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      Structural EngineeringArchitectureCombustionBurn
The ability to understand student learning styles can increase the educational experience. Teachers might adjust their teaching style so that it is more congruent with a given student's or class of students' learning style. One of the... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageEducational PsychologyLearning StylesApplied Linguistics
This chapter strives to provide examples, explanations, research findings, and implications for use of AT with students with VI and blindness. First, we discuss various definitions of VI and blindness, prevalence of the impairments,... more
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    • Visual
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      Qualitative ResearchVisual MethodsQualitatVisual
An image-based activity served as a tool to help students and teachers understand the points of view of urban youth and to engage in writing activities.
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Art history lacks a persuasive account of the nature of graphic marks, and that limits what can be said about pictures. This essay gathers some of the principal sources. An expanded version appeared in the book "On Pictures, And the Words... more
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      SemioticsArt HistoryMeaningLinguistics
Video technology offers expanded possibilities for looking at interaction and communication in various ‘natural’ settings, for example workplaces and situations of informal communication or educational interaction. In the last decades... more
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      SociologyEthnographyVideoEthnographic Methods
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      Teacher EducationLiteraturePopular CultureAdolescent Literacy
Video is exploding as a means of communication and expression, and the resultant archives are massive, disconnected datasets. Thus, scholars' ability to research this crucial aspect of contemporary culture is severely hamstrung by... more
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      Computing In Social Sciences, Arts And Humanities, ProfessionsHumanities Computing (Digital Humanities)Image ProcessingDigital Humanities
Spatio-temporal data sets are often very large and difficult to analyze and display. Since they are fundamental for decision support in many application contexts, recently a lot of interest has arisen toward data-mining techniques to... more
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      Cognitive ScienceData MiningComputer SoftwareGoogle Earth
This article reports on an exploratory journey that examines the usage of visual arts as a learning tool in typography courses. Through the use of pangram and Singapore English, Singlish, the study explores interesting ways to explicate... more
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      Graphic DesignTypographyVisual CommunicationVisual Learning
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The present study focuses on two aspects of the time course of visual information processing during the perception of natural scenes. The first aspect is the change of fixation duration and saccade amplitude during the first couple of... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceInformation ProcessingVisual Cognition
The research presented in this paper uses memory work as a method to explore six women's collective constructions of two embodied practices, sweating and pain. The paper identi es limitations in the ways in which social constructionist... more
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      PsychologyEmbodimentMemory StudiesVisual Methods
To evaluate the efficacy of digital photographs and graphic computer software for color matching compared to conventional visual matching. Materials and Methods: The shade of a tab from a shade guide (Vita 3D-Master Guide) placed in a... more
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      Computer GraphicsDentistryProsthodonticsPhotography
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Perceived gaze contact in seen faces may convey important social signals. We examined whether gaze perception affects face processing during two tasks: Online gender judgement, and later incidental recognition memory. Individual faces... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceRecognition memoryVisual Cognition
This paper is based upon the work of an ongoing, collective research project that is concerned with embodiment. The co-researchers have used a variety of methods, including memory work and the analysis of discourse, in order to trace the... more
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      EmbodimentMemory StudiesVisual MethodsVisual
This study examined the differences in processing between typical and dyslexic readers in a lexical decision task in different modalities (visual, auditory, and cross modality). In general, dyslexics exhibited slower reaction times and... more
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      PsychologyVisualLexical Decision
We report two experiments designed to investigate the potential use of vibrotactile warning signals to present spatial information to car drivers. Participants performed an attention-demanding rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP)... more
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      PsychologyVisual attentionExperience DesignInterface Design
IT MAY BE FUN TO PERCEIVE ILLUSIONS, BUT THE UNDERSTANDING OF HOW THEY WORK IS EVEN MORE STIMULATING AND SUSTAINABLE: They can tell us where the limits and capacity of our perceptual apparatus are found-they can specify how the... more
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Seventeen Ss were videotaped as they provided narrative descriptions of 13 photographs. Judgments from 129 naive untrained Ss were used to isolate 60 speech-related gestures and their lexical affiliates (i.e., the accompanying word or... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceVisual StudiesInterpersonal Communication
Previous work suggests only a small set of facial expressions can be interpreted universally with any reliability. This set is confined to the six basic emotions. On the other hand, ''cognitive" mental states (such as... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceVisual CognitionVisual
Including transnational and community literacies can help students learn about diversity in their communities and help English-language learners become more fully engaged in their literacy and content learning.
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      Transnational migrationCommunityInformationText
We investigated the involvement of the parietal cortex in binding features during visual search using functional magnetic resonance imaging. We tested 10 subjects in four visual search tasks across which we independently manipulated (1)... more
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      Magnetic Resonance ImagingAttentionAdolescentVisual Search
The actions of gonadal steroid hormones induce morphological sex differences in many tissues in the body, including brain. These occur either during development to organize tissues in a sex-specific pattern and/or in adulthood to activate... more
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      CognitionVisual perceptionMultidisciplinaryCerebral Cortex
Neurophysiological studies on children and adults with dyslexia provide a deeper understanding of how visual and auditory processing in dyslexia might relate to reading deficits. The goal of this review is to provide an overview of... more
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      EngineeringPerceptionElectrophysiologySpeech perception
The orienting of visual-spatial attention is fundamental to most organisms and is controlled through external (exogenous) or internal (endogenous) processes. Exogenous orienting is considered to be reflexive and automatic, whereas... more
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      Visual perceptionMagnetic Resonance ImagingAttentionElectroencephalography
Physiological and behavioral studies in animal models have revealed that information from the different senses can be used synergistically to enhance the detection of objects and events. Although a great deal of evidence exists which... more
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      PsychophysicsAuditory PerceptionExperience DesignBrain and Cognitive Development
Ozone-based processing is a novel technology with potentially fewer adverse effects than in-shell thermal pasteurization of eggs. There are no consumer acceptance studies published on ozone-treated eggs. This study examines consumers'... more
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      Chemical EngineeringFood ScienceVisual perceptionConsumer Behavior
Digital storytelling technologies can be a fun and productive way to support the academic literacy of Englishlanguage learners in the classroom.
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      EducationEducational TechnologyTeaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language Acquisition
Objective: This study examined the effect of motivation as a possible psychological influencing variable on P300 amplitude and performance in a brain-computer interface (BCI) controlled by event-related potentials (ERP). Methods:... more
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      EngineeringElectrophysiologyPerformanceBrain Computer Interface
The morphology of congenital cataract reflects a combination of the timing and nature of the cause, the anatomy of the lens including its capsule, its development, and changes that take place with time. Morphology may variably affect... more
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In essence, the goal of this project is to interrogate the multi-semiotic manifestations of hegemonic masculinity and femininity in male and female body culture as manifested on Men’s Health and Women’s Health cover-page corpora that... more
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Multi-sensory warnings can potentially enhance risk communication. Hereto we investigated how temporal signal parameters affect perceived urgency within and across modalities. In an experiment, 78 observers rated the perceived urgency of... more
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Deuteranomalous trichromacy, which affects medium-wavelength-sensitive cones, is more common than protanomalous trichromacy, which affects long-wavelength-sensitive cones. The aim of the present work was to test the extent to which these... more
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      Visual NeuroscienceAdolescentNatureColor Perception
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EEG and MEG scalp data were simultaneously recorded while human participants were performing a duration discrimination task in visual and auditory modality, separately. Short durations were used ranging from 500 to 900 ms, among which... more
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      ElectrophysiologyAuditory PerceptionCognitionMagnetoencephalography
Repeated experience with a visual stimulus can result in improved perception of the stimulus, i.e., perceptual learning. To understand the underlying neural mechanisms of this process, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging to... more
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      NeuroscienceVisual perceptionAttentionLearning
There is increasing advocacy for inclusive community-based approaches to environmental management, and growing evidence that involving communities improves the sustainability of social-ecological systems. Most community-based approaches... more
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      Environmental SustainabilityBest PracticesGuyanaEnvironmental Governance
Visual feedback has traditionally been used in the assembly process to a very limited extent. With the advent of effective visual servoing techniques, visual feedback can become an integral part of the assembly process by complementing... more
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      VisualVisual Servoing
When wandering around a city such as São Paulo, we are surrounded by letters, numbers and symbols. These elements form part of an environment full of signs in many shapes and sizes that compete for our attention. Our perception of these... more
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      Cultural StudiesVisual CommunicationVisualUrban Environment
We investigated two aspects of lexical organization in normal adults employing behavioral and electrophysiological indices of Ž . Ž . semantic priming, namely: 1 Is there evidence for differential processing of nouns and verbs? 2 Is there... more
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      Brain and Cognitive DevelopmentLanguagePrimingReaction Time
There is evidence that presenting titles together with artworks affects their processing. We investigated whether elaborative and descriptive titles change the appreciation and understanding of paintings. Under long presentation times (90... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceArtCognition
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Our work is inspired by the book Imagining Numbers (particularly the square root of minus fifteen), by Harvard University mathematics professor Barry Mazur (Imagining numbers (particularly the square root of minus fifteen), Farrar, Straus... more
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Many real-world scenes contain a dynamic range that exceeds conventional display technology by several orders of magnitude. Through the combination of several existing technologies, new high dynamic range displays, capable of reproducing... more
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      Image ProcessingImageHigh Dynamic RangeDisplays