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Plane wave scattering by a planar metasurface composed of two periodically alternating rectangular dielectric rods is considered. A rigorous integral equation methodology is employed for the analysis and the accurate determination of the... more
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      Electromagnetic metamaterialsMetamaterialsOptimization techniquesVisible Light Communication
This paper presents an efficient road surface detection technique based on visible light communication (VLC). It uses light emitting diodes (LED) based car headlamps to illuminate the road surface and capture the diffuse and specular... more
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      Visible Light CommunicationIndoor Optical Wireless CommunicationsOptical Wireless communicationVisible Light Communications
—Indoor localization is very important to enable Internet-of-things (IoT) applications. Visible light communication (VLC)-based indoor localization approaches embrace many advantages, such as utilization of existing ubiquitous lighting... more
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      Visible Light CommunicationIndoor LocalizationInternet of Things (IoT)Retroreflection
Light Fidelity (LiFi) is a Visible Light Communication (VLC) based technology that making a light as a media of communication replacing the cable wire communication. LiFi is based on Visual Light Communication (VLC) that using light... more
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      Electronics & Telecommunication EngineeringVisible Light CommunicationLight FidelityIaeme Publication
Color space based modulation (CSBM) schemes have the potential to replace conventional intensity based modulation in visible-light communication (VLC) systems. This study attempts to address three major issues of the CSBM scheme in VLC... more
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      Visible Light CommunicationOptical physicsColor SpaceElectrical And Electronic Engineering
To meet the growing demands of the data communication infrastructure in the Internet-of-Things era, alternative methods are needed to complement the current technology, one of which employs optics-based communication. In this paper, we... more
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      Optical wireless CommunicationsFree Space OpticsVisible Light CommunicationSystem on Chip
By using Visible Light Communication (VLC), in contrast to radio waves, the secure connection can be established more efficiently since the visible light could not radiate through most solid objects. VLC has been applied for many use... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsOptical wireless CommunicationsStandardizationVisible Light Communication
A comprehensive study of outdoor visible light communication (VLC) under snow and rain effects has been conducted in this paper. This paper analyzes the expected rain attenuation of Marshal, Carbonneau, and Japan models at different... more
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      Intelligent Transportation SystemsVisible Light Communication
An emerging technology Li-Fi, or light fidelity is a bidirectional and fully networked wireless communications medium which uses light from light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and provides transmission of data through illumination by sending... more
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      CommunicationMicrocontrollersArduinoLight emitting devices and Solar cells
Circuit and system of the Auto Gain Control (AGC) is a very important to be used in Visible Light Communication (VLC) transceiver receives the range of receivers and overcoming the near-far effect of the signal link. This paper discusses... more
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      Optical CommunicationOptical wireless CommunicationsVisible Light CommunicationAutomatic Gain Control
VLC is an emerging optical wireless communication technology that can be added as a complementary feature into existing lighting infrastructures for alleviating pressure on the rapidly dwindling radio frequency spectrum. Although LEDs... more
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      Solid-State LightingOptical wireless CommunicationsVisible Light CommunicationLaser Diodes
Abstact-Light Fidelity (Li-Fi) refers to the 5G Visible Light Communication systems using light-emitting diodes as a medium for high-speed communication in a similar manner as Wi-Fi. [5] As now a days where internet has become a major... more
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      Optical Fiber CommunicationsWireless CommunicationsOptical CommunicationWi-Fi
Visible Light Communication (VLC) is promising new technology to be applied in the lighting system infrastructure. This communication function should not interfere with the existing lighting system. In order to prevent from this... more
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    • Visible Light Communication
As a new generation green lighting source, the light emitting diode (LED) is rapidly replacing traditional incandescent and fluorescent light sources. Apart from providing energy savings, the use of LED lighting technology creates scope... more
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    • Visible Light Communication
Demand for bandwidth hungry applications and mobile services is pushing an unquenchable need for wireless capacity. Existing radio frequency networks are characterized by shared medium, inadequate spectrum, and restricted user capacity.... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsThe Internet of ThingsLocalizationGreen Technology
The design and implementation of medium access control (MAC) layer for network-enabled visible light communication (VLC) system is presented in this paper. The point-to-point link was chosen because of its simple in configuration as well... more
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      LinuxOptical CommunicationOptical wireless CommunicationsLinux Open Source System
Visible Light Communication (VLC) is an emerging field in Optical Wireless Communication (OWC) which utilizes the superior modulation bandwidth of Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) to transmit data. In modern day communication systems, the... more
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    • Visible Light Communication
Trans-impedance amplifier (TIA) are widely used for optical sensing applications (precision instrumentation) and optical communication, such as: fiber optic, IR communication and also Visible Light Communication (VLC). TIA convert the... more
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      Visible Light CommunicationVlc ResearchTransimpedance Amplifier
In mathematics, the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) converts a finite sequence of equally-spaced samples of a function into an equivalent-length sequence of equally-spaced samples of the discrete-time Fourier transform (DTFT), which is a... more
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      Visible Light CommunicationMIMO Wireless Communication
Visible light communication technology similar to wireless routers will enter our lives and complement the existing RF technology applications. This paper expounds the background of the development of visible light communication... more
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      EngineeringElectrical EngineeringElectronic EngineeringCommunication Engineering
Vehicle to vehicle data transmission, we present initial designs and results of a small-scale prototype using light fidelity (Li-Fi) technology, a new technology that was developed in the last few years, which still needs more systematic... more
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      Visible Light CommunicationPhotodiodeLight Emitting DiodeVehicle To Vehicle Communication
Li-fi Technology is one of the exploring fields that enhances the power of data communication and inter-networks. Li-Fi technology, proposed by the German physicist—Harald Haas, researched that transmission of data through illumination by... more
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      TransmissionVisible Light CommunicationLight Emitting DiodesBandwidth
Software Defined Radio (SDR) has proven to be a practical and effective tool in RF communications, allowing flexible and rapid exploration of dynamic RF signal processing techniques while accelerating advancement of configurable RF... more
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      Software Defined RadioVisible Light Communication
An unprecedented demand for connecting physical objects with the internet expedites the realization of internet of things, thus creating new challenges to explore new spectrums which are suitable for communication. Visible light... more
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      Indoor PositioningLED LightingVisible Light CommunicationIndoor Localization
Teknologi komunikasi data berbasis nirkabel saat ini marak digunakan. Penerapannya pun mulai bermacam-macam, dari WiMax sampai penggunaan Wi-Gig (Wireless Gigabyte). Teknologi berlomba-lomba untuk mencari pengganti teknologi Wi-Fi yang... more
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      Project ManagementVisible Light CommunicationICT Project ManagementLight Fidelity
—To date, the photodiode still the first choice component is used in optical communication, especially for visible light communication (VLC) system. It has advantages of speed, energy consumption, and sensitivity, compared to other... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsOptical CommunicationPhotodetectorsVisible Light Communication
Visible light communication (VLC) systems using the indoor lighting system to also provide downlink communications require high average optical powers in order to satisfy the illumination needs. This can cause high amplitude signals... more
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      Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM)Adaptive Modulation and Coding (AMC)Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA)Modulation
The new vehicle execution has been persistently improved and the examination results identifying with the wellbeing of vehicle driving have additionally been consistently announced and illustrated, it is attempting to discover an... more
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      Visible Light CommunicationPhotodiodesLight Emitting DiodeVehicle To Vehicle Communication
technology has been gaining attention in both academia and industry. This is driven by the progress of white light emitting diode (LED) technology for solid-state lighting (SSL) and the potential of simultaneously using such LEDs for... more
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      Channel CodingBroadcastingOFDMVisible Light Communication
5G networks have to offer extremely high capacity for novel streaming applications. One of the most promising approaches is to embed large numbers of co-operating small cells into the macro-cell coverage area. Alternatively, optical... more
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      Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM)Visible Light Communication5G
Internet today will be highly integrated with many aspects of our daily needs making it a corner stone in modern life. This dependency increased the demand on having internet services with higher Bandwidth, higher Bit Rates and lower... more
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      Organic light emitting diodesWi-FiVisible Light CommunicationOrganic light-emitting diodes
This paper presents the implementation of an IEEE standard-based Visible Light Communication (VLC) system using software defined radio (SDR) approach. Based on widely used SDR platform Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) and visual... more
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      Visible Light CommunicationSoftware Defined Radios (SDR)
The paper proclaims a summary of Li-Fi technology. It is an efficient data communication mechanism involving visible light as a medium of transmission. This monograph introduces the concept of Li-Fi and its working model. Furthermore, it... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsLED LightingVisible Light CommunicationLifi Technology in India
This paper presents a mathematical model for car-to-car (C2C) visible light communications (VLC) that aims to predict the system performance under different communication geometries. A market-weighted headlamp beam pattern model is... more
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    • Visible Light Communication
This paper discusses the usage of visible light communication concepts for Electronic Shelf Labeling Devices (ESLD), using unmodified smart phones. Visible light communication enables novel and interesting approaches to the design of... more
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    • Visible Light Communication
This paper studies the feasibility of using low-power wireless technologies such as Bluetooth, IEEE 802.15.4 and ZigBee in high-speed railway scenarios that involve bidirectional land-to-train communication. The presented results have... more
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      Intelligent Transportation SystemsVehicular-To-Vehicular (V2V) Communication EngineeringWireless networksVisible Light Communication
Now-a-days, wireless networks are deployed everywhere. The increase of Wi-Fi hotspots to the rising number of cell phones, PDAs and laptops equipped with Wi-Fi radios, that’s why, for many organizations wireless security is an ever... more
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    • Visible Light Communication
Visible light communications (VLC) is a new emerging technology, which provides both data transmission and illumination by utilizing the visible range (370 – 780 nm) of the electromagnetic spectrum. In order to maximize the available data... more
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      LED LightingVisible Light Communication
Visible Light Communication (VLC) using LEDs is emerging as a key technology for a ubiquitous communication system, because LED has the advantages of fast switching, long life expectancy, being less expensive and being visible light that... more
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      Control Systems EngineeringLED LightingVisible Light Communication
VLC technology is a modern, emerging technology which is recently very popular in both academia and industry due to rapid advances in production of LED lamps and high potential of these lamps in creating lighting and sending data... more
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      Visible Light CommunicationBuilding Management System (BMS)
– Visible light communication (VLC) is vulnerable to the optical interference noise and become a big problem in the optical channel because it can degrade the VLC systems performance. In this paper, we present a characterization through... more
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      Optical EngineeringOptical CommunicationOptical Measurement MethodsOptical wireless Communications
LED lights are becoming widely used for homes and offices for their luminous efficacy improvement. Visible light communication (VLC) is a new way of wireless communication using visible light. Typical transmitters used for visible light... more
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      Visible Light CommunicationLEDLocation-Based ServiceImage Sensor
—The paper proposes a 720 Mbps visible light communication (VLC) system using 64-QAM-OFDM signals. Transmission of signals is achieved by modulating red, green and blue (RGB) light emitting diodes (LEDs) and transmitting all three... more
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    • Visible Light Communication
Visible Light Communication (VLC) is a blooming research area which uses visible light spectrum as the communication channel. Exponential growth of Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) deployment as a light source is encouraged to use for... more
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      Location Based ServicesVisible Light CommunicationSecure Communication
Phosphor-free InGaN/AlGaN core-shell nanowire light-emitting diodes (LEDs) grown by molecular beam epitaxy have been developed and their application in visible light communication (VLC) has been investigated. The electroluminescence... more
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      III-V SemiconductorsOptoelectronicsNanowiresVisible Light Communication
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      Distributed ComputingOptical CommunicationOrganic light emitting diodesModulation
— Free-standing nonpolar GaN substrates provide an excellent platform for the fabrication of high-speed blue and green light-emitting diodes (LEDs), which are attractive for visible-light communication, plastic optical fiber... more
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      Electrical EngineeringPhysicsElectronicsSemiconductor Devices
Perkembangan teknologi menciptakan banyak inovasi, salah satunya adalah lampu rumah berbasis LED yang nantinya tidak hanya digunakan sebagai penerangan saja tetapi juga untuk media komunikasi.Cahaya LED digunakan untuk pemanfaatan Visible... more
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      Digital CommunicationOptical wireless CommunicationsVisible Light Communication
The hOME Gigabit Access (OMEGA) home-area-network project aims at bridging the gap between home and access network and providing Gb/s connectivity to users. The project considers a combination of various technologies such as... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsVisible Light CommunicationVlcOptical Wireless