Recent papers in Vision
Patients suffering from AIDS develop ocular complications, the most frequent being HIV retinopathy. It is however not clear, if functional visual impairments can be observed as early indicators of ocular complications, before clinical... more
Bisection thresholds are approximately proportional to the separation/eccentricity of the targets. This "Weber's law" for position has been invoked over the past century. Is it the separation of the reference targets, or their... more
Autistics often exhibit enhanced perceptual abilities when engaged in visual search, visual discrimination, and embedded figure detection. In similar fashion, while performing a range of perceptual or cognitive tasks, autistics display... more
This study recommends changes to the U.S. Army's tactical orders process in order to increase the Army's ability to execute AirLand Battle at the tactical level of war. The thesis exarines the tactical orders process of the Wehrmacht. the... more
Arrant-~havioural techniques were used to determine whether cats are able to see subjective contours. Through several stages of testing with increasingly complex displays, cats continued to respond to a figure defined by subjective... more
People tend to perceive identical top halves (i.e. above the nose) of two face stimuli as being different when they are aligned with distinct bottom halves. This composite face illusion is generally considered as the most compelling... more
When two isoluminant colors alternate at frequencies >10 Hz, we perceive only one fused color with a minimal sensation of brightness flicker. In spite of the perception of color fusion, color opponent (CO) cells at early stages of the... more
We have initiated a genetic analysis of the zebrafish visual system to identify novel molecules involved in vertebrate retinal function. Zebrafish are highly visual; they have four types of cones as well as rod photoreceptors, making it... more
The aim of this study was to integrate a gaze training intervention (i.e., quiet eye training; QET) that has been shown to improve the throwing and catching skill of children with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD), within an... more
The generalisation of the Internet and the recent technological developments in embedded systems and wireless networks contribute to the realisation of a vision where access to information is possible at any moment and from anywhere. This... more
Birds gather information about their environment mainly through vision by scanning their surroundings. Many prevalent models of social foraging assume that foraging and scanning are mutually exclusive. Although this assumption is valid... more
We have employed methodologies of human centered design to inspire and guide the engineering of a definitive low-cost aesthetic multimodal experience intended to stimulate cultural growth. Using a combination of design research, trend... more
The Fourier phase spectrum plays a central role regarding where in an image contours occur, thereby defining the spatial relationship between those structures in the overall scene. Only a handful of studies have demonstrated... more
We examine whether holes (two separate cutout rectangles in a surface) appearing as if on a homogeneous background produce object-based effects similar to those observed when the same regions appear as separate items in front of that... more
A ®gure combination task, in which three components are combined into an object, was administered under imagery-alone and externalization conditions to subjects with dierent levels of sketching expertise. In externalization conditions the... more
We examined familial aggregation and risk of age-related macular degeneration in the Utah population using a population-based case-control study. Over one million unique patient records were searched within the University of Utah Health... more
Background Many causes of vision impairment can be prevented or treated. With an ageing global population, the demands for eye health services are increasing. We estimated the prevalence and relative contribution of avoidable causes of... more
EJ800106 - Sensory Contributions to Balance in Boys with Developmental Coordination Disorder.
Microsaccades are small rapid and involuntary eye movements that occur during fixation in an apparently stochastic manner. They are known to be inhibited in response to sensory transients, with a time course that depends on the stimulus... more
We have measured the spread of contrast adaptation across the dimension of spatial frequency. Threshold elevation was tightly tuned to the adapting spatial frequency but became much broader as test contrast was increased. This means that,... more
Objective: To present an overview of possible effects of Arnold-Chiari malformation (ACM) and to offer chiropractic approaches and theories for treatment of a patient with severe visual dysfunction complicated by ACM. Clinical Features: A... more
Detection of distortions in images of natural scenes in mild traumatic brain injury patients Jennings, BJ
The ontogeny of orientation mechanisms in migratory birds involves a complex of programmed learning rules and calibrations between the several compasses used during migration. Visual information at sunset, especially the pattern of... more
A new approach to historical research traces the rise and fall of concepts by computational analysis of millions of documents. Based on approximately 4% of all books ever published, Google has created a database of the annual frequency of... more
We used an opportunistic review of photographs of different adult and juvenile horses walking, trotting, and cantering (n 5 828) to compare the angle of the nasal plane relative to vertical in feral and domestic horses at liberty (n 5... more
A complex link exists between vision and unilateral spatial neglect (USN). Firstly, USN is not a perceptual deficit, secondly, USN is not necessarily accompanied by a visual deficit and finally, USN can be observed in non-visual... more
Among mammals, birds, most reptiles and chondrichthians, only rhodopsins are present. Among agnathans, osteichthians, amphibians and certain freshwater turtles there are species having only porphyropsins or only rhodopsins or, more... more
Towards an ecological approach to visual anticipation for expert performance in sport ... University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, USA ... Corresponding author. Duarte Araújo, Faculty of Human Kinetics, Technical University of Lisbon,... more
An unresolved question is how much information can be remembered from visual scenes when they are inspected by saccadic eye movements. Subjects used saccadic eye movements to scan a computer-generated scene, and afterwards, recalled as... more
Older adults have serious difficulty seeing under low illumination and at night, even in the absence of ocular disease. Optical changes in the aged eye, such as pupillary miosis and increased lens density, cannot account for the severity... more
Novel binocular depth ilhrsions obtained from two-dimensional colour images are presented. It is demonstrated that the magnitude of these illusions is based on transverse chromatic aberation (TCA), however, the depth obtained caNlot be... more
Summary Background Many causes of vision impairment can be prevented or treated. With an ageing global population, the demands for eye health services are increasing. We estimated the prevalence and relative contribution of avoidable... more
The proposal that peripheral visual changes (cues) tend to summon attention automatically was tested by studying the effect of peripheral cueing on simple detection latency. Delay between cue onset and target onset, the contingent... more
A neural network model is developed to explain how visual thalamocortical interactions give rise to boundary percepts such as illusory contours and surface percepts such as filled-in brightnesses. Top-down feedback interactions are needed... more
Accommodation stimulus-response function (ASRF) and its relationship to retinal image quality were investigated using a modified wavefront sensor. Ten subjects were presented with six vergence stimuli between 0.17 D and 5 D. For each... more
One of the remaining obstacles to the widespread application of industrial robots is their inability to deal with parts: that are not precisciy po~itioned. In the case of manual asscm'nly, componentq are often presented in bins. Current... more
Previous findings suggest that planning an action "backward-primes" perceptual dimension related to this action: planning a grasp facilitates the processing of visual size information, while planning a reach facilitates the processing of... more
1 2 3 Probability that light is perceived left of touch 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Asynchronous presentation of light and touch Synchronous presentation of light and touch Light left of touch Light/touch same position Light right of touch... more
2 words are presented successively within 500 ms, subjects often miss the 2nd word. This attentional blink reflects a limited capacity to attend to incoming information. Memory effects were studied for words that fell within an... more
The sensory brain areas of a sample of < 100 deep-sea fish species were studied, and the relative volumes of the olfactory bulb, optic tectum, octavolateral area and gustatory area were determined. In the absence of direct observations on... more
In birds, the position and extent of the region of binocular vision appears to be determined primarily by feeding ecology. Of prime importance is the degree to which vision is used for the precise control of bill position when foraging.... more
We measured the kinetics of recombination of 11-cis-retinal with opsin in intact frog rod outer segment (ROS). The rhodopsin in ROS was bleached and allowed to decay to ''indicator yellow,'' a photoproduct where all-trans-retinal is... more