Virtual Learning Environments

1,280 papers
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Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) are digital platforms that facilitate educational experiences through online resources, interactive tools, and communication channels. They support teaching and learning processes by providing access to course materials, assessments, and collaborative activities, enabling both synchronous and asynchronous learning opportunities.
La investigación se centra en la metodología para la transformación digital en la Educación Superior en Nicaragua, específicamente en la Universidad Anunciata. El objetivo principal es impulsar la transformación digital para mejorar la... more
La educacion de postgrado constituye una prioridad para la educacion superior cubana. El uso de la tecnologia educativa en funcion de su perfeccionamiento, ha ocupado protagonismo en los ultimos anos. El uso de Ambientes Virtuales de... more
The IMPULSE project (IMmersive digitization: uPcycling cULtural heritage towards new reviving StratEgies), funded by Horizon Europe, is advancing digital cultural heritage by creating immersive, collaborative, and interactive experiences... more
Social relationships are important to human well-being and interaction. Recently, there has been growing interest in how they are formed in various digital media, including social media and video games. Amid the rise of digital... more
Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) have revolutionized several sectors, including military training. From the early experiments in the 1960s, when flight simulators used rudimentary virtual reality bases to train pilots, to... more
In a media-saturated online ecosystem, educational technology that fosters virtual interactions and learning opportunities, unlike those taking place face-to-face, has to bear special characteristics that facilitate the way we build our... more
This study aims to investigate the factors influencing educators' job satisfaction in virtual learning environments (VLEs) at private higher education institutions (PHEIs) in Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. The main objectives are to... more
With the advent of computer and internet, the whole socio-cultural setup has turned upside down. Covid-19 has posed new challenges in every sphere of our lives and the field of education is no exception to it. Amidst the situation of... more
The Instructional design plays a key role in the effectiveness of various educational courses. Studies have shown that the Instructional design is one of the key factors that affect the quality of e-learning courses; however, not enough... more
Sprache ist ein komplexes soziales Phänomen, das den Menschen von anderen Spezies unterscheidet. Eine Sprache zu beherrschen, gelingt hauptsächlich durch die Fertigkeiten (Lesen, Hören, Sprechen und Schreiben), aber es gibt auch... more
Esta obra intitulada A Nau do Século XXI: O Brinquedista no Espaço do Brincar se constitui de uma Carta Náutica que traça pistas na construção dos trajetos da viagem para analisar os elementos construtores à formação do Brinquedista... more
This paper explores the value that computer and video games bring to learning and leadership and explores how games work as learning environments and the impact they have on personal development. The study looks at decisiveness,... more
While previous studies in computer-assisted language learning have extensively explored sociolinguistic factors, such as cultural competence, important psycholinguistic factors such as online L2 motivational self-system, L2 grit, and... more
In the modern era we lived in a digital environment surrounded by technologies. So, our education system is not bound with chalkboard and paper-pencil task. During the pandemic period our teaching learning process is conducted by smart... more
Museums have a deep impact on lifelong learning process where they are active tools to enhance social inclusion, active citizenship, and personal development. The biggest argument that raises doubt over lifelong learning process in... more
Este artigo explora a dinâmica entre a formação integrada e a avaliação da aprendizagem dentro dos Ambientes Virtuais de Ensino e Aprendizagem (AVEAs), com um foco específico na Educação Profissional e Tecnológica (EPT) no Brasil. Central... more
In response to the increasing demands placed on educational institutions, there is a clear need for technological advancements that can enhance the student experience while maintaining data security. This article describes the development... more
Purpose – This article investigates the potential of augmented reality (AR) for virtual learning in higher education. This review discusses the advantages as well as disadvantages of virtual learning, as well as the advantages and... more
Blended synchronous learning, or BSL, emerged in the early 2000s to signify scenarios where remote students and inthe-room students participate in activities together at the same time. The recent proliferation of hybrid teaching provides... more
This literature review explores the role of speech pathology in education, focusing on how communication challenges influence academic and social outcomes. It highlights the historical integration of speech-language pathology (SLP) into... more
La situación actual por la que atraviesa la humanidad producto de la crisis sanitaria derivada del CO￾VID-19, ha transformado la dinámica social afectando directamente a la economía, salud y particularmente a la educación en todos sus... more
When facilitating mental health interventions, therapists typically involve clients in discussion within a room containing seating and a table. We argue that digital technologies can be leveraged to encourage physiological, multisensory... more
RESUMEN. numerosas investigaciones muestran los beneficios de combinar metodologías presenciales y virtuales en la educación superior. En este artículo se desarrolla el marco teórico para identificar aspectos relevantes en programas... more
The digital tools for 3D restoration, reconstruction, and archival that have emerged in the past forty years have shown growing potential in driving the documenta-tion of a monument’s condition, developing hypotheses of restoration, and... more
Understanding the effects of different functionality in complex learning environments is one of the key challenges of learning technology research. Particularly for new personal learning environments, which combine a variety of services... more
We are living in an essentially technological world, in which technology facilitates and promotes the development of institutions and the people who work or study in these institutions. Thus, it is claimed that technology should... more
Based on the concept of adaptive hypermedia, the webCT platform was used to design a learning virtual environment that would allow studentsâ?? interaction of different support materials with their usual styles of learning. GA Latin Square... more
The problem of teamwork evaluation and assessment in the field of education has so far been partially solved. A large amount of research has been done in this discipline regarding the evaluation or assessment of teams with a single level... more
The opportunity to develop graduate attributes beyond disciplinary expertise is an essential component of any degree programme, and students should develop these during their time within higher education. Graduate attributes can be... more
This study explores the cultural shock experienced by Chinese international students in Philippine higher education and their coping strategies. With the growing number of Chinese students choosing the Philippines as a study destination,... more
La importancia del uso de las tecnologías educativas ha sido estudiada ampliamente en el ámbito académico. El objetivo de utilizar estos recursos en las aulas es contribuir con el mejoramiento del proceso de aprendizaje ofreciéndole al... more
In communities where there is a small population, exists multigrade schools that deliver education to learners who cannot attend monograde schools because of several challenges such as topography and distance such as in the Philippines... more
Effective synchronous instruction over the Internet has been the quest of researchers and practitioners for some time. As technology advances and today's students become increasingly more techno savvy, Virtual Learning Environments... more
II European Conference on Curriculum Studies. "Curriculum studies: Policies, perspectives and practices”. Porto, FPCEUP, October 16th - 17th.
With the ubiquitous role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in everyday applications such as smartphones and social media, children need digital literacy skills to navigate the digital world, critically view, and reflect on the social and... more
Günümüzde teknoloji giderek gelişmekte ve teknolojinin gelişimi ile birlikte eğitim ihtiyacını karşılama seçenekleri çeşitlenmektedir. Bu seçeneklerden olan uzaktan eğitim, giderek hayatımızın bir parçası haline gelmiştir. Bu araştırmada,... more
The rise of information and communication technologies has not gone unnoticed in the university context. An increasing number of university faculty members are using technological resources in their teaching. However, the success of... more
The problem of teamwork evaluation and assessment in the field of education has so far been partially solved. A large amount of research has been done in this discipline regarding the evaluation or assessment of teams with a single level... more
CARLOS G. GIORGETTI: Especializado en la enseñanza a distancia en la UBP en los diplomados superior universitario en EaD, de experto universitario en diseño instruccional para educación en la linea del CREAD y en E learning con Moodle y... more
The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) has transformed the field of education globally. AI generative tools hold immense potential to revolutionize the way students of Journalism and Media Studies (JMS) learn and create... more
Iconicity, the perceived relationship between form and meaning, is essential for language learning but remains underexplored in VR. While accurate form representation in VR apps is common in scale-specific fields like telemedicine, it is... more
From time immemorial, not only gender inequality, students' academic performance, their effectiveness and quality, but also the capacity of the institutions which hold sway over these students, are at the center of discourse among... more
EJ859098 - Measuring Conditions Conducive to Knowledge Development in Virtual Learning Environments: Initial Development of a Model-Based Survey.
Currently there is a significant amount of information that refers to the generation of knowledge about teaching and learning modalities supported by technologies. This paper gives an outline of the work between 2003 and 2013 that has... more