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Introductory essay for a new book about the artist Jerrold Ballaine (b. 1934). The newest book is number 8 in a series I have written and published and which concern the artist and his work. The title refers to changes in Ballaine's life:... more
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      Vision ScienceContemporary ArtPhilosophy of ArtActive Aging
Effectiveness of a nursesupported self-management programme for dual sensory impaired older adults in longterm care: a cluster randomised controlled trial.
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      EducationRehabilitationHealth CareMedicine
Effectiveness of a nursesupported self-management programme for dual sensory impaired older adults in longterm care: a cluster randomised controlled trial.
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      EducationRehabilitationHealth CareMedicine
Conducting decision calisthenics can help an organization win competitive advantage through harnessing its tremendous knowledge, imagination, and staff experience. The paper explores how knowledge and experience mined and refined through... more
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Although obviously very different in many ways, both the classical rod-and-frame test (RFT; Witkin & Asch, 1948), in which an observer sets the orientation of a rod to appear vertical within the frontoparallel plane of a rolltilted visual... more
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePerceptionCognition
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En el presente trabajo se evaluó si los sistemas de información de recursos financieros, recursos humanos, recursos materiales y control escolar que son utilizados en la Escuela Normal de Especialización del Estado de Sinaloa (ENEES),... more
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      Sistemas de InformaçãoCuadro de Mando IntegralToma De DecisionesGestion Tecnologia de la Informacion y Comunicaciones
O artigo analisa a série América (direção de João Moreira Salles) feita para a extinta Rede Manchete em 1989. Muitas são as questões que poderiam ser exploradas diante desse documentário, como: de que modo suas imagens constróem os... more
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      HistoryComputer ScienceHumanitiesArt
144 scenes, 3sec/scene presentation time •Equal number of shape occurrences •Eye movements recorded in all trials •Investigate effect of the type of stimuli on statistical learning through categorical and non-categorical stimuli.... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceStatistical LearningVision
144 scenes, 3sec/scene presentation time •Equal number of shape occurrences •Eye movements recorded in all trials •Investigate effect of the type of stimuli on statistical learning through categorical and non-categorical stimuli.... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceStatistical LearningVision
Tensor voting is a well-known robust technique for extracting perceptual information from clouds of points. This chapter proposes a general methodology to adapt tensor voting to different types of images in the specific context of image... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceComputer GraphicsComputer Vision
The lighting and furnishing of an interior space (i.e., the reflectance of its materials, the geometries of the furnishings, and their arrangement) determine the appearance of this space. Conversely, human observers infer lighting... more
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      PsychophysicsComputer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceComputer Vision
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceComputer VisionVision
Bruce Chilton is an American student of intertestamentalliterature who rather delights in way-out ideas. The main thesis of this short book is that the three pilgrim feasts of Passover, Pentecost and Tabernacles are particularly... more
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      Cultural StudiesArtNew TestamentJudaism
Two recent articles by Geisler and Diehl use Bayesian statistical decision theory to model the co-evolution of predator and prey in a simple, game-like environment. The prey is characterized by its coloration. The predator is... more
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      PsychologyPerceptionVisionPsychology and Cognitive Sciences
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      PsychologyComputer ScienceComputer VisionPerception
Background: Many patients voice concerns regarding poor night vision, even when they see 20/20 or better in the exam room. During mesopic and scotopic conditions the pupil size increases, increasing the effects on visual performance of... more
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      MedicineScotopic visionOptometry and OphthalmologyPupil
To evaluate how multiple-zone multifocal designs maximize optical performance of modified monovision corrections.
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      Computer ScienceOpticsClinical SciencesOptometry and Ophthalmology
Background: Many patients voice concerns regarding poor night vision, even when they see 20/20 or better in the exam room. During mesopic and scotopic conditions the pupil size increases, increasing the effects on visual performance of... more
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      MedicineScotopic visionOptometry and OphthalmologyPupil
En primer término, el autor expone el proceso mediante el cual los conceptos "imagen" y "representación" han perdido su sentido originario en la historia de Occidente; a partir de allí se ha creado una situación de... more
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The image formed by the eye's optics is inherently blurred by aberrations specific to the individual's eyes. We examined to what extent judgments of perceived focus depend on the total magnitude as opposed to the specific pattern of blur... more
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      MathematicsArtificial IntelligenceOpticsComputer Vision
Previous studies suggest that certain combinations of coma and astigmatism improve optical quality over astigmatism alone. We tested these theoretical predictions on 20 patients. Visual acuity (VA) was measured under best spherical... more
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      PsychologyOpticsMedicineVisual acuity
To present and validate a prototype of an optical instrument that allows experimental simulation of pure bifocal vision. To evaluate the influence of different power additions on image contrast and visual acuity.
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceOptics
We demonstrate that certain combinations of non-rotationally symmetric aberrations (coma and astigmatism) can improve retinal image quality over the condition with the same amount of astigmatism alone. Simulations of the retinal image... more
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      MathematicsOpticsMedicineAdaptive Optics
La presente investigación se realizó bajo una metodología cualitativa, abordada desde la teoría fundamentada, y tuvo como objetivo identificar el imaginario social de la Mega minería y las formas de participación ciudadana de las... more
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      SociologyHistory of the ImaginaryVision
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Department and US intelligence agencies in order to prepare his Master's thesis in history at the University of Groningen. He arrived in Washington in early 1996. In the course of many months of shared daily research at NARA in College... more
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      GeographyVisionWest Indies
Este artículo trata de ponderar en sus justos términos la influencia de los escritos de Maquiavelo en Inglaterra y España, ejemplificada en la comparación de la diversa recepción del autor del Príncipe por parte de dos autores que... more
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Zhuyu"The Dynomic track of a needle" Zhuyu "The Dynamic track of a needle" Video HDV1920x1080, 2016 The dynamic track of a needle= my blood vessels+ my child+ the floating bloodthe simulating trackthe fixed metal.
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    • Industrial and Organizational Psychology
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceCommunicationPerception
The program focuses on conceptual understanding, higher order thinking, and problem solving in elementary school teaching of mathematics, science, social studies, literature, and the arts. Center researchers are identifying exemplary... more
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      Computer ScienceMathematics EducationCognitive developmentElementary Education
The article Undoing Culture: Witkacy's Tragedy of the End of the West looks at Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz's historiosophical conception of the condition of Western culture in the first half of the 20th century. The reading of the Polish... more
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      ChemistryCell BiologyIn VitroVision
Recent behavioral and event-related brain potential (ERP) studies have revealed cross-modal interactions in endogenous spatial attention between vision and audition, plus vision and touch. The present ERP study investigated whether these... more
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologyCognitive SciencePerception
A task-irrelevant stimulus can distort recall from visual short-term memory (VSTM). Specifically, reproduction of a task-relevant memory item is biased in the direction of the irrelevant memory item (Huang and Sekuler, 2010a). The present... more
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologyPerceptionSelective Attention
Previous studies of spatial contrast sensitivity in adulthood have produced contlicting results. To clarify the situation, we measured contrast sensitivity functions on a large sample of adults (n = 91). ranging in age from 19 to 87. All... more
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      AudiologyAgingBiologyMotion perception
-dot cinematograms comprising many different, spatially intermingled local motion vectors can produce a percept of global coherent motion in a single direction. Thresholds for discriminating the direction of global motion were measured... more
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      Computer ScienceMotion perceptionMedicineVision
Global flow occurs when random dots, each selecting their direction of motion randomly each frame from a distribution of directions spanning up to 180°, appear to move as a whole in the mean direction of the components. This percept... more
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      PhysicsOpticsMonte Carlo SimulationMotion perception
Selective attention protects cognition against intrusions of task-irrelevant stimulus attributes. This protective function was tested in coordinated psychophysical and memory experiments. Stimuli were superimposed, horizontally and... more
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologyCognitive SciencePerception
In a trio of experiments, a matching procedure generated direct, analogue measures of short-term memory for the spatial frequency of Gabor stimuli. Experiment 1 showed that when just a single Gabor was presented for study, a retention... more
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      PsychologyPsychophysicsPerceptionSelective Attention
Learning by imitation is fundamental to human behavior, but not all observed actions are equally easy to imitate. To understand why some actions are more difficult to imitate than others, we examined how higher-order relationships among... more
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      Computer SciencePerceptionWorking MemoryMotion perception
By having subjects drive a virtual taxicab through a computer-rendered town, we examined how landmark and layout information interact during spatial navigation. Subject-drivers searched for passengers, and then attempted to take the most... more
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      PsychologyPerceptionSpatial MemoryCognition
The necessity of the efficient increase of prophylaxis of infections transmitted sexually (ITS), the control strengthening of registration of the prevalence of this group of infections as well as in the state medical institutions and the... more
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In this paper a quanta coincidence model of absolute threshold vision is presented. the properties of which include not only Ricco's law and Piper's law. but also the deviations from Ricco's law which were recently found (Martinez. Sturr... more
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The emergence of a new technology like BIM is often connected with extensive discussions of industrial and organizational development and change. However, predicting the use trajectory of a technology has always been a difficult task. In... more
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      EngineeringEconomicsSensemakingConstruction Management and Economics
I'uvlwse: IO invcstiynlc tllc Ihcl0r dctcl-mining a poor litlid viswl 0utcon1c following pbotorcfmctive keratoplasty (PICK). Methods: The charts of 800 eyes included in the prospective evaluation of Swumit Ikciwcd rind Onmimcd cxcimcr... more
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      Materials ScienceVisionPhotorefractive keratectomyExcimer Laser
Purpose: Is our method of conservative therapy of advanced unilateral retinoblastoma effective and safe? Methods: From lYYO-lYY3,38 cases of unilateral retinoblastoma were treated in National Cancer Center Hospital in Tokyo. Except for 9... more
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      PsychologyMagnetic Resonance ImagingVisionPsychology and Cognitive Sciences
The paradigm of the emerging Personalized Health Informatics (PHI) area looks to be driven by several factors. Some of them are Country independent. Some others highly depend from the way the specific Country organizes its healthcare... more
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      Computer ScienceInformaticsHealth InformaticsHealth Care