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Objectives: The Flourishing Scale (FS) was developed to measure psychological well-being from the eudaimonic perspective, highlighting the flourishing of human functioning. This article evaluated the psychometric characteristics of the... more
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      Virtues (Moral Psychology)Happiness and Well BeingFlourishing
Nature, Grace, and Virtue: Iconic Dignity in the Theology of John Wesley and Thomas Aquinas
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      Virtue EthicsVirtues (Moral Psychology)Theological AnthropologyThomas Aquinas
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePsychoanalysisDevelopmental Psychology
An other-directed moral judgment is contrasted with a moral evaluation of one's own behavior; it is argued that having a capacity to make self-directed moral judgments is at the core of being within morality, while a lack of disposition... more
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      PhilosophyApplied EthicsVirtues (Moral Psychology)Moral Judgment
This article provides a critical analysis of the situationist challenge against Aristotelian moral psychology. It first outlines the details and results from 4 paradigmatic studies in psychology that situationists have heavily drawn upon... more
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologyPersonality PsychologySocial Psychology
The public image of gossip is often confused and includes features that are not typical of gossip--in particular, the maliciousness that is commonly attributed to gossip seems to be wrong. The vindication of gossip offered in this paper... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of MindApplied EthicsVirtue Ethics
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      Virtue EthicsVirtues (Moral Psychology)
This chapter applies the concept of narrative identity to college student development. The authors describe a narrative interview method that can be used to promote the development of a purposeful life story in the college years.
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      Higher EducationAuthenticityEmerging AdulthoodVirtues (Moral Psychology)
The structure of studies of moral education is basically interdisciplinary; it includes moral philosophy, psychology, and educational research. This essay systematically analyses the structure of studies of moral educational from the... more
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      Social TheoryPsychologySocial PsychologyDevelopmental Psychology
This is a co-authored review essay on Exemplarist Moral Theory by Linda Zagzebski. It is prepared for publication in the Journal of Moral Philosophy.
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      EthicsMoral PsychologyVirtue EthicsCharacter Education
Theorists have recently been exploring the prospects for a virtue-centred approach to aesthetics. Virtue aesthetics encourages a re-focusing of philosophical attention onto the aesthetic character traits of agents, in the same way that... more
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      AestheticsVirtue EthicsCharacter EducationVirtues (Moral Psychology)
The three main ethical theories in Western philosophy can be used as a framework from which to bring out the features of Buddhist ethics; hermeneutical questions regarding the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of comparison; a consideration of Buddhist... more
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      BuddhismBuddhist PhilosophyBuddhist StudiesVirtue Ethics
While it is essential that we live as self-defined individuals, independently negotiating with an independent reality, this experience is not exhaustive of our reality. Such experience is importantly contextualized by two other kinds of... more
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      PsychologyPersonality PsychologyPhilosophyVirtue Ethics
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      Values EducationVirtues (Moral Psychology)Value TheoryMoral Development
In the second volume of Rinrigaku, Watsuji Tetsurō focuses on developing his notion of betweenness (aidagara 間柄) through the ethical organisations (jinrinteki soshiki 人倫的組織) of family, local community, economics, cultural community, and... more
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      Japanese StudiesEthicsJapanese PhilosophyAristotle
The recent emergence of positive psychology gave rise to the idea to conceptualize humor from a “good character” perspective (Peterson & Seligman, 2004). Present constructs, however, show a “virtue gap”, and the two concepts of benevolent... more
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      Humor (Psychology)Character EducationVirtues (Moral Psychology)Humor/Satire
As the financial crisis of 2008-9 has continued to affect the global economy, many wonder whether the proposed solutions contribute to a more stable financial system as well as to better human behaviour. While the Financial Crisis Inquiry... more
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      ManagementFinanceVirtue EthicsVirtues (Moral Psychology)
The purpose of this paper is to exemplify the outstanding potential of literary narrations, and particularly the fairy tales, to foster resilience among primary school students. The starting point of these reflections is the... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationMimesisCommunity Resilience
Although it does not appear on many traditional lists of the virtues, respect for human dignity is an important virtue in its own right that is characterized as much by emotions as by other mental states and actions. The virtue of respect... more
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      PsychologyEmotionEthicsHuman Rights
This article is part of a roundtable discussion on Sharing the Burden: Rabbi Simḥah Zissel Ziv and the Path of Musar. Responding to Christian Miller, I consider the tensions found in Simḥah Zissel Ziv's view of the soul, how Simḥah... more
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      EthicsMoral PsychologyJewish StudiesTheology
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      EpistemologyMoral PsychologyVirtues (Moral Psychology)Virtue Epistemology
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      EpistemologyVirtues (Moral Psychology)Value TheoryNormativity
Resumen El carácter de desempeño constituye un pilar de la educación del carácter imprescindible para la eficacia en cualquier contexto que implique rendimiento. Su reciente inclusión en modelos de educación del carácter, en consonancia... more
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      Moral PsychologyCharacter EducationVirtues (Moral Psychology)Morality (Social Psychology)
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      Late Middle AgesVirtues (Moral Psychology)Early Middle Ages (History)Arthurian Literature
For some time now moral psychologists and philosophers have ganged up on Aristotelians, arguing that results from psychological studies on the role of character-based and situation-based influences on human behavior have convincingly... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceSocial PsychologyDevelopmental Psychology
Although it does not appear on many traditional lists of the virtues, respect for human dignity is an important virtue in its own right that is characterized as much by emotions as by other mental states and actions. The virtue of respect... more
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      EmotionEthicsHuman RightsVirtues (Moral Psychology)
While the teaching of intellectual virtue is receiving growing attention, little research exists on how to assess the development of intellectual virtue in students. This is not without reason. Some may think that the development of... more
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      Philosophy of EducationCritical ThinkingVirtues (Moral Psychology)Virtue Epistemology
On the Quest for the Holy Grail the questers encounter several wise hermits from the Cistercian Order, commonly known in the text as White Monks, who provide insights into the meaning of the Quest for the Holy Grail; these illuminations... more
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      Virtues (Moral Psychology)Early Middle Ages (History)Arthurian LiteratureGalahad
According to Aristotle, ethical virtues like justice and courage are not part of our inborn natural endowment but have to be acquired. The mode of their acquisition seems to be epitomized by the following quotation: "Again, in all the... more
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      PhilosophyEthicsPhilosophical AnthropologyAristotle
Thomas Aquinas holds that acquired and infused moral virtues are compatible. They can be had and used together by a Christian. More than that, they should be. For Thomas, Christians ought to pursue and use the acquired virtues. To fail to... more
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      EthicsMedieval PhilosophyPhilosophy Of ReligionAristotle
The separation between empiric and rational psychology of the 19th century has boosted an increasing opposition between psychology and ethics, which presently has brought an authentic repulse. Psychology then has analyzed neurosis mainly... more
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      Moral PsychologyVirtues (Moral Psychology)Virtues and VicesPersonality and Moral Values
Dans le Phédon et le Gorgias, Socrate entreprend un long discours argumenté, afin de démontrer l'immortalité de l'âme dans le premier, et de défendre la justice dans le second. Mais dans chacun d'eux, un mythe succède au raisonnement. En... more
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      PhilosophyPlatoVirtues (Moral Psychology)Ancient Philosophy
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      Military EthicsPhilosophyApplied PhilosophyEthics
"Purpose: Our research fulfills three purposes: 1) introduce practitioners to the appropriate use of measures of unethical behavior; 2) evaluate the use of integrity related assessments for use in personnel selection; and 3) determine the... more
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      BusinessOrganizational BehaviorManagementBusiness Administration
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      EthicsVirtues (Moral Psychology)Morality (Social Psychology)Utilitarianism
Multiculturalism has led to rethinking the problem of social consistency, which is the cohesion between the various members of society. Psychological and pedagogic conditions linked to the family context can be studied to address the... more
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      PersonalityVirtues (Moral Psychology)FamilySocial Education
Each of the degenerating constitutions in Book VIII of Plato's Republic is the result of the disappearance of one of the four cardinal virtues. The failure of wisdom creates a timocracy; the failure of courage, an oligarchy; the failure... more
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      EthicsPlatoVirtue EthicsVirtues (Moral Psychology)
This paper compares two basic concepts of two outstanding players of philosophical world: Plato's moderation and Aristotle's temperance. Comparing occurs in two terms: the positions that both of them place their own concepts in human... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyComparative PhilosophyPlato
He writes mainly interdisciplinary work utilizing philosophy, and political and social theory to explore cultural/political practices such as social work. His current research is on 'boredom' and on 'complexity and social flows'. In the... more
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      EthicsApplied EthicsSocial WorkFeminist Theory
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      Virtue EthicsVirtues (Moral Psychology)Virtues and Vices
The aim of the present study was to examine to what degree different mechanisms of moral disengagement were related to age, gender, bullying, and defending among school children. Three hundred and seventy-two Swedish children ranging in... more
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      SociologyCriminologyPsychologyBehavioural Science
Democracies, Dewey and others have argued, are ideally spaces of reasons—they allow for an exchange of reasons both practical and epistemic by those willing to engage in that discourse. That requires that citizens have convictions they... more
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      Political PhilosophyEpistemologyVirtues (Moral Psychology)Social Epistemology
In recent years, a growing body of work has connected Kierkegaard with discussions of the virtues. But how do these virtue terms hang together, for Kierkegaard? Part of the answer is obvious, insofar as most such ‘Kierkegaardian virtues’... more
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      Virtues (Moral Psychology)KierkegaardGratitudeEmotions
Michael Zuckert's dismissal of Burlamaqui and Hutcheson as inspiration for the Declaration of Independence is fatally flawed. Burlamaqui said exactly what Zuckert doubts that Burlamaqui could have said regarding the purpose of government... more
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      American HistoryNatural LawThomas JeffersonVirtues (Moral Psychology)
This paper explores and contrasts Williams's views and Aristotle's views, and Williams's views of Aristotle's views, on a number of issues about the nature and the unity of the virtues and the conception of human flourishing that... more
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      Virtues (Moral Psychology)Aristotle's EthicsBernard Williams
There has been increased interest in character strengths or virtues in recent years in social research and in various policy domains. However, while the notion of virtue has gained credibility in the fields of positive psychology and... more
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      SociologySocial TheoryPositive PsychologyEducation
The purpose of this essay is to explore, and clarify, some key features in Aquinas’ account of the virtue of temperance, with an eye to answering some common objections raised against a positive evaluation of temperance. In particular, I... more
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      ReligionChristianityHistoryCultural History
This paper is a discussion of the emotion of compassion or pity, and the corresponding virtue. It begins by placing the emotion of compassion in the moral conceptual landscape, and then moves to reject the currently dominant view, a... more
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      AristotleVirtue EthicsVirtues (Moral Psychology)Compassion
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      Social TheoryEmotionAnthropologyPsychological Anthropology