Visual Theatre

24 papers
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Visual Theatre is an interdisciplinary performance art form that integrates visual elements, such as puppetry, masks, and multimedia, with traditional theatrical practices. It emphasizes the visual experience and often prioritizes non-verbal communication, exploring themes through imagery and movement rather than relying solely on spoken dialogue.
This dissertation aims to assess the efficacy of puppet theater as a therapeutic intervention for individuals grappling with depression and suicidal ideation and related conditions. My study focuses on exploring the transformative impact... more
Panel discussion in the event series “MUSIKTHEATER – MACHT – GESELLSCHAFT“, 17 May 2023, University of Bern.
This thesis is available for Library use on the understanding that it is copyright material and that no quotation from the thesis may be published without proper acknowledgement. I certify that all material in this thesis which is not my... more
Taking as its focus the ‘actor-creator’s’ process in devising practices, this study explores the notion of the ‘poetic body’ developed by French theatre pedagogue Jacques Lecoq (1921 - 1999) and the writings of French philosopher Gaston... more
Photos and video were encouraged. Images taken by the author with permission to publish from Ezequiel Garcia-Romeu. One of three immersive works by E. Garcia Romeu, Opus 2 of Le Petite Theatre du Bout du Monde (or The Little Theater at... more
Strongly connected to the ritualistic roots of theatre, folk art and the Grotesque, puppets are easily framed by the modernist celebration of the primitive and the quest for origins. In this context, it is not surprising that modern... more
hereby declare that this thesis and the work presented in it is entirely my own. Where I have consulted the work of others, this is always clearly stated.
Puppet Centre: Britain’s National Centre for the Development of Puppetry Arts. Puppetry International 36 (2014): 12-14. [Co-authored with Penny Francis.]
This project/workshop report introduces the ways Matt Smith and PickleHerring Theatre approaches community puppetry. The report emphasizes the group experience, the participants' play and the levels of creativity in the workshops/... more
Heute, wenn ich tanze oder einen Tanz kreiere, ist das nur eine Art von Reise, eine sehr komprimierte Reise, eine sehr konzentrierte Suche, eine Suche nach einem Zustand, der informiert. William Forsythe 1 Seit langem reisen und wandern... more
Podiumsdiskussion mit Doris Kolesch (Freie Universität Berlin), Nicolette Kretz (AUAWIRLEBEN Theaterfestival Bern und Internationales Theaterfestival Bümpliz-Bethlehem out+about), Mathias Prinz (machina eX) und Dagmar Walser (Moderation)
TO YOU TO YOU TO YOU Book launch at Live Art Development Agency, London on 4 October 2018 with Lisa Alexander, Demosthenes Agrafiotis, Season Butler, Claire MacDonald, Lois Keidan, Mary Paterson and Maria Sideri. Documented by... more
Full Programme notes of the two day festival: Love Letters to a (Post)Europe at BIOS, Athens conceived and curated by Lisa Alexander 02/10/15 - 03/10/15 Love Letters to a (Post-)Europe was an international festival of short works in... more
Solitária is a performance that employs puppetry techniques to manipulate digital media. The<br> performance was designed upon the duality between the material and the non material existence, between<br> the physicality and... more
Introduction: Drama boreale network meeting as a Ulyssean Encounter in educational drama and theatre 1. Distansering på naert hold-En undersøkelse av betydningen av distansering i dramapedagogikk Stig A. Eriksson 11 2. Fantasins bilder-om... more
Die deutschsprachige Forschung beschäftigt sich nur wenig mit der besonderen Situation von hörenden Kindern und deren gehörlosen Eltern. Kinder von gehörlosen Eltern sind zu 90-95 % hörend. In den letzten Jahren hat sich auch in... more
Each performance builds a language: a language set by the artist-s; a language read by the audience-s, a language based on visible and audible signs. As a puppeteer, I have been interested in the signs that are approached and worked in... more
Die ästhetischen Kriterien des ›zeitgenössischen‹ Tanzes in Europa sind in einen globalisierten eurozentrischen Diskurs verwickelt, der (neo)koloniale Verhältnisse der kulturellen Ungleichzeitigkeit reproduziert (vgl. u.a. Bhabha 1994 und... more
| Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Jede Form der Vervielfältigung, auch der auszugsweisen, nur mit Genehmigung des Verlags.
Im westafrikanischen Benin gibt es seit den späten 1970er-Jahren Schulunterricht in Gebärdensprache. Die Institutionen der Gehörlosengemeinschaft sind indes sehr ungleich über das Land verteilt, sodass Gehörlosigkeit sehr vielfältig... more
Improvisationstheater ist eine weltweit erfolgreiche Theaterbewegung, die immer mehr Menschen erfasst. Während die Praxis blüht und gedeiht, fehlt bisher eine gründliche theaterwissenschaftliche Aufarbeitung. Das ändert sich mit diesem... more
Wie sind die diversen Gebärdensprachen der Welt miteinander verwandt? Das deutsche Fingeralphabet stammt von dem österreichischen ab. Auch Polen, Ungarn, Russland, Dänemark und Island gehören zur Fingeralphabetfamilie der Weltsprache... more
As a real-life figure who was extensively written about in medical journals after his death, but whose voice is entirely absent from the historical record, the character of Tarrare presents the theatre-maker with a number of ethical and... more
This article analyzes the effects of the collaboration between dance and puppetry within Crystal Pite’s Dark Matters (2009) and claims Pite’s work challenges nonhuman-human and object-subject binaries. Functioning within a new materialist... more
The first institutions for children classified as ‘deaf-mute’ were established in Switzerland at the beginning of the 19th century. The administrative intervention, based on enlightened thinking, was intended to educate deaf children... more
The history of the Bengal Famine in 1943 is manmade. Since it is manmade, understanding and analyzing this phenomenon in detail is possible. The occurrence of the Bengal famine has been explained according to its socio-political reality... more
Communication au Colloque international Politica dell'arte, politica della vita: Tadeusz Kantor fra teatro, arti visive e letteratura, Università La Sapienza / Istituto Polacco, Rome, 30 novembre -2 décembre 2015. DIDIER PLASSARD L'OPERA... more
Exceptio-nal bodies is a theoretical and practical research project by Serenella Martufi. This investigates how the theatrical event can be a moment for artists and audiences to reassert their political agency. The space of the theatre... more
This article proposes puppetry as a practice uniquely situated to intervene in ideological constructions of the disabled body both onstage and off. Examining our current and recent practice-based research that uses puppetry to intervene... more
Рецензия на пейзажную пьесу "Добрый вечер" нижегородских художниц Евгении Шливко и Натальи Николаенко, которая состоялась 13.11.16
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Keynote Paper, Symposium: 'Heiner Goebbels: Music as Theatre, Theatre as Music', Frontiers+ Goebbels Festival, Birmingham, 22 March 2012.
Die unkritische Übernahme von Liddells Gebärdensprachmodell in seinem Buch Grammar, gesture and meaning (2003) durch manche Gebärdensprach-linguistInnen (für einen Überblick vgl. Ferrara 2012, v) hat zu einer bedeu-tenden Strömung... more
„Cumbia“, „Merengue“, „Huaconda“, „Scherentanz“, „Garifuna-Tänze“, „Inca-Tänze“, „Maya-Tänze“, „Rabinal Achí“
As presented to the Institute for Critical Animal Studies, Capetown, South Africa, 2014.
Im Rahmen dieser Studie wurde ein bri-tischer Gebärdensprachtest auf die Deutsche Gebärdensprache (DGS) übertragen und evaluiert. Der adaptierte DGS-Test wurde mit gehörlosen Kindern im Alter von 3;9–10;10 (N = 54) durchgeführt. Die... more
The article starts off by explaining characteristics of the German deaf community and its signed language with reference to relevant historical and social factors as well as in relation to spoken and written German. The state of research... more
This paper will address a practice-led research project that set out to explore how the performance space and the performers’ bodies can be transformed through embodying images, and to reflect upon the body and space as a site where... more