Visual Argumentation
Recent papers in Visual Argumentation
This essay describes postcard images that depict the interactions between suffrage advocates and police and shows how humor can be used to domesticate repression.
This essay analyzes the riot kiss photograph tacken by Rich Lam after game seven of the 2011 Stanley Cup Finals in Vancouver and its subsequent life as a visual internet meme. Noting how this image and its reproductions both operated as... more
This essay analyzes three highly-contested, sacred spaces: Fetterman Battlefield, Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument, and Haymarket Square. Each was consecrated by the blood o f the fallen, each was marked with a monument... more
In 1909, at the height of the woman suffrage controversy and during the golden age of postcards, the Dunston-Weiler Lithograph Company of New York produced a twelve-card set of full-color lithographic cartoon postcards opposing woman... more
"This chapter examines how pictorial argumentation advertising is performed through visual tropes and figures. It argues that rhetorical tropes and figures are an essential way of creating visual argumentation. Argumentation is just... more
En el mundo actual se suele recurrir a la comunicación visual 2 para que los productos, servicios y quienes los producen y prestan sean identificados, distinguidos, recordados y consumidos.
This article explores the concepts of critical questions (from D. N. Walton, 1996) and integrative and refutational argument stratagems as an approach for teaching argumentation and critical thinking. A study was conducted for 6 months... more
To help visual studies (and multimodal studies with a visual component) mature into a serious humanities discipline, it is crucial to be able to unveil patterns in the way visuals can communicate. Finding patterns requires first of all... more
This essay theorizes the unnaturalistic enthymeme, an emergent argument formation surrounding analogico-digital photography. Instead of presuming the naturalism of images, we contend that contemporary audiences have a heightened awareness... more
This study examined a new prewriting tool, argumentation vee diagrams (AVDs), which are used to write reflective opinion essays. AVDs are based on the theoretical concept of argument– counterargument integration, which involves... more
gabor@fi lozofi The paper seeks to show that the theory of strategic maneuvering, the most recent version of the pragma-dialectical approach to argumentation, can make vital contribution to understanding how commercials are... more
ABSTRACT: Is visual argumentation possible? My personal opinion is that it is, despite of the burden of verbal argumentation and the numerous critiques made against visual arguments. Insofar as most of these critiques are related to the... more
["Visiones". Visual tools in ancient and contemporary forensic oratory] Since the end of the last century, many scholars have studied the capability of visual languages and images themselves to "argue". Visual argumentation is deeply... more
Presented at Trent University, Canada, on January 18th, 2017.
Purpose: This paper analyzes the PowerPoint handouts of 22 engineering undergraduate students to establish criteria for judging the persuasive capabilities of the students’ visual argument in handouts that are expanded versions of... more
This study focuses on the iconographic channel of the graphic novel as a particular occurrence of silence. In Comics, images provide not only the data required for the development of narration; they also render available the concrete... more
Visual arguments can seem to require unique, autonomous evaluative norms, since their content seems irreducible to, and incommensurable with, that of verbal arguments. Yet, assertions of the ineffability of the visual, or of visual-verbal... more
John Grierson’s classic definition of documentary as the “creative treatment of actuality” emphasizes both the genre’s indexical link to reality and the maker’s perspective on this reality. In recent times, a substantial number of... more
This brief editorial considers a special issue of Argumentation edited by Jens Kjeldsen on visual, multimodal argumentation. It provides a commentary on important advances on interpretative problems such as the propositionality of... more
Transportation Security Administration (TSA) employees often use savvy media operations to counter its negative image. In June of 2013, TSA began using the social network Instagram to share photos with the public. Most of the photos... more
In this article, I argue that when officeholders try to avoid blame, they often engage in defensive performances which can be analysed in terms of how they exploit various multimodal semiotic resources to ward off (potential) criticism:... more
In this paper the role of images in argumentative settings is analyzed from a cognitive angle. In particular, the proposal of this paper is to see visual argumentation as a specific form of extended and distributed cognition. In order to... more
La cultura giuridica contemporanea (intendendo con questo termine sia la filosofia del diritto, sia la dottrina che riflette sul diritto positivo), in diversi casi si è concentrata sul contributo che il portato teorico delle neuroscienze... more
À partir des travaux de Jean-Marie Klinkenberg visant à rapprocher la rhétorique de l’argumentation et la rhétorique des figures, cet article a pour objet l’argumentativité des figures. Il met en question l’idée suivant laquelle les... more
Naked Politics: Nudity, Political Action, and the Rhetoric of the Body by Brett Lunceford, examines the rhetorical power of the unclothed body as it relates to protest and political action. This study explores what the disrobed body... more
In this chapter, we argue that certain salient contrasts that Frederick Wiseman presents nonverbally and multimodally in his Direct Cinema documentaries can be understood as antitheses that play an argumentative role. In this type of... more
The penitentiary offers an intriguing opportunity to engage the rhetoric of the everyday, to investigate how people make arguments—particularly for specific identities and social selves—in the absence of significant (or even any)... more
El capítulo 8 de Frege pragmatized: bringing sense back into logical theory ofrece de una manera clara y accesible un análisis de la tesis multimodal con respecto a la na-turaleza de la argumentación, defendida en las últimas décadas... more
This keynote address from the 2001 Alta Argumentation conference explores moments in which argument plays out its productive limits, in which its identity opens and destabilizes. To do this, I review writings on counterpublics and... more
This essay argues for a cognitive, contextual and reception oriented approach to visual argumentation. It illustrates such an approach by analyzing the context and rhetorical potential of an election campaign advertisement and by... more
This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution , reselling , loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly... more
This paper analyzes the PowerPoint handouts of 22 engineering undergraduate students to establish criteria for judging the persuasive capabilities of the students' visual argument in handouts that are expanded versions of PowerPoint... more
"VISIONES". VISUAL TOOLS NELL'ORATORIA FORENSE ANTICA E MODERNA Gianluca Sposito Abstract ["Visiones". Visual tools in ancient and contemporary forensic oratory] Since the end of the last century, many scholars have studied the capability... more
The article aims to clarify and define the relation between two current strategies representative for the contemporary studies in the field of visual culture: Visual Studies and Visual Rhetoric. The study gives definitions of these two... more
This paper examines the use of photographs in the protests after the killing of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman. In particular, the essay argues that the use of the phrase "I am Trayvon Martin" creates problems when uttered in the... more
This paper analyzes the relationship between the linguistic concept of presupposition and visual images. First, it gives examples of multimodal cases, when a linguistic presupposition is associated to visual images. In the second part are... more
this paper studies the picture of the ad showing the white and golden dress