Virtue theory

314 papers
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Virtue theory is an ethical framework that emphasizes the role of character and virtues in moral philosophy, focusing on the development of good character traits as the basis for ethical behavior, rather than rules or consequences. It is rooted in Aristotelian ethics and seeks to cultivate moral excellence through habitual practice.
This chapter elaborates on a model of virtuous leadership aiming to change management in a post-Covid-19 organizational environment. The Covid-19 pandemic underscored the crucial role of leaders’ dispositions and driving forces in... more
In the history of philosophy there have been many attempts to define virtues and answer the fa-mous question if virtue can be taught or not. The ancient Greek philosophers struggled with this question in the same manner as we struggle... more
Aquinói Szent Tamás „nézete szerint a természetes törvény előírásai szabályokként igazolódnak” – foglalja össze Tamás és egyúttal saját nézetét is Alasdair MacIntyre. Ugyanakkor felmerülhet az a kérdés, hogy ezeket az etikai elveket,... more
Alasdair MacIntyre több művében is egy olyan erkölcsfilozófiai koncepció mellett érvelt, amelyet „a vizsgálódás etikájának”, illetve az „eszmecsere és a diskurzus etikájának” nevezett. Ez egyfajta dialogikus etikai megközelítés, melynek... more
The paper presents an extended scheme for the inference to the best explanation (IBE). The scheme precisely treats the epistemic modifiers (“hypothetically,” “plausibly,” “presumably”) of the inference, acknowledges its contrastive... more
The paper presents an extended scheme for the inference to the best explanation (IBE). The scheme precisely treats the epistemic modifiers (“hypothetically,” “plausibly,” “presumably”) of the inference, acknowledges its contrastive... more
Review Article of C. Wittig "Learning to be Noble in the Middle Ages: Moral Education in North-Western Europe".
This paper contributes to debates about pluralism and diversity in religious traditions, arguing that this is a deep diversity that goes all the way down, in contrast to a more surface-level "pluralism" advocated by John Hick.
Much has recently been written on the inevitable demise of liberalism because of a lack of virtue forming intermediary institutions. Liberalism, in its nearly three-century history, has always relied on a certain set of virtues within its... more
Many philosophers have recently defended the epistemic value of imagination. In this paper, we expand these discussions into the realm of virtue epistemology by proposing and defending a virtue-theoretic conception of imagination. On this... more
Josef Pieper aprovechó las ideas de santo Tomás y las hizo brillar con destellos nuevos. El libro "Las virtudes fundamentales", enriqueció la teología del siglo XX porque presentó lúcidamente las virtudes en un momento en que la moral... more
Consequentialism, as I take it here, offers a theory that ranks any items in a set of mutually exhaustive, jointly exclusive possibilities from a neutral perspective.
Makalah ini menyajikan tinjauan komprehensif tentang biografi, prinsip filosofis, dan temuan utama sepuluh filsuf dan ilmuwan berpengaruh sepanjang sejarah: Socrates, Plato, Aristoteles, René Descartes, Immanuel Kant, Friedrich Nietzsche,... more
Debates about Chinese interests in Africa that have emerged in the wake of unprecedented financial investments are often peppered with tales of postcolonial narratives. In communication scholarship, such debates are often characterized by... more
Discusses some of the challenges for psychotherapists due to the fact that we and our patients live in a society dominated by consumer capitalism.
This essay explores the Thomistic concepts of justice, virtue, and the natural law, and poses it against rival modern theories.
Drawing on Anscombe, in this essay I argue that we should not take Aristotle to be a moral philosopher, nor a virtue ethicist. This is because contemporary virtue ethics has little to do with Aristotelian ethics. While contemporary virtue... more
by Jesús Navarro and 
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According to Sosa (2015, 2021), the domain of epistemic normativity divides into gnoseology and intellectual ethics, a boundary that results from the key notion that gnoseological assessments are telic. We share this view here and... more
This chapter develops a working analysis of the trait and virtue of epistemic care. It canvasses several accounts of epistemic care that are exclusively other-regarding (Byerly 2021, Kidd 2023, Broncano-Berrocal 2020), and raises two... more
This article is concerned with the normative power of cultural values within Chinese-European relations. It proposes that dialogue between European and Chinese stakeholders within educational, cultural, sociological, and philosophical... more
If responsibility for character requires (among other things) having knowledge of the quality of one's character, and this knowledge requires having at least some good aspects of character, we come to startling conclusions. First, Neil... more
The following dictionary documents a selected subset (~250) of perfect pentagrammatons in various languages. This dictionary lists the ancient and probably qualified categorized words, such as ancient royal names (Theut, Minos, Jason) or... more
Dado que en teoría de la argumentación es común aceptar que las disputas se pueden resolver argumentativamente, se espera que los desacuerdos hallen una resolución argumentativa, por lo general, a partir de creencias de fondo que se... more
Alastair MacIntyre’s haunting image of a post-apocalyptic world in which our knowledge of ethics has been fragmented poses a contrast between modern morality and ancient ethics. The two stand divided along the fault line of the nature of... more
아우구스티누스의 『요한 서간 강해』의 열 번째 강론에 나타나는 끝(finis)의 개념은 고대 그리스-로마의 행복주의 및 덕론과 유사점과 차이점을 동시에 보여준다. 유사점은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 고대 행복주의 윤리와 마찬가지로 아우구스티누스의 윤리도 역시 목적론적 관점을 강하게 지닌다. 둘째, 고대 행복주의와 마찬가지로 아우구스티누스의 윤리도 역시 행복과 최고선을 추구한다. 셋째, 고대 행복주의처럼 아우구스티누스의 윤리도... more
English is said to be the world's most important language having communicative and educative value. A very important reason for regarding English as a world language is that the world's knowledge is enshrined in English. It is a... more
I first summarize the central issues in the debate about the empirical adequacy of virtue ethics, and then examine the role that social psychologists claim positive and negative mood have in influencing compassionate helping behavior. I... more
Çağdaş erdem etiğine bir başlangıç tayin etme noktasında literatürde iki farklı yaklaşım söz konusudur. Bu yaklaşımlardan birincisi, çağdaş erdem etiğini Anscombe’u anarak Aristoteles’e dayandırırken, ikincisi Anscombe’u anmadan... more
Debates about Chinese interests in Africa that have emerged in the wake of unprecedented financial investments are often peppered with tales of postcolonial narratives. In communication scholarship, such debates are often characterized by... more
Political polarization is on the rise, undermining the shared space of public reason necessary for a thriving democracy and making voters more willing than ever to dismiss the perspectives of their political opponents. This destructive... more
This article concerns the concept of judicial resistance understood in connection with the individual, on-bench decisions undertaken by judges in view of upholding the rule of law and in defiance of measures introduced by authoritarian,... more
The aim of philosophy is to give a thorough account of virtue as a guide to living a virtuous life. Western philosophy does not include the nonrational in these considerations; nevertheless, virtue requires a combination of rational and... more
A scenario exists that is almost exclusively specific to university life. We are driven by the supposition that our work is focused on the most elevated epistemic goals— pursued not only by each of us individually, but also by society—and... more
Questo numero monografico è dedicato all’Etica delle Virtù. La prima sezione è presentata dai principali esponenti delle correnti in cui oggi l’etica della virtù si articola, successivamente discussa da studiosi che si misurano con alcuni... more
The character and identity of the arguers are sometimes relevant factors in argument evaluation. Indeed, the arguments that matter to us are the arguments that we, the arguers, matter to.
Purpose: Cyber security threats emanating from employees’ incorrect behavior have escalated in the banking sector. Yet formal policies and technical solutions have failed to solve the problem. Virtue ethics may be a method that can handle... more
The Default Skeptical Stance (DSS) delineates dialectical partners behavior toward one another given the adversariality thesis. Phyllis Rooney holds that the DSS, as a bridge between the formal and pragmatic elements of adversariality,... more
This article is an overview and introduction of the current issue of Filosofija. Sociologija, thematically divided into five chapters. The topics cover various aspects of contemporary world: from the challenges related to technology and... more
'Genius, cannot be taught, ' Ralph Waldo Emerson reports, reiterating Socrates's conclusion in Plato's Meno. This article considers this claim and its significance for moral education, specifically in modern science, by focusing on... more
Penulisan skripsi ini membahas tentang studi tokoh dengan metode library research (kepustakaan). Kajiannya dilatarbelakangi atas problematika akhlak, gejala kemerosotan moral zaman sekarang. Maka sangat tepat jika perlu memunculkan... more
In their "Educating for Intellectual Virtue: A Critique from Action Guidance" Kotzee, Carter and Siegel (2019) argue against what they call the intellectual virtues (IV) approach to the primary epistemic aim of education and in favor of... more