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Visual Inspections

101 papers
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Visual inspections refer to the systematic examination of objects, structures, or systems using the human eye or optical devices to identify defects, assess conditions, and ensure compliance with standards. This method is commonly employed in various fields, including engineering, manufacturing, and quality control, to maintain safety and operational integrity.
Procjena mjerne nesigurnosti određivanja tlačne čvrstoće mješavina U radu je prikazan postupak procjene mjerne nesigurnosti rezultata određivanja tlačne čvrstoće prema normi HRN EN 13286-41. Istaknuta je potreba za provođenjem procjene... more
Sažetak The procedure for estimating measurement uncertainty during determination of compressive strength according to HRN EN 13286-41 is presented. It is emphasized that two types of measurement uncertainty should be determined (A and B)... more
This work is based on the Chapter of the dissertation of DUTRA (2021) entitled ‘Heliport Infrastructure’, whose original text was updated and improved with an extensive review of the normative, technical and legal framework. Motivated by... more
The work discusses the integration of computer vision technologies into modern production processes, focusing on their role in automating inspection and quality control. By leveraging high-resolution cameras, lighting systems, and... more
by Kareem Sasi and 
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Choosing the proper drug product is becoming increasingly complicated for health professionals and patients due to the abundance of generic brands in the local drug market. This study aimed to evaluate the different physicochemical... more
This paper describes the technical approach to develop solutions to control manufacturing product quality based on the different supporting services provided by the Zero Defect Manufacturing Platform. Solutions are based on both... more
A new total luminous flux calibration facility using a 2.5 m integrating sphere has been developed at NIST. The Absolute Integrating-Sphere Method, developed for realization of the lumen in 1995, has been applied to routine calibration... more
Testing and visual inspection of printed circuit boards (PCBs) and printed circuit board assemblies (PCBAs) are important procedures in the manufacturing process of electronic modules and devices related to locating and identifying... more
According to the Peruvian Chamber of Construction, 80% of the houses are informal constructions built with cheap materials and located in risk areas such as riverbanks, endangering the physical integrity of their occupants due to the... more
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
This paper proposes and implements a novel pipeline for the self-reconfiguration of a flexible, reconfigurable, CAD-based, and autonomous Vision Inspection System (VIS), expanding upon the modular framework theoretically outlined in... more
Automated industrial Visual Inspection Systems (VIS) are predominantly designed for specific use cases, resulting in constrained adaptability, high setup requirements, substantial capital investments, and significant knowledge barriers.... more
Construir para el futuro, es la solución La máquina a vapor fue el invento más importante que al mundo le dejó la Revolución Industrial. Con los trenes el universo del transporte encontró grandes beneficios en la búsqueda de recorrer... more
This study details a seismic risk assessment of stone and adobe masonry structures in the Agios Dometios Municipality, Nicosia, Cyprus. The study integrates field inspections using the PRISM survey form, designed exclusively for masonry... more
The awareness to tailings dam safety monitoring and reviews has increased by the catastrophes resulting from failures of such dams worsened by increasing tailings waste and construction of larger dams. The losses born by the mining... more
M icroscopes are particularly important in mycology where critical identification may rely on examination of microscopic parts like spores, cystidia and asci. This is the first of two articles covering a range of topics in microscopy from... more
The distance computation between objects is an essential component of robot motion planning and controlling the robot to avoid its surrounding obstacles. Distance is used as a measure of how far a robot is from colliding with an obstacle.... more
Maintenance plays a significant role in operating costs in the mining industry. Improving this matter controls maintenance costs and enhances productivity and production effectively. Shovels are one of the most widely used loading... more
Automated industrial Visual Inspection Systems (VIS) are typically customized for specific applications, limiting their flexibility. They are characterized by a demanding setup, high capital investments, and significant knowledge... more
A technological system capable of automatically producing damage scenarios at an urban scale, as soon as an earthquake occurs, can help the decision-makers in planning the first post-disaster response, i.e., to prioritize the field... more
by F C
In common with most infrastructure systems, sewers are often inspected visually. Currently, the results from these inspections inform decisions for significant investments regarding sewer rehabilitation or replacement. In practice the... more
La potencia ultrasónica permite conocer la cantidad de energía que emite un instrumento de ultrasonido. Su medición es de particular relevancia en la calibración y/o evaluación de equipo de ultrasonido médico. En este trabajo se analizan... more
Relief phase contrast is a new modification of conventional phase contrast which leads to visible improvements of image quality in light microscopy. In particular, the following parameters can be improved: contrast, focal depth,... more
In manufacturing systems, there are several essential tasks to perform before and after the production process. In traditional systems, these tasks were done manually, which can lead to more resource consumption and the risk of human... more
Decision-making in bridge management has changed considerably in the past two decades and owners are additionally considering what types of interventions to implement, but correct decisions still need certain input. In Estonia, like in... more
In this paper the uncertainty in condition assessment based on most common assessment methods, visual inspection and non-destructive testing, is investigated. For decision-making the averaged or estimated value is suitable, but if the... more
Purpose-This paper addresses the evaluation of traditional wooden floors, based on (1) visual strength grading (VSG) techniques adopted for ancient wooden structures; (2) a new approach to biological damage and (3) structural safety... more
The awareness to tailings dam safety monitoring and reviews has increased by the catastrophes resulting from failures of such dams worsened by increasing tailings waste and construction of larger dams. The losses born by the mining... more
This study is about transformation that has been happening in the field of management and in relation to it in inspection that has been recently taking place both in Turkey and all around the World. The transformation as "School Based... more
In-depth inspection is one of the two most common types of bridge inspection. In contrast with routine inspection, in-depth inspection is a close-up, hands-on inspection that generally covers only a portion of a bridge. The Federal... more
In the article we show the possibility of distorting the results of the experiment by photoelasticity path, in case the isochromatic fringe patterns are recorded by the camera. The recording of the color spectrum may be distorted by... more
František Trebuňa, Dr.h.c. mult. prof. Ing. CSc. is a professor of applied mechanics, Head of the Department of Applied Mechanics and Mechatronics and Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. He is author of 10 monographs, 12... more
Seventeenth and eighteenth century architecture in Scotland has not been sufficiently researched, despite its importance in both quality and quantity. Most scholars tend to investigate the external architectural composition of these... more
Los siguientes documentos vigentes o los que los sustituyan, son indispensables para la aplicación de esta Norma Oficial Mexicana: 2.1. NOM-050-SCT2-2017. "Disposición para la señalización de cruces a nivel de caminos y calles con vías... more
Reconfiguration activities remain a significant challenge for automated Vision Inspection Systems (VIS), which are characterized by hardware rigidity and time-consuming software programming tasks. This work contributes to overcoming the... more
Wet-etch figuring (WEF), a computer-controlled method for generating arbitrarily shaped optical surfaces using wet chemical etching, has been developed. This method uses applicator geometry and surface tension gradients (the Marangoni... more
In this paper, we propose a new robot coverage algorithm using approximate cellular decomposition. The algorithm uses spanning tree on adjacency graph formed by the decomposed cells. We introduce a concept of a virtual node corresponding... more
The seven-story RC building hosting a University dorm and named ''Casa dello Studente'', was built between 1965 and 1967 for a mixed use (residential/commercial). The building plan is subdivided in three ''wings'' connected through the... more
This paper shows the comparisons between different methods of visual inspection used in European Countries. These methodologies are applied to the deck bridge located near Cagliari, along the SS 195 road to Capoterra. From a strategic... more
Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) is a powerful monitoring method for assessing structural health in infrastructure, including damage detection and structural prognostics. The emergence of new monitoring technologies in sensing systems... more
A number of bridges, across the globe, have suffered from poor maintenance. This has caused cracks and other forms of deterioration resulting to untimely failure of the bridge structure thereby impairing its safety. That is attributed to... more
The usage of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) has increased in recent years and new application scenarios have emerged. Some of them involve tasks that require a high degree of autonomy, leading to increasingly complex systems. In order for... more
The research deals with a case-study which offers interesting evidences on the role of the knowledge of the construction and transformations phases of a historical building in order to better delineate the vulnerable elements of... more
Bridges are important infrastructure assets that are vital for the connectivity of communities. Visual inspections remain a key method for bridge condition monitoring. However, visual inspections are often considered to be highly... more
Control mechanisms in education differ according to countries and are constantly updated with new structures. This research was carried out to reveal how teachers in our country perceive and evaluate the evaluation with "governance",... more
Rad pod naponom predstavlja djelatnost koja se izvodi u znatnom broju država diljem svijeta. Za siguran rad pod naponom potrebna su sigurnosna pravila i upute za rad, ali i pouzdani alati. Kako bi se otklonio bilo kakav rizik od opasnosti... more
The real time methodology for inspection of Transmission line by using wireless robot is proposed in this project. As the technique is very much efficient for the inspection of transmission line. It is very risky to work with transmission... more
A number of bridges, across the globe, have suffered from poor maintenance. This has caused cracks and other forms of deterioration resulting to untimely failure of the bridge structure thereby impairing its safety. That is attributed to... more
Lighting plays an important role in underground mining on artificial sources of illumination. Without proper and effective lighting, there is much probability of accidents and less productivity. In order to maintain effective lighting in... more