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Introduction: Vision helps to perceive details of surroundings and regarded as the most important tool for learning for schoolchildren. World Health Organization (WHO) has prioritized vision screening in schools to decrease the burden of... more
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      EducationPublic HealthVisual ImpairmentsHealth Screening
The positive psychological and physical health effects associated with exposure to natural environments are well recognised. However, previous research in this field has focused almost exclusively upon the visual aspects of the... more
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      Restorative EnvironmentsBlindnessEnvironment and natural resources conservationVisual Impairments
The general aim of this research is to try to determine the appropriateness of the visuals in the primary school Turkish workbooks for the students with low visibility in terms of visual design elements. In the realization of the work,... more
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      Special EducationVisual Impairments
Conducting assessment with individuals with physical disability, visual impairment or blindness, and hearing impairment or deafness poses significant challenges for the neuropsychologist. Although standards for psychological testing have... more
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    • Visual Impairments
In this study, it was aimed to prepare an Instruction Design Model (IDM) to teach the concepts of 'States of Matter and Heat' unit for the students with visual impairment at 8th grade primary school. At scope of this study, the activities... more
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      Science EducationVisual Impairments
This paper discusses the methods and results of Usability Evaluation in the context of Web of the NVDA screen reader-software speech synthesizer, which allows visually impaired to use the computer. As an instrument for data collection was... more
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      Usability and user experienceVisual ImpairmentsUsability EvaluationDeficientes Visuais
This research aimed to explore the actual situation of information accessibility for university students with visual impairment at higher academic institutions of Lahore, Pakistan. This research adopted a qualitative research design using... more
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      PsychologyAcademic LibrarianshipHuman Information BehaviorRight to Information Act
Öz Görme engelliler için Braille alfabesiyle oluşturulan kitaplar, birinin okuması esasına dayalı eğitimler sürdürülmektedir. Öğrenme, öğrendiğini aktarabilme güdülerini harekete geçiren işitsel-parmak ile okumak şeklindeki yöntemleri... more
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      MusicDigital MediaBlindnessVisual Impairments
ALTER, European Journal of Disability Research 9, 130-143. Abstract: The research aim of the present study was to investigate the experiences of individuals with visual disability regarding their visits to museums. To obtain relevant... more
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      InclusionVisual ImpairmentsMuseums Accessibility
According to the 2010 global population estimates of the World Health Organization, more than a billion people live with some form of disability (or approximately 15% of the world's population). There are 45 million visually impaired... more
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      Space SyntaxVisual ImpairmentsSpatial LegibilityLandmarks
In this experience paper we consider the relevance of social policy to the design of personal cameras for accessibility. As researchers with different backgrounds, in disability studies, accessible computing, AI-based systems, HCI and... more
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      Human Computer InteractionComputer VisionSocial PolicyAccessibility
My area of interest is the lighting sense for visually impaired people. I find that lighting design disciplines is not considered enough for those who are visually impaired, especially for blind people. This is because to most sighted... more
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      Architectural LightingVisual ImpairmentsTransportation Design
Video games represent one of the most popular forms of digital entertainment , but people who are blind or visually impaired end up having restricted access to these games. Discussions about digital accessibility and inclusion often end... more
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      Serious GamesInclusive DesignGame DesignBlindness
The present study aims at identifying the needs of the teachers of visually impaired students in Amman city. For this end, the researchers have developed a special tool which consists of 31 statements. The tool has been validated by a... more
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      Teacher EducationDeaf studiesTeacher ResearchTeacher Training
AIM: The aim of this study was to evaluate an interdisciplinary visual assessment for multiply challenged children diagnosed with cerebral palsy (CP). METHOD: A comprehensive ophthalmological assessment together with a visual... more
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      NeuroscienceOptometryOphthalmologyCerebral Palsy
This article presents in brief the causes of visual impairment in modern times and sets the theoretical framework along with giving some practical tips of the teaching methods the teacher of foreign languages should follow in order to... more
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      Visual ImpairmentsForeign language learning
This article presents a pilot study conducted in Barcelona with blind and visually-impaired people. The aim was to analyze the use and efficacy of tactile maps produced by means of 3D printing. For this purpose, structured interviews were... more
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      Environmental PsychologyInclusive DesignHistory of Blindness/Visual ImpairmentDriving
This end-of-year report discusses how this intelligent stick is built and how it will help visually impaired people in their everyday lives, and has as objective to permit visually impaired people in Cameroon to navigate freely using an... more
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      GPS ApplicationsVisual ImpairmentsBluetoothGPS TRACKING SYSTEM
The low-incidence disability of visual impairment has led to many challenges in the field of education. The present study compared school related issues of adolescents with a visual impairment and their parents to adolescents who do not... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationSpecial EducationEducational Research
One of the most important problems facing visual impaired people is money recognition especially for paper currency. In this paper we present a simple system currency recognition system applied on Egyptian banknote. Our proposed system is... more
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      Image ProcessingBlindnessPattern RecognitionAssistive Technology
This paper reports on a study that helps visually-impaired people to walk more confidently. T he study hypothesizes that a smart cane that alerts visually-impaired people over obstacles in front could help them in walking with less... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyComputer EngineeringVisual Impairments
Studies showing developmental delays in infants and children with visual impairments have triggered early childhood special education studies for this population. Early childhood special education guidelines for visually impaired... more
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      EducationVisual ImpairmentsEarly Childhood Special Education
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocoping, recording or by any information storage retrieval system, without permission from Pearson Education,... more
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      Special EducationVisual ImpairmentsEducation of Disadvantaged Groups
The current research examined the academic journey of university students with Visual Impairment,specifically the ways in which they experience their adjustment to university both academically and socially. The study explicitly aimed at... more
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      Disability StudiesHigher EducationGrounded Theory (Research Methodology)Blindness
Education of children with disabilities is a major concern of 21st century. The diversity of population of children with disabilities has posed a challenge towards inclusive education. After implementation of United Nations Convention on... more
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      Inclusive EducationVisual Impairmentscurricular adaptations
Students with disabilities face physical, social, and emotional barriers in their postsecondary education. Some barriers may include obstruction in the environment, lack of awareness in the university community and peer participation.... more
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      Special EducationTeacher EducationHigher EducationVisual Impairments
Standartlaşan eğitimle birlikte, eğitime dair hedefler de her birey için aynı hale gelmiştir. Aynılaşan bu eğitim hedefleri, uygulamalarda da standartlaşmayı da beraberinde getirmiş ve eğitimin neredeyse tüm unsurlarını etkilemiştir. Okul... more
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      Special EducationHigher EducationDisability Studies in EducationVisual Impairments
Bu araştırmanın genel amacı, okul öncesi dönemdeki bir az gören çocuğun işlevsel görme becerilerinden izleme becerilerinin gelişiminde İşlevsel Görme Aktivite Programı’nın (İGAP İzleme) etkililiğini belirlemektir. Araştırma amacına göre,... more
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      History of Blindness/Visual ImpairmentVisual ImpairmentsLow visionVisual Impairment
The so-called Disability Paradox arises from the apparent tension between the popular view that disability leads to low well-being and the relatively high life-satisfaction reports of disabled people. Our aim in this essay is to make some... more
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      Disability StudiesSubjective Well-BeingQuality of Life StudiesWell-Being
The mission of science education, in terms of school establishments, is to prepare individuals who would develop a certain level of scientific understanding and basic scientific process skills. Developing basic scientific process skills... more
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      Visual ImpairmentsSCIENCE TEACHING
The aims of this work were to examine the attitudes of individuals with visual impairments towards distance education (DE) and the relationships between attitudes and participants’ personal characteristics. Fortyone adults with visual... more
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      Distance EducationVisual ImpairmentsAttitudes
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      Quality of lifeVisual ImpairmentsLow vision
An Ethnographic Case Study of a Savant: Implications for Special Education and Music Education of Children with Special Needs Suad Sakalli Gumus, PhD., Special Education Faculty, Saint Mary of the Woods College, USA Sezgin Suna, MS.,... more
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      Teacher EducationAutism Spectrum DisordersVisual ImpairmentsAudio-Tactile
This study aimed to identify the need for accessible audio mathematics books for students with visual impairment at the secondary school. The method of this research was mixed method. The sampling technique used in this research was... more
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      Special EducationSpecial Educational Needs and TransitionsSpecial education (Psychology)Special Educational Needs
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      PsychologyReception StudiesBlindnessAudience and Reception Studies
The purpose of museums is to enable all visitors to enjoy its collections and to learn. Although programs for visitors with visual impairment have appeared in developed countries, it does not seem that much has been done to integrate this... more
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    • Visual Impairments
The International Journal of the Inclusive Museum 6 (3), 13 – 26. Abstract: There has been an increasing awareness on behalf of museums for visitors with disabilities during the last decades. Museums in Greece have acknowledged the right... more
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      Special EducationMuseum EducationInclusionVisual Impairments
The aim of this study is to investigate the success that disabled people generally, visually impaired in particular were able to achieve through English. It also aims at exploring the challenges that some visually impaired people face... more
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      English languageVisual ImpairmentsMENA region
Blindness often results in the adaptive neural reorganization of the remaining modalities, producing sharper auditory and haptic behavioral performance. Yet, non-visual modalities might not be able to fully compensate for the lack of... more
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      NeuroscienceSpatial cognitionBlindnessVisual Impairments
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      AccessibilityDigital MediaBlindnessVisual Impairments
Try this simple experiment: close your eyes tightly, stand up, and walk to the other side of the room and back.You have just simulated for yourself what it is like to be blind. Well, not quite: there are several importantfactors missing.... more
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      Spatial cognitionBlindnessHapticsHaptic Perception
Viajando a Sul, ao encontro da realidade das pessoas cegas em Moçambique, o autor analisa as implicações de uma conceção de cegueira intimamente ligada às dinâmicas socioespirituais. O presente livro fala-nos de um quadro cultural em que,... more
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      Disability StudiesBlindnessMozambiqueVisual Impairments
This paper presents the development of a web based, platform independent system for university examination purposes that can be easily accessed and used by students with visual impairments, with minimum effort required to learn its use.... more
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      AccessibilityAssistive TechnologyVisual ImpairmentsUniversity Examination
Education is an important foundation of society yet children with impairments have limited opportunities for participation in school activities. There is a lack of functionality in the design of school spaces and outdoor play areas for... more
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      Visual ImpairmentsChildren's PlayChildrenSchool Building Design
Raport stanowi prezentację wyników badań na temat użyteczności wybranych aplikacji mobilnych, dostępnych na urządzeniach z systemami operacyjnymi Android i iOS, zaprojektowanych i rozwijanych w celu ułatwienia życia niewidomym... more
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      AccessibilityBlindnessVisual ImpairmentsMobile apps
Целта на настоящото изследване е да се установи ефектът от заниманията със специален триколесен велосипед върху функцията на долните крайници на деца с церебрална парализа и сходни състояния. В проучването са включени 5 деца (3 момчета и... more
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      Child DevelopmentCerebral PalsyVisual ImpairmentsPhysical Therapy
This paper reports on a study that helps visually-impaired people to walk more confidently. The study hypothesizes that a smart cane that alerts visually-impaired people over obstacles in front could help them in walking with less... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyComputer EngineeringVisual Impairments