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Mark Roxburgh’s research over the past decade has focused on the evolving conceptualization, discourse and development of research methodologies for design. This has lead him to question the historical pattern of design whereby the... more
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      AestheticsDesignArtDesign education
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      ArtDesign educationVisual CultureGraphic Design
Fundamentally, with every design solution, we are trying to present information in the best possible way to make communication easier. n this paper, we will be talking about functionality of layouts and how to ameliorate them by following... more
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      DesignMultimediaInteraction DesignGraphic Design
The process of translating messages into images or facilitating visual communication is an activity that involves responsibility towards the public on the side of the author. Even when occupied with commercials, corporate identity, or... more
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      Design, Ethics, and ResponsibilityGraphic DesignVisual CommunicationSocial Responsible Design
A key feature of the humanoid social robot is its face, which establishes the robot's identity and allows it to exhibit affect or emotion. A robot face can be attributed virtues such as trustworthiness, empathy and intelligence, and vices... more
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      RoboticsVisual CultureVisual CommunicationGilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari
Ce cours fait partie du séminaire "La communication visuelle et audiovisuelle" dans le cadre de la licence (3ème année) "LLCER - Communication et Formation Interculturelles" de l'INALCO à Paris. Le séminaire "La communication visuelle... more
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      Visual StudiesVisualizationVisual CultureVisual Semiotics
This paper answers many questions I have received by eMail asking me about the course of MA Innovation Management at Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design
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      DesignThe Culture of Technologies and InterfacesDesign educationEmpathy (Psychology)
In 1947, Czech designer Ladislav Sutnar and Danish architect Knud Lönberg-Holm published three articles in Interiors magazine introducing their theories of modern visual communication to the professional design community in the United... more
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      Design HistoryGraphic DesignGestalt PsychologyInformation Design
Esta es una lección publicada originalmente en el portal del INCOM de las UAB en 2006, y corresponde a un texto didáctico (Lección) para introducir al lector a los objetos y problemas de la semiótica de la imagen (SI). Entendemos por SI... more
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      SemioticsCommunicationVisual StudiesVisual Culture
Menstruation is a natural biological process and an integral part of a woman’s life. In India, this process is commonly known as periods, and except few pockets of the country, the Indian society considers menstruation as impure and... more
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      Communication for DevelopmentVisual Communications
In the digital news environment, amateur images—citizen photojournalism—appear next to professional photojournalists’ photos, contributing to a probable tension and sense of professional threat among professional photojournalists. Using... more
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      JournalismProfessionalismCitizen JournalismVisual Communication
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      Media StudiesNew MediaVisual CultureUrban Studies
The selfie generation is a term commonly used to describe people born after 1981 because of the supposed proliferation of selfies they take daily. If Selfies indeed define a generation of people, then they require close consideration as... more
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      PhotographyMobile MediaSpace and PlacePerformance
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      African StudiesAnthropologyVisual StudiesVisual Anthropology
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      Visual StudiesJournalismNarrativePhotojournalism
Copy writing is a process where advertisers convey the product information to customers. Copy is created to fulfill the needs of its user. In the market, copy should also represent the brand vision that companies want to communicate to... more
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      Design educationDesign thinkingCreative thinkingIdeation Phase
This chapter consists of two main sections. In the first I consider the literature defining digital memes and suggest that digital memes can be conceptualised as an everyday social interaction involving movement, and need to be understood... more
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      Cultural StudiesPhotographyVisual CultureSocial Media
Dopo aver ripercorso la storia del fumetto italiano dalle origini ai giorni nostri, l'elaborato si concentra sul ruolo ricoperto dai social network nella cultura contemporanea, sulle opportunità offerte ai creativi dai servizi del web 2.0... more
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      Social NetworksGraphic DesignComicsComics and Graphic Novels
Resumo os livros infantis, de modo geral, antecipam o que será o livro no futuro. o que de mais interessante existe em termos editoriais no que diz respeito a materiais, formatos, cortes especiais e acabamentos, pode ser encontrado nos... more
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      Design educationDesign thinkingArtists' BooksCreative thinking
Matakuliah DKV
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      Communication DesignPsikologiKomunikasiVisual Communications
This is the syllabus for a doctoral seminar that I teach at RPI.
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      SemioticsDesignEthnographyCultural Semiotics
The term 'sign' as used in this work, in relation to road architecture, refers to the nonlinguistic symbols used as linguistic landscape to communicate intended information in form of instructions, warnings, directions, etc. to road... more
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      SemioticsVisual SemioticsVisual Communications
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      Visual StudiesDesignVisual CultureVisual Literacy
This study analyzes Google Doodles (the decorative changes made to the Google logo) as a potential influence on the company's corporate visual identity and as a means through which Google connects to and identifies with the public. This... more
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      MarketingVisual StudiesQualitative methodologyVisual Semiotics
The paradigms of old media are replaced by new forms of creativity and delivery of content by those who strive to enhance innovative ways of communication and learning based on universally accepted guidelines. These ubiquitous rules of... more
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      Visual CommunicationsVisual Design Principles
ÖZ Toplumsal düşünüşün en kesif ürünlerinden birisi olan mizah, Türkiye’de basın yayın faaliyetlerindeki zayıflıklarıyla bilinen milliyetçi camiada bir filiz vermiş ve Çaylak Dergisi yayınlanmıştır. Çaylak Dergisi, milliyetçi kesimlerin... more
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      CommunicationHumorTurkish NationalismVisual Communication
2 2013), and the broader public was analysed by approaching the digital memes with theories of proximity (Hall, 1956). The analysis of the 66 PGUF memes shows that ‘viewers’ and ‘subjects’ are both active agents and objects of... more
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      PsychologyDigital MediaVisual CultureGender
This paper reports on a series of experimental research projects undertaken over several years by groups of visual communication design students with the Customer Experience (CX) team at Westpac Bank, Australia's second largest bank by... more
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      Visual Communication TheoryVisual CommunicationVisual Research MethodsVisual Communication Design Expertise
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    • Visual Communications
Visual Communications in hospitals can make the space agreeable and welcoming, since, when arranged in a planned, systematic manner, the pieces can form an assemblage that is denominated as the "hospital ambience". These pieces (signs,... more
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      HospitalityAmbienceVisual Communications
""The Icograda Design Education Manifesto, a key legacy of Oullim, is a core document that defines Icograda's position on design education. The Manifesto advocates that design education must be a learning-centred environment, enabling... more
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      Visual StudiesDesignVisual CultureVisual Literacy
Culture is nuanced and complex. Knowing what factors to consider when engaging in international user experience design (I-UXD) is thus no small undertaking. Technical communicators, information designers, and user experience (UX)... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationInternational CommunicationUsabilityUser Experience (UX)
Research on visual effects involves a fertile and new expanding area of scholarship. This essay describes the variety of cognitive, attitudinal and behavioral areas of study in visual effects research. It seeks to understand the... more
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      Visual StudiesImage ProcessingPhotographyMedia effects
ÖZET Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Sağlık Bakanlığı tarafından 10 Mart 2020 tarihinde ilk Covid-19 vakası, 1 Nisan 2020’de ise söz konusu vakaların tüm Türkiye’ye yayıldığı açıklanmıştır. Bu süreçte tüm kurumlar, kuruluşlar, markalar ayakta durmak... more
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      New MediaDigital Media & LearningVisual Communication DesignSosyal Medya
This is an unpublished essay exploring the act of "under" and "overlooking" the people we do not have use for unless needed. Interested in the sociological, psychological, and cultural phenomena of “invisible” people from the perspective... more
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      Visual AnthropologySymbolic InteractionVisual Communications
Strickler argues that the growth of visual communication as an academic discipline can only occur if there is an “empirical bridge between theory and practice” (1999: 38). Such a bridge is also a precondition for the evolution of visual... more
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      DesignArtDesign educationDesign Theory
This chapter outlines the methodological approach used in this thesis to collect and analyse PGUF memes and to examine the selfie phenomenon more generally. The sample considered in this research consists of 99 photographic images, as... more
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      PhotographyResearch MethodologyVisual CultureVisual Communication
Komal Faiz I have a keen interest in studying the visual communications in Pakistan. There are many reasons for this, one of which is that it has a rich historic connection.
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      Visual StudiesVisual CultureCritical Discourse AnalysisVisual Communications
The pontificate of John Paul II coincided with the rising times of the of visual culture and media primacy. The unique personality of this Polish Pope was depicted during the canonization by numerous media reports, many of which presented... more
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      Media ImagePersonality TraitsVisual Communications
The Icograda Board edits a shared outline that identifies the communication design community's major educational concerns and desired advancements. The draft sets the general guidelines for the development process of defining, first the... more
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      Visual StudiesDesignVisual CultureVisual Literacy
Until recently, visual communication was the province of highly trained specialists who saw little need for methodically and analytically explicit approaches to design, relying instead on creative sensibilities formed during their... more
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      Visual StudiesArt HistoryDesignArt Theory
In 1998 the School of Design (SoD), University of Western Sydney Nepean (UWSN) began running an offshore articulation programme in graphic design in partnership with the Nanyang Academy of Fine Art, Singapore (NAFA). The successful... more
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      DesignDesign educationGraphic DesignDesign Theory
The Indian Media Industry has reached Rs. 1.5 trillion in 2017 with a growth of 13% over previous years (FICCI, 2018). It was indeed expected to reach Rs. 1.66 trillion by 2017 from its Rs. 82,000 Crores in 2012 with a Compounded Annual... more
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryVisual CommunicationVisual Media
With recent developments in information technology (IT) and multimedia technology in the background, there is worldwide expansion in the deployment of video-based information networks that use two core technologies, namely, video... more
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      MarketingInformation TechnologyMultimediaVisual Communication
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      Visual StudiesMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesJournalism
This article seeks to explore the social and negotiated nature of design practice through an analysis of conversations held between clients and designers working on visual communication projects. Of specific interest will be the way in... more
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      DesignArtDesign educationConversation Analysis
Abstract Individual vendors and their market booths constitute a collective atmosphere in the marketplace by getting together with spatial arrangements, operational collaborations and event‐based dynamics. The base of study is how these... more
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      ArchitectureNarrativeIndividualityCollective Action
U vremenu ubrzanog razvoja vizualne kulture, nastava vizualnih komunikacija trebala bi poticati razvijanje kritičkog mišljenja i vizualne osjetljivosti za događanja iz neposredne stvarnosti te osposobiti učenike za percipiranje umjetnosti... more
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      Theory and History of Visual ArtsVisual CommunicationsVisual Art in Education and Pedagogy
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      Critical TheoryReligionMythology And FolkloreAncient History
2. possesses the intellectual sensibility and skill, nurtured through professional experience and educational training, to create designs or images for reproduction by any means of visual communication. 3. contributes to shaping life and... more
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      Visual StudiesDesignVisual CultureVisual Literacy