Recent papers in Visual
This study used the swept spatial-frequency method to compare retinal and cortical acuity in anesthetized young adult rhesus monkeys. Visual evoked potentials (VEPs) and pattern electroretinographic responses (PERGs) were recorded from 25... more
We have used antibodies raised against a cytoskeletal protein, microtubule-associated protein 1A (MAP 1A), to stain adult rat retina. In cryostat and polyethylene glycol-embedded radial sections, the fiber layer, ganglion cell layer, and... more
Because the snowplow operator's tasks are predominately visual, warnings presented visually may interfere with critical tasks. Auditory warnings could reduce visual load if they are meaningful, effectively signal danger, and are not... more
Magnitude estimation was used to assess the experience of urgency in pulse-train stimuli (pulsed white noise) ranging from 3.13 to 200 Hz. At low pulse rates, pulses were easily resolved. At high pulse rates, pulses fused together leading... more
l currículo universitario en Chile ha sido invisibilizado por las políticas públicas, las agencias estatales y por las universidades y sus autoridades, lo cual, encuentra su sustrato en el abordaje de problemas educativos desde... more
This article reports on a study of route guidance using a navigation system that receives location information from a Global Positioning System receiver. Fifteen visually impaired participants traveled along 50-meter (about 164-foot)... more
Background. Visual acuity is measured by diminishing letter size till recognition threshold is reached, letters varying in legibility. In this experiment size reduction was compared with other means of handicapping letter legibility.... more
Recent promotion of city centre living within UK policy has led to a commensurate interest in city centre conditions and the opinions and experiences of the people who live there. An apposite, straightforward method to capture city centre... more
recorded with RESPONSEPixx (VPixx Technologies, Saint-Bruno, QC, Canada). The Eyelink extension of the Psychtoolbox 47 was used to control the eye-tracker and control the gaze-contingent display.
One of the most important components of the textbook is visuals which might facilitate the learning process. In some cases, however, due to their inconvenient structure, misconceptions might arise. The aim of this study is to analyse and... more
La libertad de información es uno de los derechos inherentes al ser humano, pero es necesario establecer unos límites de control para proteger a los ciudadanos. El sistema judicial está obligado a ponderar el valor del derecho a la... more
Given the problem of lack of interest, commitment and understanding of sustainable development, didactic innovation has been integrated into the university classroom, through the action research methodology. Through the general objective,... more
Purpose -Performance appraisal is one of the most critical and indispensable human resource practices for organisations. However, it generates dissatisfaction among employees as it is often viewed as complex and ineffective. The purpose... more
Thermal imagers operating in the 3-5 micron and 8-12 micron spectral bands require Automatic Gain Control (AGC) to enhance the visual detection and identification of targets against varying atmospheric conditions. In this paper, two... more
In laboratory visual search experiments, distractors are often statistically independent of each other. However, stimuli in more naturalistic settings are often correlated and rarely independent. Here, we examine whether human observers... more
MOURA, Iara Gomes; SOUSA, Lorena Alves Almeida Crispim; CAVALCANTE, Andrea Pinheiro Paiva; CASTRO, Henrique Sergio Beltrao de. Todos os Sentidos: no ar, para dar voz as pessoas com deficiencia. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE CIENCIAS DA... more
Este estudo é um recorte da dissertação de mestrado, o qual buscou responder o problema sobre as possibilidades e os limites de inclusão de alunos com deficiência visual no Curso de Bacharelado em Direito na Unicaldas Faculdade de Caldas... more
El Curso Superior de Diseño Gráfico, inserto en los objetivos del Instituto Politécnico Universitário, se propone a la formación de nivel superior de corta duración. Entre los objetivos del IPU están la empleabilidad, accesibilidad y... more
We evaluated the color vision of mercury-contaminated patients and investigated possible retinal origins of losses using electroretinography. Participants were retired workers from a fluorescent lamp industry diagnosed with mercury... more
The visual pigment, rhodopsin, consists of opsin protein with 11-cis retinal chromophore, covalently bound. Light activates rhodopsin by isomerizing the chromophore to the all-trans conformation. The activated rhodopsin sets in motion a... more
Objective: Previous findings have shown that alpha event-related desynchronization (-ERD) is associated with reaction to visual stimuli in oddball paradigm, as a reflection of attention allocation and memory updating. This study tested... more
Fish of the genusAnableps(Anablepidae, Cyprinodontiformes) have eyes that are adapted for simultaneous aerial and aquatic vision. In this study we investigate some of the corresponding retinal specializations of the adultAnableps... more
The amplitude of the auditory N1 component of the event‐related potential (ERP) is typically suppressed when a sound is accompanied by visual anticipatory information that reliably predicts the timing and identity of the sound. While this... more
This qualitative study explored the issues and outcomes associated with implementing Playtime Is Science for Students with Disabilities, a curriculum and materials that were modified for students who were visually impaired. It found... more
High-resolution displays for co"aborative science (room-size display on the left, desktop-size display on the right)
We predict that high-resolution displays will penetrate scientific laboratories first, and will become pervasive at the office, in the cubicle, and meeting room, and ultimately at home. In this paper, we present a novel approach to... more
Warna cat rumah memiliki peran penting dalam menciptakan suasana yang nyaman dan mendukung kenyamanan penghuni. Pemilihan warna yang tepat tidak hanya memengaruhi estetika rumah, tetapi juga suasana hati, produktivitas, dan relaksasi.... more
The desire to record bodies in motion, regardless of technological capabilities, has been inherent in the visual arts for as long as they have been in existence. This is manifest in Werner Herzog's Cave of Forgotten Dreams (2010), in... more
Since the eighties, Santa Catarina Island has become a tourist and housing destination for many Brazilians and foreigners, usually people with high cultural or economic capital. The analysis of the dynamics between transformations that... more
Feature attention operates in a spatially global way, with attended feature values being prioritized for selection outside the focus of attention. Accounts of global feature attention have emphasized feature competition as a determining... more
La cohesión social ha sido el mayor nudo crítico de la modernidad y, al mismo tiempo, la principal función del sistema educativo. Durante la pandemia las escuelas sustituyeron la competencia por rendimiento para poner, en primer lugar,... more
Effective visual object recognition requires mechanisms to bind object features (e.g. color, shape and motion) while distinguishing distinct objects. Synchronously active neuronal circuits among reentrantly connected cortical areas may... more
Somatotype Body Composition Handball Fat Percentage Muscle mass Body indexes Anthropometry Somatotipo Composición corporal Balonmano Porcentaje grasa Masa muscular Índices corporales Antropometría The aim of this study was to determine... more
Como una forma de gestionar el creciente volumen y complejidad de la información que circula en la actualidad, se utilizan cada vez más las representaciones gráficas que agregan significado a la información presentada en los medios de... more
Public communication Responsible communication Violent contexts Digital activism Citizen communication Comunicación pública Comunicación responsable Contextos violentos Activismo digital Comunicación ciudadana Through this article, an... more
The development, advancement and critical study of design thinking challenges designers to explore every possible factor in high value innovative design concepts. Designers must expand their thinking parameters and seek values in design... more
The purpose of this paper is to understand the significance of form elements through the interpretations of design sketches. These interpretations are provided by designers themselves interpreting expressive characteristics of car images,... more