptions of superellipsoid-based glyphs representing trend analysis of tri-axial accelerometer data are studied in this paper. A trend analysis and its mapping to the superellipsoid parameters is proposed. Detailed... more
This book offers a comprehensive, hands-on approach to mastering Python for applications specific to mechanical engineering. This book is designed to bridge the gap between programming fundamentals and practical engineering solutions,... more
The main objectives of this paper are: 1- Apply the Newton-Raphson technique to determine the pressure value when `h` is set to 0.6. 2- Identify the most favorable relaxation factor for this issue by utilizing an appropriate plot. 3-... more
Dissertation presented to UFSC as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master in Electrical Engineering.
Ozone is one of the most harmful pollutants in the troposphere. High ozone concentrations can damage plants, animals and humans. The damaging effects depend on the magnitude of a critical level of a special parameter, the cumulative ozone... more
The presentation of information is a difficult activity. It requires to deal with model complexity, characterised among other things by the number of visual elements per diagram. In this position paper, we propose a positioning map... more
This paper presents an overview of visualization in Computer Science instruction. It is broken down in the following fashion. First, we present the motivation for using visualization and visual techniques in instruction. This is followed... more
We describe a virtual reality application for visualizing tensorvalued volume data acquired with diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging (DT-MRI). We have prototyped a virtual environment that displays geometric representations of the... more
Field and column studies of biocolloid transport in porous media have yielded a large body of information, used to design treatment systems, protect water supplies and assess the risk of pathogen contamination. However, the inherent... more
Many visual analysis tools operate on a fixed set of data. However, professional information analysts follow issues over a period of time and need to be able to easily add new documents to an ongoing exploration. Some analysts handle... more
In many applications complex structured data have been used. Visualization of these data structures allows a user to get better insight both in the data structure and in the application itself. We present a visualization technique of... more
Due to the development of new imaging devices, which produce a large number of tomographic slices, advanced techniques for the evaluation of large amounts of data are required. Therefore, computer-supported extraction of dynamic 3-D... more
We propose a higher order mining (HOM) approach for modelling, monitoring and analyzing district heating (DH) substations' operational behaviour and performance. HOM is concerned with mining over patterns rather than primary or raw data.... more